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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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I'm pretty sure Timm and Dini said they have zero interest in crossing over to touch live action films. They're happy with their legacy.
Im not saying get them as full scriptwriter/director which they most likely wouldn't want.
Seeing as this is likely an emergency situation they are the best choice to bring in and get their general opinions.


Top 3 things WB can do to ensure I merely rent the DCEU movies after home release.

1. Turn the DCEU into the MCU. We already have that.

2. Double down on Batman. Only tells me you have no balls.

3. Remove the focus on director driven products. If your Aquaman movie feels like your Flash movie you fucked up.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Top 3 things WB can do to ensure I merely rent the DCEU movies after home release.

1. Turn the DCEU into the MCU. We already have that.

2. Double down on Batman. Only tells me you have no balls.

3. Remove the focus on director driven products. If your Aquaman movie feels like your Flash movie you fucked up.

Aren't number and three basically the same?
Im not saying get them as full scriptwriter/director which they most likely wouldn't want.
Seeing as this is likely an emergency situation they are the best choice to bring in and get their general opinions.

They've got Johns doing that. I think Dini and Timm are going to stay where they are.

Aren't number and three basically the same?

Not automatiacally, making all the movies feel the same is different from making them all feel like Marvel, necessarily.

Surely there's some sort of balance that can be struck between the two.

Maybe, but let's see how it actually plays out first, yeah? So far we have a sample size of one director and 2 movies. Ayer and Jenkins are going to bring their own takes to the table.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Snyder has to go, it doesn't matter how far the whole thing is in production or how many contracts there are. WB can't let him keep fucking these franchises.


Quick question: how many of you think the movie would be performing better or worse if WB didn't decide to cut the theater release by 30 minutes?
We already have the Lego Batman movie coming and Bats will be appearing in SS, potentially Wonder Woman, and JLA. I know people think the Batman franchise is untouchable, but even the Bat can fall victim to oversaturation.

If we're entertaining this fantasy where WB completely changes their schedule in a week due to negative feedback, then a better move would be to movie a solo movie up. Aquaman or Shazam would be likely candidates.


SDCC is going to be interesting. I think if there any announcements it will be next week after the box office has mostly settled.

Fast tracking a jokey DCEU movie starring the Rock would be some easy cash.

Quick question: how many of you think the movie would be performing better or worse if WB didn't decide to cut the theater release by 30 minutes?

I think it would do about the same. Honestly I think the problems run deeper than execution. 30 mins more would have just made the movie overly long without any more action. I don't think audiences wanted to go into a super hero movie expecting to hear about whether or not the world needs a Superman (regardless if Snyder actually answered that question well enough or not). Marvel movies are super hero movies now, that's the expectation.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Geoff Johns is just a yes man I really doubt he has any big input in this universe. They just pass him scripts and he nods his head.


I wonder how Patty Jenkins is feeling right now. If BvS accomplished anything, it's that it primed the pump for a big Wonder Woman resurgence. The character's appearance is generally cited even by detractors as a big bright spot in the film, and lots of people - myself included - have reported cheers and applause when she joins the action.

On the flip, there is still some trepidation about Gal headlining a movie. And the mixed reaction to BvS has people more cautious/against the DCEU than ever.

I don't doubt there's a huge amount of pressure on her to deliver coming from the higher ups right now. Especially since we're almost certain to get the first WW trailer/teaser at comic con (the movie will be out before SD Comic Con 2017, so it's now or never on getting a big Comic Con push).

But who knows? Maybe she doesn't care and is just going to deliver her movie. I just hope it's good.
Geoff Johns is just a yes man I really doubt he has any big input in this universe. They just pass him scripts and he nods his head.

Yeah his credit is Executive Producer, which is like fuck nothing. Nolan has an EP and so does like 8 other people. He probably had a few meetings with Zack and they talked shop but I don't think he had any authorative role.

Whatever you may think of Johns, he wouldn't have Batman kill and he sure as hell would have had Hal in the first JL movie.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
And he wouldn't have Lex do that peach tea nonsense. Good lord, what were they thinking with that whole sequence.
And he wouldn't have Lex do that peach tea nonsense. Good lord, what were they thinking with that whole sequence.

That it was a fun callback and a pretty great way to have Senator Finch realize how thoroughly she'd fucked up. Also says a lot about Lex's character.


This is the kinda punishment fans must endure.



And he wouldn't have Lex do that peach tea nonsense. Good lord, what were they thinking with that whole sequence.

What? That was great. That was such a huge fuck you from Luthor. I'm just flabbergasted at the poor response for Jesse's Lex. It was so goddamn good.


Oh hey, what did everyone think of the modulated Bat-voice? After three movies of Bale's marble-mouthed grumbling, did you think it was an improvement?

I liked it for the most part, the only point it sort of distracted me was during the Knightmare sequence when Bats yells "NOOOOOOOO" - it just sounded kind of funny through the modulation.
Oh, hey what did everyone think of the modulated Bat-voice? After three movies of Bale's marble-mouthed grumbling, did you think it was an improvement?

I liked it for the most part, the only point it sort of distracted me was during the Knightmare sequence when Bats yells "NOOOOOOOO" - it just sounded kind of funny through the modulation.

This Batman is an improvement to all Batmen. It is the GOAT Batman.

