That's probably about 70% of the storyline. Just guessing that randomly. The game definitely spent too long in the Land of the Dead. There's one particularly good dungeon left after City of the Dead, but the last third of the game definitely feels unpolished. Completely linear, empty realms and one of the easiest final bosses I've ever seen.
Finished the game just about an hour ago, and yeah, the game definitely spent far too much time in Kingdom of the Dead. While the game is by no means
bad, it just feels like a disappointment and a wasted opportunity. My main gripes with the game were:
It runs like
shit on consoles. Tearing out the ass, occasional freezes, and sometimes it'll crash completely randomly, forcing you to hard reset. It's a buggy mess, and would have benefited from some more time in the oven. This is especially disappointing since the first game ran pretty smoothly on both consoles.
It's just too damn long. I normally wouldn't complain about getting value for money, but the game just starts dragging already at the Kingdom of the Dead, and by the end of that realm you're already wishing for the game to be over and done with. Doesn't help that far too many of the quests are simply fetch quests, making the game feel unnecessarily padded.
The loot/stat system doesn't really add anything to the game. While it doesn't make the game worse, it doesn't really make it better either. It just feels like something that was added for no real reason.
The realms you visit are, besides the Forge Lands, pretty dull and boring. Lostlight especially suffers from this, as there's seriously fuck all of interest to actually see. Kingdom of the Dead is just boring with skulls and bones and sand everywhere, and Shadow's Edge isn't as much bad as it is just forgettable.
The final boss is piss easy. I mean, yeah, I played the game on easy and I was just below level 22 when I fought him, so I didn't expect him to be particularly hard, but damn, he was far easier than Samael, Argul
and the Soul Arbiter.
No trophies for the DLC, boo
So, yeah, not as much a bad game as it is just a disappointing game that could have been so much better. I wish Vigil would get the chance to make a third Darksiders game to fix the problems with Darksiders II, but I guess there's little chance of that happening.