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DARKSIDERS |OT| More like Zelda than God of War


badcrumble said:
This game would be a lot better with new game+ that carried over more than just the Abyssal Armor since it's basically impossible to actually max out your special moves without like 20 hours of dull postgame grinding (even more painful because there are so few enemies postgame). Carrying over Abyssal Armor, all of your potion/essence crystals, and all of your Wrath moves (however they're upgraded) would be kinda nice. I don't understand why this part of the game was so badly thought out, the rest of it is terrifically fun, but it really ought to be possible to max out your character. A New Game+ patch would totally get me to replay it again (and would prevent me from reselling the game now that I've been done with it for a while, imo).

PC version will hopefully fix this issue (forcefully if need be).
anyone know if running over an enemy with your horse counts as an environmental kill? im trying to get the achievement but by this stage in the game most environment weapons dont show up anymore
Shuusui said:
Now that my semester is over, I can attack my backlog!

This was the first game I went to. I just got the the forge and had a friendly competition -- grinning the entire way. This is the next-gen Legacy of Kain game I never got.... sans the epic dialogue, of course.

My last final was last night, and I don't start my internship until June 5th. I need to beat this game already.

I think I'm a little over 50% through...but I have no idea what was going on last. Hate when that happens.
ZealousD said:
The zombie with the top hat? He's just an easter egg. Only gives souls when you beat him.

oh is that all? i fought him 2 or 3 times, can't really remember. just remember thinking how he was the most awesome character in the game :lol
beat it yesterday. i liked it but the black throne really killed it for me up until that point i would have said it was a 4 out of 5 stars after i would say 3 out 5. also i wish all stuff carried over not just the armor i would have gone through the game again on the hardest difficulty level if that was the case. dont like that some achievements cant be got if you miss them.

so is a sequel going to happen for sure or is it still up in the air?


Vigil Games Dev
The sequel is coming, we're beavering away on it as we speak. Lots of issues that people have talked about are being addressed, as most of it we were aware of, but time f'ed us from addressing everything.
beavering? :p

Shuusui said:
Now that my semester is over, I can attack my backlog!

This was the first game I went to. I just got the the forge and had a friendly competition -- grinning the entire way. This is the next-gen Legacy of Kain game I never got.... sans the epic dialogue, of course.

You said it! I often compare it more with Soul Reaver than Zelda or GoW, though I've never played much of Zelda.

Can't wait for the sequel, that's for sure.
hdn said:
The sequel is coming, we're beavering away on it as we speak. Lots of issues that people have talked about are being addressed, as most of it we were aware of, but time f'ed us from addressing everything.

Great to hear!

While I only rented it and had a blast on it, your sequel will earn a day 1 purchase.


hdn said:
The sequel is coming, we're beavering away on it as we speak. Lots of issues that people have talked about are being addressed, as most of it we were aware of, but time f'ed us from addressing everything.

Ooh. I know the sequel was technically already announced, but I took that with a grain of salt. So many games are announced in name only and then never heard about again. It's nice to hear that you guys are really working on it.

Any chance you'll have something to show off at E3? Or is that going to be a surprise?
hdn said:
The sequel is coming, we're beavering away on it as we speak. Lots of issues that people have talked about are being addressed, as most of it we were aware of, but time f'ed us from addressing everything.
This makes me smile. Great news


hdn said:
The sequel is coming, we're beavering away on it as we speak. Lots of issues that people have talked about are being addressed, as most of it we were aware of, but time f'ed us from addressing everything.

Awesome news hdn.:D
hdn said:
The sequel is coming, we're beavering away on it as we speak. Lots of issues that people have talked about are being addressed, as most of it we were aware of, but time f'ed us from addressing everything.
Awesome news, I'm looking forward to it! :D Do you guys think it would be possible to include the original War armor (a render I saw of War wearing some sort of cyber-armor which made him look more Iron man than Arthas) as an unlockable in the sequel?


I bought it at launch, played through the first dungeon and said "Not bad but there are other things that look more interesting."

So now I've come back and the game just got better and better and better! The Ashlands and the Stygian were awesome, epic gaming at it's finest. Well done! Once you've unlocked most of the equipment you have so many cool options in combat, which becomes very exciting. For a game to have visceral third person combat and then be able to seemlessly enter mounted combat is quite a feat.

