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DC Extended Universe |OT3| A League of Academy Award Winners

My Hot Take

JL opening weekend will decide their plans going forward

Anything announced until then, aside from WW2, is vaporware

Gotta say, I agree with this. I think it's a three step decision making process though. The reviews, the opening weekend, and the first 2-3 weeks.


Unconfirmed Member
Gotta say, I agree with this. I think it's a three step decision making process though. The reviews, the opening weekend, and the first 2-3 weeks.
56% RT
168 mil opening (Just beats out BvS due to better reviews and the WW bump helping get people back into the theatres after seeing Thor, two weeks earlier)
55% drop for week 2, potentially even 60% due to Coco coming out in week 2
50% drop week 3

EDIT - I forgot that Thanksgiving is in week 2 of JL and that most new Pixar movies only take in around 60 mil on opening weekends and since Coco is a more cultural movie, it may not appeal to the mass audiences which means it may take in Good Dinosaur numbers (40 mil).


July was

Dark Days The Casting
Batman x2
All-Star Batman
Detective Comics x2
Flash x2
Justice League x2

That's still pretty Batman centric, but the MCU showed that the films can elevate less popular characters and make them more popular.

Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy were not A-list Marvel heroes before the movies. Their status was raised by the success of the movies.

DC should be striving to do the same rather than taking the safe/boring path of exploring every nook and cranny of Gotham.


That's still pretty Batman centric, but the MCU showed that the films can elevate less popular characters and make them more popular.

Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy were not A-list Marvel heroes before the movies. Their status was raised by the success of the movies.

DC should be striving to do the same rather than taking the safe/boring path of exploring every nook and cranny of Gotham.
DC can't help that every book with Batman involved will be a great seller. And that a-list status sure hasn't crossed over to the sales for Marvel comics.


That's still pretty Batman centric, but the MCU showed that the films can elevate less popular characters and make them more popular.

Iron Man and Guardians of the Galaxy were not A-list Marvel heroes before the movies. Their status was raised by the success of the movies.

DC should be striving to do the same rather than taking the safe/boring path of exploring every nook and cranny of Gotham.

Well it's not for a lack of trying.

I think sales... and publication are two diff things. They have done a good job of putting talent behind Wonder Woman, Supes, Flash, Lanterns, Arrow, Titans and the likes.

It does take time to build up a solid audience though.
By then, they'll be behind the 8ball again... and then they'll react again to Aquaman...

With none of the movies scheduled to start production before January, I think they'll be fine holding off until Justice League to give the official thumbs up to certain projects to prep for filming. Most of the projects people assume are going to be up next likely won't start until March-May of next year anyways, so it's really a non-issue waiting around to see how Justice League is received.


DC can't help that every book with Batman involved will be a great seller. And that a-list status sure hasn't crossed over to the sales for Marvel comics.

If I ran WB or Disney the sales of the actual comics would be a footnote in how I evaluated their success. The money made in movies and licensing is so much greater.

With comics an unsuccessful comic sells about 20,000-25,000 copies. A successful one sells 60,000 - perhaps 120,000.

The profit for paper comics must be fairly small after the paper/ink/shipping/comic store cut, so let's say they make $1 profit for each comic sold (probably a generous guess). Compare that with $100 million in profit (or more) for a successful comic book movie, not to mention the toy sales, book sales, and clothing sales that go along with it.

One Wonder Woman movie is likely worth a decade or more of Wonder Woman comic sales.

Disney would much rather have Iron Man be a big movie star than see his comics sell an extra 20,000 copies each month.


Reeves clarifies on twitter Batman is part of the DC Universe.

In my comments from a while back about not being part of the DCEU, I was talking about The Batman being a story specifically about Batman...

So like WW...

But was fun to watch a bunch of GAF users lose it lol


Unconfirmed Member
Stealing from OT


So yeah, just like I said it was gonna be.
It's not that easy. Director's seem to have lots of freedom, I think WB didn't like what they did with BvS and all the cameos. We still may have some, but the movies upcoming will be more or less their own movies.


Unconfirmed Member
...Is that not what they're doing by having Reeves respond on Twitter?
Yes, it is. But I mean in general. You know what solves the problem of having to put statements out and calm the fires? Not having to put the fires out in the first place.

Why do we never hear this stuff from Marvel/Disney? Nothing seems to leak, good or bad. They announce a movie is happening, follow up with actors/directors/writers and that's it. Their talent doesn't slip up in interviews which need massive damage control.


It is, but someone needs to do it more over there. As I said in the OT thread, someone over there needs to start squashing the obvious nonsense immediately.

