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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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Lets say they do get rid of Snyder after the weekend to see how the box office is world wide but they still want JL to go ahead in April do you think they could ask Affleck to step and do this one?
Lets say they do get rid of Snyder after the weekend to see how the box office is world wide but they still want JL to go ahead in April do you think they could ask Affleck to step and do this one?

On 3 weeks' notice? No way in hell.

If they do the same thing they did before with Miller and can it a week before shooting, they may ask him, but he'll need way more time.


If this movie had reviewed well (70+) I think it would have made about 200. Sitting at 40? I'm thinking 150. Reviews are gonna scare off a lot of people on the edge.


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Lets say they do get rid of Snyder after the weekend to see how the box office is world wide but they still want JL to go ahead in April do you think they could ask Affleck to step and do this one?

You cannot change a director and ask someone else to do it within a year. If a new director is assigned there will be certainly be a delay. Not to mention there might be massive changes to Snyder and Terrio's scripts.

Dream case scenario. That or George Miller.

I am very wary of George Miller doing this though. I am not sure he is that kind of filmmaker suiting for studio driven comic book properties and building a connected universe. I may be wrong.


I would be glad if it happens. Atleast that will get them to take their properties a lot more seriously - I mean Green Lantern, Superman and now Batman vs Superman ( three duds in a row ). There needs to be accountability somewhere.

We're ignoring Dark Knight Rises...

But I agree with you in the sense that they need to look into this before steam rolling into JL.

Dream scenario, Snyder only touches the action sequences, and you get a director in there that can tell a story and do it well.

Audience score is at a 86 right now while the RT is at a 41. Wow

Has 3 times as many user ratings as Zootopia... come on now. How many of those people have even watched this?


It's IMDB score is at 8.8. You'd think it would be at <7 based on review scores. It will be interesting to see if it still stays in the 8s or even 7s or let's be honest 6s.
SDCC will be interesting this year. They have to show squad of course, ,but they'll be expected to make some sort of response to the critical reception, especially if they don't set the box office on fire.

They're in a hard position here, if they are a no show it's a lack of confidence in Suicide Squad and (assumedly) WW. But if they do show they'll be expected to do some huge PR moves.

Eitherway I'm going to be pissed if they redo their slate and cut out Shazam, Aquaman or any other b-string characters.

I suppose the next few weeks will be telling. If Snyder is staying, I can't imagine him doing JL2, and I expect a much more mcu-style movie.

would laugh if they do some multiverse shenaigans and make BvS into being some sort of doomed earth
It´s disappointing to see critics don´t like it. It´s good to see, that the general audience seems to like it.

Will see it in an hour. Still hyped, this is the movie for me. Like what Star Wars is for the crazy fanboys that go in costume and bring lightsabers to the theater to do battles with other fans before the movie.*

*I neither have a costume nor batarangs.


SDCC will be interesting this year. They have to show squad of course, ,but they'll be expected to make some sort of response to the critical reception, especially if they don't set the box office on fire.

They're in a hard position here, if they are a no show it's a lack of confidence in Suicide Squad and (assumedly) WW. But if they do show they'll be expected to do some huge PR moves.

Eitherway I'm going to be pissed if they redo their slate and cut out Shazam, Aquaman or any other b-string characters.

I suppose the next few weeks will be telling. If Snyder is staying, I can't imagine him doing JL, and I expect a much more mcu-style movie.

David Ayer and James Wan have directed better movies than Snyder has... Patty Jenkins I'm worried about along with Justice League.


SDCC will be interesting this year. They have to show squad of course, ,but they'll be expected to make some sort of response to the critical reception, especially if they don't set the box office on fire.
They went all in for the Batman v Superman announcement (which also came off of MoS that had mixed critical reception), and they'll probably go all in if the fans and general audience overall like the movie. The SDCC crowd aren't exactly the same kind of people as the critics that skewered the movie.
David Ayer and James Wan have directed better movies than Snyder has... Patty Jenkins I'm worried about along with Justice League.

I think we'll see a delay on JL to 2018 and a new director with Snyder retaining his producer role, a long with some piece about how Snyder felt it was time to move on from directing after having spent 5 years doing dc movies.

Of course we're all jumping the gun with not even seeing the box office $$'s. They could just as easily stay the course if they get great numbers there.


