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DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits

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Ronan talked shit and then betrayed Thanos and all he did was sit there like a dope. Doesn't exactly make Thanos look all that imposing. It wouldn't be so bad but that's basically his most significant moment so far in the MCU.
He didn't care about anything Ronan did, he just wanted the stone. He let Ronan have his temper tantrum, then finally decided that he had to get his hands dirty.


And? At no point was he seen cowering to Ronan or being affected by any of his yelling.

I didn't say he was scared. I said he sat there and did nothing after having been betrayed by both Ronan and again by his daughter. Betrayed. Not endured a temper tantrum. Thanos asked him for the stone and Ronan kept it and denounced him. And Thanos just went "oh well" and that was the end of it. It made him look like a chump.

Then audiences wait 8 months for him to be like "Okay, I'll get up and do something."


I didn't say he was scared. I said he sat there and did nothing after having been betrayed by both Ronan and again by his daughter. Betrayed. Not endured a temper tantrum. Thanos asked him for the stone and Ronan kept it and denounced him. And Thanos just went "oh well" and that was the end of it. It made him look like a chump.

Then audiences wait 8 months for him to be like "Okay, I'll get up and do something."
Like I said, you see what you want to see. The two women weren't his real daughters, he just cared about them for as long as he could use them to accomplish whatever goal he had in mind and it's not like he was standing next to Ronan and let him in his face. But it doesn't really matter, they'll have to show what he can do in Infinity War.

Ronan is garbage.

Whoever wrote Thanos into getting clowned by him in any capacity, is garbage.

GoTG is garbage.

Keep it moving.


Like I said, you see what you want to see. The two women weren't his real daughters, he just cared about them for as long as he could use them to accomplish whatever goal he had in mind and it's not like he was standing next to Ronan and let him in his face. But it doesn't really matter, they'll have to show what he can do in Infinity War.

That's not what I want to see. Why the hell would I want to see Thanos get rolled over like that? What that is is what happened.


That's not what I want to see. Why the hell would I want to see Thanos get rolled over like that? What that is is what happened.
I don't know why you'd want to see that but it's how you interpreted the scene and I can't change that so, oh well. You saw it one way, I saw it another.


Woah woah woah, hold your horses. GoTG was great. Fun as hell, even if it has fuck all to do with the big picture (until Avengers 3 anyway).

Yea I liked GotG a lot up until the final "battle" with Ronan. The Nova sequence ahead of it was great but everything from the dance onwards lost me.
Yea I liked GotG a lot up until the final "battle" with Ronan. The Nova sequence ahead of it was great but everything from the dance onwards lost me.

at the end of the day, it's a Marvel movie. They really do not give a shit about their villains, they just want their heroes to look cool/funny/whatever the scene calls for. It's fun, but the shtick is old.
Like I said, you see what you want to see. The two women weren't his real daughters, he just cared about them for as long as he could use them to accomplish whatever goal he had in mind and it's not like he was standing next to Ronan and let him in his face. But it doesn't really matter, they'll have to show what he can do in Infinity War.

They needed to show what he could do about 3 movies ago. GotG was the perfect venue for him to have an Actual Presence. Dude gets snubbed by Ronan, gets betrayed by Gamora, and he absolutely takes it lying down. There's no promise of greater retribution there, it just makes him seem impotent (not like that). Like he can't stop it and can't get back at them for it either, so he doesn't even try to make a threat or anything.

Thanos hanging out in his big honking chair is kind of a joke at this point. Orcus on his Throne is not the model you want to be looking at for your big bads.
They needed to show what he could do about 3 movies ago. GotG was the perfect venue for him to have an Actual Presence. Dude gets snubbed by Ronan, gets betrayed by Gamora, and he absolutely takes it lying down. There's no promise of greater retribution there, it just makes him seem impotent (not like that). Like he can't stop it and can't get back at them for it either, so he doesn't even try to make a threat or anything.

Thanos hanging out in his big honking chair is kind of a joke at this point. Orcus on his Throne is not the model you want to be looking at for your big bads.

The worst part is, when he has that post-credit scene about finally taking matters into his own hands, none of the upcoming movies deal with anything related to him. Maybe Doctor Strange, since I'm willing to bet we'll get the next Infinity Gem, but otherwise, nothing until Infinity War.

Yeah but Fong is God tier.

New dude looks solid. Like what he's done so far. I think it could be a good change, even if it's a lemonade out of lemons situation.


