Had bad luck yesterday with S&O.
I had spent 2 hours in the depth and accumulated myself around 45 humanity.
Quick question: is there a time it takes the rats to start dropping again? after three or four runs they stopped dropping and I had to wait about 30 minutes for them to start again.
Anyways back in good old AL I restored humanity and went to the Cathedral. Died once by being stupid with sentinels. Twice I got invaded and I suck hard in PVP, all good fun though. Then I finally could summon another player (in addition to solaire) and went into the fight. Was ok other than both solaire and the other player switched back and forth between the two other than focusing on Smough like I did. I died.
But I have to say I love my lightning +4 gargoyle halberd.
YOur halberd is great...but won't work very well at all on Orenstien as he is near impervious to lighting...most people have a backup weapon that is normal adn can be buffed with magic or fire, or have a fire/chaos weapon. Chaos weapons fully upgraded with 10 humanity in the ticker beat out lightning regradless of the eneimes resistance. I fyou don't have any of these weapons and are low on upgrade materials you can get by with the crystal halberd found in the chest just to the left of the firekeeper nbonfire in AL.
as for humanity jsut ensure you have at least 5-6 if not 10 in the ticker adn the covetous serpent rign on and you will basically get 1 humanity per minute spent on average (usually at least one per run through, only got blanked twice lifetime withthese parpameters on, with the max i hve gotten for one run is 4-5.) THe max item discovery is 410..if not at 410 there is a mimic head you can wear that also boost item discovery but it won't show up on your item find stat for some reason..it doesn't help if you are already at 410.
I want to make a character that mainly fights with crossbows. Which is better overall: standard crossbows or lightning crossbows?
I would have one of each...the normal path is best for your heavy crossbow and then once you finaly get the avelyn make that baby lighting and use lighting bolts. Use each for different situations but try to maintain one damage route to hit harder on a single resistance (don't mix and match normal bolts with lighting weapons and vice versa.)
Thanks for the tips on humanity, will use it now. Im also thinking it was a good choice to restart as the undead merchant has some good arrow ammo and keys!!
Agree with you on the weapon stuff, been through like 4 different weapons & already still finding stuff i like.
About the keeping bosses alive, why?? is that the only way to find rare items & weapons??
I should stop getting to much info from the boards! But can help it lol like knowing all the little things
Thanks for the help.
Yeah the residence key in particualr is imperative if you are a magic user as the master key does not replace its usefulness on several doors...the other stuff can be found other palces, albeit sometimes less convenient.
ONe reason to keep bosses alive while you are still exploring is that there are sometimes events that are only triggered while you are human AND the boss is still alive. FOr this reason I also recommend staying human as much as possible...it is not bad toget invaded, its part of the game and fun, humanity and souls can always be replaced rather quickly with good farming strategies. ANother reason is that you can only do PVP as a host if the boss is still alive..otherwise you have to be the invader.
Another reason to keep bosses alive (or perhaps not beat your head into the ground fighting over and over) is that there is likely a certian peice of equioment you may or may not have found yet, and you may not have learned its usefulness yet. By fighting a boss a few times and helkping others fight and beat them first, you see how others do it and eventually you can solo the boss yourself...but do it on yourterms, with the equipment you want to use on it. Its very easy to summon help but remember, chances are the player already finsihed the game a few times and has all the equipment and more from 2-3 playthroughs and has just kept his level low to help noobs. YOu could very easily kill a few bosses with help but the boss will be 2-3 shot by your help and you won't get to experience the boss yourself, learn its habits, and use the appropriate equipment to aid your strategy.
THe master key is helpful for exploring but it is not necessary because of secret passageways, and even hidden walls etc. along with the interconnectivity of the whole world via shortcuts that can be opened etc. If you do the gargoyles bell second instead of first and figure out how to ring the Queelag boss bell first instead, you can peruse multiple areas, gather equipment and items, and join 5-6 different covenenants, each of which has interesting equipment and themes to try...you may eventualy want to specialize in dexterity vs. strenghth weapons, and/or follow a magic/faith speciualty as several covenants help push you in those directions...pyro is a given for all characters as it is easy to upgrade to max with souls alone. In summary on this point, you can do 8 bosses while ringing the first two bells and hence being forced to move forward and there are at least 4 demi-bosses as well in that time as well as key NPC's that you can talk to and aggro agaisnt if you have exhausted their usefulness while comrades. THere are only 3 bosses that you must do in order after that (the one after you ring both both bells, and the one after, and then final boss has to be done at the end. There are four pre-final bosses that can be done in any order but pre-empt the final boss, and of course the new content bosses which must be done in any order but after the lordvessel is acquired. YOu can search most areas even if the boss door is sealed and iaccessable early and still get teh stuff there.....and in order to progress onward all you ahve to kill is the 2 bell bosses...all ohters can be left standing although one bosse in the first 8 requires that you kill a separate one first to get a key for the next area.
SOme may disagree with my methods but as someone who has spent 1500 hours on souls games let me assure you that I would have rather done things the way I outline above as opposed to what I did whihc was looked up most things, and hired two phantoms to help me kill bosses I could not do in the first few attempots alone.....some stuff is near impossible to find without help...so come here and ask adn we will spoiler stuff for you and try to hint without giving it away....but do try htings on your own first, join lots of different covenants ( you can join and quit and rejoin with souls beingthe only penalty unless you gave a tonne of gifts to the covenenat leader...the gift totals you give are halved when you return....but most covenants give a gift just for joining so there is no reason not to initially, then just stay with a particualr covenant you like later in teh game when you have gleaned lots of equipment/spells from them.)
Remember, some will say that you can do allthe micro-focused stuff later in other playthroughs, but my retort is that you only get one virgin run, and it will unfortuanltely be your best and most memorable!!! The game is worth it to play again and again but alas you will just be chasing the dragon similar ot a Cocaine user...literally AND figuratively!!!