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Dawn of War demo is out! Out is Dawn of War demo!


Tag of Excellence
Downloading at this very minute, thank you sir.

GAF does this game rock or rock hard? I've kept myself in the dark about the title so I would have a nice suprise.


The only reason for me to download the demo is because I want to watch the opening cinema.

It has 1 single player level and a skirmish mode for the Space Marines only. The beta is still better...


You forgot to mention that the first 100 people to reply in the thread would have bishoptl upload the demo directly to their computer himself and remote install the demo for them, tweaking for maximum performance on each system.


calder said:
You forgot to mention that the first 100 people to reply in the thread would have bishoptl upload the demo directly to their computer himself and remote install the demo for them, tweaking for maximum performance on each system.

You lie! The only thing Tim Lewinson tweaks is nipples!


calder said:
You forgot to mention that the first 100 people to reply in the thread would have bishoptl upload the demo directly to their computer himself and remote install the demo for them, tweaking for maximum performance on each system.

Bish, PM me for my VNC login information!


open_mouth_ said:
Sweet. this should hold me over until my free copy from Bishop arrives in the mail.


I'll start downloadin' this shit about 3 or so. Classes beforehand. :-\

IT HAD BETTER BE GOOD, TIM. IT HAD BETTER BE GOOD. Your reputation is going to pivot on DoW and DJV2!


Tag of Excellence
Awesome I just got confirmation from Bishoptl through PMs that my copy is going to be sent out next week!

All Junior Members take advantage of this situation, he's even extending to offer to you!


The opening movie is AWESOME.

I haven't played the actual demo though, my buddy keeps hogging it (we've only got one computer that can run it, and it's his. :mad)


The first 100 that answer this will get a free game given by Bish in person at their own homes, he will signs autographaps as well . Don´t loose this chance! ;)


Goddamn, I downloaded the demo after all the good words, and indeed, the opening movie fucking rocks!!

The game itself has cleaned up quite a bit. Cleaner, sharper interface. New icons (which are a godsend. In the beta they all looked alike) and it runs smoother. Too bad that I can't go online with this one though, but September 30th (Europe release date) this game should be mine so, just have to wait a littlebit more :)


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Damn... that was freaking good.

WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE GOOD!?!?! I have too many god damn games to buy already, ARGH!


TekunoRobby said:
Awesome I just got confirmation from Bishoptl through PMs that my copy is going to be sent out next week!

All Junior Members take advantage of this situation, he's even extending to offer to you!
You're a horrible, horrible person.

I like you.


Bish, I've found an AI bug.

Was playing skirmish against a easy CPU (yeah yeah yeah, I know it's easy but I'm not used to Space Marines. Play Chaos in the beta), in the 4-player level (forgot it's name). There is only one strategic point in the middle.

I captured it and around the 1-minute mark I tried to let the CPU take it over. But the idiots would just merely touch it, go back 2 yards, touch it again. Rinse and repeat. I wasn't shooting at it or in close proximity. Looked like it didn't know you need to hold a point for a while to either capture it or take it from the enemy

(I've saved the game at the end but that won't help a lot I reckon. Can't save the replays in teh demo)


It´s very interesting, very promising.

I specially like all the tactics option they have included. I prefer turn based games, but they have got a very nice formula to add the flavour of Warhamer to a RTS. It´s not a "me too" RTS with known units, but has a lot of original touches.

And It´s graphically impressive as well (the intro is awesome). Seems my search for a proper computer strategy Warhammer 40.000 has finished.

(Sorry for the shitty impressions, but I have actually finished my long preview of it and I need to get some sleep, the best I can say now is: download the demo)


Time ta STEP IT UP
It's alright, but I can already tell that by the end of the day I'll still favor C&C: Generals over it.


Time ta STEP IT UP
What is a relic, and how do I capture one? I want to build a Terminator squad, but I need a relic.

