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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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It's a review of the film, I merely included it in all of the appropriate threads, excluding the box-office one and the two about Zack Snyder as a director.

Is there something about my review that prevents it from being in the same threads as everyone else's?

That's like 5 threads. Was your review that important you needed all the same people to see it 5 times? It's not like there is a huge disparity of posters between all the threads. The most I've seen anyone else do was 3. Which was fine. One here, one in the OT, one in the spoiler thread where a more in depth version could be given. Any more than that is silly.


Very pleased by that, honestly.
Gripe I have with both Avenger films is trying to make Widow, Hawkeyes, and even Cap, be cool in the fights. Winter Solder smartly gave Widow another task instead of standing on the front lines with batons and a pistol. Hope JL Bats is the same.

Batman should always be the tactician imo. I hope in the JL movie we see more of that.
I just finished reading the long-ass review on the last page.


Yes, there are problems. Lots of them. But no, it is not total garbage as many are saying it is. I saw it with four other people and the general consensus was that "it was good". In fact, I was the only one who was down on it because of the issues.


Couple of other things became worse though. Like[spoiler said:
nuking Superman and Doomsday. What the hell was the reason for that? Supes was taking care of him in the one place where no harm would come to anyone. And it was great too because that directly addressed complaints from MoS. But noooooooope. All for a stupid TDKR moment. I really hate that goddamn book.

I think this is the way it would go down in the real world, do you take the chance to loose thousands or even millions of lifes or
give it everything you have and sacrifice one alien
they panicked


Love Superman, but I felt he never really got his moment in the Sun like when he's fighting the world engine in Man of Steel. I wish he wasn't killed at the end and was the focal point of the Justice League forming.

For me yes, the arc is there but subtle if one doesn't pay attention to his struggle you could miss it, the movie is edited weirdly but doesn't break it.

This is a Superman movie.
Yea I definitely liked the movie better on my second viewing having thought about it. It was easier to spot where certain plot threads began and their references later on or where they come to a head became more impactful. Some character moments hit harder. Namely one in particular with Lois. The theme of actions have consequences was way more apparent.

Couple of other things became worse though.

nuking Superman and Doomsday. What the hell was the reason for that? Supes was taking care of him in the one place where no harm would come to anyone. And it was great too because that directly addressed complaints from MoS. But noooooooope. All for a stupid TDKR moment. I really hate that goddamn book.

Humans freaking out as they hold the destruction of metropolis in their memory isn't something I had an issue with.
Okay, so, like, it's midnight, and I've already argued most of the points in Sibersk's review with other people, and fuck doing a line-by-line discussion of it, but I'll say this:

I agree with the lack of connective tissue being one of the film's 2 principle issues (the other being the soundtrack's lack of any kind of genuinely lighthearted sound to it), which makes scenes that might otherwise be somewhere between serviceable and great feel, well, poor. This applies to both inter and intra scene actions, with choppy dialogue and choppier scene transitions. So I guess you could say that I agree with about 2 paragraphs of the review, though I disagree on the degree to which it degrades the film; it's a problem, yes, but not one that outright breaks the story.

I'm only going to disagree with one particular thing, namely that Batman is a dumb brute. He's the one who figures out the Kryptonite tech he uses, and although he's ultimately being played by Lex, he still does good detective work. All on his own. Alfred is clearly not a part of it, since he has to explain his work in that area more than once.
I just finished reading the long-ass review on the last page.


Yes, there are problems. Lots of them. But no, it is not total garbage as many are saying it is. I saw it with four other people and the general consensus was that "it was good". In fact, I was the only one who was down on it because of the issues.

You know what? That's fine. I don't have a problem that you and your friends enjoyed it. I'm sorry if the impersonal nature of the internet makes this sound insincere, but really, enjoying movies with your friends is one of the great joys in life.

I won't tell you you are wrong for liking it.
People who hate the movie make fun of the scene by describing it as
Batman and Superman's mothers have the same name, so they become friends.
Of course.

haha, reductive nonsense. the
wayne death scene
was so beautifully shot. reminded me of watchmen. a visual style that i thought man of steel lacked a bit. but man the acting, the music in the scene was so well done
The guy spent time writing his review and wants to give it exposure. Nothing wrong with that. Should respect the effort. If I cared to write longer impressions, I'd share as well.

Batman should always be the tactician imo. I hope in the JL movie we see more of that.

