Just realised I'm an idiot. Currently at the
and last night I finally managed to take
. I was having such a hard time of it and I've just realised what I was missing. I haven't been
Note to self learn to read item descriptions. What makes this worse is that I have gained the Platinum for every other Souls game including Bloodborne. Feel like such a n00b lol.
Grand Archives
Champion Gundyr out in the Unattended Graves
burning the undead bones at Firelinks Shrines bonfire, aka I'm an idiot that has been using the basic Estus Flask heal from the very start of the game, even with the increased number of uses from Estus Shards
Note to self learn to read item descriptions. What makes this worse is that I have gained the Platinum for every other Souls game including Bloodborne. Feel like such a n00b lol.