Till haven't checked out Gotham, alittle apprehensive.
Till haven't checked out Gotham, alittle apprehensive.
She was never intended to be that Barbara, I don't get why people kept saying that and even complaining about it.I don't think Barbara was ever intended to be Batgirl
She was never intended to be that Barbara, I don't get why people kept saying that and even complaining about it.
But that isn't the Batgirl im talking about,
They cast a nearly 30 year old to play her(Bette Kane), but cut her scenes from the episode.
LOL I don't even know how to take this.It's absolutely bananas.
Take that as you will.
Well, and rightfully speaking, in S3 everyone's character arc was that everyone was torn between two "identities," so to speak. Oliver Queen or the Arrow; Ray Palmer or the Atom; Diggle being a sidekick or a father (which didn't get nearly as much focus as it should have); Roy Harper as a hero or a murderer; Laurel being true to herself, or just trying to be her sister again; Thea Queen or Thea Merlyn. Very good ideas in theory, but in practice they were shaky. Very shaky.
Felicity's arc was "where do my loyalties lie?" type of thing. Which, again in theory, is a very good arc. In practice it was simply a love triangle with a superhero angle. Upsetting, because part of her arc was that she was also having a rough time taking control of her own life, which was part of the whole "identity crisis" motif going on. Again, in theory it's a good idea, but in practice it didn't pan out as well. The reason why Felicity's arc didn't go so well is that the writers decided to have her take control by playing the victim while trying to basically get everyone to do things for her all the time. She's basically second-in-command of Team Arrow. The thing is her barking orders (in some cases to people she has no association with i.e. Ra's) and then whining that things aren't fair is a poor mentality, and one that she should not have gotten away with. In the end she totally does, and that's what truly pissed me off about Felicity's character this past season.
"Bonkers" is a more accurate word.LOL I don't even know how to take this.
It sort of leads back to another problem I have with this show (and The Flash) is that the writers tend to sacrifice character for the sake of plot. For example: Laurel's lying during S3. While I understand her lying for a short period of time (like, the first 5 episodes), her lying for 2/3 of the season was clearly used as a means to get Lance to get the SCPD to hunt down the Arrow. Since S3 had focus on destroying the Arrow/Oliver. The problem is that it assassinates Laurel as a character, but on top of that it makes everyone else terrible people as well, since they were in on the lie and even helped perpetuate it.Totally agreed.
I feel like the love triangle could have worked if 1. Ray weren't clearly a better a choice for her and 2. there was some more actual tension between her and Ray over her flip flopping between him and Oliver. Ray just seemed like he was way too understanding of her situation and too okay with just being the consolation prize. Granted, thematically, Ray was meant to represent the safe, stable choice that would give Felicity the control she needed in her life - hence why his becoming Atom pissed her all the way off at first. But over time, it felt like he was being way too passive and accepting.
The reason Felicity's arc bothered me so much this season goes back to why I compare her to Laurel in Season 1 - early 2. She does so much of the same shit Laurel used to do: the playing the victim, the barking orders and expecting everyone to just fall in line, the moral grandstanding (even while she herself is doing some janky shit), etc. But the difference is that we've seen Laurel dragged through the mud for that kind of behavior while Felicity has come out relatively unscathed and getting everything she wanted. We see her go through a lot of emotional turmoil, yes, but it's usually framed as someone did something wrong to her as opposed to being the result of her actions.
Its weird as hell but works the majority of the time.LOL I don't even know how to take this.
I still scratch my head over how Felicity even managed to operate the Atom suit. Ray can barely operate the damn thing and he built it. lol
Does anyone know if the CW is planning on re-running Season 3 of Arrow prior to the new season? (when?) I have been pushing through the Arrow seasons to catch up before Arrow/Flash/Legends of Tomorrow starts again.
I'm currently about halfway through season 2 of Arrow and am looking forward to continuing on. I have episodes 2-9 of season 3 DVR'ed. But will need season 3 episode 1 first. Is my only option buying the episode on Amazon for $3? Seems like a waste - especially if I end up needing to buy the discs to see the later half of the season anyway . When I started this I figured the first few episodes at least would be available on the CW online, but they aren't. I assume they won't be up on netflix until after the bluray is released. Any other options? Or do I need to just take a break and wait until they re-air the season
War Machine basically did the same thing, only he immediately took on Iron Man instead of a falling guy. Felicity at least knows how the suit works, considering she worked on it.
They are re-running Arrow, but think like half way through the season.
The CW has announced that Falk Hantschel has been cast as Hawkman in DC's Legends of Tomorrow.
Falk will play Carter Hall, the latest reincarnation of an Egyptian Prince who is fated to reincarnate throughout time along with his soulmate, Kendra Saunders (played by Ciara Renée). Like Kendra, Carter can access the powers of the Hawk God, Horus, transforming him into the winged warrior known as Hawkman.
Like Kendra, Carter can access the powers of the Hawk God, Horus, transforming him into the winged warrior known as Hawkman
This is a good way to do the Hawks on TV. Much simpler than trying to explain Nth Metal and Thanagar and all that.
This is pretty nifty, the CW is streaming all episodes of the original The Flash TV series
CBS' Supergirl has cast its Lucy Lane.
Witches of East End star Jenna Dewan-Tatum has been tapped to recur as the DC Comics character, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
This is pretty nifty, the CW is streaming all episodes of the original The Flash TV series
The Scarlet Speedster's blockbuster CW series starring Grant Gustin doesnt return until October 6th, but The CW has something for Flash fans that may make the wait a little bit easier. Starting today, you can now stream every episode of the 1990-1991 version of The Flash through their online channel, CW Seed.
