This makes me want to avatar-quote myself.
If it was my 5 year old, I wouldn't take him to see this movie. I feel it'd be a bit too violent and tonally inappropriate. Around 8 and above, then I don't see much of an issue at all, but 5 year olds are still a bit too young. That's mostly because of Batman, and some of the violence. There are a few scenes, when taken in context of the entire movie being pretty heavy, that could make a kid that young feel uncomfortable. It does also have many things a kid would like. In general, I wouldn't recommend it though.Hey Verendus, I keep hearing how dark this movie is. What's your opinion on bringing my 5 year old?
He's seen many pg13s but everyone is different. Thanks for the reply.If it was my 5 year old, I wouldn't take him to see this movie. I feel it'd be a bit too violent and tonally inappropriate. Around 8 and above, then I don't see much of an issue at all, but 5 year olds are still a bit too young. That's mostly because of Batman, and some of the violence. There are a few scenes, when taken in context of the entire movie being pretty heavy, that could make a kid that young feel uncomfortable. It does also have many things a kid would like. In general, I wouldn't recommend it though.
You know your kid best. What kind of movies has he seen at that age?
Jeff Sneider on his youtube show said he talked to a source and who saw the film and didn't enjoy it. he said "It's a WB DC film." From that I get that they didn't like the tone of it.
That's how it starts, the fever, the sexual tension..
Btw China premiere is tomorrow.
Affleck looks super thin and young here.
Welp, there is still a lot of negativity surrounding this movie (mostly Superman).
On non-comic boards or just general entertainment boards most people are saying the same crap (looks stuid, too serious and dark, Superman is boring, Marvel is better etc...)
Even if this movie does well, I doubt it will change the general perception.
If BvS does well and SS lives up to the hype things will begin to change. There aren't that many hardcore Marvel fans out there.Welp, there is still a lot of negativity surrounding this movie (mostly Superman).
On non-comic boards or just general entertainment boards most people are saying the same crap (looks stuid, too serious and dark, Superman is boring, Marvel is better etc...)
Even if this movie does well, I doubt it will change the general perception.
It could be the novelty factor, of course, but when you have scenes like, rumours like Wonder WomanSuperman bowing to Lexand this image here: , they make me nervous Superman is being treated like a coadjuvant in his own movie, and kind being a little bitch.decapitating Dooomsday (which is a Superman villain after all, Supes should deliver the final and fatal blow)
Jeff Sneider on his youtube show said he talked to a source who saw the film and didn't enjoy it. The source said "It's a WB DC film." From that I get that they didn't like the tone of it.
Welp, there is still a lot of negativity surrounding this movie (mostly Superman).
On non-comic boards or just general entertainment boards most people are saying the same crap (looks stuid, too serious and dark, Superman is boring, Marvel is better etc...)
Even if this movie does well, I doubt it will change the general perception.
If BvS does well and SS lives up to the hype things will begin to change. There aren't that many hardcore Marvel fans out there.
MCUcomic or movie wise?
Welp, there is still a lot of negativity surrounding this movie (mostly Superman).
On non-comic boards or just general entertainment boards most people are saying the same crap (looks stuid, too serious and dark, Superman is boring, Marvel is better etc...)
Even if this movie does well, I doubt it will change the general perception.
I'd like to see a James Cameron directed Aquaman movie. I feel he would create something special in that underwater world. All the special effects that will be needed. It would be a visual feast.
I'd like to see a James Cameron directed Aquaman movie. I feel he would create something special in that underwater world. All the special effects that will be needed. It would be a visual feast.
I just thought that after 3 years and after all these trailers (especially Batman looking like the one we've deserved all along) that we are days away from the movie people are still saying the same crap.
Pretty disappointed.
Hm?"People" is, in this case, one person.
I just thought that after 3 years and after all these trailers (especially Batman looking like the one we've deserved all along) that we are days away from the movie people are still saying the same crap.
Pretty disappointed.
You know what Ben Affleck's nickname is going to be once people have seen BvS? Not Buttman. Not Fatman. Not Fatfleck. Not Batfleck. But Beastman.Shot in the dark, Affleck won't go shirtless in JL. Once he's established Bruce's physique in BvS, let the muscle layer of the suit do the work. My preference is a slimmer Bats than what we've seen in BvS.
You know what else was a DC Warner Bros. movie?Jeff Sneider mentioned someone not liking BvS because ,tonally, it was "a DC WB movie".
What’s your background in comic books, if any, and what were your inspirations for this movie?
The first movie I ever saw was “Superman 2.” I almost drowned in a pool at age four playing Aquaman.
I went away from comics for most of my life. But I stayed on top of super-hero movies. The ones that intrigued me the most were the [Christopher] Nolan’s films. They were ways of asking interesting questions in a genre form. We stand on the shoulders of those films in a way. Nolan helped establish a space in which super-hero movies can be taken more seriously. We thought a lot about those films, to a point where I had to stop watching “The Dark Knight” because I found I was rewriting it.
It’s impossible to know everything in the DC universe, but I threw myself into it and tried to learn as much as possible and I found such intelligence in so many of the comics. Obviously Frank Miller is a well-known and respected writer who influences this film very directly. Also writers like Grant Morrison, who asks difficult philosophical questions in an extremely smart way. I tried to take in as much as I could while also keeping a little bit of an outsider’s eye.
Was there any question in your mind you’d write “Justice League” as well?