That, too. I'd love a scene like JL Doom Bats fights superwoman. She pinches his side to break his rib. He wins using knock out gas, but until that point he's at her mercy.
I would just like to apologize beforehand. If you read the following review, and feel that my critique is in anyway cheapened by what you consider hyperbole, then the only explanation that I can give is that I am a very passionate individual, and this is just the way I express myself.




There's a Maya Angelou quote that I would like to bring up. "Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean."

That's what I hope to do today NeoGaf. To use this public forum as an outlet for my anger. In doing so, I hope to cleanse myself of all this, to regain some measure of power over this unpleasant experience. The biggest regret I have in all this? That I am not a good enough writer to give everything I have to say the voice it deserves.


What an absolute fucking disaster of a film. What an infuriating assault on both the sense and the senses and sensibility in general. Zack Snyder was handed the fire of creation, and has chosen to use it to burn the wheat fields down. I hesitate to call this a train wreck, because that implies there was some moment in time when this disaster was on the proverbial "right track". I'm not sure if I will even write a version of this review that includes spoilers, because I don't think I can be bothered to write a scene by scene break-down of this ENTIRE FUCKING MOVIE.
This isn't a film. This is Zack Snyder and company taking "The Dark Knight Rises" and another story that would be too spoiler-filled to name, stripping them of the context that made them important, slathered them in ultra-macho bullshit, and created some sort of unholy Frankenstein's monster that has captured me and is ordering me to help it reproduce, to justify its existence. And like Victor Frankenstein himself, I am horrified at the implications that may bring.

But you've heard enough of my opinions right? How about a film breakdown? That's what you want right?

This movie is a mess, it seems to want to rebel against the very notion of an establishing shot. We are dropped into scene after scene after scene after scene, with the flimsiest of narrative tissue to connect them. Scenes are scattered next to each other with no rhyme or reason. Each individual scene devolves into a very specific plot point, a sequence of audio-visual data, unrelated to the one before it, but without the strength to carry it on its own. The film cuts to black so often it feels like the work of an absolute rank amateur. And the dream sequences you may have heard about? They are illogical, intrusive, and laughable in their self-seriousness. Character agency? Drama? What's that? Why include those when you can hand wave everything with pure coincidence? I will not suffer any criticism of superhero film world-building without using this as rock bottom. If these are what passes as "easter eggs", then they are rotten to the core, and they are being flung straight at my face. It's so afraid to let a scene breath that it has to flash to an earlier scene to emphasize the point like an episode of CSI.

I don't know who to blame for this script. No one has an actual, believable conversation. All they do is spout big important ideas that I'm sure the screenwriter felt very proud in including. If Nolan's Batman films approached the genre with the depth of a lake, this film is as shallow as a murky puddle.

Let's get into our characters shall we? This film doesn't have the fucking time to flesh ANYONE out. First there's Batman, played by Ben Affleck. You may have heard praise for his portrayal of Batman and you know what? It was serviceable. Perfectly Fine. A handsome face to put in the cowl and nothing more. You know what is terrible about Affleck's Batman? That he is the vehicle for all of the films idiotic overuse of dream sequences. Have you felt worried about any rumors that Batman kills in this movie? He does, and the film treats that as something that is super awesome. He's not intelligent in the slightest, Alfred picks up most of the slack Jeremy Iron's Alfred? A decent job, even if his main job is delivering almost obligatory quotes from "The Dark Knight Returns".

Henry Cavill's Superman? Somehow even worse than his last outing. It's kind of ironic that his turn as Superman evokes the same feeling of the Golem of Jewish folklore, because he is a fucking BORE. If Man of Steel was a Superman film deathly afraid of showing Superman not fighting, then this movie is petrified of showing Superman doing ANYTHING competent, in the fear that the audience will see him as all powerful and untouchable. As such, Cavill's turn as Superman includes him looking pensive all of the time, eyebrows furrowed, and then occasionally looking to the left (or his right, whatever.)

Before I get to Wonder Woman, I just want to include this weird hyper-macho attitude that this film has. Hey ladies? Excited to see Wonder Woman? This film is the equivalent of that guy at the gym, who is all too happy to let you work in only to do bicep curls in front of you, darting his eyes occasionally to make sure you're watching. Every time Affleck does something Bruce Wayne related, it is with the caveat that he must be drowning in pussy. He knows Russian because (according to him), he fucked a Russian ballerina. After one of Bruce's most nonsensical of dream sequences, he wakes up with a naked woman next to him, who never wakes up. The rest of the supporting female cast is really just there to be taken hostage. Get Lois Lane in the Justice League, because apparently she has the power of teleportation and omnipresence.

