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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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WB is not going to double down on the tone of BvS. Things are most assuredly are going to get funnier and lighter from here on out.

That was always going to be the case. Wan was talking about swashbuckling. Ayer said as far back as SDCC that people were going to be surprised how funny his movie was.

Nah, Black Manta talking in third person and doing Black Manta stuff.



That's what I like about Manta. No complex god-complex like Lex, no twisted obsession like Joker. No, Manta is just a dude who hates the fuck out of Aquaman. He's like many of us, in that way.

Less like us in the undersea henchmen and shit. But still.


Should we be getting some jl photo soon? Filming is in 8 days.

For reference. Bvs shooting was may 19. First batfleck photo was may 14.
Nah, it's not that bad.

Let's not pretend that everybody who dislikes the movie hasn't seen it, yeah? That sort of talk is a great way to turn this place into a toxic echo chamber and I'd really prefer that doesn't happen.

I'm not even saying that, I'm aware of the reasons why there's dislike towards it, I was talking more about the discussion itself.

The terrible legs pretty much proves that it's only the critics who don't like it wrong. You don't get 68% drops unless you have bad word of mouth from the actual audience. There is no doubt after the huge drop post opening weekend both worldwide and domestic this thing has bad word of mouth for the most part.

To try and claim only a minority didn't like it goes against the realities we are seeing with the actual word of mouth and huge drops in gross we are seeing.

When a super hero film gets the same drop off as X-Men Origins Wolverine and only slightly behind Ang Lees Hulk that says something about the audience reaction to the film. If this thing had typical word of mouth drops as most super hero movies (not even the fantastic drops of films like the Nolan Batman movies) you could claim a majority who saw it liked it. But we have pretty clear evidence this is not the case here.

I didn't say a minority didn't like it, I said a minority has taken it upon themselves to bring the toxicity to every topic even slightly related to the film here. You guys talking about typical results, but that's a statement as vacuous as the Wayne family wine bottles, nothing about this film has been typical, no thread, no piece of media, no press preview, no promo, nothing about this film it's typical at all. You tell me what about this film has been typical cause I don't see it.

But hey, don't let me stop you from holding on that opinion.
Is it too subtle for Red Letter Media, Moviebob, Angry Joe and almost every other reviewer out there? Is the final defense for this movie going to be its "too deep" for critics who watch films for a living AND the general audience? Its too deep for Max Landis, who wrote superman comics? If all you can muster for a defense is to actively shit on all the critics who panned it, it might just be time to stop posting.

There's a forum for fanboys like your self:

Enjoy your stay.

That was sarcasm. You see, I'm too subtle for you as well. Maybe you should ask the critics to rate me so that you can feel validated on your wrong opinion.
WB is not going to double down on the tone of BvS. Things are most assuredly are going to get funnier and lighter from here on out.

I don't see it as a light and dark tone problem. BvS is sort of a dreary parable. Ang Lee's Hulk isn't the worst film to liken it too. Both take the underlying psychological issues the characters at one time or another represented and make that the film. Characters are often caught up in being metaphors and ideas it's understandable why general audiences struggle to empathize with them as people.


All the BvS threads are pretty cringeworthy at this point. This shall pass.

Yeah, to some degree or another, I can't deny that. A few months back, I said for the sake of DC-GAF, I hope BvS is good. I got accused of concern trolling but this is what I imagined would happen! There were more than a few meltdowns and then OT went super hard on the negativity. Time heals all wounds...but suicide squad can't get here soon enough.
Yeah, to some degree or another, I can't deny that. A few months back, I said for the sake of DC-GAF, I hope BvS is good. I got accused of concern trolling but this is what I imagined would happen! There were more than a few meltdowns and then OT went super hard on the negativity. Time heals all wounds...but suicide squad can't get here soon enough.

Hah, yeah. You definitely called it.

Squad I think will heal all wounds, more than time. At least I sure hope it will, lol. One good (read: popular) movie in the can and people will forget about BvS.


Yeah, to some degree or another, I can't deny that. A few months back, I said for the sake of DC-GAF, I hope BvS is good. I got accused of concern trolling but this is what I imagined would happen! There were more than a few meltdowns and then OT went super hard on the negativity. Time heals all wounds...but suicide squad can't get here soon enough.