I initially thought I wasn’t the guy to do “Justice League” and went off to work on something else. But the first day I went to the set, I saw Jesse [Eisenberg] in a scene with Holly Hunter and I really did feel like I was watching some strange, great performance in an independent film.
At that moment, I thought, “I’m not done with this yet. I want to go back and keep telling the story.” “Batman v Superman” is a bit of an “Empire Strikes Back” or “Two Towers” or any similar middle film in a trilogy. The middle film tends to be the darkest one. I do think from “Man of Steel” through “Justice League,” it is one saga really.
I expect “Justice League” will be tonally not quite as dark as “Batman v Superman.” From that point of view, I felt compelled to go back and try to lift us and myself into a different tonal place because I think when you write a darker film, sometimes you want to redeem it all a bit.
There are many more DC movies to come, including a second “Justice League.” Will you be writing more?
I have written “Justice League Part One,” but I won’t necessarily write “Part Two.” This has been the most rigorous intellectual exercise I’ve had in my writing life. For “Batman v Superman,” I wanted to really dig into everything from ideas about American power to the structure of revenge tragedies to the huge canon of DC Comics to Amazon mythology.
You know what else was a DC Warner Bros. movie?
Uh oh.
I know. How strange. What did he expect going in, a GotG type film?Surprise, it's a WB/DC type of CBM.
The best type.
Can't recall which recent article has it. In response to a Deadpool question, Snyder mentions a talk he had with Nolan. Nolan told him Watchmen was made too soon; that audiences weren't prepped for it. Not an original sentiment but he's right.
Batman v Superman falls somewhere between Catwoman or Jonah Hex and The Dark Knight.
Everything has to be Marvel. Then in a few years when the lightearted style is out of fashion, deconstructed, or more probably, abandoned even by Marvel (Which seems to be getting darker with each main iteration) suddenly WB movies will become cult and be lauded as the "underrrated gems" of the genre years from now.I know. How strange. What did he expect going in, a GotG type film?
What kind of hack writer will say "I really do think that it's one whole Saga through to Justice League" in one breath, and then say "I wont necessarily write Justice League Part Two" in another? Lol.
"Oh man this thing is one huge story I want to tell. I'm so committed!"
"But maybe I'm not committed enough to see it through to the final movie!"
An Oscar winning hack writer! He clearly says he sees MoS, BvS, and JLp1 as a trilogy.What kind of hack writer will say "I really do think that it's one whole Saga through to Justice League" in one breath, and then say "I wont necessarily write Justice League Part Two" in another? Lol.
"Oh man this thing is one huge story I want to tell. I'm so committed!"
"But maybe I'm not committed enough to see it through to the final movie!"
He meant through JL1. MoS through JL1 is a trilogy to him. BvS he compared to Empire Strikes Back bc of their dark nature.
1- JL2 is not the final movie, GL and Flash come later. It's not "Part 2", it's just 2.What kind of hack writer will say "I really do think that it's one whole Saga through to Justice League" in one breath, and then say "I won’t necessarily write Justice League Part Two" in another? Lol.
"Oh man this thing is one huge story I want to tell. I'm so committed!"
"But maybe I'm not committed enough to see it through to the final movie!"
It's not forced, it's a team up in another arc, like Age of Ultron or whatever, Terrio is not the only writer on the DCU, you could say Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and the others are forced sequels too.So JL1 and JL2 are not continuations of the same movie? JL2 is a sequel forced on by the studio without any interest from the writer?! I see...
It may be too smart for the general audience. I'm really worried.Terrio confuses audiences. DCEU is doomed.
Surprise, it's a WB/DC type of CBM.
The best type.
I watched the Donner Superman 2 recently. What a masterpiece.Well that's not true
The best type of CBM movie is the Donner-style
Superman 1/2, Spider-man 1/2... lesser extent The Flash and Supergirl TV series
It's not forced, it's a team up in another arc, like Age of Ultron or whatever
It may be too smart for the general audience. I'm really worried.
They changed the titles months ago. They didn't have Terrio on board when they announced the film.It is? Do we know this? If that's the case why is it called Justice League Part One and Justice League Part Two? When it was announced they clearly said that Batman v Superman was going to lead into a "two part Justice League movie" also directed by Snyder. Are you just assuming this because it would make what Terrio said sound less like he's thinking of bailing out after half a film?
I love 3D. I watch any movie that's released in 3D on the format. I love the depth, and it makes some stuff look super dope.
Anyway, it looks I'll be watching the movie with my family, possibly on one of the early Thursday night showings on the 24th. Still not sure which theater. Might be the one at Universal Studios, since my new step-family members wanted to go look at the shops at the boardwalk. The theater there has an IMAX screen, but I think it might be one of the so-called "LIEMAX" screens. There's a true IMAX screen elsewhere, about the same distance from here, but I'm not sure if we'll go there yet.
Florida. I live 20 or so minutes from Universal Studios.I'm guessing CA? Lie Max is so laughably bad. I hate that. Definitely go to a real one. I'm going to the Universal City one myself. It's the only one with the movie with the full IMAX aspect ratio scenes that take up the whole screen
And it's 2D, just how I like it.
It may be too smart for the general audience. I'm really worried.
It is? Do we know this? If that's the case why is it called Justice League Part One and Justice League Part Two? When it was announced they clearly said that Batman v Superman was going to lead into a "two part Justice League movie" also directed by Snyder. Are you just assuming this because it would make what Terrio said sound less like he's thinking of bailing out after half a film?
It's true. Intellect is certainly measured by using big words in interviews and name dropping famous writers.