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Datel breaks 360 memory card protection - cheaper memory units!


Zen said:
Isn't that like illigal?

Only in the United States. :lol If they sell this in Canada I'll buy it day 1.

Dragona Akehi said:
Now, Datel, be dears and release an Action Replay for the 360 so that I can unlock the data I already own on my discs.

This >.<
Dragona Akehi said:
Now, Datel, be dears and release an Action Replay for the 360 so that I can unlock the data I already own on my discs.

now THAT could be considered pirating I believe

since you are getting content that you have to pay for, for free
PseudoKirby said:
now THAT could be considered pirating I believe

since you are getting content that you have to pay for, for free

Well it's on my disc. I own my disc. That includes all of the data on said disc.


Dragona Akehi said:
Well it's on my disc. I own my disc. That includes all of the data on said disc.
You own the disc. You don't own the content on the disc. You own a license to use the content on the disc as the creator allows.


y'all should be ashamed
Dragona Akehi said:
Well it's on my disc. I own my disc. That includes all of the data on said disc.
Oh no, not this horrible argument again...

You own the disc. You don't own the content on the disc. You own a license to use the content on the disc as the creator allows.
Ah, nevermind, next post cleared it right up. Get it Dragona? Good, let's move on. :D
saunderez said:
You own the disc. You don't own the content on the disc. You own a license to use the content on the disc as the creator allows.

Not really, no. That's what companies want you to believe, but it won't hold up in a court of law, which is why no company has attempted to sue someone over broken EULA.

In other words: my disc, my data.
Dragona Akehi said:
Not really, no. That's what companies want you to believe, but it won't hold up in a court of law, which is why no company has attempted to sue someone over broken EULA.

In other words: my disc, my data.

no, they dont attempt to sue someone because it wouldnt be worth it with the amount of money it takes to sue..
PseudoKirby said:
no, they dont attempt to sue someone because it wouldnt be worth it with the amount of money it takes to sue..

And it won't hold up in law, as it is patently ridiculous. It would be akin to releasing a music CD that only has half of the tracks available and one must pay for the other half to unlock them, despite being on the disc physically.

Also, I live in a country that does not recognise any form of DMCA, which makes this argument even more futile, for me.

Point is, developers and MS shouldn't attempt to screw the consumer over. I'm waiting to give you my money, Datel.


saunderez said:
You own the disc. You don't own the content on the disc. You own a license to use the content on the disc as the creator allows.

That shit won't fly in most western countries as that's not how the law works.
UnholySpectacle said:
Oh shit. If I am understanding this correctly I could back up my profile and saves to this card. Then, I could make copys of the data, put them on other datel cards and use them in other 360s, essentially having a bnch of systems running my profile and saves. The reason I want this is because I run tournaments and it is a pain in the ass to unlock everything on tons of systems. MS's locking of saves to profiles pisses me off.
you can already do that with Xplorer360
dgenx said:
With this card people would be able to pirate XBLA games? HOpe not :S


Dragona Akehi said:
Not really, no. That's what companies want you to believe, but it won't hold up in a court of law, which is why no company has attempted to sue someone over broken EULA.

In other words: my disc, my data.

EULAs have been held up in court several times. Most recently in Blizzard v MDY

Cynar said:
That shit won't fly in most western countries as that's not how the law works.

Of course it is. If you buy a DVD-R and burn a game to it, do you have the legal right to play the game? After all, you own the disc. The answer, of course, is no -- because you don't have a license for the game, just like your license doesn't cover the locked content on a retail disc.
AtomicShroom said:
Then please, by all means, instruct me on how security mechanisms in printer cartridges are protecting copyright and not, in fact, blocking out cheaper 3rd party models.

I don't think anyone in the thread before this claimed otherwise. It might not be completely applicable though, perhaps the data stored on memory cards is copyright protected. It's not a completely analogous example, it was just the first thing that came to mind.

Cynar said:
That shit won't fly in most western countries as that's not how the law works.

Yeah, it is. It's a contract, with all the rules that apply.
UnholySpectacle said:
I run tournaments on the east coast for a convention called Otakon. Look up some youtube vids of '07 and '08 to see the size of our setup.
I'll be at otakon this year. Will you have freeplay available for people not in the tournament? Real joysticks?


An blind dancing ho
Killthee said:

That's Sandisk, not Sony brand. Per amazon the list price is $49.99 you can buy them cheaper but they are often counterfeits. Sony style store has them for $39.99 on sale from a normal price of $64.99

so you must buy one with Sony logo on it ? why ?

it's the same thing , it's licensed by Sony , and Sony and SanDisk actually working together on developing the Memory sticks .

unless you just want to buy one with Sony logo to feel " cool " or to be one step closer to PS3 I don't understand why this is a problem at all , since there is a cheaper licensed alternative .


chicken_ramen said:
Yeah, it is. It's a contract, with all the rules that apply.