Gadot's Wonder Woman is literally Anne Hathaway's Catwoman redux. A shoehorned Justice League tie-in with an obnoxious electric guitar soundtrack. All of her scenes could have and should have been excised completely.

Eisenberg's Luthor was not a performance. It was a series of mannerisms. The perfect foil to Superman has been reduced to wild gesticulations and squeaks. He's barely even a character, just a plot device. And in all the stupid bullshit included in this movie.

The action scenes? There are four. One is a Batmobile chase, composed almost entirely of CGI and lacking any of the narrative flourish of Nolan's tumbler segments. The titular fight? A nuisance to the film, just another scene. Instead of the culmination of two ideologies clashing together it has instead been reduced to a nonsensical gambit by Lex. It's maybe 8 minutes max of Batman doing slow martial arts moves to a kryptonite weakened Superman, who's only moments of strength have him acting like a roaring gorilla. And the climax is every bit as insipid and stupid as you might have heard. A throwaway piece of trivia blown into laughably operatic over importance. The Batman fight is fine, but it looks cool for the sake of being cool. It is stuffed into the narrative at the worst time. And the final fight against Doomsday? An excuse for Snyder to have his cake and eat it too, having large scale destruction with only the most obligatory mention that there are no civilians, to excuse the fact that we are watching rubber CGI models get punched back, fly back towards Doomsday, then get punched back. AT the end, no one in the theater cheered. They were shuffling in their seats, waiting to get out.

Fuck this movie. I despised every single second of it. I have never felt more powerless watching a movie then I was when this movie teased the Justice League. It felt like it was taunting me over the fact that it held the future of these characters. If you have any reservations about this film, then I assure there is no reason to see it anytime soon. Or do, I don't know you, do what you want with your money. I hated this movie. Every second of it.

TLDR: I didn't care for it.

One last thing.

This shot?


Fuck you. You didn't earn it.

somebody is starved for attention. this is the third time you have posted this.
C'mon, guys, who cares how many times he posted it.

Poor form, imo. Dude clearly put a lot of work into it, and though I disagree substantially with it, it's not at all unreasonable to spread it around.


The guy spent time writing his review and wants to give it exposure. Nothing wrong with that. Should respect the effort. If I cared to write longer impressions, I'd share as well.
He's not even the first person to cross post his review, plenty of others have done it.


the barry allen concept art showed him with short hair and cleanly shaved and thats the way he appeard at the red carpet dude looked buff as well
C'mon, guys, who cares how many times he posted it.

Poor form, imo. Dude clearly put a lot of work into it, and though I disagree substantially with it, it's not at all unreasonable to spread it around.

He's not even the first person to cross post his review, plenty of others have done it.

a long review is a long review. putting your selfie up stinks of attention grabbing.
he can put it up but others can voice their displeasure of it.
Needs to stop getting high all the time too. Dude was in fucking shambles during his cameo lol

Can't say I disagree :p

Guys how will you think critics will few Suicide Squad if it takes a dark approach with comedy? Will they like it or complain about it?

Well, in terms of critical reception, Suicide Squad has a lot going for it BvS doesn't.

-Director is not Zack Snyder
-The not-Zack-Snyder they picked is David Ayer
-It seems to be more of a dark action-comedy, as opposed to BvS' more dramatic designs
-Fewer expectations of the characters

So I think it'll be well received.

Poodlestrike, I do at at least agree with your assertion that this film is anti-cynicism, and I applaud it for that.



So I totally forgot about something in the movie until a friend brought it up tonight but uh...that was surprising amount of Amy Adams
near the beginning, like I'm surprised how they managed to hide anything with that camera work. What the hell. lol

Anybody have a clue as to what chair Bruce uses in the Batcave at the computer or is it perhaps a custom for the movie?

Also reading through the Tech Manual...some cool nuggets that explain things:
That smoke grenade Batman uses on the Wayne Station roof that Superman whizzes through and people complained that he'd see through that shit? It was a Lead Grenade apparently that releases lead particles in the air to block Superman's vision.

Also I know one gaffer was kinda upset that not enough time was spent on Bruce's preparation for the fight against Superman like building the mech suit but thats because at the beginning of the film the suit already exists. The Tech Manual elaborates further though that the suit was constructed at one time for maybe riot control and whatnot.


Well, in terms of critical reception, Suicide Squad has a lot going for it BvS doesn't.