Audience score is at a 86 right now while the RT is at a 41. Wow

It's IMDB score is at 8.8. You'd think it would be at <7 based on review scores. It will be interesting to see if it still stays in the 8s or even 7s or let's be honest 6s.

Give it time

The movie will always keep around a 70-85 audience score and I promise you that WB cares more about than critical reviews. Do they want high praise from critics? Absolutely but if WoM from audiences shows a vast difference of opinion from critics the DCEU will trudge on as planned. Man of Steel sits at like 76 audience score and BvS is what it is. WB will bet on its fans more than critics as long as it brings in the money.

So we'll see how it looks when those numbers come in.

Men thanks for this articulate response. Your opinion mirrors a lot what I feel about it. It's a failure but it does have ambitions. The scenes at the end with sweet pea are also unwarranted to me and blue sudden change is kind of weird in that it could have needed some characterization.

There's plenty to like in them, the action, cinematography is properly framed but if the theatrical cut lacks the high roller scene at the end it removes the actual payoff for the character and the audience.

Thanks for sharing, much appreciated.

Anytime. :)


I think we'll see a delay on JL to 2018 and a new director with Snyder retaining his producer role, a long with some piece about how Snyder felt it was time to move on from directing after having spent 5 years doing dc movies.

In the perfect world, they get him to do the visual stuff, but the overall directing and story someone else does because DC can't afford Justice League to miss

I haven't seen BvS, so I don't know if it's ending demands Justice League come out next year in terms of setting up characters in position for it. If not then, worst case scenario I can think of is that Justice League is pushed back 2 years for a new director to retool, while the rest of the DCEU proceeds as planned.

Unless WB is in truly dire straits and need 1B+ BvS box office to prop them up that is...

Didn't enough bombs kill the Superman Lives movie? I think their best best is fast track a Batman movie with Affleck like Drew was saying... especially if he's the brightest bright spot in a divisive movie.
Schnepp, who's been ultra positive about this movie and felt it'll open at 200M, just dropped his prediction to $125M. If that actually happens, oh god...

I haven't seen BvS, so I don't know if it's ending demands Justice League come out next year in terms of setting up characters in position for it. If not, then worst case scenario I can think of is that Justice League is pushed back 2 years for a new director to retool, while the rest of the DCEU proceeds as planned.

Unless WB is in truly dire straits and need 1B+ BvS box office to prop them up that is...
If they drop Snyder (which I doubt), I wouldn't be surprised if JL gets pushed back as well. Maybe they'll have the first Batman film before it.


There's also the matter of pride though. Right now they have the Justice League fully cast, shooting is scheduled to commence next month, there's a script, everything is locked in and ready to go. If they make any kneejerk reactions right now, it would be admitting failure. That's something no studio wants to do.


There's also the matter of pride though. Right now they have the Justice League fully cast, shooting is scheduled to commence next month, there's a script, everything is locked in and ready to go. If they make any kneejerk reactions right now, it would be admitting failure. That's something no studio wants to do.

Eh, I mean they could.. make up some excuse.. Wonder Woman ran over, due to the success of Affleck's Batman felt better to fast-track that

but yeah put themselves in a pickle by announcing the entire slate upfront. No real way to walk it back without seemingly being a major defeat.
There's also the matter of pride though. Right now they have the Justice League fully cast, shooting is scheduled to commence next month, there's a script, everything is locked in and ready to go. If they make any kneejerk reactions right now, it would be admitting failure. That's something no studio wants to do.

OMFG this is Sony and ASM2 all over again.


There's also the matter of pride though. Right now they have the Justice League fully cast, shooting is scheduled to commence next month, there's a script, everything is locked in and ready to go. If they make any kneejerk reactions right now, it would be admitting failure. That's something no studio wants to do.

Surely they must know the damage another divisive movie would cause. If not, there's going to be a lot of studio meddling because I doubt they're confident in him anymore.

Edit: Honestly, if they are honest about it, even the people that are super negative, are going to be like oh, look at least they are addressing the problems.

Marvel pays RDJ $50 million to just act

How much would they need to pay Affleck to drop literally everything he's working on to bring out The Batman solo? Or maybe even take over Justice League....?

I could be wrong but he wrapped filming on both his indie projects recently.
There's also the matter of pride though. Right now they have the Justice League fully cast, shooting is scheduled to commence next month, there's a script, everything is locked in and ready to go. If they make any kneejerk reactions right now, it would be admitting failure. That's something no studio wants to do.