You know, a contract can't overrule the law. If the EULA goes against any law, is worth shit in court.


Datel is still going?

I remember them selling an awful lot of Action Replays early last gen thanks to a certain PS2 mod-chip.



From whom did they stole it this time?

chicken_ramen said:
Yeah, it is. It's a contract, with all the rules that apply.

Ever heard of abusive contracts? Doesn't matter if you sign them, they can be overruled by a judge.


it's ok, you're all right now
Dragona Akehi said:
Well it's on my disc. I own my disc. That includes all of the data on said disc.

I own my internet modem which gives me an internet connection, that includes all the data it is capable of receiving.


I'm not saying I disagree with you, or that it's not BS that the data is on the disc, but c'mon.


Dragona Akehi said:
Now, Datel, be dears and release an Action Replay for the 360 so that I can unlock the data I already own on my discs.

lol, not even datel would dare do that :lol


joshcryer said:
I own my internet modem which gives me an internet connection, that includes all the data it is capable of receiving.


I'm not saying I disagree with you, or that it's not BS that the data is on the disc, but c'mon.

is all the internet in the modem?


There is no reason the 360 should have just had a SD slot in the system as a card solution like the Wii.

I'm for this competition is a great thing and MS's storage prices are ridiculous.

The only worry is the re-emergence of game save swapping for achievement whores.


it's ok, you're all right now
itxaka said:
is all the internet in the modem?

I own a satellite dish, my satellite dish is constantly being hit by radio waves of television. It is encrypted. It is 100% illegal to possess the equipment to decrypt it and people go to jail all the time for it.

Even in Canada. (They made it illegal in Canada in 2002.)


joshcryer said:
I own a satellite dish, my satellite dish is constantly being hit by radio waves of television. It is encrypted. It is 100% illegal to possess the equipment to decrypt it and people go to jail all the time for it.

Even in Canada. (They made it illegal in Canada in 2002.)

Maybe it's because I been working the last 14 hours and I'm falling sleepbut I didn't get it, sorry.


Dragona Akehi said:
Not really, no. That's what companies want you to believe, but it won't hold up in a court of law, which is why no company has attempted to sue someone over broken EULA.

In other words: my disc, my data.

So if they instead were to force you to download the data, that would be fine?

Turning it on its head, you're basically protesting the fact that they don't make you have to jump through extra unnecessary hoops.


joshcryer said:
I own a satellite dish, my satellite dish is constantly being hit by radio waves of television. It is encrypted. It is 100% illegal to possess the equipment to decrypt it and people go to jail all the time for it.

Even in Canada. (They made it illegal in Canada in 2002.)

This only applies to satellite signals since there was a huge grey market for it. It doesn't apply to anything in this thread. :lol It's perfectly legal to backup your content; dvds, games, music, etc in Canada.

Can't believe all the people that actually believe that license crap that companies are trying to force down our throats. :lol
Vorador said:
You know, a contract can't overrule the law. If the EULA goes against any law, is worth shit in court.

Yeah, it is. It's a contract, with all the rules that apply.

Maybe I should have been more clear. :S

Also, seeing as nitpicking is fun:

Vorador said:
If the EULA goes against any law, is worth shit in court.

The term would have to be absolutely fundamental to invalidate the whole thing.


it's ok, you're all right now
Cynar said:
This only applies to satellite signals since there was a huge grey market for it. It doesn't apply to anything in this thread. :lol It's perfectly legal to backup your content; dvds, games, music, etc in Canada.

Can't believe all the people that actually believe that license crap that companies are trying to force down our throats. :lol

Uh huh. "Backups" are code language. The justifications used are code language. It's the exact same situation. Having a piece of hardware that goes against the "intended behavior" of the system with which it operates.



joshcryer said:
Uh huh. "Backups" are code language. The justifications used are code language. It's the exact same situation. Having a piece of hardware that goes against the "intended behavior" of the system with which it operates.


If your interpretation was true we would've had tons of dmca style lawsuits in Canada since 2002, however that's not the case. All they did was make it illegal to receive satellite signals from outside of Canada, avoiding the Canadian broadcasting system, and for other companies/individuals to decrypt those(US) signals and sell them illegally to consumers. :lol


Dragona Akehi said:
Now, Datel, be dears and release an Action Replay for the 360 so that I can unlock the data I already own on my discs.

*sigh* Don't remind me. I've resorted to custom firmware for 2 of my systems and other stuff for my DS, solely because there aren't any cheat devices to fool around with after I've finished a game (although it looks like the new Codebreaker company's okay). By locking out such things, they driven me to (possible, if I did that sort of thing) piracy!
acm2000 said:
lol, not even datel would dare do that :lol
they would if they could.

they would just release 'those' codes under a different name.

