Nice, congrats. First time, right?
yeah...had to use a summon and soliare though
Nice, congrats. First time, right?
O+S down, I feel like I have a bit of freedom where to go now. I'll probably give it a rest for a bit until I have a day off or something and give the Catacombs a go.
Hmm I will consider that. I did feel a bit unsatisfied leaving Anor Londo without having completed everything in that area.Just reached this point i went for the duke of archives area (newly opened area in anor londo) seems pretty resonable area to get through
I'm just now starting this today. Is there anything I need to do or know about like DSFix?
Wow, Lost Izalith sucked a bag of dicks. It's not that it was hard -- but poorly designed, a technical disaster (frame rates in single digits when multiple bounding demons were being engaged), and just plain lazy. Bed Of Chaos was also a bullshit, cheap boss. I'm gonna try to forget that part of the game happened. Lol
If you have framerate issues, unlock FPS and set it to 30, if you want, and your PC can handle it, set it to 60. If you are getting screen tearing issues, try enabling Borderless windowed mode in DSFix as well.
Also, Dark Souls Any% is now under 50 minutes. Here is the 49:33 In-Game Time.
Yep, heard about how it used to be super tough.I remember the lava zone with the half dragon were nerfed so hard is just a turistic visit now.
Thanks, another question.
I'm using DS4Windows and a Dualshock 4 to play. The second I plug it in, the camera keeps constantly spinning left. Any idea why?
You can be Gravelorded, which adds some much tougher red phantom versions of the enemies. Everything gets an HP boost and hits harder. Some of the bosses more so. Like the 4 kings and the DLC. You could switch up the order of O&S and do all the covenants. Darkwraith is the most fun imo.Yep, heard about how it used to be super tough.
So, I beat the game tonight. Terrific game, no question. Not as special of an experience to me as Demons Souls was, but I'm willing to admit this is probably a better game -- I just think anyone's first experience with a Souls game will always be their best.
Anything special about New Game +? Just tougher everything, I'm guessing. But anything new?
Roughly how far into the game am I after getting the lordvessel? I got sidetracked and haven't played the game in over a month.
About 50%
The only item I've upgraded so far is the pyro glove. I'm at the boss in Sen's Fortress.
Anything special about New Game +? Just tougher everything, I'm guessing. But anything new?
What did they do to the zombie (?) dragon inside the lava? Patch notes or details please.
Sorry if this is old but my friend just sent me it and I'd never seen it before, I consider myself pretty up to date on DS fan-art etc.
hehehehehehe...But it appears Catacombs and Tomb of Giants remains unfinished.
I hope you're upgrading your weapons as well. I normally try to get at least one weapon to +10 before completing Sen's Fortress.
Remember, upgrading equipment tends to be a better investment than leveling up.
So yesterday I fired up Dark Souls for PC. Installed the latest DSFix 2.4 and enabled unlockedFPS with a cap of 60 FPS. After the introduction boss and the first bonfire where you can level up, I made my way into a graveyard where a lot of skeletons were forming from bones on the ground. They were pretty tough so I was pretty sure I should come back later when I was higher leveled.
Anyways, the stairs in this area kept getting me killed. Almost every time I tried to go up the stairs (especially run), I'd get stuck on some invisible geometry and was unable to move. I'm wondering if it's just something in this area or if it has to do with the FPS unlock messing with the game engine's collision detection.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? I can't imagine the steps in the game actually being this buggy. Tonight I'll try without DSfix.
Purging Stones can be purchased from Oswald of Carim in the Gargoyle Belltower for 4,000 souls or from The Undead Merchant (female) in the aqueduct between Firelink Shrine and The Depths for 6,000 souls.I have decided to try this game again after previously quitting at the Gargoyles. Now, my playthrough is going much smoother but then something horrible happened. I ended up being cursed by one of those freaky looking frog things in the Depths. Is there any easy cure and how do I prevent myelf from being cursed in the first place?
To cure yourself either go to the undead merchant in the aqueduct or back to the pardoner at the undead parish and by a purging stone from one of them. To reduce curse build up itself raise your soft humanity is pretty much all you can do at this stage, unless you want to get the cursebite ring from new londo. Fighting the basilisks themselves try to fight them separate from each other it makes it much easier to avoid being cursed.Is there any easy cure and how do I prevent myelf from being cursed in the first place?
Purging Stones can be purchased from Oswald of Carim in the Gargoyle Belltower for 4,000 souls or from The Undead Merchant (female) in the aqueduct between Firelink Shrine and The Depths for 6,000 souls.
Oswald is here: http://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Oswald+of+Carim
And the Undead Merchant is here: http://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Undead+Merchant+(Female)
You can prevent yourself from being cursed by engaging the frogs one at a time and try and bait out their curse gas. You can walk around the gas as they're spitting that shit out and kill them from the sides.
To cure yourself either go to the undead merchant in the aqueduct or back to the pardoner at the undead parish and by a purging stone from one of them. To reduce curse build up itself raise your soft humanity is pretty much all you can do at this stage, unless you want to get the cursebite ring from new londo. Fighting the basilisks themselves try to fight them separate from each other it makes it much easier to avoid being cursed.
You could just go to the bonfire and telep... oooh...Thanks for the help. Too bad that I have to backtrack all the way back.
It sounds a lot further than it is especially if you've got the short cuts open already, then it's a relatively short trip.Thanks for the help. Too bad that I have to backtrack all the way back.
Beat the Anor Londo bosses today. I don't think I would have ever came close if I didn't summon multiple people to help. I'm still having trouble with the silver spear knights too.
Tomb is so much fun to invade in too! But yeah I can pretty much go through that place blind in under a minute. I never felt like I knew the areas of DS2 quite as well as that, despite hundreds of hoursI'll agree with you on ToTG, but Catacombs is a fantastic area, I started to really appreciate it after invading a ton down there, so many different pathways and shortcuts, drops, etc. I also did a lot of Guerilla Warfare (2v2 PvPvE in the whole level) and it is a fantastic play space.
ToTG I just do speedrun strats every single time and I am through it in about 45 seconds.
Tomb is so much fun to invade in too! But yeah I can pretty much go through that place blind in under a minute. I never felt like I knew the areas of DS2 quite as well as that, despite hundreds of hours
Lower breakpoints for roll speeds, less mobs padding out the bosses, more interconnected world, requiring embers to upgrade weapons, and no teleporting from the beginning. Those a probably the major things.How weird will it be to go from DS2 to DS1?
What will be the biggest wtf?
How weird will it be to go from DS2 to DS1?
What will be the biggest wtf?
How weird will it be to go from DS2 to DS1?
What will be the biggest wtf?
Lower breakpoints for roll speeds, less mobs padding out the bosses, more interconnected world, requiring embers to upgrade weapons, and no teleporting from the beginning. Those a probably the major things.
Getting the timing down for everything!
When locked on you can only roll in four directions, there's no warping at bonfires until you're halfway through the game, and DS1 doesn't give out Titanite Slabs like candy. You also can't climb quickly up ladders, which I forgot about when I went back to DS1 recently.
Does anyone use that? I always forget it's a thing, but I've never had call to do it either so.You also can't use Estus while climbing ladders in DS1!
You also can't use Estus while climbing ladders in DS1!
I just entered Blighttown and man, this place is terrible. I keep getting lost with all the ladders everwhere not to mention getting poisioned a lot.
Unlike the other areas in the game, I just want to get through this place as fast as possible. Is there any good loot here that I should pick up?
If not, I'm going to sprint to the exit.