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DARKSIDERS |OT| More like Zelda than God of War

Any word on some DLC?

I would love for Vigil to with Darksiders what team Ninja did with Ninja Gaiden's DLC. I could see myself paying 1200 points for a DLC pack that includes a "lost level", new enemies, another Panzer Dragoon stage and some new weapons/outfits.
ZealousD said:
Oh, you mean you haven't actually got the beam running yet? You're just trying to cross? First, shoot one portal onto the first spinning column. Then shoot one onto the pad on the wall. Then, look through the portal on the wall. Eventually, you'll see the two columns meet and you'll see the other portal pad through the portal on the wall. Shoot a charged portal shot through the portal so that it hits the portal pad on the second moving column. This should clear the portal on the first spinning column. Then you can jump through the portal when the second moving column reaches the other side.

Thanks. That's what I thought, and what I thought I was doing. Must have been aiming dreadfully or something. I'll try again tomorrow...


Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Any word on some DLC?

I would love for Vigil to with Darksiders what team Ninja did with Ninja Gaiden's DLC. I could see myself paying 1200 points for a DLC pack that includes a "lost level", new enemies, another Panzer Dragoon stage and some new weapons/outfits.
No DLC. They said this was their first game and they're going to take everything they've learned from it and move onto the next project.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
whatevermort said:
Thanks. That's what I thought, and what I thought I was doing. Must have been aiming dreadfully or something. I'll try again tomorrow...

You might have accidentally messed up and then had one portal on each column. Remember you can use the left trigger to remove a portal, so if that happens, clear the portal on the first column and then shoot the portal on the wall again.


ZealousD said:

Should have looked at an achievement guide! I got it at the first opportunity!
Wait, there's no way to go back just for that item?! I thought people said there were only 3 missable trophies on one playthrough!? God damn it. I thought I had everything there.

edit: Damn you guys for scaring me. You can go back to get it by using the portal at Samael's location at the Scalding Gallow.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
TheFallen said:
Wait, there's no way to go back just for that item?! I thought people said there were only 3 missable trophies on one playthrough!? God damn it. I thought I had everything there.

Whoa, hold up. I never said it was missable. I just meant that he should have gotten it sooner.


TheFallen said:
No DLC. They said this was their first game and they're going to take everything they've learned from it and move onto the next project.

I really hope they're going for the sequel.


Hey developers,

way too destroy all the great texture work by having no filtering. I was growing annoyed over how shitty the textures looked, when I accidentally panned the camera straight down to the ground, and thus revealing how the textures actually look. Get to work on that!
Truant said:
Hey developers,

way too destroy all the great texture work by having no filtering. I was growing annoyed over how shitty the textures looked, when I accidentally panned the camera straight down to the ground, and thus revealing how the textures actually look. Get to work on that!
That of course means getting it ported to PC, which solves all the problems of v sync, aliasing and AF.


Truant said:
Hey developers,

way too destroy all the great texture work by having no filtering. I was growing annoyed over how shitty the textures looked, when I accidentally panned the camera straight down to the ground, and thus revealing how the textures actually look. Get to work on that!

?? I think the textures in this game look fantastic.
Truant said:
Hey developers,

way too destroy all the great texture work by having no filtering. I was growing annoyed over how shitty the textures looked, when I accidentally panned the camera straight down to the ground, and thus revealing how the textures actually look. Get to work on that!

well i feel like that game has such a cool style and level design, that the graphical shortcomings dont even get noticed or bother me. Running down into a secret area or tuneel and finding it turns into something really cool like a giant mechanical fan room. There are alot of places that open up and look really cool.


formerly nacire
Hobbun said:
It's good to hear that manually aiming is not required for combat. That would be too frustrating. It can be frustrating enough in Zelda at times when manually aiming, which I find is easier than most games.

