Why is nobody using the Drang Twinspears? They're awesome, their low AR is very deceptive, they're very fast and can even stunlock some Knights.
And the soapstone system sucks, I was doing an entire NG+ run with 3 phantoms + Dried finger and that worked out in only 3 or 4 areas, I got really impatient with the "unable to find summons" thing and end up with one or two summons, sure the bell system was broken for six fucking months, but right now I can find summons within seconds (usually as soon as I ring the bell), not to mention the freedom of movement it provided.
The soapstone system blows, I can't believe I missed it for a few months when BB first came out, it should only be used for red signs or covenant stuff. The ease of using a red eye orb should tell you how much better that system is.