I don't think there's one available in the demo I guess


Ok well i finally got around to trying the demo. Got kind of pissed off a little it allowed me to save then i go to load and it tells me i cant load =P silly thing. Bish you guys did a great job Relic is becoming the new Westwood with these RTS games (Homeworld, and WH40K) i see a great future for this series though. Best 3-D rts i've played so far.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Matlock said:
The only thing near it is Kohan: Ahriman's Gift, and so far...It's close, but no cigar for Kohan: Ahriman's Gift.

Rise of Nations, Starcraft, Conquest, etc.. are all better. Its a good game though, just not the "Pinnacle" of the genre.


Banstick Emeritus
Badabing said:
What is a relic, and how do I capture one? I want to build a Terminator squad, but I need a relic.
Look for the shining white posts surrounded by a yellow square. Those are relics - and you can only build Terminator when you hit Tier 3 of the Marine tech tree...you also need to research teleportation, then drop Terminators wherever the hell you want. :D


Time ta STEP IT UP
Yah I had my base fully upgraded at the time, but I couldn't find the relic. I thought it was the post in the center of the 2 player map, but when I captured it I still couldn't make a Terminator squad.

I'll check it out again tomorrow.



Slaggoth battle rocks! I sent the comp limit of regular marines to a spot, all with maxed heavy bolters...full upgrades...and combat bonuses. Had four Whirlwinds backing them up, and a couple double-rocket turrets...plus a fortified listening post.

He started in the water, negative cover. Started into him there. HE KEPT COMING.

I know I lost all of my Whirlwinds and turrets (used the WW's as temporary cover for my troops, it was getting ugly)...and about half the troops...



Socreges said:
Am I the only one that has it freeze up each time it begins installing? Why would that happen?

Froze on me, too. Dunno why.

Eventually it went through, though...After quite a bit of "updating windows installer." Then it connected to the internet (not sure why, but zonealarm caught it) and there we went.


WasabiKing said:
what's difference between the beta and demo? Besides some fixes, of course...
The beta was the full-blown game, just not finished

The demo is a crippled version but (close to) finished. Things that are different in the demo is that you have the new (and greatly improved) tutorial, and you have a single player level. You also have a skirmish mode with 2 levels (with a new level, quite a kickass level!!)

The loading has been improved, quicker now. The graphics are cleaner (especially the interface, every icon has it's own colour. Takes some getting used to but infinitly better) some weapon effects are finally in (blue plasma guns and LAS cannons :D) and a LOT of bug fixing.

The crippled part, you can only play with the Space Marines, both in single player and in skirmish. You can not play online or LAN. And you can NOT capture relics simply because they're not in the game.

And I almost forgot about the best thing, the intro movie. It's easily worth the 319 meg download.


Slaggoth battle it's fantastic, I hope to find lot of that moments. My combination of three whirlwinds with a squad with heavy weapons, 4 squads of marine ready for middle and melee attach and 4 dreadnoughts in the front was invincible until it came. That fight was great.


Time ta STEP IT UP

This game just exceeded all my expectations for it. At first glance I thought it was just another RTS game out for the PC... but it just proved me wrong.

When I finally realized you could equip your marines with rocket launchers, flamethrowers, plasma cannons, and mini guns, things started picking up.

Had them scout out and take as many Key Points as possible. Built up about 6 Artillery tanks, and just bombarded the computers little mini base he just recently built in the corner of the map. Leveled EVERY unit and building that came in the artillery fire's way.

While the artillery fire was pestering my computer, I had another team off all soldiers rade their primary base. Took out all his units and proceeded to take out the barracks, then machine facility.

But I didn't realize he had another base near the tiny bridge. I quickly realized that, directed all my arillery on it, and destroyed any units that tried to retreat from the base with my soldiers

Amazing. I've never had this much fun and strategy with a RTS. THANK YOU FINDING THIS GAME FOR ME. Beautiful.

Now, a few questions:

How many races in the game?

How much does each race differ from one another?

Lag much online? C&C: Generals lagged A LOT, I hated that.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
4 races. Space Marines, Chaos, Eldar, and Orks.