He didn't care about anything Ronan did, he just wanted the stone. He let Ronan have his temper tantrum, then finally decided that he had to get his hands dirty.

I think you missed the point... if Thanos is supposed to be feared by the audience, you don't do it by having a medicore underdeveloped villain undercutting him in his first meaningful appearance (and even then, not that long). He wasn't cowering in his boots, sure, but if Ronan, some chump clearly had zero fear in him, the only character we've seen interact with Thanos, then why are we, the audience, supposed to think he's someone to be feared?

Besides, him finally getting his hands dirty came a year later in a different movie's end credits.
Ronan talked shit and then betrayed Thanos and all he did was sit there like a dope. Doesn't exactly make Thanos look all that imposing. It wouldn't be so bad but that's basically his most significant moment so far in the MCU.

Thanos was a holographic projection on a wall. What else was he going to do?


The new cinematographer looks promising. He did Hardhome in Game of Thrones. Last season's best episode.
Nice. I haven't seen season 5 yet of GoT, but I did get to watch Hardhome with some friends. One of the things I remember thinking about it (apart from how goddamn insane it is lol) is how well they shot the whole thing. It looked incredible. It felt tense. It was completely believable. The final shot with the two armies staring each other down...I got chills.

We're in good hands. Based Snyder.

Throwing my two cents in the GOTG convo: It's probably the best Marvel movie (I go between that and Iron Man 1) but, man, the villain was a waste of time. I couldn't even remember his name. I was happy he got to look as dumb as possible in the dance off. At least it was funny.



Never forget.
I hope the solo Batfleck film takes advantage of the fact that it's an older Batman so they could do different story arcs than the ones we've seen in the movies. Using characters such as Huntress/Helena Wayne(his and catwomans daughter), Red Hood, Nightwing, Oracle, etc. The Robin shrine in the batcave in BvS is similar to the same one for Jason Todd/Robin in the comics when Joker killed him. Snyder confirmed that the Joker killed him as well. So it looks like they are already setting up the groundwork for a potential Red Hood arc.

The plot could be about Bruce discovering he has a daughter and also learning about her being the Huntress. Part of the film is about Batman's bond with his daughter and how he processes that. Meanwhile the Red Hood Gang steadily infiltrates Gotham causing chaos throughout the city as well as using the media to turn people towards anarchy. The Red Hood gang is mainly an anarchist movement within Gotham where the citizens are taking to widespread vigilantism/protesting. Think almost V for Vendetta-esque but with a darker twist. They attack both Villians and crime leaders as well as the superheroes under the misguided attempt of saving Gotham. They also have questionable tactics and exhibit brutal behavior. The leader of the Red Hood gang is the dead Jason Todd. He was resurrected by a Lazarus Pit and Granny Goodness took care of him/corrupting him to Darkseid. Under GG's care he became bitter and resentful and then when healed he parted ways with her. As the film goes on he begins to target Nightwing, Oracle, Alfred, Huntress, etc. as well as various well known criminals in Gotham such as the Joker. The final confrontation is a big battle as the Red Hood gang takes over Gotham as Nightwing, Huntress and everyone else fights them off. Meanwhile Red Hood captures Batman and the Joker. He gives guns to Joker and Batman. He tells the Joker to point it at Batman, Batman to point his gun at Red Hood, and Red Hood points his gun at Joker. He says that he will kill the Joker if the Joker doesn't kill Batman. He also tells Batman that the only way to save himself is by killing me. Forcing Batman to confront this major moment in his life and his decision to kill. Also reference and tease the court of owls.

I think that'd make for a good film that fleshes out the Batverse, relates to the on going DCU plot and would be an interesting and different story arc. Never going to happen but it's nice to dream.


There's more discussion on this one page than any villain in the MCU movies really deserves. They really are some of the most bland, dull, and forgettable characters around.
There's more discussion on this one page than any villain in the MCU movies really deserves. They really are some of the most bland, dull, and forgettable characters around.
Yeah, but I don't know if it's because I grew up with DC or if they are really are bland and dull. I honestoy can't remember most of the villains names. It almost feels like Batman has a better rogue gallery than the entirety of Marvel, if you take out Spider-Man, which feels like The Flash's rogue gallery.

But I am probably biased.


There's more discussion on this one page than any villain in the MCU movies really deserves. They really are some of the most bland, dull, and forgettable characters around.