McBradders said:
Uh, but that's the same as using it as a data drive on a PC, why exactly would any reverse engineering be required to get it to read the disc via USB?
they have HFS+ support too!


I have a memory card, only 64mb or something, good enough to hold my profile though. I'd still rather put my gamesaves etc on my HDD (or 1-2 saves on the card to transfer and play on different machines).
I don't know why I would want 4gb, if I could use a 16gb card or something to rip a game to and play directly off of maybe but even then I still need to carry the disc with me for copy protection.
I don't see a lot of value in there for this product to be honest.

oh and facepalm on the dead horse topic "I'd rather devs force me to download the stuff instead of including it on the disc".


This has always been a huge sore point with me and the 360. Its one thing if they built in a proprietary connector, but the smug arrogance to have USB ports that are perfectly capable of reading flash drives, but you add additional code to make them read only...it is just plain greedy. Especially considering how Microsoft's memory cards are a pretty horrible solution considering how much better/cheaper flash memory has gotten


Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I found one of these at a local video game shop, and I decided to bite the bullet with the 2GB model. Here are my quick impressions with low-quality pictures taken from my Blackberry.

First of all, the build quality feels kind of cheap compared to the official memory unit. The words "MAX MEMORY" are etched right into the plastic, furthering the cheap look. =/


A word of warning: DO NOT push the card in as far as it can go. The unit was shipped with the card jammed right into the slot to the point where the card's beveled edge lay inside the unit; I had to pry open the unit slightly and use a pair of tweezers to remove the card.


Another word of warning: The back of the package states, "this product is NOT sponsored, endorsed or approved by Microsoft or any respective owners." =P

The unit when formatted shows 1.9 GB free. It's funny that I can theoretically format a 16 GB card and have more free space than the official 20 GB hard drive. The provided microSD card lacks markings that would help identify the card's speed class, however, I haven't noticed any difference in speed between loading from the 2 GB microSD card and loading from an official 512 MB memory unit.

Once I buy an 8 GB Class-6 card, I intend to test whether the 360 can run games installed to the hard drive and then moved over to the memory unit.

Dragona said:
Now, Datel, be dears and release an Action Replay for the 360 so that I can unlock the data I already own on my discs.
Microsoft learned their lesson from the original Xbox; the 360 memory architecture uses some encryption algorithm to read and write data, and the random number generator is built into the CPU die. The day that Datel successfully compromises Microsoft's cryptography is the day that homebrew and region-bypassing finally will be possible on the 360. Not saying that it's impossible, it's just that security researchers haven't found a way yet. =P


As someone with lawyers in the family we quite often have a good chuckle whenever we read out EULAs. EULAs are anything but a legally binding agreement (at least in Canada) and the vast majority of the time have parts of the "agreement" that are actually against the law themselves. The purpose of a EULA is a scare tactic to try to coerce people into doing what you want them to do.

Just like the threatening hate mail that many controversial sites receive and those stupid disclamers at the end of emails about intended receipiants, they mean nothing at all.
Who the hell buys memory cards for the 360...? I mean, I bouht one when I made the upgrade to an Elite, but it wasn't all that useful since I couldn't even transfer over all of my data. Just buy a freakin hard drive if you don't have one, and if you need to transfer over data then get a data transfer kit. Memory cards for consoles need to die once and for all.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Tenkei said:
Microsoft learned their lesson from the original Xbox; the 360 memory architecture uses some encryption algorithm to read and write data, and the random number generator is built into the CPU die. The day that Datel successfully compromises Microsoft's cryptography is the day that homebrew and region-bypassing finally will be possible on the 360. Not saying that it's impossible, it's just that security researchers haven't found a way yet. =P

If anything, the "Action Replay" of the PS3/360 would just be the Max Memory Tool that they had for the original X-box. :lol Not that'd I'd complain, if I can save time grinding in RPGs then bring on the gamesaves with "hacked" level 99 dudes at the start. :lol


Axel Hertz
Damn, where are the chinese knock-offs? 40 bucks for something that looks like a 20 buck piece of plastic does not amuse me...


People defending EULA's.:lol

You can't allow me to purchase something and then show me a bullshit statement AFTER I bought it trying to tell me how I can use it. If it were presented at time of purchase I'd agree, but cooome on. Fuck that.


Xeke said:
People defending EULA's.:lol

You can allow me to purchase something and then show me a bullshit statement AFTER I bought it trying to tell me how I can use it. If it were presented at time of purchase I'd agree, but cooome on. Fuck that.
The best part is you only see it once you open it, which means you can't take it back even if you read a disagreed with it.


tenkai, where did you buy it exactly?
i am interested in one of these
was it just luck you found one locally? these things seem to be an online buying type thing only?

this beats buying a 20gb refurb hhd unit
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