Now in Zelda, the boomerang does "lock on" (or it can, if you are close enough). So this game doesn't have that option? I hope trying to manually aim isn't as much of a pain as in Zelda. I know I had tried to use my boomerang in Zelda a couple of times when trying to retrieve Gold Skulltula tokens and you had the line that 'rang up EXACTLY to get the token.

How long would you say the game is? Something equivalent to OoT or more (or less)?

Hey Hobbun, you can definitely lock and and queue up to five targets just like zelda, it's also required for some puzzles. You can do it in combat, but there are more effective ways that are less intrusive. It is a nice starter if your starting a fight with a small group that isn't aware of you. Queue up five targets, let your crossblade go and then move in for some melee.


Q8D3vil said:
maybe someone will notice me now

i need some help

collecting the sword shards now , some places are unexplored , thus i can use the tunnel , how i can reach them ?!

Just make your way to them the same way you did the first time. The only place you can't reach on foot is the Twilight Cathedral.

And remember, blue lanterns signal a Vulgrim location. I somehow didn't figure that out until I'd already found all of them.

eXistor said:
The dungeons are fun to play, but you can't really compare them to a Zelda dungeon I think. It's always very obvious where you have to go. You reach a new room, you instantly are told what to do, you do it and you reach the next room. It just repeats like this. You don't ever have to look on the map. Only the Twilight Cathedral was close to being a proper dungeon (I just came out of the Ashlands).

As much as the game apes Zelda, it never ever gets close to being as good. Don't get me wrong, I like the game and I think it's very fun, but the fact that it tries to be so much like Zelda is really hurting the game in some ways.

Yeah, the second and third dungeons aren't really proper dungeons. The next two are far more... dungeoney. The last one is up there with the best Zelda dungeons, if you ask me.


How the fuck can I get up to the final room so I can get that beam where it needs to go in the BT dungeon? THE FUUUUUUUUCK spinning stones..

lol nvm


I didn't post in here earlier cause I was avoiding spoilers, but now that I've finished the game I felt like posting here and saying what a great way to start 2010 this was. I had not even heard of this game until last weekend and on a whim I decided to buy it thanks to all the comparisons to games I really like such as Zelda, God of War and Soul Reaver. And while the game was obviously using those as inspiration, I felt it suitably brought it's own style and wasn't just mindless rehash.

I seriously hope this sells well enough for a sequel, and hopefully the 3 year drought of a game like this (has there been one since Twilight Princess?) leads people to buy this.

Based off the ending I'd really like to see
a 3 way war occurring between the 4 Horsemen, Heaven (led by Uriel) and Hell (Samael takes his new throne?). I really think we only got proper fights against the demonic side in this one, suitably so for the plotline, but if they could have some massively batshit crazy epic fights in a sequel that could potentially be awesome.

Overall impressions of the game

+Dungeons and exploration. I liked the dungeon designs. In fact the game didn't quite "click" for me until I started the Twilight Cathedral, and then I was hooked. I know some have said the overworld is a bit linear, but I felt it was designed well enough to advance the player along and hide some secrets without having the open world game design problem of too much space and not enough to do in it. That being said, I would have liked some larger areas to ride Ruin in though. The desert wasn't big enough once you acquired him. Basically on foot areas were spot on, horse areas were a bit smallish.

+Combat. What can be said? Fighting worked like a gem, mostly. Enough of a challenge to make the game fun and rewarding, but the mechanics were accessible and easy to grasp.

+Characters and world. I'm not a comic book guy, I don't even know what the concept and design artist of this game's portfolio consists of, but I thought the designs were all pretty cool. At first I was groaning at the prospect of another gravelly voiced white protagonist, but I thought the game handled the characters surprisingly well. The game definetly set up a premise I'd like to see revisited in a sequel.

-Ocassional glitchy response. Most times the controls felt pretty spot on, however there were a few instances where weird crap would occur. Sometimes it seemed to not register my jumps and I'd instead watch War fall into a pit. Other times the swinging seemed to hesitate, like I'd be aiming at it and it would take 4 or 5 seconds before the game realized "hey he's targeting a hook!" and activate the reticle and trigger prompt. There were even a couple times I'd target one of the circles with the Voidwalker, fire, and nothing would happen to the circle thing or like with the delayed response of the hook I'd have to wait for it to recognize I was shooting the circle...thing. Like I said, these were an exception, but noticeable when they did occur.

