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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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Just came back from watching it.... loved it. I can see where some of the critisms make sense but an outright bad movie this is not. An improvement from MoS which I loved (which probably invalidates my opinion for some) and I can't wait to see it again Saturday in Imax.

Out of a film filled with cool moments mine favourite was probably the opening credits. So beautiful.


How full of vitriol is the spoiler thread? I was wondering if we should just let spoilers in here fly freely after this weekend since all of us will have seen it by then. It'll be easier to discuss the movie this way.


How full of vitriol is the spoiler thread? I was wonder if we should just let spoilers in here fly freely after this weekend since all of us will have seen it by then. It'll be easier to discuss the movie this way.



How full of vitriol is the spoiler thread? I was wonder if we should just let spoilers in here fly freely after this weekend since all of us will have seen it by then. It'll be easier to discuss the movie this way.

I'd prefer that we not do that as I (along with some other people) will not be able to see it as early as I'd like. I'm hoping to see it early next week though.
I hope we geta trailer at Comic-Con, I though Wright was Hyppolyta, guess she's the one that trains Diana

We'll get something. Maybe not a full blown trailer (not impossible, suicide squad had one a year+ out, wasn't meant for the public but still a huge success), but at least a teaser. If we get something from JL I imagine it will be something more light hearted in nature. I expect the focus to be on squad primarily.


So yeah, watched it last night. Loved it. The action was great, especially Batman. Loved how brutal he was, Bruce seen some shit and he doesn't care anymore. Batfleck is without a doubt the best Batman, he nailed it. Loved his Bruce Wayne (really want to see more). The audience were cheering and clapping when Wonder Woman showed up, her score is fantastic. Cavill was fine and so was the rest of the cast. Luthor was probably my second favorite, loved his portrayal.

Great imagery throughout, fantastic score, epic action scenes as well as some real emotional ones. Interesting plot, never did it became boring. I was constantly invested in what was happening. Liked how they handled the JL setup. Flash looked weird though.

I did notice the editing, well actually it was more the flow of the film. The scenes didn't flow into each other naturally, I could understand if people found that kinda irritating (personally I was fine with it, it came all together nicely) but really don't understand the hate for it.

Anyway, I'm still tired. Fire questions if you want. But I really loved it, seeing it again on Sunday.


Would you say the editing/pacing problems are prevalent throughout the whole movie? I know some have said the first act is a bit disjointed because they jump around a bit but then say it comes together after the first 30-40 minutes
How full of vitriol is the spoiler thread? I was wonder if we should just let spoilers in here fly freely after this weekend since all of us will have seen it by then. It'll be easier to discuss the movie this way.

The spoiler thread, judging from the last couple pages, is actually not too bad. Theres actual legit critisms from people who didnt love it and isn't just full of posts making fun of the film. The Rotten Tomatoes thread however, is a different story. Only enter it if you hated the movie with a fiery passion, even when you haven't seen it.




Lol We talked about this. Where you get douchebag or PoS is beyond me. Quit instigating. You get some weird satisfaction out of starting shit. I was laughing pretty hard at all the shit you were throwing in that NX controller thread.

? He literally fails to understand the diversity problems in Hollywood, then drops some sexist shit. This is actually stuff that matters, beyond whether or not a movie is good or not.

Also not sure what the NX has to do with anything (I think that looks crazy btw, in a way that could be disastrous).


Would you say the editing/pacing problems are prevalent throughout the whole movie? I know some have said the first act is a bit disjointed because they jump around a bit but then say it comes together after the first 30-40 minutes

If I could jump in, I'd say the first hour is the real ropey bit, and it's not so much editing in that the editing once we transition into a scene is fine, it's how the story jumps around and the transitions into scenes (very few establishing shots, entering and dialogue immediately beginning), and there's some individual pockets of poor creative decision making in the last act. This, and this is just my opinion, the actual setup the first act spends it's time on is needlessly convoluted. Once we get passed that then I loved the middle part of the movie, and the 3rd act (bar one really stupid bit, although I think I might have missed a line of dialogue because one characters sequence of actions is almost comically stupid) is your standard 3rd act of a comic book movie but it does manage to hit the right emotional beats.