I'm with you, man. It's a dumpster fire in the OT right now. There's really no reason to post in any of the threads if you don't utterly despise the movie, or at least, just want some decent conversation.

Though this one isn't much better....Man, it's just not fun to talk about these movies anymore. :(
Members are still good.

This thread pick up nearer to next week. By then spoiler talk should be freed up, no? Presumably any Justice League info inherently spoils BvS.


Well, I finally got around to seeing it. It was dece t, and yeah, Affleck was awesome. I really hope Batman is slightly less brutal in his solo movie though (no more intentional killing). If a Robin is in it then it would make sense. But man, I really hope we get another Superman movie with a brand new creative team. The editing felt really sudden. Still excited for the future of DC's films.

Also, can we just accept Marvel and DC without any complaining about either? That would be nice, regardless of which you prefer (I love both).
Was randomly watching Batman Begins and just realized how big and talented of a supporting class it had for Bale to work off of.

im still surprised how they manage it for this, especially with Bale being the lead since he was unknown at the time(I think?).


Was randomly watching Batman Begins and just realized how big and talented of a supporting class it had for Bale to work off of.

im still surprised how they manage it for this, especially with Bale being the lead since he was unknown at the time(I think?).
It's even more surprising that the movie came from Nolan who at the time only had movies like Memento and Insomnia to his credit. Batman Begins was a strange movie for me. I remember hearing all the praise for it and being really excited. But then I saw the movie and I was bewildered throughout the entire thing.

Being completely honest, it really was just cuz Bale wasn't "muh Batman" lol. I came out of theater thinking it was kind of dull. I wanted the theatrics of the Burton movies. I wanted the silliness and darkness of the villains. I wanted all the gothic shit and the martial arts you associate with Batman and I felt like none of it was there. Then when the movie came out on DVD and I gave it a rewatch, something clicked. Now I just love the hell out of the movie. I think when I finally got over the hurdle that this wasn't going to be my Batman, I could enjoy the movie as a movie, and as a movie it fucking owns.

I was kind of hoping MoS would be received in a similar way but that hasn't happened yet and now with the furor BvS caused, I'm not sure it will happen. I think, at least, it's in due part (and it's weird talking about this) to how deified the character of Superman is nowadays. My thoughts on this have been all over the place so I can't go into any convincing detail, but the comparisons to Jesus are jumping out at me.

When I watch the movie again, maybe I'll nail down my thoughts, but for now, the tone that I'm coming across in the negative conversations about the movie is pretty similar to what happens when Jesus isn't depicted as anything but a saint. That bugs people out. It makes them mad and it makes them lash out.

I think I finally get the allusions to Christ in Snyder's movies.


I'm torn. I kind of want to reply to a bunch of stuff I just saw in the spoiler thread but at the same time I'm not interested in the inevitable "I'm going to ignore what you just said so I can remind you of the thing that I said even though you shut it down already" replies that will spawn from it.

Think I'll just go back to watching Dredd.


I'm torn. I kind of want to reply to a bunch of stuff I just saw in the spoiler thread but at the same time I'm not interested in the inevitable "I'm going to ignore what you just said so I can remind you of the thing that I said even though you shut it down already" replies that will spawn from it.

Think I'll just go back to watching Dredd.

Dredd is awesome.
Was randomly watching Batman Begins and just realized how big and talented of a supporting class it had for Bale to work off of.

im still surprised how they manage it for this, especially with Bale being the lead since he was unknown at the time(I think?).

he wasn't a huge actor at the time. but he certainly was not an unknown

and batman begins was great up until the last 30 mins or so. just really devolved into the standard superhero nonsense. still a great movie though. i the character development of bruce was top notch, TDK and DKR never really hit for me in that regard.
I hope that Bat of Manslaughter is a Snyderism that wont pop up again in future movies. Write off all those explosions as having guys crawl out from under them, the
guy he hit with his car? It was Metallo, so he's fine!



I was really down before I saw this yesterday.

Not just the constant negativity around this movie, but the last two weeks have been just depressing for me. Health-wise, career-wise, general happiness I just haven't been in a good place.

I liked it. Maybe a notch below Man of Steel. But I LOVED Man of Steel.