-Too much of the good stuff is late game. What I mean is that by the time you get the add-ons for your weapons or all the armor pieces the game is almost over. I know this happens in Zelda too, but when I finished I'd logged 23 hours and still had my scythe at level 3 and my fist at 1 because all the stuff to boost blue orbs came so late in the game I went ahead and finished because I didn't feel like grinding for orbs, even with the booster effects. Perhaps if some of the booster stuff was accessible earlier, or, even better if there was some optional side/post game dungeon (think like the stuff you see in JRPGs like Omega Ruins in FFX) or quest it would seem you got the full benefit of all the gear you acquired towards the end of the game.

So that's just a recap of my opinion after my first playthrough. It really is a good thing I picked this up. Kudos to the people at Vigil.


eXistor said:
The dungeons are fun to play, but you can't really compare them to a Zelda dungeon I think. It's always very obvious where you have to go. You reach a new room, you instantly are told what to do, you do it and you reach the next room. It just repeats like this. You don't ever have to look on the map. Only the Twilight Cathedral was close to being a proper dungeon (I just came out of the Ashlands).

As much as the game apes Zelda, it never ever gets close to being as good. Don't get me wrong, I like the game and I think it's very fun, but the fact that it tries to be so much like Zelda is really hurting the game in some ways.
If Black Throne stays as good as it is right now (just finished the first part of three I think):

Twilight Cathedral > Black Throne > 4th Dungeon > Ashlands = Hollows


see5harp said:
?? I think the textures in this game look fantastic.

The textures themselves look great, but only if you look straight at them. As soon as you tilt the camera, it's Halo 3 all over again.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Alright. I finally managed to acquire the 3 miss-able trophies. Should be smooth sailing from here. Now to finish the Hollow.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Firestorm said:
If Black Throne stays as good as it is right now (just finished the first part of three I think):

Twilight Cathedral > Black Throne > 4th Dungeon > Ashlands = Hollows
You think Twilight Cathedral is the best dungeon? It seemed like it would be a good first dungeon basically, but the best? I thought it had a weird feeling to it-- the scale felt much larger than a typical Zelda dungeon, but I was never stumped or even confused about where I should be going. Black Throne is good though?


I'm afraid having a jump button in Darksiders is going to spoil me for future Zelda games. It feels so good to not be glued to the ground.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Is it possible to leave the Hollows once I get the key item there, but before fighting the boss?
I'd really love to leave to go and upgrade some powers and refill on my healing consumeables, but I can't seem to get out... :(


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Y2Kev said:
You think Twilight Cathedral is the best dungeon? It seemed like it would be a good first dungeon basically, but the best? I thought it had a weird feeling to it-- the scale felt much larger than a typical Zelda dungeon, but I was never stumped or even confused about where I should be going. Black Throne is good though?

I'm getting near the end of the game and the Black Throne was the highlight so far, amazing dungeon.


Booser said:
The Hollows was good but its my least favourite of the dungeons so far. Twilight Cathedral is awesome and the Ashlands is much more combat orientated, esp once you get past
the drill puzzle and into the gladiator arena where you get Ruin. After that the place is just pure spectacle. The boss fight is very easy but still looks and feels so fucking cool

So far the
Black Throne is fucking evil puzzle wise. Im just after activating the first beam and got it back into the room I got the portal gun. But now I cant get back out. Fucking portals.

Well, I'd say, the whole Hollows+Ashlands segment altogether was really poor form for a Zelda game. So it doesn't really compare favorably to a Zelda title, imo, because at this point I'm already at the
Black Throne
and none of the dungeons save Twilight Cathedral and only a small part of the
Spider Lair
were really up to Zelda-calibre.