Basically the premise goes as such: The Emperor is an immortal being created by ancient shamans pooling their life forces into one reincarnation of their collective souls, on Earth 10,000 years ago. He's been alive for the the next 50k years or so, influencing world events by taking the guise of both powerful political figures and the average man. The Emperor has a powerful aura about him that draw people to him.

Anyway, eventually The Emperor felt the need to reveal himself to the world. He shared secrets of technology and allowed humans to progress faster with space travel. He also felt the growing threat of The Warp, this other dimension where powerful daemonic creatures have their home. The Warp can be manipulated by psykers, beings that have evolved a bit past normality. To attempt to counter this threat, The Emperor poured his life energy into the creation of a group of super beings, genetically near-perfect entities that would be the basis for an army of incredibly powerful soldiers. Shit happens, though, and The Emperor is betrayed by his confidant Horus, who fights him in a duel and nearly kills him. Also, those super beings the emperor created were blown the fuck up or dragged into the warp or something (I forget), and The Emperor didn't have the power to recreate them.

SO, bits and pieces of the bodies of those super beings was recovered, and the dna was used to create some really strong guys: the Space Marines. The Emperor grew weaker and weaker, and had to be encased in the Golden Throne in order to survive. Eventually, in order to sustain his life, 10,000 psykers every day had to be sacrificed to keep The Emperor alive (he's the most powerful psyker in the universe, he facilitates all space travel of the Imperium by mentally guiding their ships through the Warp).

So, lessee, some Space Marines betray and run off into the Warp, being twisted and corrupted by it. They become Chaos Space Marines. They pretty much ally themselves with daemonic entities of the Warp and attack the Imperium.

Eldar are this old species that once ruled known space, but their empire collapsed into itself and is now scattered. They're aliens with advanced technology but not a lot of coordination in numbers.

Orks are aliens that know or want nothing except war. Nasty green dudes, the bigger the stronger, and the bigger the higher up the heirarchy.

That's a basic primer for Warhammer 40k's universe and the factions included in Dawn of War. W40k also involves a bunch of other factions: Imperial Guard, the Inquisition (Daemon Hunteres, Witch Hunters, and Alien Hunters), Necrons, Tyranids, Tau, Dark Eldar. Hopefully we'll see a couple more in an expansion.


I'm not sure about how the emperor was created (and 10,000 years ago, living for the next 50,000 years doesn't quite make sense)

But, the Primarchs, which were the superbeings that the emperor created, were kidnapped by forces of Chaos (the aforementioned warp demons) and somehow scattered across the galaxy.

The emperor spends some 20 odd years (or more, can't remember) trying to refind his creations, and because he's the type of guy, he does, manages to find them all; but they're relatively grown by the time he finds them again (they grow fast too).

Chief among the Primarchs are Horus, excelling in strength, tactical mastery, etc.

But because they were kidnapped by chaos in the beginning, many of them were subtly corrupted, with the effects eventually manifesting as a great civil war in the imperium, lead by horus against the emperor. Many of the space marines, also touched by chaos sided with Horus... when he was finally defeated, killed by the emperor, while dealing the emperor a mortal blow, just over half of the entire space marine forces (which were sired from the stock of the primarchs) had turned to chaos, and fled into the warp.

Some of the primarchs on both sides survived the great war, but over the many millenia they too died of old age. The only remaining primarchs are a couple of the primarchs that sided with chaos, and subsequently turned into daemon princes.

The original space marines were organized into chapters, one for each primarch, each chapter numbering some 10,000 marines excluding support personnel (which may number from many thousands to even millions depending on the resources of the chapter). Each chapter was sired from their respective primarch's genes.

After the great war, the chapters were reduced in number of marines (to 1000 per chapter), such that 'no one person should ever wield such a great amount of power' again. The space marine forces underwent several foundings, each time creating new chapters by splitting up an old chapter or creating entire new chapters from borrow genetic stock. Several foundings have occured over the course of the 10,000 years from the great war to the present timeline.

The orks were created by some kinda extinct master race... but for all intents and purposes they're what you get if you cross fantasy orcs, zergs and trailer trash.
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