-Director is not Zack Snyder
-The not-Zack-Snyder they picked is David Ayer
-It seems to be more of a dark action-comedy, as opposed to BvS' more dramatic designs
-Fewer expectations of the characters

So I think it'll be well received.


Same. At least, I hope it will be.


I guarantee that we will have tons of posts like

"Fire Snyder, Hire Ayer!"

"The director we need, but not the one we deserve"

etc etc


So, from the recent Deadline update, there's a block on the audience reaction for the film:

I think these numbers could very well be higher too. A lot of people seem to be saying they like the film even more after a second watching. This moving is going to make a lot of money. I do find it strange, granted not surprising, and sad that some seem to be mad that it does appear to be doing well so far.
Suicide Squad should have a much better reception simply based off the trailers. Especially that last trailer, that one was just amazing. People have generally enjoyed it at my theatre whenever its been played.

Hell, pretty sure Jai Courtney was able to demonstrate more of his acting chops in that trailer then Cavil got to in all of BvS. Which bodes well one would hope.
I think overall, WoM is gonna be good for the movie. Part of that's down to critical dissonance, but I think that the super hyperbolic nature of the reviews ("worst modern comicbook movie," a tombstone for the genre, etc) are going to actually end up helping it. If it's a middling/bad movie with middling/bad reviews, people come out of the theater talking about how middling/bad it is. If it's a middling/bad movies with reviews that talk about how it's a blight on the face of the earth, then all of a sudden the narrative becomes "better than the reviews," which takes very little time at all to mutate into something generally positive as the giant game of Telephone that is the internet does its thing.


So, from the recent Deadline update, there's a block on the audience reaction for the film:

Anecdotal but when leaving our screening last night a group of kids, maybe 12 or 13, quickly huddled around the IMAX poster pretending to square off as Batman and Superman fans while one of their moms took a picture and they were all grinning so seems like they enjoyed it.

Actually before the movie there was a hell of a lot of attendees taking selfies with the poster and standee. lol
Are you going to post this in every BvS thread? I've seen it 3 times now. We get it. You hated it.

Correction. 4 times. Just saw it in the OT as well.

somebody is starved for attention. this is the third time you have posted this.

Is it against the rules to post the same post in multiples threads? He's not even the only one that's doing it. I guess the negative nature of it is what you more have a problem with right?


Is it against the rules to post the same post in multiples threads? He's not even the only one that's doing it. I guess the negative nature of it is what you more have a problem with right?

It's not a rule, but it just kind of sucks because every single DC thread on this forum right now is littered with pure hatred for the film and Snyder. This is kind of the only thread that is safe from that. Plus the review wasn't exactly level headed and asking for conversation. It was merely a drive-by review just for the sake of it.
It's not a rule, but it just kind of sucks because every single DC thread on this forum right now is littered with pure hatred for the film and Snyder. This is kind of the only thread that is safe from that. Plus the review wasn't exactly level headed and asking for conversation. It was merely a drive-by review just for the sake of it.

Except he didn't drive by, he stuck around.

C'mon, y'all better than this.
It's not a rule, but it just kind of sucks because every single DC thread on this forum right now is littered with pure hatred for the film and Snyder. This is kind of the only thread that is safe from that. Plus the review wasn't exactly level headed and asking for conversation. It was merely a drive-by review just for the sake of it.

I don't really see anything wrong with his review. It's no different to any glowing review that a fan of the movie might have. Doesn't seem very drive-by either.

I think the problems is probably the amount of threads tbh.


Except he didn't drive by, he stuck around.

C'mon, y'all better than this.

But the review doesn't really incite much conversation. At least not any level-headed one.

To be clear, I'm not saying he shouldn't have posted it in here. It's perfectly fine for him to do so. Just saying you can't expect some people to lash out at annoyance as well.

I don't really see anything wrong with his review. It's no different to any glowing review that a fan of the movie might have. Doesn't seem very drive-by either.

I think the problems is probably the amount of threads tbh.

I thought it was very one-noted and exaggerated. But that's just me.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I think these numbers could very well be higher too. A lot of people seem to be saying they like the film even more after a second watching. This moving is going to make a lot of money. I do find it strange, granted not surprising, and sad that some seem to be mad that it does appear to be doing well so far.
It's the reverse 10 Cloverfield Lane, audience hated the film and critics loved it. The hyperbole surrounding the movie might end up being beneficial to it like Poodlestrike says.
I am perfectly fine with discussing this film. I expect to be doing for a long time anyway and I relish the chance to do so. It's not like I'll be able to enter anywhere near the same amount of discourse anywhere other than a public forum like this.
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