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Datel breaks 360 memory card protection - cheaper memory units!


SlaughterX said:
Who the hell buys memory cards for the 360...? I mean, I bouht one when I made the upgrade to an Elite, but it wasn't all that useful since I couldn't even transfer over all of my data. Just buy a freakin hard drive if you don't have one, and if you need to transfer over data then get a data transfer kit. Memory cards for consoles need to die once and for all.
It's incredibly useful for when I want to take my profile and saves to a friend's place. EDF and RE5 come to mind. Also, it's a good way to introduce XBLA games to people without having to convince them to use their precious bandwidth to download a trial. =/

Anony said:
tenkai, where did you buy it exactly?
i am interested in one of these
was it just luck you found one locally? these things seem to be an online buying type thing only?

this beats buying a 20gb refurb hhd unit
I really wasn't expecting to see them, honestly, but if you live in Toronto, you can find them at Play'N'Trade, less than a block west from Dundas and University. Video Games Plus doesn't have it on their Website, but calling them to ask can't hurt. Game Shack (Bay/Dundas) can order them for you, if they don't already carry them. Game Centre (Yonge/Bloor) should have a few. I almost never step into EBGames these days, so I can't say whether they carry them or not.

It's cheaper to buy these online from Amazon; it was an impulse purchase on my part, and I justified it to myself by saying that I was supporting the smaller game shops. =P
So can you install games to them?

This could be a cheap alternative for some friends of mine who only have 20GB HDD and (understandably) don't want to pay the exorbitant price for a 60 or 120GB.


Tenkei said:
I really wasn't expecting to see them, honestly, but if you live in Toronto, you can find them at Play'N'Trade, less than a block west from Dundas and University. Video Games Plus doesn't have it on their Website, but calling them to ask can't hurt. Game Shack (Bay/Dundas) can order them for you, if they don't already carry them. Game Centre (Yonge/Bloor) should have a few. I almost never step into EBGames these days, so I can't say whether they carry them or not.

It's cheaper to buy these online from Amazon; it was an impulse purchase on my part, and I justified it to myself by saying that I was supporting the smaller game shops. =P

oh wow, i was at said play n trade 3 weeks ago
so which one did you go to? did they have anymore
and how much was it?


Anony said:
oh wow, i was at said play n trade 3 weeks ago
so which one did you go to? did they have anymore
and how much was it?
I went to the Play'N'Trade on Dundas and University, and I think the units were going for $60 CDN. (checks receipt) Yeah. =/ It's definitely cheaper to buy it online, but whatever.


Instead of buying myself a new 8GB card, I decided to backup and then format the one that comes with my phone.

I tried to move an installed game to the memory unit; unfortunately, disc images cannot be transferred between storage devices. I tried to get around it by removing my hard drive and then trying to install to the memory unit, but installing cannot be done to memory units.

It looks as if XBLA games are the only game images that can be transferred to the memory units. I do not have access to the new NXE preview, so I cannot determine if this restriction has been lifted or not. =(

Edit: On another note, I decided to test the speed of the Datel versus the official unit, and they're roughly the same. I tested this by timing a copy of some large save files from the hard drive to the memory units and vice versa.
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