Gordon Shumway
What was careless about those movies? Serious question. Especially in BvS, unless you mean Batman and Superman knowing each other?
Only Superman knew.
What was careless about those movies? Serious question. Especially in BvS, unless you mean Batman and Superman knowing each other?
Only Superman knew.
And Lex Luthor.
Only Superman knew.
What was careless about those movies? Serious question. Especially in BvS, unless you mean Batman and Superman knowing each other?
What was careless about those movies? Serious question. Especially in BvS, unless you mean Batman and Superman knowing each other?
It also bugs me that Waller, a government official, knows Batman's identity at the end of Suicide Squad and is complicit with his activities outside of the law.
This same Amanda Waller that murdered a room full of agents in cold blood?
Well Lois figures out Superman's civilian identity rather easily but there's no allusion in either film of the government being in on that when it should be pretty obvious. And then there's the problem with Lex figuring out Superman and Batman's secret identities off screen and then not using that information to his advantage at all once he's arrested. It's just incredibly off putting to have something that's so intrinsic to both characters be so casually dismissed as unimportant. The villain discovering the hero's identity is usually treated as a point of greater significance. None of that is movie breaking but it does go against established norms more for convenience sake rather than for a narrative purpose.
It also bugs me that Waller, a government official, knows Batman's identity at the end of Suicide Squad and is complicit with his activities outside of the law.
Batman takes the lead in putting together a new super-team to protect Earth. Hes been a loner for certainly his crime-fighting career, maybe with the exception of Robin, Snyder says. When we meet him in BvS, hes definitely at this low point of isolation. That was always our intention, that Justice League would be this continuation for Batman to evolve into a more complete hero.
New short interview with Zack about the trailer
More at the link
The extra content includes reporter Clark Kent investigating Batmans vigilante antics, as well as the deleted role of a helpful scientist (Jena Malone). Also restored are small, fan-friendly details such as Batman wanting Lex locked up in Arkham Asylum rather than the supervillain prison Belle Reve that factors heavily into Suicide Squad (in theaters Aug. 5).
Zack Snyder crafted the first cinematic meeting and subsequent fisticuffs between Batman and Superman. Offscreen, though, the director was in for a battle of another sort.
Since March, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has rung up $330.4 million at the box office more than $872 million worldwide and ranks as the year's fifth-biggest movie to date. But the superhero film was also slammed with negativity, from scathing reviews to online vitriol from fans who thought Snyder was ruining the legacies of the Dark Knight (played by Ben Affleck) and Man of Steel (Henry Cavill).
The journey has been a rocky road, Snyder tells USA TODAY in an exclusive interview ahead of the movie's home-viewing release. Even he thought the heroes would lose luster in his eyes after the unpleasant experience, but every day, I wake up and these characters still have tons to say to me about the world and about heroes. I feel renewed vigor to really get their voices heard.
Will bad reviews take down 'Batman v Superman'?
The filmmaker says he continued to love BvS in the aftermath, when people drew up petitions asking Warner Bros. to boot him from the follow-up Justice League (in theaters Nov. 17, 2017) even as Snyder was in pre-production. That part was a little bit distracting, he says, calling from London after a day of filming.
Hardest to deal with was the perception that he wasnt being true to canon and didnt adore these characters. That was upsetting and made me evaluate myself and where I was with the movies and what I wanted to say with them."
Fans will see Snyders true BvS vision in a three-hour Ultimate Edition directors cut that arrives June 28 on digital platforms and July 19 on Blu-ray/DVD. The new R-rated edition adds a half-hour back to the plot that finds Batman and Superman overcoming disagreements and teaming with Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) to stop Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) and the destructive Doomsday.
Plus, theres bonus material considered too violent and too sexy for a PG-13 rating, Snyder says. (Batman dishes out more pain in fights, and Clark lingers longer in a bathtub with Amy Adams' Lois Lane.)
Prepping Justice League, Snyder monitored Internet chatter about Dawn of Justice for the good and especially the bad. Its been an interesting experience to analyze the negative stuff to find out what the point of view is," he says. "How do I move forward and use that constructively?"
He has taken a lot of the criticism to heart, particularly in terms of tone, though Justice League was always going to be more uplifting than BvS for its team-building aspect alone. He says the next movie will be a celebration of these heroes.
Dawn of Justice ended with Batman inspired by Supermans sacrifice to be a good man and to be awesome, says Snyder. "That message, that humanity can do better and Batman wanting to nurture that, is the place I want to go.
Well Lois figures out Superman's civilian identity rather easily but there's no allusion in either film of the government being in on that when it should be pretty obvious. And then there's the problem with Lex figuring out Superman and Batman's secret identities off screen and then not using that information to his advantage at all once he's arrested. It's just incredibly off putting to have something that's so intrinsic to both characters be so casually dismissed as unimportant. The villain discovering the hero's identity is usually treated as a point of greater significance. None of that is movie breaking but it does go against established norms more for convenience sake rather than for a narrative purpose.
It also bugs me that Waller, a government official, knows Batman's identity at the end of Suicide Squad and is complicit with his activities outside of the law.
Who's boobies?So I just got back from Power Rangers. When I took my daughter to see it this morning this was not a sentence I expected to hear from her but no lies detected.
"Dad, you can see her boobies."
Who's boobies?
I have no idea how much any of this matters, but the JL trailer doing work in terms of social media buzz
It won't. I think it's not a smart idea to not try and hype up WW more and more, but I don't run a company. What do I knowIt does feel weird that the trailer is out and being promoted before Wonder Woman is released. The other day the JL trailer came on as an ad in front of a YouTube video. I've never had a WW trailer do that.
Hopefully the JL hype will help the WW hype as well
Does Icon cries once this scene happens?
Is everyone getting their user name changed or something? Well, stop it.
No one deserves Cyborg..😏
Why people care about cyborg that much? Too me he's just rounding up the team and bringing diversity to it. Not something that would cause me to complain about him when I'm getting the JL on the big screen for the 1st time. Good things shouldn't be taken for granted in my opinion.
It's about as simple as you personally don't care, but others do. Like broccoli. You might love that stuff, but I'll commit an act of violence if someone brings that vile weed into my kitchen lol..
Because fuck Cyborg with the Justice League honestly. So many better options for the black minority then that boring fuck.Sure,I understand that, but why do they care?
Sure,I understand that, but why do they care?
Sure,I understand that, but why do they care?
My only hope is that his solo movie turns into Teen Titans and he ends up with the Titans and leaves the JL after, bringing in Martian Manhunter.
Probably a bit of both.I do wonder though, if this is what Snyder wanted the lineup to be or if it was a mandate by DC to reflect the current lineup in the comics.and to try and make Cyborg a thing
This sounds kinda hot.Rita's. In the jewelry store there is only strands of cloth covering her nipples. Everything else is visible. And I wouldn't be surprised if they still had to airbrush them out.
Probably a bit of both.
we all will
Why people care about cyborg that much? Too me he's just rounding up the team and bringing diversity to it. Not something that would cause me to complain about him when I'm getting the JL on the big screen for the 1st time. Good things shouldn't be taken for granted in my opinion.
I never really got behind the idea of a cyborg solo movie, I don't think the character can carry an interesting movie by himself.
I always thought the most interesting fact about the cyborg lore is how he hang around with a group of sidekicks of well known heroes. It was basically him with batman jr., flash JR. aquaman jr and so on...
I would be down with jessica cruz as the lantern though, she has some creepy "relationship" with her ring.
This is stupid. Every character can carry a movie, even Robocop.
Even I can carry a movie, but It doesn't mean it will be an interesting one.
That's because you have no talent.