It's a beautiful world. I think the team got more skilled merging ruined cities with nature and magical constructs as the game goes by. The art is constantly striking, every monster and character has real style. Joe Mad.'s skill is a really nice addition to video gaming.

Complaints? Really not too much to say at this point. The good so far outweigh the bad that I can think of is "tighten up here, polish there" and the sequel is good to go. Tons of other companies don't have a game this good to show for their first effort.

New Game + along with well executed difficulty levels is much needed and will aid this game in staying out of the re-sell bin. Also, the snazzy cover art. You guys at Vigil know that you can't go back after that, right? We've all been spoiled.


Vigil Games Dev
No, we wont be making an appearance this year...but our 40kmmo will be, and it looks a lil' bit tasty!


Vigil Games Dev
Thanks for all the kind words!! I know that NEOGAF is place known for its honest opinion, so it’s really humbling to hear such positive things on these boards. I know we’ve also took some knocks too, but I feel the overwhelming response has been good to Darksiders, it was a real labour of love for a majority of the team. Great to see the responses from the people who actually forked out their dollars.

We’re excited that we can take you all back to such a cool world and show you more of it :D
hdn said:
No, we wont be making an appearance this year...but our 40kmmo will be, and it looks a lil' bit tasty!
Oh, btw, I love Vigil's logo/intro sequence (the guy standing vigil on the cliff with the lamp). It feels so badass, makes me wish you guys made an adventure/survival game around that concept :lol
hdn said:
Thanks for all the kind words!! I know that NEOGAF is place known for its honest opinion, so it’s really humbling to hear such positive things on these boards. I know we’ve also took some knocks too, but I feel the overwhelming response has been good to Darksiders, it was a real labour of love for a majority of the team. Great to see the responses from the people who actually forked out their dollars.

We’re excited that we can take you all back to such a cool world and show you more of it :D
Oh, hey, since you're here and all, I wouldn't mind if the next game would focus even more on the story (without sacrificing gameplay). I kind of miss Soul Reaver-caliber cutscenes/voice acting in a fantasy setting, and you guys are the closest a game has come so far (in my opinion, of course). Keep it up! .:D


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just beat it, holy shit it was about 5 hours longer than I expected.

Loved it, the tone was just right. And I have to say, for whatever reason, I just didn't see the ending coming, and it ruled.

No... not alone.


I finished this a couple weeks back, just noticed this thread. I have to agree with a lot of posters, this feels a lot like Soul Reaver (which is a compliment, as that's one of my favorite games of all time), and it's great to hear that a sequel is coming. Like Hawkian, I didn't see the ending coming, and those final 3 words were so badass. :D


hdn said:
Thanks for all the kind words!! I know that NEOGAF is place known for its honest opinion, so it’s really humbling to hear such positive things on these boards. I know we’ve also took some knocks too, but I feel the overwhelming response has been good to Darksiders, it was a real labour of love for a majority of the team. Great to see the responses from the people who actually forked out their dollars.

We’re excited that we can take you all back to such a cool world and show you more of it :D

Well you created an awesome game from a genre that's not popular these days so you deserve all the love.

I can't wait to play the sequel...it will be a day one purchase like the first game. :)


Vigil Games Dev
We’re aware of the places we want to grow in Ds2, but it’s a genre that we hold dear. Some of the games you’ve all mentioned are classics, no two ways about it, so to be mentioned in the same light…very humbling people!

Yes, I love the ending too. When Joe Mad tweaked the end of the script with those words…I remember sitting back and getting goose bumps imagining how it would all pan out. Very satisfying it got a similar response of so many players too 


Unlimited Capacity
How did you guys do sales wise? Hopefully pretty well. I know I'm going to get the PC version so I'll have bought it twice :lol


Darksiders was a total surprise hit for me early in this year. it was the perfect mix of zelda and DMC for me. It stole a lot from popular games (Portal Gun lol) but the implementation into the game was flawless so that I had no problems with that and the boss fights were generally very well made. Only 4 dungeons and not a lot side quests hurt a lil bit though. The Zelda games that had little dungeons usually had a ton of stuff through NPC sidequests.. but i guess in the world of dark siders there is just no one left..