Wonder Woman and her theme were fire.

I can KINDA see where people were complaining about disjointed scenes.

The biggest hit I think that was on was Luthor. I don't know if I loved or hated him. But if definitely feels like something was missing from his story
I don't know whether that was background info on his relationship with his dad or his interaction with Zod's ship or more information on his metahuman hypothesis.
But something
definitely felt like it was missing.

The desert sequence was great.
Supes just eyebeaming Bats people in half was something else. The Flash cameo was great and I hope a glimpse of things to come. In fact I think Flash and Wonder Woman were the only files that needed to be opened. Keep Cyborg and Aquaman in as files with clearly identifiable logos/hints but don't actually show them.
I highly suspect this will be more fleshed out in Suicide Squad though.

Also on the ending. I've read alot of people thinking Luthor
was alluding to Darkseid. But with the lingering Satan/Angel imagery could he actually be referring to Trigon?

The only nagging plotline I haven't been able to piece together.
Why did Luthor's mercenaries use specially detectable bullets? He obviously knew people's secrets and didn't care if people knew his but was this part of the games he liked to play?

The one issue I have with this movie is the same I had with MOS. Some acts don't transition naturally.
The Martha scene just didn't sit quite well with me. The same in Man of Steel where Clark gives himself up right after meeting Jor El and Zod introducing himself
. Needed some escalation imo.

At the end of the day I liked it and hope we continue to get DC adventures in the pseudo-realistic/fantastical style.

Also a sidenote on something in this and the MCU.
It's interesting that secret identities seem to be an anachronism that's being dumped. I guess the only characters that absoutely need them are Batman and other urban vigilantes like him. I kinda like in DC where when people with resources put two-and-two together they're able to come to obvious conclusions.
So yeah, if there's any production changes to JL such as changing the Director I think it would be this week, given shooting starts on the 11th.

I'm not so concerned about Snyder staying on the project creatively because I enjoyed BvS, moreso about how they're going to market the movie with the same director attached.

Depth wise I do think there are people that are missing some significant aspects of the movie, given their questions about certain things in the movie in the spoiler thread. I do not blame them though, the movie requires you to pay strict attention and it doesn't have direct scene transitions.

How to people feel about Zac Efron being Bill Batson? He's kidish and have you guys seen how big he is on Baywatch? If they have good chemistry in that movie, you bring those two back for Shazam? Or is that too much on the nose? I'd be scrambling to put Superman in a Shazam origin story.

Watched it a third time last night, took my entire family to watch it (not even born in NA and they loved it). They have only watched Force Awakens and Jurassic World in the last year.

Yeah I just checked his pics out, he's got a boy-ish face that I think would work well on Shazam. I've never seen any of his films so I don't know how he is, but if he's got great onscreen chemistry with the Rock then I wouldn't mind them pulling the trigger on it.


I'm a little confused about Keefe's checks.
I know Lex is taking responsibility for, "You let your family die!" That much is clear. I'm not clear on whether prior to that, Keefe was rejecting the checks out of anger OR if Lex was intercepting them.

I'm unclear what Keefe was trying to accomplish versus Lex.

If Keefe was the one rejecting them, he apparently has some sort of beef with Bruce Wayne, where he isn't willing to take the money and he calls Bruce blind... but to what end? What does he want from Bruce? Keefe does four other things more or less of his own accord: 1) He papers his apartment with Superman clippings; 2) He spray paints FALSE GOD; 3) He yells, "I work for Bruce Wayne!" while arrested; 4) He speaks out against Superman.

All of the anger is directed at Superman except 3) and the checks. The only sense I can make of being mad at Bruce is that he wants or expects Bruce to go after Superman and is upset that Bruce didn't? Does that sound right?

If Lex was the one intercepting and rejecting the checks, you don't have to reconcile the checks as Keefe's anger towards Bruce and only have to explain why he shouted, "I work for Bruce Wayne!", maybe [driven] mad at seemingly being forgotten or cut-off... but in that scenario you'd think he'd have even more anger at Bruce and there would have been an earlier or more direct confrontation?

How did you interpret Keefe's actions?


At this point, the people who enjoyed BvS are the minority and thus not important. When the critical reception is as negative as it is AND it's underperforming at the box office like it is, WB has some tough decisions to make.

