Cavill is lucky for being able to sit out of the promo tours,
Why is Ezra the only one sitting in the right spot.
Final trailer should be hitting in the next month or two. Gonna assume it will be in October though.
Why are we doubting Snyder's love for fanservice?
The black suit is totally in.
When is Blade Runner?
When is Blade Runner?
:runs away:
:runs away:
At some point tomorrow Wonder Woman should pass Iron Man 3 to become the the 5th highest domestic grossing superhero movie of all time.
Missed opportunity to use
I'm gonna find you and when I do your days of posting unsavory pictures of Ben Affleck are over.
The worst sin Black Panther can commit is feeling preachy.
WW worked because while it was empowering, it never positioned itself as an ultra feminist manifesto. If BP is all about the white man being evil and the uber black civilization being all that's right with the world, we're in for a media circus like no other, amplified by recent US events.
They were rumors that DC/WB were going to enter some sort of partnership with Amazon before the news of the digital service came out 🤔There were rumours that Amazon were kicking the tires on the TV series Scalped, based on the Vertigo comics, after WGN passed on it.
Apparently Geoff Johns has started following Roy Price, head of Amazon Studios, on Twitter so there may be something to that talk after all.
I'm not sure what else it could be unless it's something unannounced or maybe that 'Pennyworth' series is out of development hell.
Cavill is lucky for being able to sit out of the promo tours,
Why is Ezra the only one sitting in the right spot.
Id rather some wildstorm or vertigo movies then a Wasteman Joker movie. Pure :scust:
Joker "origin" movie is a garbage idea by default, nobody wins with a movie like that.
Ironically, this part was why a lot of people early on didn't like it. It was either too feminist (insomuch that it starred a women and showed her being stronger and more capable than men) or not feminist enough (not enough time on the island, not enough women of color). The latter had more salient points than the former, to be sure, but I think that dynamic overall shows what a thin line you walk with these things. Wonder Woman handled it well, but there's always going to be those you can't please..
Black Panther will have a similar line to walk. The name plus the fact that it stars mostly black people with a white antagonist means certain types are going to be set off regardless of the film itself. I don't think that will be enough to hinder the movie's success either way.
I thoought when WW was going to come out there would be a massive outrage... but I didn't see any just praise really (apart from the drafthouse thing).I think marvel is going to avoid being preachy and play it straight like Warners did with WW.
The main villain is t'challas brother though.
Interesting how just recently people are starting to comment how needlessly contentious and negative OT comic threads are.
Not like some of us have been saying that for a while now. ��
The main thing is what qualifies as "preachy." For many, it's "marginalized groups doing stuff." Wonder Woman had those detractors, but they were drowned out by the ground swell of support. Black Panther will hopefully get the same.
Forgot about Killmonger. Still, I could see some latching onto Ross and Klaw as examples of the movie trying to make white people look inferior. Which will likely be a stretch, but that's how these things go.
Rumor is WB is looking at Joshua Sasse and wrestling superstar John Cena for the role of Shazam.
So baffling that this isn't a done deal, also, never heard of that site.
Baffling how?
Probably talking about how the movie is in pre production, starts filming in three months, and they're still trying to cast the lead.
Movie threads. I haven't read threads for actual comics in a while.Comic movie threads or just comic threads in general? Because it's all kinda bad.
I got that. What I'm saying is the groups you're talking about are going to find movies like Wonder Woman and Black Panther preachy are going to do so regardless. Cause it's not the preachiness (or lack thereof) of the movies that actually bothers them; it's minorities doing stuff really well.Nah fam. Preachy means using the natural minority nature of the work as attack to the "status quo".
I don't remember who said this well, but in Wonder Woman, when No man's land happens, there's a line of dialogue where Steve tells her something like "No Diana, it's no man's land, no man can do anything to save them". Diana doesn't turn and say "I'm no man" ergo, implying it's minority traits brings her and advantage over the others. That could have worked to make women feel empowered but at the same time it would "alienate" men, creating a division between them and the character.
But that doesn't happen, Diana only says "it's what I'm going to do". Boom, every woman, man and dog on earth feels good and the character communicates its message.
That's what I mean with not being preachy, Black Panther has the same responsibility, it will either turn into Black people vs White people or will just... Be a movie everyone relates to.
Here's hoping, because the general reception falls on that. If it does become a race pic, it will suffer backslash and underperform.
Where did this three months come from? From now till February would be 5 months right?