Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition - Announcement Trailer | Releases on PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S on October 15th

It's Included with the other platforms at the end of the trailer
But it not mentioned or included on their website. They specifically only mention the Xbox and PS5 improvements. At the bottom of the page on their site they just link to the existing Steam version that does not have the new features like RT.
Fuck yeah! i got this and a bunch of other games from humble bundle they once did on PS4 iirc for something like 10 bucks, never played it tho as it stinks at 30fps (played it originally on X360), i think it my fav of the series.


Is this as good as the first one? the first one was a masterpiece, loved that game.

Its in fact very good. I prefer the first but the second game has better gameplay. Darksiders 2 overstays its welcome though, its way too big. And too repetitive in design, you have to procure 3 items each time, and then do another dungeon for another 3 items. I think it would've been better if the Kingdom of the Dead was cut. They also tried to ape a loot system found in many games. You'll find a lot of the same weapons with different numbers.

But good atmosphere, good VA, good music. The game punched above THQ's (The OG publisher version) weight. I think its budget crippled them eventually.
I was always reminded of the gear/equipment system in Darksiders 2 when I played God of War (2018) and Ragnarok; even the world exploration.


It's cool that this update is free for current owners. Now where is Darksiders 4???


I will triple dip if there will be a physical release.
The loot was a stupid addition but the dungeons were legendary.

Why not the first too?...
'How dumb do I think gamers are? I bet we can announce a game that's already available and people will be hyped. Watch this.. Darksiders 2 Deathfinitive edition'. 😲😲🤯


Neighbours from Hell
Could go for a new Outsiders, it's been a while. I liked 3 when it seems many didn't. At least not as much as 1 or 2.
This is great news but unless they fix the auto camera centering on console it'll still have that jittery camera that makes it almost unplayable for many. On PC they gave users the option to turn that off ....

Except if you had played the remaster on console you'd know they fucked up and that it actually needs another remaster ...it's 4k but 30 fps and it has this "auto camera centering" setting that makes the camera constantly feel like it's jittering around. Try playing it on an Oled tv and tell me it doesn't need work ...

All they need to do was add 60 fps and the option to turn that setting off ...


that trailer was uploaded at 60fps, but the gameplay is clearly 30fps...

that is really sad to see.

The footage looked 60 to me.

looks stuttery to me. I only watched it on my phone tho. hard to judge on a small screen with these fast cuts and barely any camera motion.

but some scenes look low fps to me.
I hope I'm wrong

So I now looked at the video on my PC, frame by frame, and yes it is 60fps, but the stuttering I saw is real. some frames in the trailer are duplicates of sort. I say "of sort" because they aren't 100% identical.
these 2 frames here come right after each other for example:




the only difference between these 2 is that the second one seems to be EVER SO SLIGHTLY zoomed in compared to the first frame.
this happens on several occasions across the trailer, and that threw me off watching it on my phone screen earlier. I saw constant stutters and thought I was looking at a lower framerate footage

it does seem to target 60fps tho. which makes it weird that they aren't advertising it more in the ads and their official posts.
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My favourite DS, always happy to support Joe Madureira work, too bad he is not involved anymore in the franchise.....but I will definitely will use my Xbox one copy to have a look.

If this will help to gain momentum for a possible DS4 that would be awesome.
So I now looked at the video on my PC, frame by frame, and yes it is 60fps, but the stuttering I saw is real. some frames in the trailer are duplicates of sort. I say "of sort" because they aren't 100% identical.
these 2 frames here come right after each other for example:




the only difference between these 2 is that the second one seems to be EVER SO SLIGHTLY zoomed in compared to the first frame.
this happens on several occasions across the trailer, and that threw me off watching it on my phone screen earlier. I saw constant stutters and thought I was looking at a lower framerate footage

it does seem to target 60fps tho. which makes it weird that they aren't advertising it more in the ads and their official posts.

It's probably that they still didn't fix the auto camera issue ive been trying to tell you guys about ...it creates a stuttery feeling because the camera is moving around unnecessarily ALL THE TIME ...even at 60 this would be a problem ...PC they allowed users to toggle it off after people complained..console never got that update ..

Wouldn't shock me if they didn't fix it as this developer has already proven their incompetence to me...great game but the "deathinitive edition" had many issues.


Gold Member
Thinking about grabbing this, but curious about the gameplay in terms of "loot".

Does this have some sort of loot system with tiered/level gear. I remember something about this, but might be mixing it up with another game.
Thinking about grabbing this, but curious about the gameplay in terms of "loot".

Does this have some sort of loot system with tiered/level gear. I remember something about this, but might be mixing it up with another game.
It does, if that means you always get new and better leveled loot then yeah afair, having to change armour after getting better one.


Loot in Darksider 2 is fucking terrible. Loads of useless weapons, you never feel rewarded beating someone or finding secret locations because of this stupid random loot.
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Fuck, I forgot to replay 1, was too busy with Dragon Ball.
I'll grab the upgrade and give it a short try.


I got the plat for the first one on PS3, this one any good? I never got into any of them after the first.

it has similar dungeon designs and puzzles.
but in-between all that they added a lot of IMO unnecessary padding.

they went all looter-shooter-like with weapons. so you constantly get new gear with slightly different stats and special effects on them. you can even find weapons that can be fed other weapons to combine abilities n stuff.

so, it's Darksiders mixed with Borderlands looting.

the core of the game is still great. the combat arguably better due to more combo and build potential. but a lot of unnecessary nonsense kinda muddied the waters a bit.

the worst part of the loot is the inventory management. which was one thing the Wii U port had going for it, as you could do inventory management on the GamePad screen.
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