I also already got through this beam puzzle you mention, and it's pretty neat how it works, but it wasn't very challenging. Still, it's a little better than what the game was before.

It's definitely got all the foundation but in a Darksiders 2, if they really want to be compared to Zelda favorably, they're going to have to make the design of the dungeons more clever. Ashlands wasn't even a dungeon.

Of course, it ISN'T Zelda... it's something else. And that something else is still pretty decent, but people should probably stop pawning this off as a Zelda title. It is not a good Zelda game.


Amir0x said:
Well, I'd say, the whole Hollows+Ashlands segment altogether was really poor form for a Zelda game. So it doesn't really compare favorably to a Zelda title, imo, because at this point I'm already at the
Black Throne
and none of the dungeons save Twilight Cathedral and only a small part of the
Spider Lair
were really up to Zelda-calibre.

I also already got through this beam puzzle you mention, and it's pretty neat how it works, but it wasn't very challenging. Still, it's a little better than what the game was before.

It's definitely got all the foundation but in a Darksiders 2, if they really want to be compared to Zelda favorably, they're going to have to make the design of the dungeons more clever. Ashlands wasn't even a dungeon.

Of course, it ISN'T Zelda... it's something else. And that something else is still pretty decent, but people should probably stop pawning this off as a Zelda title. It is not a good Zelda game.

It's a good enough Zelda esque title though.


I mean it is definitely in the Zelda format, which is why it compares so unfavorably. When you go up against something of such a high quality, there are certain expectations.

This is a first effort for Vigil and so I'm not going to be overly harsh. It has a solid foundation and a Darksiders 2 could, perhaps, become as good as a mid-tier Zelda title. Darksiders 1, however, is not a good Zelda game.

It's still a decent game, just not one that can stand against Zelda. Again, all this is just our own projection, since Vigil never really said it wanted it to be God of War or Zelda or whatever. It clearly takes inspiration, but it is its OWN game. As its OWN game, it is a weird, uneven package, with lots of highs, lots of lows, lots of things Vigil can learn from for the future. A decent game for sure.

It's just no Zelda.
are we talking zelda OOT or zelda twilight princess? because this game obliterates TP. of course OOT is the 3D adventure game of forever and im not sure any game can ever eclipse it.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
are we talking zelda OOT or zelda twilight princess? because this game obliterates TP. of course OOT is the 3D adventure game of forever and im not sure any game can ever eclipse it.

I think one already did:



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Oh boy, let's not get into a pissing match about the best Zelda game, now.


Finished Bayonetta and then popped in Darksiders. I don't know if I just don't like this game, or the combat is lacking compared to Bayonetta. So far I'm glad I only rented this.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
will52 said:
Finished Bayonetta and then popped in Darksiders. I don't know if I just don't like this game, or the combat is lacking compared to Bayonetta. So far I'm glad I only rented this.

Come back to us once you finish the Twilight Cathedral.


Neo Member
will52 said:
Finished Bayonetta and then popped in Darksiders. I don't know if I just don't like this game, or the combat is lacking compared to Bayonetta. So far I'm glad I only rented this.
Quite the apposite, I hated Bayonetta, that game has ADD.
Just finished the Twilight Cathedral last night and really what an amazing game so far. Bits and pieces really reminded me of Zelda as I was playing through... Bought this with Bayonetta and I don't think I'll touch it again until I finish Darksiders :D


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Mejilan said:
Wow, everything about the Hollow sucked ass. The dungeon. The boss. The key item. Blah.

The Tremor Gauntlet is honestly the best crowd control weapon in the game. You can use it to punch smaller enemies away so that you can focus on a single enemy and it's also good for punching enemies off ledges. There's one move in particular you can buy that's great. I can't remember what it's called, but it's RB+Hold Y then mash Y. War will repeatedly punch the ground and it'll stun every enemy in the vicinity.


will52 said:
Finished Bayonetta and then popped in Darksiders. I don't know if I just don't like this game, or the combat is lacking compared to Bayonetta. So far I'm glad I only rented this.

