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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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Did anyone watch this in 3d Imax? I thought it added to my enjoyment a lot, at least towards the action scenes. The Batmobile scene looks like a straight up live action sequence of Arkham Knight with Batman just going apeshit on the streets.


Did anyone watch this in 3d Imax? I thought it added to my enjoyment a lot, at least towards the action scenes. The Batmobile scene looks like a straight up live action sequence of Arkham Knight with Batman just going straight apeshit on the streets.

Maybe my theater sucks but the 3D added nothing to the movie for me. I don't even recall one scene that really even came off as being in 3D except the opening.
Maybe my theater sucks but the 3D added nothing to the movie for me. I don't even recall one scene that really even came off as being in 3D except the opening.
Oh man, that sucks. My theater was loud as hell too which I didn't mind. Every Batman punch and kick sounded like a thunderbolt lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
People on my twitter feed are going to see the movie twice just to double check if they actually liked it.

That is hilarious to me for some reason.
Well it's better the 2nd time IMO and I bet that's what others will think as well.

All the negativity is getting to people to the point they're questioning their own taste/sanity.

I had a similar period for a few minutes after the movie ended. I sat there clearly feeling real emotions and liking what I just saw. "Am I really this biased for DC that I would get this much enjoyment out of one the years worst movies? The hell's wrong with me?"


Maybe my theater sucks but the 3D added nothing to the movie for me. I don't even recall one scene that really even came off as being in 3D except the opening.

That sums up 3D for most films at this point. You notice it a the beginning (or during the trailers) and then it fades away to nothing. Look at Avatar and Hugo and then compare their 3D to the stuff that is slapped on today.


That sums up 3D for most films at this point. You notice it a the beginning (or during the trailers) and then it fades away to nothing. Look at Avatar and Hugo and then compare their 3D to the stuff that is slapped on today.

I really didn't like Avatar but goddamn if that wasn't an amazing display for 3D.


So just got back from a second viewing in 2D IMAX, 10:30pm showing and a packed house.

Yup, love it. lol Much better the second time round and since it was in 2D is was easier to catch more detail that got lost in the 3D muddle. I took a couple of friends that wanted to see the movie and were big Batman/CBM fans and one that wasn't too knowledgeable about comics or DC stuff outside the animated stuff and movies. They all loved it too. Fun car ride home talking about the movie. They about lost their shit when I told them about the extended R cut and then wanting to see that version in theaters. lol

That Batman though!


All the negativity is getting to people to the point they're questioning their own taste/sanity.

The reviews were to hyperbolic. By people going to see it a second time they'll likely come away from it liking it more. They'll be able to take in more of the film. That has seems to be the general reaction I believe when that happens. So by bashing the film as over the top a lot of them did they likely have driven more people to the film and caused more repeat viewing that might not have happen.


The reviews painted a picture of complete and utter shit which was not close to what I watched. BvS has its flaws but it also got skewered like it was the worst thing to happen to comic based films.


Did anyone watch this in 3d Imax? I thought it added to my enjoyment a lot, at least towards the action scenes. The Batmobile scene looks like a straight up live action sequence of Arkham Knight with Batman just going apeshit on the streets.

That sums up 3D for most films at this point. You notice it a the beginning (or during the trailers) and then it fades away to nothing. Look at Avatar and Hugo and then compare their 3D to the stuff that is slapped on today.

Yeah my first showing was in IMAX 3D and it's pretty cool for the first 20 minutes or so like the fall leaves falling over the WB logo and the opening but then you adjust and never really notice it. Conversion just doesn't hold up to something that was filmed in 3D like you said, Avatar.

Without the 3D and glasses 2D IMAX tonight was great and I think my third showing is going to be in D-Box. We were going to go to D-Box tonight but time constraints and ticket availability ruled that out.



I'd rather them save him for the Titans movie, or even Suicide Squad 2.