Just moving forward like nothing is wrong seems crazy to me at this point, honestly. And I liked BvS!


At this point, the people who enjoyed BvS are the minority and thus not important. When the critical reception is as negative as it is AND it's underperforming at the box office like it is, WB has some tough decisions to make.

Just moving forward like nothing is wrong seems crazy to me at this point, honestly. And I liked BvS!

The fans aren't not important, not sure I agree. But Snyder is 0/2 in terms of being able to make a well-received film, not sure why JL is going to be the trick.

JL is effectively the sequel to BvS, not sure how the sequel will be better received given its the same director (and worse cinematographer?).


At this point, the people who enjoyed BvS are the minority and thus not important. When the critical reception is as negative as it is AND it's underperforming at the box office like it is, WB has some tough decisions to make.

Just moving forward like nothing is wrong seems crazy to me at this point, honestly. And I liked BvS!

Nah, I still think overall that the majority of people who saw it liked it in some way. It's just the ones who didn't are very vocal about it. I'm sure they'll make some changes behind the scenes, but I don't expect any major overhauls, nor do I want one.


Nah, I still think overall that the majority of people who saw it liked it in some way. It's just the ones who didn't are very vocal about it. [/B]I'm sure they'll make some changes behind the scenes, but I don't expect any major overhauls, nor do I want one.

The WOM has led to a near-historic drop, not sure how you can say that.


Nah, I still think overall that the majority of people who saw it liked it in some way. It's just the ones who didn't are very vocal about it.
Movies where most people liked it don't have historically bad drops. To drop 69% requires very bad word of mouth. It tied X-Men Origins Wolverine and just behind the Ang Lees Hulk. Movies where most of the audience like it don't have these sort of drastic drop offs.


Movies which most audiences liked don't have Cinemascores of B either I think.

The audience score on RT has been tanking since release too.

Which isn't to discredit those who do like it or love it, but every metric indicates that most did not. Which cannot happen for a billion dollar franchise, which is why I'm really curious about how they handle Snyder and JL.


Movies which most audiences liked don't have Cinemascores of B either I think.
Correct. B is considered terrible by CinemaScore standards. It was clear it was going to drop off a cliff after the opening weekend with that CinemaScore.

Based on all metrics we have the closest comparison to the general audience reaction to this is X-Men Origins Wolverine. Of course some liked that movie too, just like BvS. But the consensus on that is very similar to BvS.


The WOM has led to a near-historic drop, not sure how you can say that.

Movies where most people liked it don't have historically bad drops. To drop 69% requires very bad word of mouth. It tied X-Men Origins Wolverine and just behind the Ang Lees Hulk. Movies where most of the audience like it don't have these sort of drastic drop offs.

I should have said closer to 50/50 split than a vast majority liking/disliking it.

Anyways, this is not the reception WB was hoping for.
Movies which most audiences liked don't have Cinemascores of B either I think.

yeah mad max ended up with a B+ and could barely make back it's budget.

I think the people that liked bvs didn't love it enough to recommend, and those that disliked it, absolutely hated it. It's clear there's a split, even more than MoS.


Movies with 50/50 split do not drop this dramatically. It is doing near historically bad for the genre for legs.

When the negative 50% are extremely vocal against it it definitely could lead to that type of drop, especially combined with the critic reviews.

I just think BvS is a unique case. The positive WOM from people who saw it just wasn't able to overcome the negative critic and audience reviews.


Warner Bros. domestic distribution chief Jeff Goldstein speaking on BvS 2nd weekend drop:
We’re not concerned with the drop. No matter how you slice it, to get to $52 million on any given weekend is an enormous accomplishment. We’re most focused on where we are in total. And our global number is huge.

52M (actually 51M) is not an enormous accomplishment when it represents a 69% drop.

I guess his job is to spin it as much as possible.


Turned it off after like 5 seconds, the fuck is this shit. I thought the dude who did Gravity was doing the OST?
Doesn't mean it's all score and no regular tracks.

Listening again, I hear Ross say Deadshot near the beginning as well. Killer Croc too. So yeah, this is definitely for the movie. Either that or Rick Ross is just a big Suicide Squad fan. lol
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