I really hope that the sequel will be this good. And i cant wait for the other 3 horsemen the designs ive seen for death, fury and strife looked awesome.

The only baffling thing is.. and that has nothing to do with the game itself but more with the platform decision.. that despite the huge similarities to the zelda series there was no Wii version (just from a financial standpoint since most of the zelda gamers are probably on that system).. It felt just that similar to zelda (which is a good thing).. I really hope this doesnt get missunderstood. Since i already played and finished darksiders im not saying that there should be a port. I just thought a zelda like game on a nintendo system would probably be easier to market then on other platforms.. thats why i was baffled at the decision.


formerly nacire
_tetsuo_ said:
How did you guys do sales wise? Hopefully pretty well. I know I'm going to get the PC version so I'll have bought it twice :lol

This goes for me as well. I 100% completed the PS3 version at launch and will be buying the pc version when it releases. I just love the game. It strikes a chord with me.

Nice to hear you guys are chipping away at the sequel! Can't wait to give you more money! :D For me personally, I'd like to see a larger overworld and more dungeons of course, not to mention a pc version at launch!
Can't wait to hear more, hdn. One thing I can do without are the shadow world challenges (maybe they'd be better as side quests rather than mandatory), other than that every thing in the game was perfect.


Vigil Games Dev
Sales are important, but I don't spend anytime tracking them, so last I heard we'd gone over 1 million, but that is all I know for sure. More sales would've been great, as the publisher uses that as a primary gauge of doing more of them, but I, more than anything, wanted the game to be reviewed well and the public to "buy into" it as an IP. I think we did that, so personally, it’s been a successful first step. THQ were happy with the reaction from the public and press, so gave us the chance to dive back into the world we’d created.

Hehe, the Shadow Arena challenges has had a split reaction from people. You either love them, or hate them. People loved them as training methods, others just wanted to do more adventuring.

The game’s platform (x360, ps3 and soon to be PC) may seem like weird choices, but for us it was clear. Technically we could push what we wanted to do, and, produce a game type that is nigh on extinct on those platforms.

I’m still baffled by the “God of War Clone” tag we get, because it’s NOT the game we thought we made, but everyone has their own opinion and that’s cool.


hdn said:

Rare to I get direct feedback with an actual dev, but if you're reading, I want to emphasize:

1) The length of the game was perfect. I didn't feel like it lagged in the middle anywhere. Good pace throughout. In short, thanks for not extending the length of the game for the sake of a bullet point.
2) Great characters, dialogue, and voice actors. No changes here please.
3) Great mix of gameplay. It (with #2) kept even my girlfriend watching throughout the entire game, and that's not something she does unless she's really into what she's seeing (pure combat generally bores her. She'd leave the room when people weren't talking in Uncharted 2).

If anything, my suggestion would be more technical side. More AF please. Thanks.


Vigil Games Dev
The Mexican SKU is no different to any of the other versions.

FLEABttn, glad you liked it and, that your girlfriend stuck around for it :D


hdn said:
Thanks for all the kind words!! I know that NEOGAF is place known for its honest opinion, so it’s really humbling to hear such positive things on these boards. I know we’ve also took some knocks too, but I feel the overwhelming response has been good to Darksiders, it was a real labour of love for a majority of the team. Great to see the responses from the people who actually forked out their dollars.

We’re excited that we can take you all back to such a cool world and show you more of it :D

I'm excited as all get-out for what you turn out next, because DS has been a fun ride.

Thanks for all you've done!


_tetsuo_ said:
How did you guys do sales wise? Hopefully pretty well. I know I'm going to get the PC version so I'll have bought it twice :lol

Judging by some chartz [wink wink] it sold more than Bayonetta. :D

Cant wait for PC version, hopefully it will have:
- good optimisation
- windowed mode support
- support for non "xinput" controllers [x360 controler]


Death Prophet
Were the game breaking glitches ever fixed? I got seriously fucked over and I have to start all over which I really don't want to do.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Just started the other day. I got this, Metro 2033 and Bayonetta in that Kmart sale. Anywho, fun game and it's made me put off a few games that are more acclaimed than this for the time being. :D


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I'm so glad more people are playing this game. I beat it when it first came out for PS3, and I really loved it. It's great to see that other people are enjoying it. The game really does deserve the praise and attention.