The problem is
1)It's a waste of time and resources
2)The story then becomes anytime you don't squash a rumor

And even when they do, people may not believe it. WB, Ben and Matt all confirmed Affleck will continue on as Batman for The Batman and people still doubt that will happen.
My Hot Take

JL opening weekend will decide their plans going forward

Anything announced until then, aside from WW2, is vaporware

To a certain degree, yes. I think others have been saying as much and I agree.

That said, The Batman, Wonder Woman 2, and Shazam are pretty locked in. Everything else is a bit fluid.

Why do we never hear this stuff from Marvel/Disney? Nothing seems to leak, good or bad. They announce a movie is happening, follow up with actors/directors/writers and that's it. Their talent doesn't slip up in interviews which need massive damage control.

There's been a few here and there. "Creative differences": Wright off Ant-Man, Jenkins off Thor 2. Age of Ultron reshoots. Whedon not wanting to do another Avengers. Inhumans being dropped off the schedule. Captain Marvel getting a full rewrite.

But yes, there's less and Marvel generally feels like they have a smooth-running media machine.
The problem is
1)It's a waste of time and resources
2)The story then becomes anytime you don't squash a rumor

And even when they do, people may not believe it. WB, Ben and Matt all confirmed Affleck will continue on as Batman for The Batman and people still doubt that will happen.

I don't think a simple tweet is a waste of time and resources. Reeves literally cleared up the confusion in 5 minutes. It's better than letting it fester for months on end.

I agree with the second part. However, I did say they need to squash the obvious nonsense, not every single rumor.

What if the Joker standalone movie is complete bullshit? Shouldn't Johns or Berg just drop a simple tweet and say "Hey, that's not a thing." There will now be unnecessary confusion moving forward whether a project is under the new rumored banner or part of the DCEU banner. If it's false, why subject yourself to that torture?
Yes, it is. But I mean in general. You know what solves the problem of having to put statements out and calm the fires? Not having to put the fires out in the first place.

Why do we never hear this stuff from Marvel/Disney? Nothing seems to leak, good or bad. They announce a movie is happening, follow up with actors/directors/writers and that's it. Their talent doesn't slip up in interviews which need massive damage control.

Well, there was that whole Age of Ultron pres tour...

But I get what you mean, I think/


I don't think a simple tweet is a waste of time and resources. Reeves literally cleared up the confusion in 5 minutes. It's better than letting it fester for months on end.

I agree with the second part. However, I did say they need to squash the obvious nonsense, not every single rumor.

What if the Joker standalone movie is complete bullshit? Shouldn't Johns or Berg just drop a simple tweet and say "Hey, that's not a thing." There will now be unnecessary confusion moving forward whether a project is under the new rumored banner or part of the DCEU banner. If it's false, why subject yourself to that torture?

But the thing is... it may be a thing

It literally may have been someone at WB having dinner with someone else and said "That sounds like a good idea, let's look into it" so it exists in some form

Will it go further than that? Who knows!

Yes there are some clear BS rumors and think they've done a good job of addressing those or tackling them. Reshoots for Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Justice League. Rumors of Ben leaving The Batman. This rumor of the Batman. Shazam director has addressed some.

But entertainment is weird, like a product can "exist" in some form and if you deny it and then DC ends up releasing a standalone Joker movie, people stop trusting your PR and that does more damage then having a rumor out there... that at worse is keeping your brand in the news.


There's been a few here and there. "Creative differences": Wright off Ant-Man, Jenkins off Thor 2. Age of Ultron reshoots. Whedon not wanting to do another Avengers. Inhumans being dropped off the schedule. Captain Marvel getting a full rewrite.

But yes, there's less and Marvel generally feels like they have a smooth-running media machine.

I agree that Marvel has fewer. There's also a difference in how fans perceive those.

MCU has done well both commercially and critically, so when Wright leaves Ant-Man most people think that it will be fine.
DCEU has been a bit hit or miss, so that type of issue is seen in a more negative light.

It's similar to a locker room issue for a successful team vs. an unsuccessful team. One will be perceived as no big deal while the other will be interpreted (rightly or wrongly) as epitomizing all of the issues the team has.


Wasn't that quote made months ago from Reeves anyway? Not much you can really do when Clickbait sites pull a quote, put it in a headline and people rush to post it everywhere.
Wasn't that quote made months ago from Reeves anyway? Not much you can really do when Clickbait sites pull a quote, put it in a headline and people rush to post it everywhere.