Strange, my experience was the complete opposite. There are a lot of things I like about Bayonetta, but its pacing and overabundance of pointless cutscenes sort of kill it for me.

Back on topic, however, the area leading up to the dungeon after the Cathedral looks amazing. I'm surprised by how colorful this game is.


Considering that this is Vigil's first game and people already mentioned it in the same sentence as Zelda is a huge compliment.

I hope this game sells well, I want to see sequels. Even if the sale number is not great, I hope Vigil continue this franchise. Or maybe Sony or Microsoft took notice of the great reviews and buy it for exclusivity :D I don't care on which console this franchise exists (well maybe not on Wii), as long as it continues.

I'm buying 2 more copies as gifts for my friends just to support Vigil.

so you hear that Vigil, I am gonna spend nearly 200 bucks on this game, I wanna see sequels!


Unlimited Capacity
Amir0x said:
I mean it is definitely in the Zelda format, which is why it compares so unfavorably. When you go up against something of such a high quality, there are certain expectations.

This is a first effort for Vigil and so I'm not going to be overly harsh. It has a solid foundation and a Darksiders 2 could, perhaps, become as good as a mid-tier Zelda title. Darksiders 1, however, is not a good Zelda game.

It's still a decent game, just not one that can stand against Zelda. Again, all this is just our own projection, since Vigil never really said it wanted it to be God of War or Zelda or whatever. It clearly takes inspiration, but it is its OWN game. As its OWN game, it is a weird, uneven package, with lots of highs, lots of lows, lots of things Vigil can learn from for the future. A decent game for sure.

It's just no Zelda.

It compares quite favorably to Twilight Princess. As far as the best Zelda's go that kind of goes without saying.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Just got to the Ashlands. Any decent places to grind out souls and weapon experience, or shall I press on? I feel like I should be stronger.


Narcosis said:
I seriously hope this sells well enough for a sequel, and hopefully the 3 year drought of a game like this (has there been one since Twilight Princess?) leads people to buy this.

Based off the ending I'd really like to see
a 3 way war occurring between the 4 Horsemen, Heaven (led by Uriel) and Hell (Samael takes his new throne?). I really think we only got proper fights against the demonic side in this one, suitably so for the plotline, but if they could have some massively batshit crazy epic fights in a sequel that could potentially be awesome.

For the first part, check out Batman: Arkham Asylum if you haven't.

For the second part,
I think it pretty clearly set up for the Horsemen to fight back against the Charred Council. I don't think War's very happy with being used the way he was, and I don't think the other Horsemen are gonna be very happy when they find out that the Council basically let the apocalypse happen prematurely.

As for Heaven, they seem to be on a very tenuous alliance with War as of the end of this game. But, as Uriel said, she won't hesitate to fight him if the need may come. And she realizes that the Horsemen aren't taking sides in this battle.

And Hell, well, I think they're definitely gonna be pissed at War, what with him running around and screwing up the great hold they had on Earth. Samael was helping War out in this game, but it was entirely to his own ends - getting his power back and knocking the Destroyer out of the way so he could take over - so he's definitely not on friendly terms with War. There's no way his line, "It would take all four Horsemen to take me down!" (or however it exactly went) wasn't foreshadowing to an epic boss battle in the potential sequel.

On top of all this, we have a few wild cards. Where are the Creator and the Devil in all this? Are they just kinda watching to see how it all plays out? Did they just leave and don't really give a shit? And who was the voice that convinced Abaddon to fall?

So, hopefully they get to do a sequel. They clearly have ideas beyond just this game.


canova said:
Or maybe Sony or Microsoft took notice of the great reviews and buy it for exclusivity :D

Is Vigil owned by THQ? If not, Sony or Microsoft would be smart to buy them up and pump some money into them to create an exclusive Zelda-killer series. What they've done as an unknown with a small budget (I imagine) is amazing.
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