If anything makes me more hopeful for Justice League, it's that it seems like a very "back to basics" superhero story, which is where a think Synder will shine. Synder, as a director, is the definition of "one's reach exceeding their grasp." Despite some people treating him like he's just a mindless idiot, everything about his interviews and his work suggest he is actually a very intelligent - if ineloquent - guy. He wants his movies to say something, to comment on all the things he thinks about daily.
Problem is, his skills as a storyteller just aren't up to snuff for his films to properly convey what he wants them to. He works best when he has a simple idea to see through, and when he can indulge in showing spectacle. The past two Justice League trailers suggest that is exactly what he intends to do with this movie.
Compare the Comic Con teaser and the newest trailer to
Man of Steel's quietly comtemplative teaser or BVS's
angry, suspenseful first trailer. Even then, you could tell Zack wanted to get across some big ideas with those movies. How effective he was is up for debate, but the intent was there. With JL, the biggest idea is "the Justice League is awesome." Assuming the plot is as straightforward as it seems, this might be Synder's best chance to play perfectly to his strengths and really deliver.