I stopped playing in the spider dungeon, but I can't remember why. I know I liked the game, because I was saying to myself that the desert level was one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences this generation.


hdn said:
I’m still baffled by the “God of War Clone” tag we get, because it’s NOT the game we thought we made, but everyone has their own opinion and that’s cool.

At the risk of sounding a bit harsh I would say you 'cloned' aspects of a few really good games but they blended nicely together into its own meaty package. Above all I think that Darksiders presented itself so well that it came to own all the elements of itself. War and his trusty gadgets don't play second banana to anybody.

Finished it last night, very enjoyable. It took me nearly 30 hours, that's with taking my time, enjoying the scenery, and trying to unlock as much stuff as possible. 30 hours is a fantastic length for an HD game this generation and it was fun throughout.

Critique-wise I have only have minor issues. Take these for what they're worth from an average gamer.

- Maybe it was just me but once the platforming aspects of the game became more advanced I felt the input commands weren't always up to the task. Wings weren't always deploying, camera wasn't keeping up, etc. Nothing major but the vast majority of my deaths were trying to traverse distances and the like, cases where I clearly knew what to do but felt limited by the controls themself.

- You need a tool platter for War's gadgets: press and hold L1 to call up a radial dial with all of his tools and then use the right stick to make your selection. Think Ratchet & Clank, it's a better system then the equip function you set up. Same for weapons, especially if there are to be more than three in the next game. Which brings me to...

- War's pistol, Mercy, should be elevated to a full-fledged weapon, one you can upgrade and has experience levels with special moves. Come on, it took out a boss, it deserves no less. I don't believe the Crossblade deserves equal treatment because it was more of a path-clearing tool for most of the game and they should all stay in the same catagory.

- Your melee was quite good - and fun - but by game end it seemed the best course of action was to spam sword dash and then hammer the square combos. It worked for all kinds of creatures, including Uriel and the final boss. As well dashing to evade seemed far more powerful than countering. Attention to balance amongst all the combat moves is why games like Ninja Gaidan and Bayonetta are respected the way they are.

Thanks again for a great gaming experience and a truly epic adventure. Looking forward to seeing what is next.


So I am in the process of finishing up this incredible game and had a couple of questions. I am
looking for the Armageddon Blade parts
but I noticed that I am missing a couple of enhancements and artifacts...do i still have time to find them before the end game? Also it seems impossible to level up all the weapons in one playthrough...am i correct or is there a grind spot i need to visit? Finally is there a way to get more than one enhancement on a weapon?

Love the game cant wait to get the sequel...this game made me forget all other 'action RPGs' it really just blows them out of the water.


they pushed it back a few days ago.

i would love to know if it will be a game for windows live with xbox-achievements..

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Dyno said:
At the risk of sounding a bit harsh I would say you 'cloned' aspects of a few really good games but they blended nicely together into its own meaty package. Above all I think that Darksiders presented itself so well that it came to own all the elements of itself. War and his trusty gadgets don't play second banana to anybody.

Finished it last night, very enjoyable. It took me nearly 30 hours, that's with taking my time, enjoying the scenery, and trying to unlock as much stuff as possible. 30 hours is a fantastic length for an HD game this generation and it was fun throughout.

Critique-wise I have only have minor issues. Take these for what they're worth from an average gamer.

- Maybe it was just me but once the platforming aspects of the game became more advanced I felt the input commands weren't always up to the task. Wings weren't always deploying, camera wasn't keeping up, etc. Nothing major but the vast majority of my deaths were trying to traverse distances and the like, cases where I clearly knew what to do but felt limited by the controls themself.

- You need a tool platter for War's gadgets: press and hold L1 to call up a radial dial with all of his tools and then use the right stick to make your selection. Think Ratchet & Clank, it's a better system then the equip function you set up. Same for weapons, especially if there are to be more than three in the next game. Which brings me to...

- War's pistol, Mercy, should be elevated to a full-fledged weapon, one you can upgrade and has experience levels with special moves. Come on, it took out a boss, it deserves no less. I don't believe the Crossblade deserves equal treatment because it was more of a path-clearing tool for most of the game and they should all stay in the same catagory.

