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DC Extended Universe |OT3| A League of Academy Award Winners


Between Split, Logan and GotG Vol. 2 it's been an exceptional year for superhero movies. If Wonder Woman continues the trend, it could become the best since 2008.
Between Split, Logan and GotG Vol. 2 it's been an exceptional year for superhero movies. If Wonder Woman continues the trend, it could become the best since 2008.

Hoping for acting nominations from Logan and split in particular but lol at that happening.

Between those two it's the first time I think superhero movies will be in my top 10 of the year since 2008. So yeah it's a pretty dope year for sure. Plus gotg2, despite it being a mixed bag for me, was really entertaining and ended up being my favorite mcu movie since the last one.

Last WW trailer made it look like a pretty good time, JL trailer was really dope too imo.

Like WW doesn't look like a game changer or anything like that but it also is the most needed. Women in this genre have only gotten dogshit like supergirl movie, elektra, catwoman etc

So to give the most iconic woman superhero a movie that looks on par with its peers is a big one
Tyrese talking means he doesn't have it. You never open your mouth till you know what the shot is.

Got concerning when he kept quiet between Fast 7 and Fast 8.


Between Split, Logan and GotG Vol. 2 it's been an exceptional year for superhero movies. If Wonder Woman continues the trend, it could become the best since 2008.
I feel differently. Logan was pretty bad, GotG2 was okay and I haven't seen Split yet. Here's hoping Wonder Woman will be truly great.
I feel differently. Logan was pretty bad, GotG2 was okay and I haven't seen Split yet. Here's hoping Wonder Woman will be truly great.

All three were levels of good/great to me. I'd go Split/GotG2/Logan..Split being the biggest surprise of them all. Logan, to me, will reign as the best X-Men movie that isn't Deadpool..but in the end, is just another Wolverine movie.

I like Tyrese a lot, I'd be down for him as GL.

Now I'm sad that Paul Walker couldn't be Hal along with him : (

You really believe Baby Boy can lead a whole movie?
2008 was definitely the high point for superhero movies but aside from 2015, I wouldn't call any year since 2011 bad. I guess someone could argue against 2013.
2008 was definitely the high point for superhero movies but aside from 2015, I wouldn't call any year since 2011 bad. I guess someone could argue against 2013.

I dunno, man. My kids finally wanted to read comics after so many years of ignoring me. All of the sudden, they became so invested. I remember growing up with Spider-Man wearing spaghetti strainers over his eyes lol. Regardless of your opinion for or against, we're living the dream right now..it's pretty exciting, really.
Last year was pretty bad for me with BvS, Suicide Squad and Apocalypse. Even my opinion on CW, Deadpool and Doctor Strange has lessened and the latter I don't enjoy anymore. Aged like bread.
Last year was pretty bad for me with BvS, Suicide Squad and Apocalypse. Even my opinion on CW, Deadpool and Doctor Strange has lessened and the latter I don't enjoy anymore. Aged like bread.

Really? It'd go CW=DP/Doc/BvS..ignoring the rest. Uncut I mean..theatrical had me feeling some type of way.
Baby Boy is actually pretty good though. Definitely his standout performance. He'd only have to co-lead since both Hal and John are expected to be in the movie.

Having said that.... Yeah, he's still not right for it.

Brother. I promise you. When I'm sober, we gonna debate the FUCK out of the bolded LOL

At least we agree..he ain't right for it.
I was pretty happy with last year until Suicide Squad. Even X-Men Apocalypse had fun moments with Quicksilver and others, though substantially worse than DoFP. Doctor Strange...existed.
I was pretty happy with last year until Suicide Squad. Even X-Men Apocalypse had fun moments with Quicksilver and others, though substantially worse than DoFP. Doctor Strange...existed.

Bolded was the saddest for me last year. X-Men movies are such a jumbled mess that I never feel invested in them. It's sad, really. Strange I enjoyed..a lot. I think there's just something to seeing things I never imagined on screen that might slightly influence my opinion. Lord knows the raccoon/tree thing had my eyes bleeding the first time in lol..

Snoop Dogg was the best part of baby boy.

Not even debatable..
Strange was remarkably boring. Like they were trying to actively make something so dull with a great effects budget and idea. Shit was weird

I thought xmen and especially suicide squad were worse movies but I damn sure enjoyed watching those more than strange. Actually scratch that, I think apocalypse was better even.

Anyways snoop dogg for Iris' dad plz lol
I'm not surprised by your taste anymore. I loved the hell out of the Kirbyness of it all. Clearly not your bag, but I loved seeing the weird trippy shit literally bounce out off the pages. Folks taking risk for the fans..can't complain..
Thor been shit with his last two movies but I'm interested in the new one too

Gladiator battles man...with armored Hulk. Waititi is the man, he would have been dope for flash as well
Huh, I liked Strange more than most in here it seems. Strange was the first Marvel movie in awhile I had fun watching in the theater. I was bored to tears with Civil Disagreement. I thought the end of that movie had shit that rivaled the Martha moment. I still haven't seen Apocalypse to this day and doubt I will until it hits cable.

So far, 2017 has been delivering with movies in general and CBMs are 2/2 with Logan and Guardians 2 IMO.
Thor been shit with his last two movies but I'm interested in the new one too

Gladiator battles man...with armored Hulk. Waititi is the man, he would have been dope for flash as well

For real. Thor is just (looking) beyond at this point. It's like an orgy of goodness..can't say I feel remotely the same about Spidey. And that sucks..

Huh, I liked Strange more than most in here it seems..

So far, 2017 has been delivering with movies in general and CBMs are 2/2 with Logan and Guardians 2 IMO.

I agree here.
Spider-Man HC is all over for me. The slice of life Spidey and high school antics with his friends look fun. Stuff with Vulture and Stark, the big "epic" action, looks kinda dull. Comes down to what the division of the two sides are.
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