Gawddamn. Batfleck the one true Bat-God.
Irons is also a terrific Alfred.
Is this San Francisco?
I read one of the impressions saying in this movie Snyder showed a lot of restraint, in terms of his normal directorial efforts. Last time he showed restraint we got DotD remake (a great remake btw).
I'm curious to see how this film feels without the Nolan influence this time. I love Nolan's films, but felt like his influence on Man of Steel hurt it rather than hindered it. The clear lifting of Batman Begins' structure did that film no favor.
The Buttman. The main event, the icon, and the whole damn show.
The Buttman. The main event, the icon, and the whole damn show.
Any news on the extended edition? Do we finally have a runtime or what?
But how much of that was Nolan and how much of that was Goyer hoping to strike gold twice?
I think Zack Snyder said "About 30 minutes" at the China press event.
3 hours, christ.
Yeeeeeessssss.I think Zack Snyder said "About 30 minutes" at the China press event.
3 hours, christ.
The last time I watched a movie more than once was back in 2008 when I bought The Dark Knight on blu-ray. 8 years later, and I'm going to do it again for the Buttman vs. Supersauce.
Kind of off-topic, but what were the problems with the Green Lantern movie? What made it so bad? When I first watched it, I was embarrassingly uncritical about movies, so I can't think of what was bad about it. The only thing I remember not liking was the CG mask.
I bought the extended cut Blu-ray when it came out and haven't watched it since it released, so I'm kind of wanting to now, just because.
I never have the time. I'd rewatch more stuff if I did, but choosing to rewatch something means missing out on something new. Therefore I always pick watching something new. Too many movies that I'd miss out on otherwise.Damn. I rewatch favorite films all the time. Heck, I've seen MoS three times and I think that movie is just "pretty good."
If anyone ever needs to check something about this movie, they know who to ask now. Strafer probably has it memorized at this stage.I've probably seen MoS 30-35 times since it came out.
That's a good assessment.I think the uninteresting plot, the questionable CG, it's more just bland than bad or anything.
Like it's unremarkable
To provide proper context, she tweeted this right after:
Eh, I think its characters were insufferable, some Marvel movies have the blandest of storylines but it's easy to care for them, they make him very human and I think that's their biggest strength.That's a good assessment.
I've said it before, it's the spitting image of a standard Marvel movie. Just that it's a standalone without the aid of an entire universe to carry it.
Gotta love Cavill
Dear doubters, the glasses are good enough
Kind of off-topic, but what were the problems with the Green Lantern movie? What made it so bad? When I first watched it, I was embarrassingly uncritical about movies, so I can't think of what was bad about it. The only thing I remember not liking was the CG mask.
I bought the extended cut Blu-ray when it came out and haven't watched it since it released, so I'm kind of wanting to now, just because.
Superman is sexually frustrated after all.Fleas bass could be confused for 70s porn music to be fair
It really does look like something's about to go down.Lmao what the hell at the porn music and that midnight cowboy jacket
He seems so robotic in interviews but then you glimpse his Instagram and he's a real boy.
Wow, really nice scene. Cavil finally showing emotion almost like he never wanted this life.
I'm curious to see how this film feels without the Nolan influence this time. I love Nolan's films, but felt like his influence on Man of Steel hurt it rather than hindered it. The clear lifting of Batman Begins' structure did that film no favor.
Uh oh.
The CGI as you noted is pretty iffy, it becomes painfully obvious on the Oa scenes that Ryan Reynolds is just acting in front of a green-screen. I think the movie is just kind of boring, it tries to balance the corps and Hal's personal life at the same time but doesn't work necessarily. It was DC's answer in a way to Iron Man so a lot was riding on it too.Kind of off-topic, but what were the problems with the Green Lantern movie? What made it so bad? When I first watched it, I was embarrassingly uncritical about movies, so I can't think of what was bad about it. The only thing I remember not liking was the CG mask.
I bought the extended cut Blu-ray when it came out and haven't watched it since it released, so I'm kind of wanting to now, just because.
Watched MoS again this afternoon when i finished uni work early ('ll probably regret it) and got bored. Has its problems but all cbm's do. But daaaamn Diane Lane (?) feels perfect as Ma Kent. Feels like such a genuine protective mother to Clark. Pa Kent has good moments "You are my son" gets me every time...but we all know how that ends up.
I feel Zod is the most interesting character though, his motives as almost empathetic until he starts to kill everyone.
Through Nolan's involvement or not, there was definitely a Batman Begins influence to a lot of the movie though. It was written that way, but Snyder also strayed a bit from himself to go along with that idea. Almost as if they wanted to leave open the possibility of it actually tying to the Nolanverse.The only influence Nolan had on Man of Steel was hiring Snyder and getting Goyer in a room with WB.