Yup. You show no confidence at all if you push the panic button now and why should audience even care about the DCEU at that point if Warners is willing to go nuclear after one movie?


Yup. You show no confidence at all if you push the panic button now and why should audience even care about the DCEU at that point if Warners is willing to go nuclear after one movie?

I don't understand this viewpoint... after the new Spider-Man reboot was announced, were people less or more excited for it even though it was a sign of panic and uncertainty.
I just CANNOT imagine a Justice League movie directed by Snyder after having seen BvS, even though I now only dislike one movie in his filmography (haven't seen Sucker Punch).

The story can be salvaged but if the tone of JL is consistent with BvS they need to do a complete rewrite. Chris Terrio is certainly talented but I think he was completely wrong for the DCCU and I don't even want him for a solo Batman movie. I don't know who made some of the decisions regarding Batman but they completely missed the point of the character despite Affleck's performance.

I am very curious, and nervous, about the direction of the DCCU now. What I'm afraid of is that they will take the criticisms regarding the darkness of BvS and ask the director of Suicide Squad to tone it down and rework the film a little bit. But what didn't work with Batman and Superman could work with a group of villains...

Yup. You show no confidence at all if you push the panic button now and why should audience even care about the DCEU at that point if Warners is willing to go nuclear after one movie?

Trust me, they should really hit the panic button regarding Justice League. I might be wrong but I think general audiences are going to severely reject that movie, I think it's going to have terrible legs, especially overseas.


Well, it seemed like they did. This is a perfect example of scores not matching the written review... it's rampant with this movie.


^This one? Seems pretty brutal. Excerpts:

There’s so much movie and so little of it matters. When the movie finally does reach its titular showdown, it still doesn’t carry much weight. The situation is too contrived, Superman remains underdeveloped, and Batman is a total dummy.

Watching Snyder struggle so mightily just to bring two characters together, I shudder to think at how he plans to handle Justice League.

I’m sure some of you reading this will assume I “had it in” for this movie, and nothing I write here will convince you otherwise. I genuinely wanted to like Batman v Superman (just as I want to like every movie I see; I don’t want to waste hours of my time with a bad movie), but Snyder has made a near-total catastrophe that does a great disservice to its legendary heroes. It has little interest in storytelling, in characters, or in world building. And while it may ask about what role superheroes play in the world, it has absolutely no interest in the answer.


I'd be in favor of tossing future Mad Max films under the bus in favor of a Miller led Justice League. We got Fury Road, it is our masterpiece, and the League deserves the same too.
I don't understand this viewpoint... after the new Spider-Man reboot was announced, were people less or more excited for it even though it was a sign of panic and uncertainty.

People are only excited because he's in the MCU. If Sony rebooted again and Marvel wasn't involved, everyone would just be waiting to see how Sony fucked it up again.


I don't understand this viewpoint... after the new Spider-Man reboot was announced, were people less or more excited for it even though it was a sign of panic and uncertainty.

That was a unique situation where Sony owned the movie rights to a property that could go back to its creator (which the fans have wanted since the MCU). There was good to come out of that because of the MCU's established success. The same does not apply here.


There's also the matter of pride though. Right now they have the Justice League fully cast, shooting is scheduled to commence next month, there's a script, everything is locked in and ready to go. If they make any kneejerk reactions right now, it would be admitting failure. That's something no studio wants to do.

It still a massive financial investment that they have to at least try to get some return on. If the situation was dire enough, I assume they would delay it? Not that I think that would ever happen because of BvS mind, but still.


I thought some of yall said Collider was digging it? They just hit it with a D?
The movie talk show is a different group of people. They came from AMC Movie Talk (changed their name when they came over) and Schomes Knows. The person that reviewed for Collider.com was a different person that isn't part of that group.


Oh look, a Snyder bashing thread in OT. I was wondering when that comment about Star Wars was going to make it here.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
They need to hit panic button now, before it's too late. Admit you fuck up, I want him out before JL production is too deep to make any changes.

Dude needs to fuck off, he doesn't get the characters I thought he was going to learn from what didn't work with MoS but he doubled down on that nonsense. It's like he wants to prove a point or something, I just don't get it.
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