I didnt said she wasnt a "real woman" you are saying it.
When you call one person a "real woman" in a comparison to another, you are directly saying the other is not a real woman.
I didnt said she wasnt a "real woman" you are saying it.
His ass can't actKing Arthur bombed and so Charlie Hunman is now open to playing Green Arrow LOL.
When you call one person a "real woman" in a comparison to another, you are directly saying the other is not a real woman.
King Arthur bombed and so Charlie Hunman is now open to playing Green Arrow LOL.
It's also on the last page.Clay Enos just posted a new poster (or is it a cover?) and omg so good.
EDIT, here it is:
EDIT: Found this one too:
Amazons on the blue side.
Regular people on the red side.
It's also on the last page.
Amazons on the blue side.
Regular people on the red side.
No, you are putting words in my mouth stop please.
I didnt, meant any harm not implied anything bad.
I can't remember, but is English not your first language? No offense meant.
But if you are comparing two people, and you say "well this one is a real woman", you are implying that the other is not. It's cool if that's not what you meant, just letting you know. I'm not putting any words in your mouth, that's just how it comes across.
He looks better there than he does as superman. Man of Steel's hairstyle is terrible
Stupid sexy Cavill
King Arthur bombed and so Charlie Hunman is now open to playing Green Arrow LOL.
Damn you Cavill, It's gonna be weird seeing you as a villain
I do find it hilarious that weeks ago he was all "I have no interest" and now its "call me WB!" He does look perfect for Ollie though.
Wait really? Where did he say this?
Stupid sexy Cavill
I question the need for Green Arrow in the movies when there's Batman, Nightwing, and other ordinary characters. That's not to say he's exactly the same, but in a venn diagram of their traits, there's not that much unique about him. Maybe you have Black Canary as important as Green Arrow to give it a hook. Maybe he's a side character in a Suicide Squad or Birds of Prey. Maybe it's a low budget R-rated, John Wick with a bow, action movie. Who knows.
The people saying that Charlie Hunnam can't act haven't seen Lost City of Z where he delivered a performance that overshadows anything the other leads have put on so far (except Ezra). Or you guys are still mad that he was "too good" for their precious universe before that turd King Arthur bombed.
But it's hilarious how this seems to matter for Hunnam but not for Cavill, Gadot or Momoa. Just priceless.
Are you for real? These actors get flak on gaf in every freaking thread. And what the hell are you saying with "you guys"? This is a community with different opinions, just like every other one.
I said what I said. Did you talk about Hunnam? Then don't get your panties up in a bunch.
Jesus, come off your high horse bud. Anyway, I will not further comment on your posts. I'd rather stop sooner than later, arguing with people that have a post history like yours.
because us vs them, amirite
The people saying that Charlie Hunnam can't act haven't seen Lost City of Z where he delivered a performance that overshadows anything the other leads have put on so far (except Ezra). Or you guys are still mad that he was "too good" for their precious universe before that turd King Arthur bombed.
But it's hilarious how this seems to matter for Hunnam but not for Cavill, Gadot or Momoa. Just priceless.
Hunnam is shit, but I have yet to see Lost City of Z which is something I really wanna get on as soon as I can.
I thought I banished you and your Drake stannery. Why are you still here?!
Drake stannery?! I haven't liked an album of his since WATTBA. Miss me with those baseless accusations or risk a lawsuit, my lawyer will be in touch by PM.
That ain't what I meant at all. And that wasn't directed at you either.I know people are on edge with all these rumours about the DCEU popping up from nowhere but don't try to turn this into something it isn't.
Hunnam is shit, but I have yet to see Lost City of Z which is something I really wanna get on as soon as I can.
In other news, Alicia Silverstone wants to play Batgirl again.