There's also a couple of sequences in the movie (one sizable, and bear in mind it's a long movie) which don't really move the storyline on at all. Basically they're universe building sequences which are dropped into the movie but stand apart from the actual narrative at hand or are only tangentially related.


? He literally fails to understand the diversity problems in Hollywood, then drops some sexist shit. This is actually stuff that matters, beyond whether or not a movie is good or not.

Also not sure what the NX has to do with anything (I think that looks crazy btw, in a way that could be disastrous).

You're free to think what you want but we've already talked about that terrible article a few days ago. Feel free to go back and find it in this thread.
Movie definitely wasn't perfect by any means and yea, the rapid scene transitions were a little jarring sometimes. I seem to remember (not really spoilers but I'm putting tags just in case)
a scene featuring Lex that cut to something else then cut right back to Lex when it could've been the one scene

Also, is it just me or was the line
"It's time you learned what it means to be a man" not in the movie. That was my favourite line from the trailers!


If I could jump in, I'd say the first hour is the real ropey bit, and it's not so much editing in that the editing once we transition into a scene is fine, it's how the story jumps around and the transitions into scenes (very few establishing shots, entering and dialogue immediately beginning), and there's some individual pockets of poor creative decision making in the last act. This, and this is just my opinion, the actual setup the first act spends it's time on is needlessly convoluted. Once we get passed that then I loved the middle part of the movie, and the 3rd act (bar one really stupid bit, although I think I might have missed a line of dialogue because one characters sequence of actions is almost comically stupid) is your standard 3rd act of a comic book movie but it does manage to hit the right emotional beats.

There's also a couple of sequences in the movie (one sizable, and bear in mind it's a long movie) which don't really move the storyline on at all. Basically they're universe building sequences which are dropped into the movie but stand apart from the actual narrative at hand or are only tangentially related.

Ahh I see. I'll be seeing it tonight so I'll see how if bothers me but I do like world building stuff so we'll see


Am I supposed to be outraged by the Cavill stuff? He's a handsome, rich and famous guy who likes to date younger women - this is completely unheard of in Hollywood. I get that people like their celebrities to be humble, but honestly, I don't care. I'm not trying to be friends with Cavill, all I need from him is to do his job well. He can live his life however he wants, none of my business. This is how I'm able to enjoy Tom Cruise movies so much.


Less than 12 hours away.

Same here... it's almost time.

Cool Wonder Woman shot.


It's very bright... I really wonder if they'll go with the Donner feel like Johns mentioned in his tweet.

Curious what you guys think about this

This is from the OT; basically, Cavill is something between a douchebag and a massive piece of shit.

I posted that a few days ago.

It's a terrible article that does nothing but fan flames at a dude that quite honestly, has done shit all wrong. Omg he's in for the money and he talks about his girlfriend. He spends his money on his friends? OMG... if this article wanted us to take his diversity, it would LEAD with that and stay there, not try to drag totally unrelated crap into the article. It's a shame Cavill for anything he's said and comes across as poorly written satire. I can't believe he's also getting crapped on by the double standard comment. As if that's something wrong in being pointed out... I doubt he enjoy's walking down the street while some lady yells across "fancy a shag" at him. Jezebel is known to write these some of these terrible articles in the name of feminism when it just really comes across as ramblings of a crazy person.

The worst thing in here? Probably his comments taken out of context about diversity, and he's right too. To solve the "not enough minorities being voted" problem, appointing minorities for the expectation that they'll vote for minorities isn't a solution, it's a band-aid. You need the majority to not overlook those minorities, that's the systemic issue.

I get that you had an issue with some people looking forward to this movie jumping down your throat for thinking the trailers didn't look good, but you should be smart enough to look past a sensationalist headline and put aside whatever feelings you have for the movie and look at this dumb article with a rational and objective mind.