And I hate that. I can appreciate hero moments and interactions but a villain makes a hero. I don't care about Cap slapping around Thug #7 or Alien #24 or Droid #165. Bucky was great but now they are buddies and as much as I'm loving the early reactions to CW I keep hearing that
Zemo is another wasted villain and I'm like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...
Never forget.

Dude that's the perfect set up for the "Thanos Sub-consciously wants to lose" reveal.

Yeah, but I don't know if it's because I grew up with DC or if they are really are bland and dull. I honestoy can't remember most of the villains names. It almost feels like Batman has a better rogue gallery than the entirety of Marvel, if you take out Spider-Man, which feels like The Flash's rogue gallery.

But I am probably biased.

Fox has the rights to all of Marvel's best villains


Keeping it 100, there are about 4 Rogue Galleries that stand above all others in comic: Batman (even if I personally am not that hot on it), Superman, Spider-Man, and The Flash. Every other hero has a solid 1-5 rogues that are worth a damn, then the rest are mediocre to outright trash.


Gold Member
Batman rogue gallery is indeed amazing. There's a reason why Batman Arkham game so praised so much. The lore is so rich.

Doing another Arkham Knight playthrough right now, the crazy attention to lore detail is what I enjoy so much. Well, aside from them being really amazing games, of course.

There's so much lore sprinkled throughout the game world for the [hardcore] Batman fan, it's awesome. And really educational too, the Arkham games to an amazing job of explaining characters, locations and lore. I love the three-page City Stories in Arkham Knight, for example. I learnt so much about Batman's lesser known rogues in Arkham Asylum, especially through the riddles.


I don't like Nightwing to show up randomly, because then why didn't he give a shit about the events in BvS?
I also don't like Dick period.

Fox has the rights to all of Marvel's best villains
And yet they still can't get Dr. Doom right. They had two chances already!

X-Men has cool villains.
It's a shame they made Fassbender into an anti-hero and JLaw into a bland hero. She looks like she's straight up lifted from the Hunger games. I don't think Apoc and his four horsemen are going to break any pots either. Olivia Munn looks like a joke as Psylocke. God why couldn't they cast an Asian person?
It's a shame they made Fassbender into an anti-hero and JLaw into a bland hero. She looks like she's straight up lifted from the Hunger games. I don't think Apoc and his four horsemen are going to break any pots either. Olivia Munn looks like a joke as Psylocke. God why couldn't they cast an Asian person?

Not trying to defend Olivia Munn at all, but she's like, half Chinese.
Also, if that's not enough to dissuade you, remember that Psylocke was originally a white woman so it's not like they're being unfaithful to the source material.

edit: Also, she needs a British accent. Where's that guy who was complaining that he couldn't enjoy Harley Quinn without the over the top accent? He better be livid over this portrayal of Psylocke >:[


She doesn't look Chinese, like at all. I just think it's hilarious and sad that white and black women get to kick ass in X-Men: Apocalypse and the Asian woman gets to be Jubilee.


I'm kinda confused here. Olivia Munn is Asian-American, regardless of whether -you- think she "looks" Chinese or whatever. Her mother was from Vietnam. If we're talking about diversity of casting, the racial background of an actor or actress matters, not whether they look "close enough" to some idealized racial physical appearance. Otherwise we're going to drop right back to the "not black enough" debates which are frankly embarrassing and shameful.


I'm saying I wasn't aware she's half-Chinese. I don't give two shits about Psylocke's etnicity. :lol It's all about the performance.


Asian women appeal to me. Strong, independant Asian women appeal to me even more. It has nothing to do with Psylocke, the character. Though I guess she doesn't need to be Asian. I just don't think Olivia Munn is all that attractive, which is kind of what I look for in a femme fatale.


Ronan is garbage.

Whoever wrote Thanos into getting clowned by him in any capacity, is garbage.

GoTG is garbage.

Keep it moving.

There are a number of things bad with GOTG but for the most part the film is really good. It's the ending that is garbage though for many characters. That I continue to have a problem with. Though I am actually glad they did what they did to the Nova Corps. I would absolute hate if we had a situation where people were thinking Green Lantern were a copy. So far there is no threat of that with how they're being done. Yes I know we had the Green Lantern film (which outside of the last ending isn't that bad I feel. Problems yes but not horrible. The end is really bad though. No spinning that. All the Oa stuff is great though and damn Mark Strong made a great Sinestro.) but not everyone saw that or might remember it.
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