I'd be interested to know what the Van Ulgade person thinks they're doing to Batman in the comics in particular...
Too dark? I don't know.
I'd be interested to know what the Van Ulgade person thinks they're doing to Batman in the comics in particular...
Translated Twitter impressions (very light on spoilers)
Van Ugalde Tweet 1: That of which ive been complaining about that theyre doing in the comics to my Batman has also happened to BVS and i hate it...
I'd be interested to know what the Van Ulgade person thinks they're doing to Batman in the comics in particular...
Jup, it's gonna be around 65%. Called it.
Why? besides preconceived notions of the characters (specially batman) being in conflict with some parts, there's nothing wrong with the plot, seriously, it's tight af.I'm still bracing for critics to mostly give it rotten reviews come Tuesday.
Based on what I've been reading this movie is definitely going to split people. It's not so much the quality of the movie I'm hearing is the problem but rather certain character depictions/decisions. So if you're one of those "not mah Batman/Superman" folks you may take issue with certain things.
But one thing I have seen pretty much across the board is that the ending will hit you in the feels.
What makes you say that? If you're going by the impressions, they weren't bad.
This is a strange comment, maybe it's a poor translation but idk. If he's talking aboutScott Snyder's Batman in particular, all I see is a positive cause the Batman comic in the last 4 years has been my favorite thing to read out of everything out there since the New 52 started.
Yeah, I can't think of anything that radical that's really happened to Batman in the last few years that's strayed away from his character...I mean even the Darkseid War story arc in JL with Batmanis only for the duration of the arc, not some new status quo. And they talk about DC not knowing about their core trinity but..Azzarello's Wonder Woman was quite compassionate and defending people etc (i haven't re-read it so can't really remember), Batman has been written by Snyder to acclaim for over 6 years almost and Greg Pak had Superman standing up for the little guy against Police Brutality and the like in the Truth arc.becoming Bat God
They do mention "my Superman/Batman" both valid and almost insufferable because everyone has their own version, run or interpretation.
Too dark? I don't know.
Maybe. But unless someone thought Batman started with Adam West there are plenty of dark elements to his stories, even if you discount Frank Miller.
Negative Nancy. Bump it up 15 points because we be hitting 80+Jup, it's gonna be around 65%. Called it.
Everything I've read so far, it really does look like a lot of critics will have issues with certain things; the movie is really dark (this will really bug them since Superman is in it), Batman, takes itself pretty seriously and there is more meat to the plot than your average CBM. I can easily see that turning off some critics.possibly kills
Negative Nancy. Bump it up 15 points because we be hitting 80+
Less people will give a shit about Batman that kills or not than Superman, I guarantee it. They already gave Burton's films a pass and his version is practically a sadist.
Based on what I've been reading this movie is definitely going to split people. It's not so much the quality of the movie I'm hearing is the problem but rather certain character depictions/decisions. So if you're one of those "not mah Batman/Superman" folks you may take issue with certain things.
But one thing I have seen pretty much across the board is that the ending will hit you in the feels.
I was sort of a "Not my Superman" person with Man of Steel but I'm not that worried about Batman's depiction. I'm more curious than worried. I'm also wondering that if it is a more brutal Batman, could it be because he's a post-Jason Todd Batman whose angrier and generally a downer?
Of course he is, we got this for a reason:
Your prediction is objectively wrong. It's a good movie, no denying now.My prediction continues to be that it will be better than MoS, but still not particularly good, and that the RT score will reflect that.
Your prediction is objectively wrong. It's a good movie, no denying now.
Where do you think the RT critics rating will fall in?
The Dark Knight: 8.6/10
Spider-Man 2: 8.3/10
The Dark Knight Rises: 8/10
The Avengers: 8/10
Guardians of the Galaxy: 7.8/10
Batman Begins: 7.7/10
Iron Man: 7.7/10
Days of Future Past: 7.6/10
Winter Soldier: 7.5/10
Deadpool: 6.9/10
Ant-Man: 6.8
Age of Ultron: 6.7/10
Watchmen: 6.3/10
Man of Steel: 6.2/10
Thor 2: 6.2/10
the avengers being that high, blegh
I think 7-7.5.
You may want to wait until we get some actual reviews.Your prediction is objectively wrong. It's a good movie, no denying now.
Where do you think the RT critics rating will fall in?
The Dark Knight: 8.6/10
Spider-Man 2: 8.3/10
The Dark Knight Rises: 8/10
The Avengers: 8/10
Guardians of the Galaxy: 7.8/10
Batman Begins: 7.7/10
Iron Man: 7.7/10
Days of Future Past: 7.6/10
Winter Soldier: 7.5/10
Deadpool: 6.9/10
Ant-Man: 6.8
Age of Ultron: 6.7/10
Watchmen: 6.3/10
Man of Steel: 6.2/10
Thor 2: 6.2/10
Is that you just sticking to a prediction or actually coming to this conclusion after reading impressions? All indications are that it is a good movie. Maybe not great like many have been reporting but definitely good.My prediction continues to be that it will be better than MoS, but still not particularly good, and that the RT score will reflect that.
I don't expect it to win over many MoS detractors, or conversely, to disappoint many MoS fans.
But we'll see soon enough.
6.6Where do you think the RT critics rating will fall in?
Where do you think the RT critics rating will fall in?
