I know the feel... I'm more interested in the street level stuff and how the solos turn out, but this is what Justice League was always going to be. The DCEU hasn't really nerfed anyone, so there's just a shit ton of power on screen here.Oh I'm definitely not against ensemble movies. Love stuff like Seven Samurai and Oceans Eleven
It's just the Avengers has already soured me on the big superhero movie team up films. Although that's thanks to Whedon
And while I am digging these trailers it feels fairly similar to those movies. With the same big brute and his henchman and massive action scenes etc. That's just how it goes tho, it's hard to really switch a story like this up
It lives or dies on their interactions and downtime imo. I hope Aquaman and Flash get a lot of time for dat banter
Edit: Justin Lin would be amazing for a justice league movie actually cuz I think that dude made the best action ensemble movie of the decade with fast 5
Does that mean the corp doesn't exist or that it's just there's no lanterns on earth"No Lanterns... No Kryptonian."
Maybe the Lanterns are caught up with something that forces them to leave some sectors unprotected.Does that mean the corp doesn't exist or that it's just there's no lanterns on earth
I'm talking about people saying Ben wants out and how it depends on how JL does. The report doesn't even make one mention of that.
I'm happy they're letting Momoa play Arthur Curry as himself. He's been boxed into to playing a certain type of quiet brute and there was the worry he'd play Aquaman that way. From what we've seen, that ain't so; his Aquaman is bro and metal. Surfing on parademons and all.
Apparently he's like that in the Aquaman footage they didn't release. I'm disappointed nobody got a picture of Black Manta.
I will be quite upset if Colin Farrell isn't cast as Constantine.
Ive always intended on doing a third if Warners wants to make it. Certainly, if the Batphone rings, I will answer.
Id love to do it as long as theyll have me, he concludes. Eventually itll be somebody else, and Im sure theyll get somebody great. But while Im doing it, Im going to do the best job I can, and really appreciate how lucky I am.
Ben sounds like he was asked to do that. Or he is just a guy that never sounds excited. Because written, it sounds like he is being honest and willing, but with his voice, at least at the panel, it didn't - not to me.
After JL we will get the news that he is out.
Bat symbol.
Yes, because people love drama in the DCEU and would look for anything that confirms their meta fanfiction.Wild theory when this has been around for quite a while?
Yes, because people love drama in the DCEU and would look for anything that confirms their meta fanfiction.
Yes, because people love drama in the DCEU and would look for anything that confirms their meta fanfiction.
Now that I think of it, when it's all said and done a DCEU BTS documentary would be great to see.
-MoS's mixed reaction
- The rise of the internet "superheros destroying private property" and the "This is not how a superhero should behave" scholars
- BVS announcement "after the Avengers money"
-Ben affleck's casting
-Gal Gadot's casting #notmuhGinaCarano
-BvS's critical backlash and GAF's afterparty
- Ahasveru's meltdown
- Sad Affleck
- Theatrical edits and ultimate cuts shenanigans
-Joker's damaged Reveal
-Trailer park's Suicide Squad being trashed but making a lot of money and winning an Oscar
-The Rise of the Internet Editing Experts
-This is KATANA!
-Wonder Woman is a mess!...except...not?
- Slate announcements and stealth cancellations
-Directors dropping out
- "Affleck isn't smiling-Gate" Possible Batman exit
The amount of drama that ensued since 2013 onwards it's a movie on its own.
The Wonder Woman is a mess thing was the craziest thing tbh.
It was an anonymous letter that bitched about the movie and called out Patty I believe. and people ran with that like it was gospel.
The problem wasn't people doubting the movie. It was the fact that people actually believed that source because it fit a narrative.
I wonder how that person feels now.
Negative DCEU stories will always be the hot thing I suppose.The Wonder Woman is a mess thing was the craziest thing tbh.
It was an anonymous letter that bitched about the movie and called out Patty I believe. and people ran with that like it was gospel.
The problem wasn't people doubting the movie. It was the fact that people actually believed that source because it fit a narrative.
Negative DCEU stories will always be the hot thing I suppose.
Drama sells.
Though my new favorite one I've seen from folks is saying that WW succeeded in spite of WB not caring for it... yeah honey!
With Shazam getting its director, I do hope we start getting casting news very soon.
Then we have the other big casting news we need to see...Justice League Dark, Green Lantern Corps...
What timing... Time to add one more to itNow that I think of it, when it's all said and done a DCEU BTS documentary would be great to see.
-MoS's mixed reaction
- The rise of the internet "superheros destroying private property" and the "This is not how a superhero should behave" scholars
- BVS announcement "after the Avengers money"
-Ben affleck's casting
-Gal Gadot's casting #notmuhGinaCarano
-BvS's critical backlash and GAF's afterparty
- Ahasveru's meltdown
- Sad Affleck
- Theatrical edits and ultimate cuts shenanigans
-Joker's damaged Reveal
-Trailer park's Suicide Squad being trashed but making a lot of money and winning an Oscar
-The Rise of the Internet Editing Experts
-This is KATANA!
-Wonder Woman is a mess!...except...not?
- Slate announcements and stealth cancellations
-Directors dropping out
- "Affleck isn't smiling-Gate" Possible Batman exit
The amount of drama that ensued since 2013 onwards it's a movie on its own.
Nothing in the DCEU matters to me right now more than WW's chance at passing $403M and becoming the biggest superhero origin movie ever.
So this will be Joss's show apparently.
This is unforgivable, Warner and DC
Fuck everything.
I'm done.
I still can't stop laughing at this whole thing, WB is seriously going to spend money on digitally removing some facial hair, a mustache at best.
Why not just let him rock it for goodness sake, it's not the end of the world.
It would add some cool character to Superman.
Now that I think of it, when it's all said and done a DCEU BTS documentary would be great to see.
-MoS's mixed reaction
- The rise of the internet "superheros destroying private property" and the "This is not how a superhero should behave" scholars
- BVS announcement "after the Avengers money"
-Ben affleck's casting
-Gal Gadot's casting #notmuhGinaCarano
-BvS's critical backlash and GAF's afterparty
- Ahasveru's meltdown
- Sad Affleck
- Theatrical edits and ultimate cuts shenanigans
-Joker's damaged Reveal
-Trailer park's Suicide Squad being trashed but making a lot of money and winning an Oscar
-The Rise of the Internet Editing Experts
-This is KATANA!
-Wonder Woman is a mess!...except...not?
- Slate announcements and stealth cancellations
-Directors dropping out
- "Affleck isn't smiling-Gate" Possible Batman exit
The amount of drama that ensued since 2013 onwards it's a movie on its own.
I still can't stop laughing at this whole thing, WB is seriously going to spend money on digitally removing some facial hair, a mustache at best.
Why not just let him rock it for goodness sake, it's not the end of the world.
It would add some cool character to Superman.
I still can't stop laughing at this whole thing, WB is seriously going to spend money on digitally removing some facial hair, a mustache at best.
Why not just let him rock it for goodness sake, it's not the end of the world.
It would add some cool character to Superman.
Because it wouldnt go well with the rest of the scenes he's already shot without the tache.
Because movies aren't filmed in order so it would be weird that he has a stache in one scene and not the next and back and forth.
If the movie ends up being liked, I feel like Snyder isn't going to get any of the credit.
They could just write a short scene were Clark has to do a reporting piece that require him to have a stache.
Yeah onscreen credit. Sure. But how many comments am I going to be reading about Whedon salvaging the project? I feel like this is a narrative that's already forming and if JL ends up being a hit, what's stopping people from crediting Whedon instead of Snyder?He directed and shot it. He's getting credit. That's not something you should worry about.