I watched TDK yesterday and holy shit is Bale cringey when he talks in the suit. He should've kept his Begins voice.


People complaining about the origin can go take a hike as far as I'm concerned. The reaction what's a 5 minute sequence at the beginning of the movie has been pretty comical imo. People are acting like this is ASM where Uncle Ben's death is treated like a major story beat, when we saw it in another movie a decade before it. That's not how it's presented here at all.
You're acting like people have been treating the origin scene like it's the only thing wrong with the movie and they're constantly attacking it. If the movie had been better, then that scene would've just been a blip on the radar, but because so many people disliked it, it was just one more in a long list of things to be annoyed about.

I'd prefer to let the individual directors figure these things out rather than have it executively mandated.
If you're trying to set up one cohesive universe, it makes absolutely no sense to have a bunch of people doing their own thing with no kind of vision for the universe as a whole. It is entirely possible to have directors put their stamp on things while still fitting into the larger vision and too many DC-only fans believe this caricature of Feige being some kind of dictator to see that. If they didn't want to have their cinematic universe, then there would be nothing wrong with them letting the movies be in their own silos but the whole point of the cinematic universe is to have them be interconnected and cohesive.


We were all so excited a few weeks back as well. I'm not really fussed what others think since I enjoyed the movie, but still.. the negativity is something else.


I truly believe that the next DCU movies will be "lighter" and more approachable, but not because BvS didn't meet expectations, but because I think that was the plan this whole time. One good movie is enough to make people forget about BvS (although that saddens me, I really liked the movie and I don't think it deserves the hate it's getting).


Watched it for the third time today. Fuck the haters. Enjoyed it just the same. Sucks for the drop though. I hope they can still make some profit in the end.
Geoff Johns is just a yes man I really doubt he has any big input in this universe. They just pass him scripts and he nods his head.
He approved this shit on Arrow...

literally approved the worst thing that show has done.(the character Felicity has become has almost reached that level though.)


I just want a goddamn Teen Titans movie, preferably without any Snyder involvement whatsoever. Is that too much to ask for? Is it? IS IT?!


Being director driven might be the thing that end up saving the DCCU oddly enough. Snyder not having that much input on the other projects is good, great even. That's why I think SS and WW will turn out fine. Listening to Patty Jenkins talk about Wonder Woman, she gets the character, Wondy is in good hands.

What interview was you listening to? And also, I wonder if we'll see any gods. We have so little information about it that I'm wondering what route they are going with the story.


If they cancel it now nobody worth a damn will touch it with a 10 foot pole.

This is basically how I'm seeing it now. BvS is doing that bad that WB needs to just grit their teeth and muscle through it. Hopefully SS and WW can restore some faith in the GA and WB will likely watch over the production of JL like their life depended on its success.


What interview was you listening to? And also, I wonder if we'll see any gods. We have so little information about it that I'm wondering what route they are going with the story.

Ares is a definite, and I believe Circe is also in the movie. I imagine they'll get Hera and/or Athena in there too.
An odd costume/poor performance is well under any story errors that show has made.
Im talking the whole thing overall.
Hyping her up, Oliver's hypocritical "you can't kill" BS with her(when he himself still did) and then quickly turning her to a crazy cop killer.

He himself approved of them using her and in that way. Thats about as much respect as Snyder had for Jimmy.


Don't. Fucking reboot it.

It's not too late. Just fucking cancel JL.

The last thing I want to happen is a reboot. I'll be extremely pissed if that happens. I think Cavil, Affleck, and Gadot are great in their roles. I want to see more of them. I'm really looking forward to WW and SS and to see how different they'll be as we've always known they were going to be different from BvS and MoS. I hope when WB is looking at BvS in regards to what they can do differently so JL is better received they also pay attention to what critics aren't talking negatively about. The acting in the film is good across the board. Dislike the version of Lex they went with but the actor did great. That's pretty much true for majority of the reviews I believe with a big focus on Affleck as Batman. Whatever changes WB decides to make to make sure the universe continues forward a change is cast should not be one of them.

I've seen the film three times now. Enjoyed it a lot each time. I want to see it one more time but finding the time to do so has been annoying and it's getting expensive because I want to see it in XD. I go to a Cinemark theater and that's their best format. I think three times is more then enough though and feel like I've done my part (not that I felt I needed to support it. I enjoyed it enough to see it several times.). I'm not even counting gas as the theater is about 15+ miles away from my home. There very few films that get me to go back twice. Before BvS the films that did that for me recently was Star Wars: The Force Awakens, X-men Days of Future Past I think, and something else (the last Hobbit film maybe). Three is a damn rarity for me and TFA might be one of the films that got to this level. If I get to see it again for a 4th great. I mainly now just want to buy the Ultimate Edition blu-ray and then wait for SS and WW. I feel like I need to step back from everything until that happens and not get so invested.
Im talking the whole thing overall.
Hyping her up, Oliver's hypocritical "you can't kill" BS with her(when he himself still did) and then quickly turning her to a crazy cop killer.

All that shit sounds like the show's creative team - Berlanti/Guggenheim/Kreisberg/Sokolowski. I don't ever hear Johns name being brought up with Arrow unless it's some shit like the Oracle thing.

EDIT: And fuck a reboot.
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