The first Suicide Squad too please. :)

OT, I'm off to see BvS in a few hours with a big group of friends. Definitely expecting to like it and I'm hoping the others will too. Glad to be reading so many positive impressions.
Just came back from the theatre. Loved it. I don't think a CBM has ever given me so many emotions. Being scared, excited, and saddened to the point where I cried a bit.
This is what I want from my CBMs, to aim high, even if they fall a bit short.

Never play it safe. With that said, there were a few issues I had with the film itself, mainly how it was edited. I think I understand what they were trying to do, make it like turning pages in a book? That's what I told myself. It didn't bother that much but I did notice it and would have wished Snyder would have slowed down a bit and not be so jarring. Should have Added a few connective scenes.

That is bad, with that said there was so many interesting things going on the first third that I can more than overlook it. The MoS sequence was a highlight along with the very beginning. Just glorious and quite scary and shocking. This is what it really is like when supermen have an all out fight.

The music was really good and didn't get in the way at all, wonder woman's theme rocked!
And my favorite performance of all was lex luthor. Oh I want want more eisenberg luthor.
Actually everyone really gave it their all and did a damn good job acting. Affleck was right at the top as well. He is batman. Demonic, savage, smart, but still a big heroic heart underneath that tough exterior. Gadot was gorgeous and mysterious.she didn't say much and I can see why, her lines weren't anything to Write home about but her screen presence was awesome. Cavill did a good job but there wasn't enough, I wanted more scenes with him.

If it wasn't for the editing problems this would be an 10/10. Because everything else was great, the imagery, the acting the script ,soundtrack, story it's all great. the editing holds it back and I think I would have preferred a bit more time with The characters .I wanted more of Kent and Lois.This film throws a lot at you but still manages to stay cohesive overall.

7.5-8/10 sounds about right, critics were wrong on this one.

I went with three other people, one liked the other I know went just to hate watch it and the third was the second time she saw it I did not get her opinion. My theater was quite for the action but laughed at all the jokes and cheered loudly when Wonder Woman came on screen. The future is bright for Wonder Woman , she deserves it. Going to go a second time with the missus. I am very excited for the future of the DCCU going forward.
So why did Ahversus get banned? Did he go off the deep end?

Real talk everytime my dude posted this week idk if he was gonna shit on the movie or rail on the guys shitting on it.

20 years in Gotham, how many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?

Happy Easter/ End of BvS release week, DC gaf!
Saw it again for the second time. I wasn't sure how I feel toward the film but now I like it a lot. It's funny cuz the same thing happened to me with Man of Steel and Fury Road. I wasn't sure if I like those film or not, but the second viewings made me like them (or love, in the case of Fury Road). Hell, I even like BvS more than MoS (Watchmen director's cut is still Snyder's best film tho). This makes me even more excited for the director's cut.

Call me crazy but I'm tempted for a 3rd viewing next weekend :lol

How I rank Snyder's as of now: Watchmen director's cut > Dawn of the Dead > BvS theatrical cut > 300 = MoS = Sucker Punch extended cut > The Owl Movie


I'm going for a 3rd on Friday. Probably see it a couple more times after that at some point. I liked it enough to try and get my money's worth out of the Ultimate ticket.
Wanted to see it for a second time on friday, had the ticket reserved (not payed) but fell asleep watching crunchyroll and slept right through it lol.

Next weekend for sure though.


The intro was amazing. The music itself was so good. As in it was just on another level. I don't think Ive ever seen an intro that good.

What was the track that played? The one with
the Waynes?

The movie was like nothing I've seen before. It had flaws no doubt, but it was amazing. I need that ultimate edition ASAP.


The intro was amazing. The music itself was so good. As in it was just on another level. I don't think Ive ever seen an intro that good.

What was the track that played? The one with
the Waynes?

The movie was like nothing I've seen before. It had flaws no doubt, but it was amazing. I need that ultimate edition ASAP.

I need that ultimate edition as well.


The intro was amazing. The music itself was so good. As in it was just on another level. I don't think Ive ever seen an intro that good.

What was the track that played? The one with
the Waynes?