So yeah, watched it last night. Loved it. The action was great, especially Batman. Loved how brutal he was, Bruce seen some shit and he doesn't care anymore. Batfleck is without a doubt the best Batman, he nailed it. Loved his Bruce Wayne (really want to see more). The audience were cheering and clapping when Wonder Woman showed up, her score is fantastic. Cavill was fine and so was the rest of the cast. Luthor was probably my second favorite, loved his portrayal.

Great imagery throughout, fantastic score, epic action scenes as well as some real emotional ones. Interesting plot, never did it became boring. I was constantly invested in what was happening. Liked how they handled the JL setup. Flash looked weird though.

I did notice the editing, well actually it was more the flow of the film. The scenes didn't flow into each other naturally, I could understand if people found that kinda irritating (personally I was fine with it, it came all together nicely) but really don't understand the hate for it.

Anyway, I'm still tired. Fire questions if you want. But I really loved it, seeing it again on Sunday.


This is what I want to read about. Thank you for the review. Things have been utterly toxic as of late, but reading something like that makes me happy as a fan. Will be watching this tomorrow in IMAX.


Curious what you guys think about this

This is from the OT; basically, Cavill is something between a douchebag and a massive piece of shit.

Getting drunk in public and doing something for money doesn't really matter to me.

And noted before, maybe I'm just reading it differently, but I don't see the problem with his Oscar quote.

He is essentially saying the idea that black folks would vote for black actors or black movies is inherently kind of racist. And... it is.

I enjoy a lot of things and they don't all have to be "black" things. Granted, I've seen my fair share of Waynes movies... and some shows/movies more intrigued by when give a black perspective, but I enjoy modern Family and Black-ish!

Or Empire... well no not gonna say Nashville...


Godspeed, gentlemen. I hope you both love it.

I am certain I'll find it average, at this point I'm going in for the pretty action.

So many BvS threads in OT. Part of me wants to read them but I know it'll probably all be a cesspool.
Curious what you guys think about this

This is from the OT; basically, Cavill is something between a douchebag and a massive piece of shit.

We thought the wording on the Oscar thing was a bit ambiguous, like he was saying that it was racist to assume black members would vote for only black films.

The money comment I could really give a less fuck about because most actors want a big paycheck. I'd be more offended if he lied about it, even then I don't care.

Double standard thing is true but I don't know if he's saying it's a bad or good thing, he's just remarking on his experience as a handsome man.

But thank you for being an ambassador from OT.


Godspeed, gentlemen. I hope you both love it.

I'll give a spoiler free review here and in the OT. Then add the spoilers in for the spoiler thread. I'm not expecting the movie to change my life and I doubt it will unseat TWS for me as best modern CBM movie. I'm not expecting garbage tier either though. Nothing I've seen or read (and I've seen or read it all) has come off that way to me.


I'll give a spoiler free review here and in the OT. Then add the spoilers in for the spoiler thread. I'm not expecting the movie to change my life and I doubt it will unseat TWS for me as best modern CBM movie. I'm not expecting garbage tier either though. Nothing I've seen or read (and I've seen or read it all) has come off that way to me.

You haven't seen Faraci's comments haha


The BvS threads suck, and that Wonder Woman one isn't particularly good either. But it's nice to have things you can count on, like DCU threads falling to pieces every time.

8 hours away for me. Time to rewatch Man of Steel.

If the movie is bad, at least we'll get to see the Trinity fighting Doomsday.

Lots of ups and downs in the movie, but that fight delivers.


Neo Member
Movie definitely wasn't perfect by any means and yea, the rapid scene transitions were a little jarring sometimes. I seem to remember (not really spoilers but I'm putting tags just in case)
a scene featuring Lex that cut to something else then cut right back to Lex when it could've been the one scene

Also, is it just me or was the line
"It's time you learned what it means to be a man" not in the movie. That was my favourite line from the trailers!

Yup it isn't. There was another line preceding it where
he talks about Supes not understanding the pain & mortality of humans
. That didn't make it too I think


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Guys. The last page of the OT is filled with people who enjoyed it. While flawed it seems the general fan consensus is it's an average/good movie that is getting unfairly crushed from critics. Just thought I'd pass some good news on.