It was three days before comic-con. You know. The comic-con where they announced a slate of DCEU films with "The Batman" front-and-center...



Someone like Variety, Deadline, or Hollywood Reporter don't report anything like their DC "exclusive scoops" unless multiple sources before they run it. Sometimes they even run it by WB themselves. So they're not going to discredit sites like those because they most like are true.
And even when they do, people may not believe it. WB, Ben and Matt all confirmed Affleck will continue on as Batman for The Batman and people still doubt that will happen.

Let's be fair though, Affleck has made that a lot harder for people to believe with his previous PR stunt on Jimmy Kimmel to say that he was totally writing and directing The Batman at the start of the year, only to announce a few weeks later that he wasn't directing it.

Plus the reports of Affleck leaving the role of Batman aren't just coming from questionable rumor mill sources; this is something that's being reported by the likes of THR. Hell, even the Joker+Harley Quinn movie announcement yesterday had a small note talking about Ben leaving as Batman (though it seems like it's not entirely certain at this point).

Hell, even Affleck gave himself an out on his "I'm totally playing Batman in The Batman" in an interview at Comic Con after that declaration at the Warner Bros panel with the whole "It's up to whatever Matt's vision for the film is" thing.

Maybe Ben does play Batman in The Batman, but I think it's worth being willing to recognize that there's something going on behind-the-scenes there.
Affleck leaving the director's chair for Batman after saying he's doing it, I feel, is the result of Live by Night failing critically and commercially around the time he said it. As I understand it, discussions were happening at the tail end of 2016 and what sealed it was a crisis of confidence from Affleck himself.

Now, the rumors about Affleck not playing Batman claimed it was the studio who was questionable about his commitment. He said as much at SDCC. He'd play Batman as long as the studio would have him. We'll see what happens, but Affleck writing/directing/acting Batman is a vastly different situation than Affleck acting in Reeves' Batman.


Let's be fair though, Affleck has made that a lot harder for people to believe with his previous PR stunt on Jimmy Kimmel to say that he was totally writing and directing The Batman at the start of the year, only to announce a few weeks later that he wasn't directing it.

Plus the reports of Affleck leaving the role of Batman aren't just coming from questionable rumor mill sources; this is something that's being reported by the likes of THR. Hell, even the Joker+Harley Quinn movie announcement yesterday had a small note talking about Ben leaving as Batman (though it seems like it's not entirely certain at this point).

Hell, even Affleck gave himself an out on his "I'm totally playing Batman in The Batman" in an interview at Comic Con after that declaration at the Warner Bros panel with the whole "It's up to whatever Matt's vision for the film is" thing.

Maybe Ben does play Batman in The Batman, but I think it's worth being willing to recognize that there's something going on behind-the-scenes there.

Well both proved and counter proved my point

Saying stuff just to debunk rumors that may turn out true... isn't a good look and does overtime weaken your ability to combat these rumors.


Seriously. I think they need to have a conference call with every actor and director currently under contract and have them all STFU.

Why do you assume it's them?

Know how many parties are potentially involved? Agents, assistants, janitors, drivers, children, siblings, loved ones, caterers.... I mean it could be anyone who gets wind of something and passes it along that starts the chain
Why do you assume it's them?

Know how many parties are potentially involved? Agents, assistants, janitors, drivers, children, siblings, loved ones, caterers.... I mean it could be anyone who gets wind of something and passes it along that starts the chain

Including the execs themselves. The trades have been known to be used by studios in the past.


Unconfirmed Member


“No… There’s so much hype and bullshit about [what happened with Suicide Squad], but I think it’s just a fun thing to talk about. Even when the movie came out, there was so much misrepresentation about what went down, about the ‘method acting’ crap – it’s just that 90% of it wasn’t true, and you can’t even… It takes on a life of its own. It was an incredible experience, everybody was amazing. Margot Robbie [is] one of the nicest people – one of the best actresses I’ve ever worked with, and I really loved working with her. I thought the scenes of what we did together were some of the most fun I’ve ever had on a set before… Everything’s great in that world, and I’m really proud to be a part of it.”


Unconfirmed Member
So is Ayer coming back or not? I want him to have another shot in this universe. He seems like a cool guy.
I'm guessing yes. If he was already shown the door, he wouldn't be talking about Sirens at Comic Con a month ago nor posting that Harley pic to his Twitter a few weeks ago. I think he's still intent on doing the Sirens movie with Black Mask as the villain, which would be cool enough for me. My only fear is his costume designs for Selina and Ivy... I hope DC steps in and makes them less "edge lord" and more comic book.
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