The movie was like nothing I've seen before. It had flaws no doubt, but it was amazing. I need that ultimate edition ASAP.
Beautiful lie. It's a brilliant track.


Warner Bros. is in a pretty good position. For all the concern over what they're going to do, I feel like they just need to go in harder. The main adjustment required is Batman. Essentially, they need to be taking advantage of the brand every year in some way. Since they have Affleck, it's about as guaranteed of a hit they can get too.

I'd roughly adjust the slate as follows:

Suicide Squad (2016)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Justice League (2017)
Batman (2018)
The Flash (2018)
Shazam (2018)
Aquaman (2019)
Suicide Squad 2 (2019)
Justice League 2 (2019)
Batman & Wonder Woman (2020)
Cyborg (2020)
Man of Steel 2 (2020)
Green Lantern (2020)

Throw in Superman in Shazam with The Rock. Since Shazam is apparently a kid, it's a good time to put in boy scout Superman as his arc will be finished in Justice League. Bring that forward a year, and push back Aquaman instead. Three to four movies a year should be their aim if they really want to take full advantage. A movie every quarter essentially. Batman should follow Justice League as it's a good strategic move. Back to back billion dollar movies. You have the biggest superhero brand on the planet in your hands, and the biggest domestic brand behind Star Wars. Why wouldn't you take advantage of that?

If Wonder Woman does well, which I assume it will, just split that into its own sequel and give Batman a solo sequel too. Rough idea, but there's so much money they could make and really easily. Man of Steel sequel is fine to wait since he'll have had three movies centred around his character already. He needs a bit of a break to create some distance while building up his value in the team up movies.

Yes, this is indeed an excuse for me to get as much Batman as possible, but I assure you the general idea is still pretty solid.
Instead of a solo Supes movie make the Shazam movie a Superman/Shazam movie. Have the Rock fuck them both up too.


Despite all the hate surrounding this movie, I'm quite happy seeing folks in this thread like it; also, everyone I know really liked it. I've got a friend who is a Marvel fanboy (the kind of guy who laughs at Green Lantern or Aquaman without having read a single CB of those characters), but he likes Batman a lot. He did not only liked the movie, but he told me that it made him like Superman (his words were "Superman is way better than Batman in this one"), which suprised me considering how much he hates the character.

I'm going next week to my 3rd viewing with my mother, and I can't fucking wait. The movie for me works much better when you know it's structure and how it works. Also, can't wait to the DC.


Did anyone watch this in 3d Imax? I thought it added to my enjoyment a lot, at least towards the action scenes. The Batmobile scene looks like a straight up live action sequence of Arkham Knight with Batman just going apeshit on the streets.
Both my viewings were AMC Prime, which was amazing. The fucking speakers shook the seats thoughout the film!
So just watched Justice League War for the first time. All I can say is I'm really looking forward to the Cyborg movie now. :|

If they're going full on Motherbox / Assimilate technology with his character he's probably going to be one of my favourite heroes in the DCCU if they do it right. Hopefully the actor is good. Not really familiar with his work (if he has much in the first place).
So just watched Justice League War for the first time. All I can say is I'm really looking forward to the Cyborg movie now. :|

If they're going full on Motherbox / Assimilate technology with his character he's probably going to be one of my favourite heroes in the DCCU if they do it right. Hopefully the actor is good. Not really familiar with his work (if he has much in the first place).

He hasn't been in too many movies but from what I've read, he's a respected theater actor. I'm not a fan of Justice League War but he if you liked it, you should check out the direct follow-up : Throne of Atlantis, it's pretty fun. Also, Flashpoint Paradox is kind of a prequel to these two and it's one the best DC animated movies.


One thing I forgot to mention about my second viewing: the moment Wonder Woman made the entrance, the crowd went wild. Her theme song is pure hype. Also, with the shot of the trinity everyone started clapping and screaming like they were possessed.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Do we know who's composing Wonder Woman yet? If they don't use the theme somehow in the film, I'm going to be pissed!