Starring John Wesley Shipp in the title role and boasting a title theme composed by Danny Elfman, the 90s Flash originally aired on CBS. While the show only ran for one season, it did get a chance to delve into the Flash's comic book mythology, introducing characters like Iris West and Linda Park and villains such as Captain Cold, Mirror Master and the Trickster (played by Mark Hamill).
This earlier version of The Flash isnt exactly in continuity with the current CW take, but the newer show often pays tribute to it. Several of the 90s Flash actors have been cast in recurring or guest roles on todays show. Shipp now plays Barry Allens father, while Amanda Pays, who played S.T.A.R. Labs Dr. Tina McGee on the earlier show, has appeared a few times as the same character in the new one and Hamill reprised his role as the Trickster in a memorable episode last spring.
While the special effects and costumes may seem a bit dated by todays standards, the 1990s Flash is still a blast and well worth a look if you havent seen it. While youre at it, you may want to bookmark the CW Seeds page or download the CW Seed app for iPhone/iPad or Android. Vixen, the animated series set within the Arrow and Flash universe and featuring the voices of Gustin and Stephen Amell, debuts there on August 25th.
This earlier version of The Flash isnt exactly in continuity with the current CW take
isnt exactly
Who's to say that they won't? At least Nth Metal. It's a pretty integral part of the DCU. If they manage to go cosmic, they can go to Thanagar.This is a good way to do the Hawks on TV. Much simpler than trying to explain Nth Metal and Thanagar and all that.
I'd love to see them explain their resurrected love throughout time
Who's to say that they won't? At least Nth Metal. It's a pretty integral part of the DCU. If they manage to go cosmic, they can go to Thanagar.
It didn't make sense within the DCAU. Lawd knows it won't here.
My point is that they've had a hard enough time keeping the Hawks origins consistent in the comics, streamlining it to simply "magic" for TV is a good way to handle it. Plus that opens the door for Dr Fate to show up as well.
I really hope they use Kendra's costume from the Earth 2 comics as the basis for the show. The blue and black color scheme looks great.
Such a good costume.
So much better than
I mean god damnit Bruce Timm. You have such awesome design sensibilities, but then for your most badass female character, you just shrug and go with the least interesting costume imaginable? The headpiece is fine, but just the costume. I mean christ.
Now Young Justice Hawkgirl... that was a fucking rad look.
And let's not forget Justice League Unlimited Hawkgirl who ditched her entire costume for a sports bra and yoga pants.
I mean... I get why she would. The 'Hawkgirl' persona is pretty much tainted after the Justice League Season 2 finale.
I should also mention her Thanegarian armor was super cool too.
My point is that they've had a hard enough time keeping the Hawks origins consistent in the comics, streamlining it to simply "magic" for TV is a good way to handle it. Plus that opens the door for Dr Fate to show up as well.
I really hope they use Kendra's costume from the Earth 2 comics as the basis for the show. The blue and black color scheme looks great.
It's unfortunate that the 3 seconds of quick and dirty CGI from the Legends of Tomorrow trailer makes it look like they're using Hawkgirl's DCAU Justice League costume as the reference point. The Earth 2 costume is so much better and would translate into a real outfit better, too.
Hopefully it was just a place holder.
Danish actor Casper Crump has been cast as Vandal Savage, the time traveling DC Comics supervillain, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
Vandal Savage has been cast
Thinking of making a thread with all the recent casting news for folks who don't frequent the community
Casper Crump is an amazing nameVandal Savage has been cast
Thinking of making a thread with all the recent casting news for folks who don't frequent the community
Casper Crump is an amazing name
Vandal Savage has been cast
Thinking of making a thread with all the recent casting news for folks who don't frequent the community
Vandal Savage has been cast
Thinking of making a thread with all the recent casting news for folks who don't frequent the community
I don't think Barbara was ever intended to be Batgirl. I believed from the very beginning that she'd end up dead and whomever Gordon ends up having a child with, that he would name Barbara.
Sarah was killed in No Man's Land.Barbara Keane (Gotham's Barbara) is Jim's first wife in the comics. She's the mother of Jim Gordon Jr (who grew up to be a murderous psychopath), and divorced Jim and took their son out of Gotham.
Batgirl Barbara is the daughter of Jim's wife Roger and his wife Thelma, who died in a car accident. Jim adopted her.
Jim's second wife was Sarah Essen (the Captain on Gotham,) who was killed by Joker in The Killing Joke
Of course, none of this is binding for Gotham. They can (and probably will) go off in an entirely different direction.
Barbara Keane (Gotham's Barbara) is Jim's first wife in the comics. She's the mother of Jim Gordon Jr (who grew up to be a murderous psychopath), and divorced Jim and took their son out of Gotham.
Batgirl Barbara is the daughter of Jim's wife Roger and his wife Thelma, who died in a car accident. Jim adopted her.
Jim's second wife was Sarah Essen (the Captain on Gotham,) who was killed by Joker in The Killing Joke
Of course, none of this is binding for Gotham. They can (and probably will) go off in an entirely different direction.
Barbara Keane (Gotham's Barbara) is Jim's first wife in the comics. She's the mother of Jim Gordon Jr (who grew up to be a murderous psychopath), and divorced Jim and took their son out of Gotham.
Batgirl Barbara is the daughter of Jim's wife Roger and his wife Thelma, who died in a car accident. Jim adopted her.
Jim's second wife was Sarah Essen (the Captain on Gotham,) who was killed by Joker in The Killing Joke
Of course, none of this is binding for Gotham. They can (and probably will) go off in an entirely different direction.
I did not know any of this. I'll be honest.