Guys. The last page of the OT is filled with people who enjoyed it. While flawed it seems the general fan consensus is it's an average/good movie that is getting unfairly crushed from critics. Just thought I'd pass some good news on.

I was just going to say I ventured into the OT thread and I was surprised to see people liking it, even a couple who went in negative due to the reviews.
I'm still very much looking forward to watching it tonight! Fandango says all but the first 3 rows in my showing are reserved so I'm expecting to have a good time.


How would you feel if the third act never happened, but act 1 and 2 would be longer with more backstory to Bruce Wayne ? I feel like this should've been the movie. Keep those movies simple, for now.

Movie would've still been a mess thanks to act one. Some mindless action helped.

But yes, someone could've made a great BvS without Doomsday, but they could have also made a great movie with him. It's the set up and pacing that was the issue, not where it eventually led.
Guys. The last page of the OT is filled with people who enjoyed it. While flawed it seems the general fan consensus is it's an average/good movie that is getting unfairly crushed from critics. Just thought I'd pass some good news on.

I'm gonna wait until after I've seen it myself to venture in, but that's encouraging, at least.


I still can't tell if Ahasverus has seen the movie.
I did. Didn't hate it, was baffled, yes, but didn't hate it. It tried to be much more than a CBM, then at the end it didn't. Snyder gonna Snyder, but Terrio is da gawd. Now I'd give everything to read his complete script.


I did. Didn't hate it, was baffled, yes, but didn't hate it. It tried to be much more than a CBM, then at the end it didn't. Snyder gonna Snyder, but Terrio is da gawd. Now I'd give everything to read his complete script.

Sounds like you're super excited for the Extended Cut.


Sounds like you're super excited for the Extended Cut.
I'm wary of it. If it's Snyder made, Lord have mercy. If it's made by a competent director it could give the movie a redemption only seen by Kingdom of Heaven. I can't say there any outright bad in theory parts. They just don't work because of how they were placed, and how they didn't go anywhere at the end. If they trim the fat and give the striking scenes a bit more weight, which is, more dialogue, they could make it a far better movie, however, it would make it even more "preachy" and less action-y, and we know how Snyder rolls. Not gonna happen. In some sense, I'm kinda excited for the good cut coming 30 years from now.

The thing is, the dialogue was very, very hyperbolic and pompous, like it comes from Coppola's Dracula or something, it certainly sounded kind of cheesy because of the direction. Snyder and Terrio are NOT a good combination, because Snyder is not smart enough to get what Chris is trying to say, and make the actors comunicate that effectively.


We should chart Ahasverus mental state over the past week or so in this thread


The ups and downs and ups and middling settle have made the thread for me.

I'm wary of it. If it's Snyder made, Lord have mercy. If it's made by a competent director it could give the movie a redemption only seen by Kingdom of Heaven. I can't say there any outright bad in theory parts. They just don't work because of how they were placed, and how they didn't go anywhere at the end. If they trim the fat and give the striking scenes a bit more weight, which is, more dialogue, they could make it a far better movie, however, it would make it even more "preachy" and less action-y, and we know how Snyder rolls. Not gonna happen. In some sense, I'm kinda excited for the good cut coming 30 years from now.

Wait, wait, wait... Why would it not be Snyder made? Of course it's Snyder.


Guys. The last page of the OT is filled with people who enjoyed it. While flawed it seems the general fan consensus is it's an average/good movie that is getting unfairly crushed from critics. Just thought I'd pass some good news on.
That's nice to hear. I got work this weekend so I don't know if I'm going to get a chance to watch it anytime soon. I might just watch the movie by myself on a weekday so I can fully absorb it without thinking about others reactions.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That's nice to hear. I got work this weekend so I don't know if I'm going to get a chance to watch it anytime soon. I might just watch the movie by myself on a weekday so I can fully absorb it without thinking about others reactions.
Haven't seen it but I would recommend you see ASAP due to the possibility of spoilers. And yes, it was nice reading some impressions that didn't make it seem like the worst film of the past decade. Like I said, far from perfect but plenty there to enjoy is my take away.
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