the game is a total joke when using summoning help...I tried it out with the Gundyr boss fight and having 2-3 people turns the game into a super easy mode...From Software needs to make changes with summoning to either limit it in some way or make there be some kind of penalty for using it too much...if someone sucks at the game then Dark Souls might not be the game for them...the game is the greatest gaming series of all time and to see it watered down by summoning is annoying
summoning goes against everything the series is about...Miyazaki stated many times that the game is not meant to be hard but forces the player to learn and will people learn anything by summoning through every challenge?
I wish the marketing of Dark Souls didn't just talk about the game being difficult because that coupled with elitist attitudes like that, I imagine can turn a lot of people off the game who would otherwise enjoy it.
The ember system is their way of limiting it. Players who coop every boss and die a lot will have to help people or eventually farm for them. They don't seem like a limited resource when you're good at the game but if you're struggling they can be rare enough that you have to think about when to use them.
Some people get satisfaction out of beating a boss themselves, some people don't care and some people are unwilling to bash their heads trying to beat it solo.
Some people like to invade, some people hate getting invaded... some people will play level 1 without upgrading anything and others will overlevel and stomp every boss.
The coop is an element of organic difficulty. I really like that there's tons of ways in-game to make things harder or easier on yourself rather than a choosable difficulty level.
Also the coop is fun as hell. I'm glad people summon because I like to play the bosses over and over.