First time he has ever spoken about any of these movies right?WSJ Article with stuff from Terrio. Flash and Aquaman solo movies will continue their stories from JL.
About WW:
First time he has ever spoken about any of these movies right?WSJ Article with stuff from Terrio. Flash and Aquaman solo movies will continue their stories from JL.
About WW:
I really don't like how it looks, so bland. The shot with them running towards each other was so bad.
But I'm not going to go there and start shit, people enjoyed it, so cool.
With Batman vs Superman there's a really awesome atmosphere to the fight with the rain and lightning. Tony and Cap fight in a cheap looking warehouse with flat lighting and just very awful cinematography.
LA Times interview with Snyder, Cavil and Affleck
here's been an incredible amount of scrutiny aimed at this movie. From the start, fans have been picking apart every nugget of news, every trailer, every rumor. What does it feel like to be on the other side of that? Is it possible to tune it out?
The first time we see Batman in this movie, it almost plays like a scene in a horror movie.
.Affleck: Exactly. It's like out of "Se7en" or "Aliens" or something, which is a really different vibe. My son still watches the Adam West "Batman" [TV series]. It's a far cry from where it started.
Yeah the Winter Soldier was great and the urban warfare look worked great for it, but it is a little distracting here.
You're debuting iconic characters in these...unmagnificent ways.
Black Panther makes his his big screen introduction to audiences in front of an AC cooling unit.
Spider Man enters the MCU in an airport.
Still much better than the first trailer. The music is much better at mood setting.
TWS had infinitely better trailers though IMO. Set the current of mystery perectly and promised some huge stakes (that they actually managed to deliver on.
I'll be seeing it of course so maybe everything will flow better in context. It did make Black Panther look good and I've never seen the big deal with him.
The comic off which the film is loosely based has some rather flimsy reasoning for all the heroes taking the sides that they took (and taking sides to begin with) as well. A lot of folks don't like it because it felt like a half-assed excuse to get all these characters fighting each other just to sell comics, and a lot of the motivations for the various heroes felt very out-of-character.
LA Times interview with Snyder, Cavil and Affleck
Don't get me wrong I loved TWS and I'm most certainly watching CW. I just wish Marvel would allow these directors to give a more stylized look to their films, make them distinct. Apparently Doctor Strange is gonna have a psychedelic tone, can't wait to see how it looks.We don't know if that will be his debut in the actual movie, though. Batman's BvS trailer debut was him in his weird armor looking up at Superman in the rain. It wasn't until I saw him in his real ass suit in the second trailer that I really started to feel the hype.
All I know is this...
I never thought I'd see this stuff in live action. Let alone all in a single year. What a time to be alive.
The first time we see Batman in this movie, it almost plays like a scene in a horror movie.
honestly that civil war trailer was bad.
im so glad batman v superman is coming out first though. I don't think I could handle people saying something like Snyder copied civil war for the reason they are fighting.
civil wars reason for fighting is collateral damage, im sure people will draw comparisons.
Terrio exploring deep sea biology and the Mariana trench for Aquaman....
WSJ Article with stuff from Terrio. Flash and Aquaman solo movies will continue their stories from JL.
Washed out airports and parking garages become more exposed when you're showcasing so many heroes of different tones and backgrounds. Civil War using the same Winter Soldier look doesn't cut it.It does look super bland, even for an MCU movie. Shockingly bad.
Yeah it seemed to come out of the blue. Like realism isn't what the MCU has ever been about, the world had basically been a sandbox for the Avengers, but now collateral damage matters (5 or so films after avengers). Maybe the MCU is going for a different tone from now on with the Russos in charge, which I wouldn't mind. I just find the sudden change a bit jarring.
I made a thread about that article, curious to see reactions other than ours.
Over/under 20 posts before its off the rails by a troll?
WSJ Article with stuff from Terrio. Flash and Aquaman solo movies will continue their stories from JL.
Aquaman is the DC solo film I'm most looking forward to, not gonna lie. Last awesome underwater movie we got was The fucking Abyss, too long man, too long.
If they keep his ass on land for most of the film I will be pissed
and read the Greek historian Diodorus of Sicilys account of the war between Amazon and Atlantis to better understand Wonder Woman.
This is probably just me projecting but this quote
immediately brought to mind Flashpoint.
I'd be shocked if they don't adapt Flashpoint somehow on the big screen.
Boy did that Terrio interview fill me with great faith for the upcoming DC movies! Probably more so than anything I've read thus far. Dude gets it and is taking it super serious with fondness for the source material.
I honestly thought Terrio was doing this for the paycheck and as a favor to Ben Affleck.
Seems like he is actually knee deep into all this, and is a big part of the DCEU roadmap, color me surprised.
I'd be shocked if they don't adapt Flashpoint somehow on the big screen.
Sneak peak from Conan
Sneak peak from Conan
Yeah it seemed to come out of the blue. Like realism isn't what the MCU has ever been about, the world had basically been a sandbox for the Avengers, but now collateral damage matters (5 or so films after avengers). Maybe the MCU is going for a different tone from now on with the Russos in charge, which I wouldn't mind. I just find the sudden change a bit jarring.
So, a journalist got an invite for next week, but he can't go. I asked if I can go, waiting for an answer...
LA Times interview with Snyder, Cavil and Affleck
Affleck: Zack spent two years of his life on this movie, and we put in months and months. We are truly, deeply invested in this movie. We want the movie to be good. We want to be proud of it. I want to make a movie that my kids think is cool. It's not just us punching the corporate clock. You know, you get up at 5 and go to work at 6 in the morning and put on the suit. It's not particularly fun and sexy to roll around in a rubber suit fighting a stunt guy.
Cavill: [Scoffs] Says you. Whatever, prude.