Yeah but if it's a real prick like Jason Statham, people really believe it lolAnd now I feel dumb.
Don't see the point to such fake parody post then.
Yeah but if it's a real prick like Jason Statham, people really believe it lolAnd now I feel dumb.
Don't see the point to such fake parody post then.
All apart of the process.
Those covers are awesome and we will never get a Superman one or a full group shot. Ughhhh
That leak is true. People have tried to prove him false but that seemed like more reaching than anything the guy said. It sounded bad, Whedony and totally disposable, and that's why people don't like it.So Zack posted this which has one element that lines up with what that guy who claimed to have attended a screening from reddit said. Maybe he got lucky there but who knows.
Well the Trinity cover features a certain shadow of a certain Man of Steel!
We're getting John Williams Superman theme and return of Elfman's Bat theme?You've just been in London recording the score for Justice League. It's been 28 years since you scored Batman. What was it like going back into the DC universe?
It was great. It was like I never left because I'm using the same thematic material that I used back then. It never actually went away [Laughs.] It just was great fun.
There are a few little fan moments. I instated a moment of the Wonder Woman theme that Hans Zimmer did for Batman Vs. Superman, but I also had two minutes where I had the pleasure of saying, ”Let's do John Williams' Superman." and that for me was heaven, because now I have a melody to twist, and I'm using it in an actually very dark way, in a dark moment. It's the kind of thing that some fans will notice. Some won't. It's a moment where we're really not sure whose side he's on.
The people at DC are starting to understand we've got these iconic bits from our past and that's part of us, that's part of our heritage -- we shouldn't run away from that. Contemporary thinking is, every time they reboot something, you have to start completely from scratch -- which, of course, audiences will tell us again and again, is bullshit. Because the single-most surviving and loved theme in the world is Star Wars, which they had the good sense to not dump for the reboots. And every time it comes back, the audience goes crazy.
Did you write new themes for such characters as Flash and Aquaman?
I created very simple motifs. There are so many themes, you can't just do a big theme for everything. So i created a motif for Flash, for Aquaman and Cyborg -- but they're very simple things, and [DC] understood. I said, "These things may never be used again, but I'm giving you all the components, should you wish to have things to build on." So they either will or they won't, but that's how I approach a project like this. You have to take the attitude that this is the beginning of a mythology and it all matters, it all comes to fruition, and with any luck they will.
I loved the people I worked with, they were wonderful. The DC guys were great. I kept talking about the DNA of John Williams in this other theme -- using the DNA of Batman in these other variations, which were not the Batman theme -- but it all derives from that... Musical themes are like genes, you carry the DNA along and it creates these subtle connections which are perceived on an unconscious level. It's funny because I'm terrible at puzzles, but I love musical puzzles. It's a different part of my brain.
People did prove him wrong. Youve serious confirmation bias stemming from what you think of Whedon. You do know if the movie is bad or disposable it would have been Zack and Terrios fault right?That leak is true. People have tried to prove him false but that seemed like more reaching than anything the guy said. It sounded bad, Whedony and totally disposable, and that's why people don't like it.
One spoilerThere's spoilers in that Elfman quote, heavy spoilers.
On the very last legs of its global theatrical run, Patty Jenkins' superhero smash hit Wonder Woman is pushing forward with every last ounce of strength toward one more cinematic record. At $820.4 million in current box office receipts as of Wednesday, and with another roughly $200,000 coming in from domestic theaters through this weekend, the picture should pull enough additional international receipts to leave it barely $1 million or less behind the 2002 Spider-Man's $821.7 million and the all-time record for highest grossing superhero origin movie.
Well the Trinity cover features a certain shadow of a certain Man of Steel!
The only "proof" was that a guy found the image from the ticket online after an extensive search, as if WB couldn't have used that same pictre.People did prove him wrong. You've serious confirmation bias stemming from what you think of Whedon. You do know if the movie is bad or disposable it would have been Zack and Terrio's fault right?
Now this is pretty fantastic. Hopefully Zimmer's Sperman theme is used too.Elfman on scoring Justice League
We're getting John Williams Superman theme and return of Elfman's Bat theme?
That leak is true. People have tried to prove him false but that seemed like more reaching than anything the guy said. It sounded bad, Whedony and totally disposable, and that's why people don't like it.
He has no other proof than the ticket. So why believe him?The only "proof" was that a guy found the image from the ticket online after an extensive search, as if WB couldn't have used that same pictre.
And no, BvS exists, we know where Zack's and Chris' ambitions lie. Some saturday morning cartoon isn't where.
Now this is pretty fantastic. Hopefully Zimmer's Sperman theme is used too.
Why exactly do you think/want the leak to be true? Because it hits your confirmation bias (it's bad because Whedon, so it must be true)?
Dude, he got the house thing right, and given the Elfman interview, he nailed yet another spoiler detailHe has no other proof than the ticket. So why believe him?
And Zack and Terrio wrote most of the movie. Zack got Whedon to do rewrites and approved them before he left. If the movie sucks, it Zack and Terrio.
