Why is Henry credited?Whedon will get a writing credit, but not a director credit for JL
Why is Henry credited?Whedon will get a writing credit, but not a director credit for JL
They are duo and work together from the start. Not someone who came after principle photography and doing pickups as a favor to a friend.
Why is Henry credited?
Because..... he's in the movie?
Or am I missing the "but Superman died" joke?
Why is Henry credited?
Ah ok, so that's ok. You just cant come on later in the production and be credited unless you're a sibling. Still odd.
Maybe 😎Because..... he's in the movie?
Or am I missing the "but Superman died" joke?
That makes sense. Supes is dead so it can't be that.Executive producer
That means the mustache controversy was fake news. I like it 👏👏He directed the reshoots
Ah ok, so that's ok. You just cant come on later in the production and be credited unless you're a sibling. Still odd.
It was precisely this type of credit confusion that the DGA managed to avoid by having the 1978 agreement specifically state that there would be only one director to a project. Over the last few decades, the single director to a film rule has protected directors from having the will of someone else, be it a producer, writer, actor or another, from imposing themselves on the director's role.
There were exceptions built into the single-director clause of the 1978 agreement there could be more than one director for different segments of a multi-storied or multi-lingual film (e.g., New York Stories and Tora! Tora! Tora!), for different segments of a multi-part closed-end television series (e.g., Roots or Band of Brothers), assignment of a second unit director or any especially skilled director (e.g., underwater or aerial work) and for a "bona fide team."
Director Elliot Silverstein, chair of the 1978 Creative Rights Negotiating Committee, recalled that "Our concern was that the use of more than one director (and if two why not three or four, etc.?) would lead to the producer becoming an über director and the director(s) becoming messengers. We did not want the Guild's members to be involved in a 'piece goods' profession, blurring individual vision, authority and credit."
SS2 wasn't coming soon anyway when they haven't even found a director.Lmao WB can't catch a break with Will delaying SS2.
In other news, Big Ben is lining up his next directorial project and he's getting his little bro to lead it
Maybe that's what Casey was talking about. Ben's doing this movie instead of Batman
He directed the reshoots
So I found out yesterday that two of my students think Suicide Squad was an "awesome" movie. "The Best." I really feel like a failure this morning.
So I found out yesterday that two of my students think Suicide Squad was an "awesome" movie. "The Best." I really feel like a failure this morning.
Jay Baruchel talking about George Miller's old cancelled Justice League Mortal starting 42 minutes in,
Whole project sounded nuts is a great way. Wonder Woman's intro was beheading a minotaur.
Well I teach at a private school, so I'll just give them A's and tell them they're awesome. Then go home and cry.
So I found out yesterday that two of my students think Suicide Squad was an "awesome" movie. "The Best." I really feel like a failure this morning.
Maybe we're old or not "with it" but I have meant quite a few people who enjoy Suicide Squad.
it also resonated with a lot of females in my experience.
Most of my real life "friends" liked Suicide Squad.
There was nothing for Leto to work with in SS. He should have had more scenes.
Hot take: his Joker wasn't bad. The look was the only real problem with it.
I hate to be one of those people that acts like online and "irl" are two separate things, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...the only place I've encountered the intense, burning hatred of Suicide Squad that some have is in online circles. Most people I talk to either thought it was just okay or really enjoyed it.
For me, I think it's pretty bad, but not in any particularly noteworthy way. It's like the Death Note movie. Nerds (especially the weebs) spent all weekend promising me that thing was some abortion of filmmaking. Then I queued it up on Netflix and all I got was an unremarkable bad teen movie.
Part of me feels like the reaction in both cases was due to audience expectation heightening the reception: Death Note carrying the stigma of being adapted from a popular anime (which have never been good aside from Speed Racer) and Suicide Squad coming off the back of BvS and its own poor reviews. Neither movie is good, but not in the world-ending way their detractors would have one believe.
Nah man, he just came out of rehab.Wish Batman was blue in the movie but hey whatever
It only needs Superman
And stealing from OT
Will these pics run on an Xbox One X?
Huh?It seems a party didn't actually fight with WB about the No Man's Land scene. It was her own production crew.
Hot take: his Joker wasn't bad. The look was the only real problem with it.
It seems so unlike Hollywood Reporter to just run a whole article without hardly any details or concrete stuff but here we are. Of course WB would like to have Leo play Joker. They'd love if Spielberg could direct the next Justice League or GLC. Both these things have a 99.9% chance of never happening. It just seems that they're going off of lunch talk and running to the presses.
They are still staring at somethign!
His own interests probably. Idk but Spielberg strikes me as the type that doesn't care about superheroes even though he did call The Dark Knight a work of art.I'm curious what it would take for Spielberg to come on board. He's not above making huge block buster movies. Given enough freedom, why not?
I'm curious what it would take for Spielberg to come on board.
I'm curious what it would take for Spielberg to come on board. He's not above making huge block buster movies. Given enough freedom, why not?
I go back and forth on whether I prefer his JL cowl or his BvS cowl. I was on BvS, but it looks great there.
Oh boy
Linking due to potential spoilers for Superman.
Oh boy
Linking due to potential spoilers for Superman.
I'm sure these are in the movie, too.
Oh I know, but it's in the wave 2 of figures which include the rest of the main cast, so it MIGHT still be using stuff from the actual movie. That's the only reason I posted it. I'm fully aware of the shitty 3rd gen+ neon colored figures.I'm sure these are in the movie, too.