Not yet, but I think the idea was that Zimmer is doing the themes for all the JL members (except Batman) and the composers can give it their own spin in the standalone movies. In the JL movie all of the themes will be combined to create the JL theme.

Man, I hope Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman are smash hits. WB really needs that.


I really do think WW is going to be huge next year, certainly bigger than MoS. Her reaction has been fantastic. Got my 2nd viewing in just an hour, hyped!


I'm kind of wrestling with the same thing. I might go see it again by myself.

I saw it twice and loved it just as much the 2nd time. But I can see the biggest complaint from general audiences being it takes too long to get to the action. I think they would have benefited from maybe having a bit more action in the first hour.

That said I absolutely love the story they told. But based on what I said above I could see that being a problem for people. Especially if they coming in thinking they are getting balls to the wall action from beginning to end.
He hasn't been in too many movies but from what I've read, he's a respected theater actor. I'm not a fan of Justice League War but he if you liked it, you should check out the direct follow-up : Throne of Atlantis, it's pretty fun. Also, Flashpoint Paradox is kind of a prequel to these two and it's one the best DC animated movies.

It wasn't the best movie in the world, but I just really liked the Cyborg origin aspect. Didn't keep up with the JLA stuff in new 52 so didn't see how they rebooted Cyborg, but I love the whole unknown tech angle. Like, before he was just a generic Robocop style character. Now he's actually closer to the god tier power set of the rest of the JLA. Also love the evolving of his powers as he integrates more technology.

Also, for reference I did actually watch Flashpoint Paradox last night and thought it was great. Knew all the plot beats already since it was literally just the Flashpoint comic beat for beat and I have the Flashpoint comics in my collection. Will definitely check out Throne of Atlantis though, thanks for the recommendation.


Not yet, but I think the idea was that Zimmer is doing the themes for all the JL members (except Batman) and the composers can give it their own spin in the standalone movies. In the JL movie all of the themes will be combined to create the JL theme.

Man, I hope Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman are smash hits. WB really needs that.

SS seems to be that dark comedy/action movie that I think people will like. It seems like your popcorn movie that I think all audiences will appreciate more or less. Plus batman has a cameo so it'll be interesting to see him and the Joker interact.

Fan reception to WW has been fantastic. So it'll be interesting to see how things are shaping up when we get a trailer. But I think you have tons of people who want to see more of her at this point. And there is also a lot of mystery. While people know who WW is I don't think a lot know about her backstory or history.


170.1 million opening weekend. Should've done better. THR

Snyder's film scored the No. 5 opening of all time at the North American box office, and the No. 4 for a superhero film behind a trio of Marvel titles: The Avengers ($207.4 million), Avengers: Age of Ultron ($191.3 million) and Iron-Man 3 ($174.1 million), not accounting for inflation. It also bested the $152.2 million debut of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire in March 2013 to boast the to pre-summer debut in history.

Batman v Superman's mega-performance over Easter weekend is all the more impressive considering it earned dismal notices and a B CinemaScore, which is the equivalent of a C in popular parlance. As expected, the film skewed heavily male (66 percent), with the largest segment of the audience (63 percent) between the ages of 18 and 34.
It's not all period. Supposedly it overs 3 different eras - ancient Greece, WW1, and modern day.

I heard it's basically an origin with modern-day bookends. They might pipe it in a little bit during the modern portion, but again, most of the movie is in an electric-guitar-free time period :p


I heard it's basically an origin with modern-day bookends. They might pipe it in a little bit during the modern portion, but again, most of the movie is in an electric-guitar-free time period :p

I remember reports indicating that they're going full God of War with it when it matters. So when there's a huge CG army and Ares is in full armor riding a fucking demon dragon or whatever, and she transforms into her full costume, I don't think the theme would be out of place!
Zack is definitely directing Justice League and I'm very happy about it since there's plenty room for improvement back to Man of Steel/Watchmen levels

But now we gotta endure 1.5 years of shitposts in every Justice League casting, news, article, etc thread *sighs*
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