- Your melee was quite good - and fun - but by game end it seemed the best course of action was to spam sword dash and then hammer the square combos. It worked for all kinds of creatures, including Uriel and the final boss. As well dashing to evade seemed far more powerful than countering. Attention to balance amongst all the combat moves is why games like Ninja Gaidan and Bayonetta are respected the way they are.

Thanks again for a great gaming experience and a truly epic adventure. Looking forward to seeing what is next.

The one thing I'd add to these critiques is that the Dash n' Block gameplay was a little too clunky because "block" in the game isn't as fast or reliable as it should be. The mechanics seem designed to want you to dash about while holding block from point to point ala Ninja Gaiden. However there were random times for me that block wouldn't deploy and I had to stop, return stick to neutral, and hold block again.

This got to be a big issue as I played through the game on the hardest difficulty and some of the later brawls became very unfair between the camera problems and inability to block certain attacks even though I held down the button at the right time. It also made using the block counter mechanic nearly useless.

I don't think Vigil should utterly change the game mechanic paradigm for part 2. Just take a little closer of a look at how other 3rd person melee combat games work in the fine details of their mechanics. In all seriousness, they should have somebody sit down and play Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta then directly crit their own fighting system :lol


ShinAmano said:
So I am in the process of finishing up this incredible game and had a couple of questions. I am
looking for the Armageddon Blade parts
but I noticed that I am missing a couple of enhancements and artifacts...do i still have time to find them before the end game?

Yeah, you can revisit pretty much the whole game. I think there's a couple chests that become unreachable, but they don't contain anything important. Just health and stuff.

Also it seems impossible to level up all the weapons in one playthrough...am i correct or is there a grind spot i need to visit?

In the spider dungeon, leave the boss room and turn left. You should drop down and find yourself in a room full of little spiders. After you kill them, you can make them respawn by climbing the wall out of the room, running a few feet, then turning around. Just keep doing that for a while to level your weapons up. This is particularly effective if you have War's Glory equipped. If you don't have War's Glory...
just look around that dungeon, it's in there somewhere.

Finally is there a way to get more than one enhancement on a weapon?

However, you will lose the spot on your sword after you complete the Armageddon Blade, so I'd hold off on collecting the final piece if you're particularly attached to having a certain enhancement on your sword.

Kaijima said:
The one thing I'd add to these critiques is that the Dash n' Block gameplay was a little too clunky because "block" in the game isn't as fast or reliable as it should be. The mechanics seem designed to want you to dash about while holding block from point to point ala Ninja Gaiden. However there were random times for me that block wouldn't deploy and I had to stop, return stick to neutral, and hold block again.

Yeah, that's easily my biggest gripe with the controls. They should take a look at Red Steel 2. It also had block and dash on the same button, but did it much more seamlessly.

I also think that, at least when locked on, the direction you hold on the stick should always be the direction you dash, regardless of camera angle, i.e., up always dashes forward, left and right always dash left and right, down always dashes back. The way it is now, you have to hold the stick at kinda weird and poorly defined directions at times.


hdn said:
Sales are important, but I don't spend anytime tracking them, so last I heard we'd gone over 1 million, but that is all I know for sure. More sales would've been great, as the publisher uses that as a primary gauge of doing more of them, but I, more than anything, wanted the game to be reviewed well and the public to "buy into" it as an IP. I think we did that, so personally, it’s been a successful first step. THQ were happy with the reaction from the public and press, so gave us the chance to dive back into the world we’d created.

Hehe, the Shadow Arena challenges has had a split reaction from people. You either love them, or hate them. People loved them as training methods, others just wanted to do more adventuring.

The game’s platform (x360, ps3 and soon to be PC) may seem like weird choices, but for us it was clear. Technically we could push what we wanted to do, and, produce a game type that is nigh on extinct on those platforms.

I’m still baffled by the “God of War Clone” tag we get, because it’s NOT the game we thought we made, but everyone has their own opinion and that’s cool.

Currently playing this on PS3 and really loving it. If this has a couple of little tweaks done to it on the PC version (optimization, better new game+) I will totally double dip and purchase it on Steam. I can see this as one of those games that ill want to go back to time and time again ie Psychonauts, Beyond Good and Evil.
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