Future Foundation
There's another set of rumors on 4Chan...that completely contradict damn near everything that other set of rumors said.
There's another set of rumors on 4Chan...that completely contradict damn near everything that other set of rumors said.
If Kara or supergirl is in any rumor, that's an immediate fake.
Because there's no way Kara has been cast without there being an official press release. Too big of a character.
Prepare your grains of salt
Lex Luthor has been entirely cut.
Henry Allen has been entirely cut.
Deathstroke has been entirely cut.
Darkseid has been entirely cut.
The Knightmare is not addressed.
Oh you know papa loves himself some 4Chan/reddit leaks!
Don't believe everything you hear.
Grace Rudolph is saying WB is looking at either Daniel Espinosa or Gerard Johnstone to direct Justice League Dark. Take with a grain of salt as always.
It's on the new slate so it's coming.At this point I'd be surprised if that movie ever sees the light of day. I hope it does, however.
do we really have to spoiler tag 4chan rumors?
So I'm assuming Shazam and WW 2 are both pretty much a done deal for 2019 now, right? And we could also get one or even two of the following: The Batman, Batgirl, Gotham City Sirens, Justice League Dark & Nightwing. 2019 is gonna be huge.
I've seen the pics of you buck naked with the box office mojo page!I've said this before, but now that it's about to become the highest grossing origin flick ever, this bares repeating: Wonder Woman's success has been extremely vindicating for me in a way I'm almost embarassed to admit.
All of this. I've spent years arguing with people that WB was sitting on a goldmine with Wonder Woman. And just like you, I watched year after year pass with my favorite DC character getting the shaft in favor of more Batman.Indeed. Just speaking for myself, I grew up reading various comics and was always perplexed why there wasn't a Wonder Woman cartoon, video game, movie, etc. I watched the TV show from years before I was born, but it didn't seem to move past that. Then years of reading about WW movie or TV projects that never happened. Best you got was her role on the Justice League cartoon. In 2009 they finally make a Wonder Woman animated movie that's pretty good...and never follow it up.
Finally in 2013 or so you hear the Snyders making an effort to get WW on screen. From then there was a director shake up and plenty of BS rumors and think pieces about how it's a mess and will bomb. That it's more Steve Trevor's movie and Diana pushed to the side. But damn did Patty Jenkins prove all that wrong and deliver. Symbolically the No Man's Land scene feels like the journey to get the movie made. And the overwhelming success is Diana shield bashing the sniper tower.
I've seen the pics of you buck naked with the box office mojo page!
All of this. I've spent years arguing with people that WB was sitting on a goldmine with Wonder Woman. And just like you, I watched year after year pass with my favorite DC character getting the shaft in favor of more Batman.
And sure enough, her first movie comes out and crushes the buildings. Hopefully the people signing the checks take notice and we start getting more Wonder Woman solo projects announced. They could start with the animated series we've been owed for about 20 years now.
*shocked executives*
"But, but... women don't watch superhero entertainment, read comics, or buy superhero-based products!"
Perhaps don't assume that because you've been ignoring an audience, they don't exist.
I don't think they're all that shocked really. DC/WB have been collecting data on female audiences for years. Hell, that's part of the reason DC Super Hero Girls came to be.
I can't comment on Jeff Robinov not being here, but I can say it is the most optimistic time for me professionally, and for the company, DC and Warner Bros., in the 17 years since I've been here. I say that for a number of reasons. One is Kevin. He is someone I've worked closely with for the whole time I've been at the studio. Kevin has known as much about what we've done with DC as anyone in the studio, and he's actively worked to support us. So now that I'm working solely for him, reporting to him, I think it's just the greatest time ever. DC is one of his biggest priorities. I think you're going to see the growth potential for the studio being very much rooted in what we do with DC. We have the potential to do an even more aggressive job on the film slate, but not just in relation to the Justice League characters; not just for film but for television.
DC Entertainment president Diane Nelson responded to the shareholder, saying that increasing visibility for both female characters and creators is a priority for the company. ”At DC Entertainment we talk frequently about how we heighten the presence of female storytellers and creators with our comic books, digital and physical," she said. ”How do we bring the female characters to light more?" Additionally, Nelson is quoted as saying that DC is ”very conscious" of the issue, and that there is ”more work to do," with plans for female characters in the works for both TV and film.
”I think if we talk again in a couple of years, you'll be pleased with the results," Nelson is quoted.
”DC Entertainment is home to the most iconic and well-known Super Heroes including Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Batgirl," said Diane Nelson, President of DC Entertainment. ”DC Super Hero Girls represents the embodiment of our long-term strategy to harness the power of our diverse female characters. I am so pleased that we are able to offer relatable and strong role models in a unique way, just for girls."
Indeed. Just speaking for myself, I grew up reading various comics and was always perplexed why there wasn't a Wonder Woman cartoon, video game, movie, etc. I watched the TV show from years before I was born, but it didn't seem to move past that. Then years of reading about WW movie or TV projects that never happened. Best you got was her role on the Justice League cartoon. In 2009 they finally make a Wonder Woman animated movie that's pretty good...and never follow it up.
Finally in 2013 or so you hear the Snyders making an effort to get WW on screen. From then there was a director shake up and plenty of BS rumors and think pieces about how it's a mess and will bomb. That it's more Steve Trevor's movie and Diana pushed to the side. But damn did Patty Jenkins prove all that wrong and deliver. Symbolically the No Man's Land scene feels like the journey to get the movie made. And the overwhelming success is Diana shield bashing the sniper tower.
Which is why I said WB. Diane's arguably more of an WB executive than a DC one. Most days I think it's just a title they gave her.Most of the that is relatively new though.
Diane Nelson is probably the person I'd most place the change at the feet of. She's been president of DC Entertainment since 2009, but stated moving really hard once Tsujihara became CEO in 2013. Nelson moved DC Comics from NY to Burbank to be closer to the film division.
On the move from Robinov to Tsujihara in 2013.
In 2014, she noted that DC and WB needed to get much, much better about female representation.
And in the PR for DC Super Hero Girls? That's Diane Nelson again.
Basically, Nelson was there, but it wasn't until Tsujihara came on that she was seemingly given more organizational leeway.
That's a clear theme in the film.For anyone still doubting Snyder's intention with his Superman, he shared this link on Vero noting "This is correct and beautifully stated"
I read that a couple of days ago. It's an interesting piece and an angle I hadn't given a lot of thought to even though I come from a family of immigrants. Just goes to show you how layered Snyder's films are. His images are realized in such a way that they can support multiple interpretations.For anyone still doubting Snyder's intention with his Superman, he shared this link on Vero noting "This is correct and beautifully stated"
Prepare for the quips.I read that a couple of days ago. It's an interesting piece and an angle I hadn't given a lot of thought to even though I come from a family of immigrants. Just goes to show you how layered Snyder's films are. His images are realized in such a way that they can support multiple interpretations.
I like how he didn't shy away from it all in BvS and instead dove even further in.
I'm going to miss this in JL.
For anyone still doubting Snyder's intention with his Superman, he shared this link on Vero noting "This is correct and beautifully stated"
I read that a couple of days ago. It's an interesting piece and an angle I hadn't given a lot of thought to even though I come from a family of immigrants. Just goes to show you how layered Snyder's films are. His images are realized in such a way that they can support multiple interpretations.
I like how he didn't shy away from it all in BvS and instead dove even further in.
I'm going to miss this in JL.
That's a big part of the Superman mythos in the first place and quite clear from Man of Steel alone.