The Dark Knight: 8.6/10
Spider-Man 2: 8.3/10
The Dark Knight Rises: 8/10
The Avengers: 8/10
Guardians of the Galaxy: 7.8/10
Batman Begins: 7.7/10
Iron Man: 7.7/10
Days of Future Past: 7.6/10
Winter Soldier: 7.5/10
Deadpool: 6.9/10
Ant-Man: 6.8
Age of Ultron: 6.7/10
Watchmen: 6.3/10
Man of Steel: 6.2/10
Thor 2: 6.2/10
Avengers should be just above Age of Ultron in my opinion, and I wish Ant-Man was higher. How the hell is Winter Soldier lower than DOFP? Ant-Man and Deadpool were good fun, why such low scores?Where do you think the RT critics rating will fall in?
The Dark Knight: 8.6/10
Spider-Man 2: 8.3/10
The Dark Knight Rises: 8/10
The Avengers: 8/10
Guardians of the Galaxy: 7.8/10
Batman Begins: 7.7/10
Iron Man: 7.7/10
Days of Future Past: 7.6/10
Winter Soldier: 7.5/10
Deadpool: 6.9/10
Ant-Man: 6.8
Age of Ultron: 6.7/10
Watchmen: 6.3/10
Man of Steel: 6.2/10
Thor 2: 6.2/10
Because they're empty af. innoffensive as they come (sans the Cap movies). This one is not. It's very risky. I don't care about reviews really, it's the heart this movie is pouring, when even doubters have come out convinced, you know something's up. I don't hate the MCU because it's Marvel, I love Marvels characters, I hate that the movies treat them as archetypes and don't do them justice. Can't hate on any of the cap movies for that reason, they delve into Steve's pshyche, and are coherent about it.You may want to wait until we get some actual reviews.
Also, reviews either matter or they don't. It's convenient how this movie's early impressions cement its legacy for you when you've been known to incessantly bash well reviewed marvel movies.
Avengers should be just above Age of Ultron in my opinion, and I wish Ant-Man was higher. How the hell is Winter Soldier lower than DOFP? Ant-Man and Deadpool were good fun, why such low scores?
You guys are losing your minds over every little thing about this movie. There's less than week now, just watch it and come to your own conclusion.
Based on what I've been reading this movie is definitely going to split people. It's not so much the quality of the movie I'm hearing is the problem but rather certain character depictions/decisions. So if you're one of those "not mah Batman/Superman" folks you may take issue with certain things.
I really do feel it's a dice roll. There is a weird Zack Snyder bias at play with some critics. Some will hit his films and things in them while ignoring those same things in other films. Or hit them for not being what they wanted vs what was presented. That was in some of the Man of Steel reviews were it got hit extra at times simply because it wasn't the Reeves film even though that was never being offered at any point. Or had things that the past films had but got a negative response even thought the past films had the same thing but MoS did a better job of it. Killing Zod being the biggest thing. Where it goes completely ignored when talking about Superman 2. It's an big double standard that's annoying and some people don't care that they're using it.Where do you think the RT critics rating will fall in?
The Dark Knight: 8.6/10
Spider-Man 2: 8.3/10
The Dark Knight Rises: 8/10
The Avengers: 8/10
Guardians of the Galaxy: 7.8/10
Batman Begins: 7.7/10
Iron Man: 7.7/10
Days of Future Past: 7.6/10
Winter Soldier: 7.5/10
Deadpool: 6.9/10
Ant-Man: 6.8
Age of Ultron: 6.7/10
Watchmen: 6.3/10
Man of Steel: 6.2/10
Thor 2: 6.2/10
I thought this had the Batman that everyone was waiting to see??
And now they're saying it's not "their" Batman?
My prediction continues to be that it will be better than MoS, but still not particularly good, and that the RT score will reflect that.
I don't expect it to win over many MoS detractors, or conversely, to disappoint many MoS fans.
But we'll see soon enough.
So you need RT to tell you if a movie is good or not....
The Dark Knight: 8.6/10
Spider-Man 2: 8.3/10
The Dark Knight Rises: 8/10
The Avengers: 8/10
Guardians of the Galaxy: 7.8/10
Batman Begins: 7.7/10
Iron Man: 7.7/10
Days of Future Past: 7.6/10
Winter Soldier: 7.5/10
Deadpool: 6.9/10
Ant-Man: 6.8
Age of Ultron: 6.7/10
Watchmen: 6.3/10
Man of Steel: 6.2/10
Thor 2: 6.2/10
Yesterday I watched the Dark Knight trilogy again, with my mother. Had a blast, being Rises the one I still enjoy the most despite all it's flaws. I just love Bane.
And I just finished watching Man of Steel for the 10000th time, also with my mother. I'm aware of it's problems, but I love this movie so much. I still get chills with scenes like flight and terraforming. And the fights oh lawd.
Only 3 more days for me. HNGGGG
Where do you think the RT critics rating will fall in?
The Dark Knight: 8.6/10
Spider-Man 2: 8.3/10
The Dark Knight Rises: 8/10
The Avengers: 8/10
Guardians of the Galaxy: 7.8/10
Batman Begins: 7.7/10
Iron Man: 7.7/10
Days of Future Past: 7.6/10
Winter Soldier: 7.5/10
Deadpool: 6.9/10
Ant-Man: 6.8
Age of Ultron: 6.7/10
Watchmen: 6.3/10
Man of Steel: 6.2/10
Thor 2: 6.2/10