Dude, he got the house thing right, and given the Elfman interview, he nailed yet another spoiler detail.Superman coming back confused and attacking the league
I don't want the leak to be true, because I hated it with all my heart. But I'm also rational and think that WB got Snyder cold feet.
Like cmon...god dammit!!
Dude, he got the house thing right, and given the Elfman interview, he nailed yet another spoiler detail.Superman coming back confused and attacking the league
I don't want the leak to be true, because I hated it with all my heart. But I'm also rational and think that WB got Snyder cold feet.
The Williams theme is as iconic as the Star Wars theme or Indiana Jones theme. I'd have no problem with hearing some of it in any Superman movie.
But Star wars and Jones are connected to each other. It makes sense they are used. Skywalkers and Solos are always involved in all 7-8 movies made, all 4 Jones movies had Harrison Ford in them.
Using the old superman theme and batman theme doesn't fit with the universe they built up for this world because it is a whole new world, a new universe and narrative they created. I will of course, lose my shit when the old superman theme plays because I love that theme, but I'm still kinda iffy on them using it at all. Today, with the news I'm iffy and don't care for it, but maybe after watching it and listening to it with context I might like it, but shoot from the hip instant news reading and reaction is,"no, something new please."
Just looked through all his posts from Thursday and I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Maybe he requested it?Off topic but Bobby Roberts is banned?? Anybody know why? Seemed like a cool dude overall, but sometimes..............
As If banning you didn't let you read posts lol. He probably requested it.
DC rethinks it's Universe:
Very interesting interview with Geoff and Diane.
As Nelson puts it, ”Moving forward, you'll see the DC movie universe being a universe, but one that comes from the heart of the filmmaker who's creating them."
So there's a framework. But it's filmmaker-driven, in that we want to hire directors who still have a point of view and that have latitude because we don't want all the movies to feel the same.
One of the centerpieces of this new, decentralized strategy is an as-yet-unnamed side label of occasional movies that are completely separate from everything else, set entirely outside the cinematic universe. Total stand-alones based on good ideas from big-name filmmakers. Movies that are just movies, not components of a larger piece of clockwork. The first one they're talking about is a solo outing about supervillain the Joker, set to be directed and co-written by The Hangover and War Dogs alumnus Todd Phillips. Johns says they'll be announcing the name of of this side label ”soon-ish."
It was a decidedly gritty take on Superman, and its final battle featured him remorselessly destroying skyscrapers and ultimately executing his foe, General Zod. This didn't sit right with Johns. ”Geoff Johns and Diane were reading scripts, and Geoff Johns, to his credit, was concerned that there was not enough lightness or humor, given who the character is," recalls one person with knowledge of the making of Man of Steel. ”Geoff definitely raised that point, but that current administration didn't care that much about what Geoff Johns thought." The movie came out in June 2013 with the DC Entertainment branding, but largely without its fingerprints.
So, largely shut out from the big screen, Johns and Nelson focused on the small. There, they found salvation in the form of an embittered veteran of Green Lantern. Screenwriter and TV showrunner Greg Berlanti, of Dawson's Creek and Everwood fame, had co-written the initial passes at the Lantern script and had been set to direct before he was reassigned to another Warner feature and lost control. He was understandably displeased with the finished product and nearly walked away from Warner for good. In a last-ditch effort to hold on to him, Johns, as well as TV execs Peter Roth and Susan Rovner, reached out to Berlanti and encouraged him to pitch a blue-sky idea.
Right after BvS's backlash hit, the fact that Snyder would also be in charge of Justice League cast a pall over the latter effort among the movie commentariat. There were internal discussions about how to revamp parts of the movie. Johns and Berg mulled the idea of having someone other than Snyder write new scenes for the film. By coincidence, the writer-director of Marvel's The Avengers, Joss Whedon, met with Johns and Berg to discuss creating a movie with them. The pair were game for that (they eventually chose one about Batman ally Batgirl), but later realized they could accomplish another goal: ”Everyone was excited about Joss being a part of DC, and we thought he'd be great to write the [Justice League] scenes, the additional-photography scenes that we wanted to get," Johns recalls.
Hopefully JL isn't a mess.
All my hype for Aquaman tho.
Was Rogue One a mess?I expect JL to be a mess but from Aquaman in the John's influence will help right the ship. There is no way it's not a mess with a development as crazy as it has had
Watched the movie at least 7 times and still have yet to see that scene.battle featured him remorselessly destroying skyscrapers
When I ask Johns about the criticism that it seems like theres no strategy, he shows a rare break from his usual buoyancy. Some of the stuff is true, some of it isnt true, he says. When we talk about things or were making deals for people to develop scripts or whatever, sometimes, things leak; sometimes, things are misreported, and its frustrating. Because we do wanna go out there and talk about what our strategy is, and this stuff just muddies the water. Theres a lot of internal conversations going on about, How do we help kind of clean that up a bit?