I don't know if any of you have children old enough to be excited for this movie but let me tell you having a 13 year old daughter who loves DC and watching her anticipate this movie is really special and fun to experience. It's like Christmas for her.
I don't know if any of you have children old enough to be excited for this movie but let me tell you having a 13 year old daughter who loves DC and watching her anticipate this movie is really special and fun to experience. It's like Christmas for her.
I don't know if any of you have children old enough to be excited for this movie but let me tell you having a 13 year old daughter who loves DC and watching her anticipate this movie is really special and fun to experience. It's like Christmas for her.
I'm taking my daughter on Saturday. She's super excited.
Well yeah. After tonight's early fan screenings, hundreds of fans will have reactions to the film. And their voices will far outnumber the amount of critics who will actually review the film. So even if the film gets divisive critical review, which I think it will, the very positive word of mouth will overshadow any negativity.
This doesn't mean much because she fuckin' loves DC but I'm sure Ahasverus will get a kick out of it.
Is Momoa playing Arthur? Cause I am not feeling it. Really like this clean cut version of Aquaman, but I guess Momoa fits the universe better.
Yes, Momoa plays Arthur. His appearance is more like 90's Aquaman, not like new 52's Aquman who appears in Throne of Atlantis.
90's Aquaman:
Momoa as Aquaman
Weren't people wondering who the 7 are? Some people thinking it's the Seven Seas? Isn't it clearly JL? Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, Shazam/GL?
Pretty sure it's the seven seas and just exclusive to Aquaman. If it were the JL they would have posters for each one with the same tagline.
spectacular spiderman is the best animated comic series to come out in a number of years though tbh.
young justice runner up. the new 52 dc animated movies have been pretty awful imo but i really liked tdkr and flashpoint.
well i thought superman was kind of a dick lol but aside from that i just think the animation has gone downhill and the films just end up being boring and feel really long despite only being a little over an hour in runtime.
I think Marvel does good animated series, DC does way better animated movies, Marvel so far has done far better superhero live action films, but DC has far more distinctive visuals in their films.
In terms of comics, I would say that it's not so much about being grounded, but being relatable. Marvel's general style is that their heroes are humans, with flaws. and while they are stronger or smarter than the normal person, there is something that everyone can relate to. DC's general style is that their heroes are more than men, even if they are mortal. They tower above us, and we look up to them, like the Romans looked up to their gods. Different writers for both Marvel and DC determine how grounded actual stories are, or how fantastical. There are way out there Marvel stuff, and there are totally grounded DC stuff. But the different in tone I feel is that Marvel heroes are people you can have a drink with, DC heroes are people you worship or fear.
Seriously just watch Bruce Timm's Justice League Animated Series. Much better than these New52 animated adaptations. If you haven't already, of course.Finished Throne of Atlantis today. I really like this DCAU, I hope content comes out fairly regularly. My favorites have been Hal and Shazam. I knew absolutely nothing about Shazam until WAR, and he's pretty cool.
Is Momoa playing Arthur? Cause I am not feeling it. Really like this clean cut version of Aquaman, but I guess Momoa fits the universe better.
I know I asked this before but I lost my post. Which other JL films are like this new DCAU? Also watched Public Enemies which was fun. I think people recommended Apocalypse? Maybe that will be next
Seriously just watch Bruce Timm's Justice League Animated Series. Much better than these New52 animated adaptations. If you haven't already, of course.
It's on Netflix BTW, if you have that. The entire show.
spectacular spiderman is the best animated comic series to come out in a number of years though tbh.
young justice runner up. the new 52 dc animated movies have been pretty awful imo but i really liked tdkr and flashpoint.
Those 3 are my all time bitter cancellations :-(Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice are def. the top 2. I'd put Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes at 3. Easy to get turned off its art style at first, but it nails plenty of classic Marvel stories.
This will be my next watch, thanks. Started Unlimited (thought it was called Infinity) but didn't like it. I only gave it about 15 minutes though. Why is Green Arrow so ugly?
Just read the RT score prediction thread, and it's full of the usual "everything about the movie looks terrible" hyperbole bullshit. I thought people would be slightly more positive now, but I guess not.
Just read the RT score prediction thread, and it's full of the usual "everything about the movie looks terrible" hyperbole bullshit. I thought people would be slightly more positive now, but I guess not.
I think Marvel does good animated series, DC does way better animated movies, Marvel so far has done far better superhero live action films, but DC has far more distinctive visuals in their films.
Just read the RT score prediction thread, and it's full of the usual "everything about the movie looks terrible" hyperbole bullshit. I thought people would be slightly more positive now, but I guess not.
This will be my next watch, thanks. Started Unlimited (thought it was called Infinity) but didn't like it. I only gave it about 15 minutes though. Why is Green Arrow so ugly?
Just read the RT score prediction thread, and it's full of the usual "everything about the movie looks terrible" hyperbole bullshit. I thought people would be slightly more positive now, but I guess not.
Been seeing this in the SHH forums. Just curious, what is it exactly? Tickets sold or the actual $ figure?
Pre-sale update (times are local)
South Korea: (per http://kobis.or.kr/kobis/business/st...h&allMovieYn=Y)
2016-03-15 14:54 - 24,900 (estimate)
2016-03-17 03:12 - 38,624
2016-03-18 17:02 - 50,945
2016-03-19 16:48 - 58,138
2016-03-20 17:24 - 68,705
2016-03-21 17:27 - 90,514
China: (per http://www.gewara.com/movie/246339082)
2016-03-15 13:36 - 1,212
2016-03-17 02:12 - 10,399
2016-03-18 16:02 - 35,936
2016-03-19 15:48 - 61,468
2016-03-20 16:24 - 84,688
2016-03-21 16:27 - 114,092
Been seeing this in the SHH forums. Just curious, what is it exactly? Tickets sold or the actual $ figure?
Pre-sale update (times are local)
South Korea: (per http://kobis.or.kr/kobis/business/st...h&allMovieYn=Y)
2016-03-15 14:54 - 24,900 (estimate)
2016-03-17 03:12 - 38,624
2016-03-18 17:02 - 50,945
2016-03-19 16:48 - 58,138
2016-03-20 17:24 - 68,705
2016-03-21 17:27 - 90,514
China: (per http://www.gewara.com/movie/246339082)
2016-03-15 13:36 - 1,212
2016-03-17 02:12 - 10,399
2016-03-18 16:02 - 35,936
2016-03-19 15:48 - 61,468
2016-03-20 16:24 - 84,688
2016-03-21 16:27 - 114,092
I'm trying to watch the stream of the premiere but I only get audio both on firefox and chrome, any idea how I can fix this?
Finished Throne of Atlantis today. I really like this DCAU, I hope content comes out fairly regularly. My favorites have been Hal and Shazam. I knew absolutely nothing about Shazam until WAR, and he's pretty cool.
Is Momoa playing Arthur? Cause I am not feeling it. Really like this clean cut version of Aquaman, but I guess Momoa fits the universe better.
I know I asked this before but I lost my post. Which other JL films are like this new DCAU? Also watched Public Enemies which was fun. I think people recommended Apocalypse? Maybe that will be next
I'm watching it through the DCComics website on Chrome and it works fine for me, not sure.