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DC TV Community Thread [Summer of Superfriends]

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Thea could never.
Well considering DC keeps trying to make Roy Harper a solo thing and they have no idea what to do with him. They paired him up with Jason Todd, another character they have no idea what to do with.

She really couldn't.
Red Hood/Arsenal is a great (albeit extraordinarily dumb) book. Bite yo tongue.


Watched up to episode 10 of Arrow season 2.

So far I've been a bit disappointed, not saying this season is bad however, just not what I expected.

- I think Felicity is starting to ruin this show, she's cute at first in season 1, but now it's starting to get annoying with them teasing the Oliver/Felicity relationship.

- What the hell is up with Diggle's role in the show?? He's supposed to be the Alpha male sidekick with Oliver training him to be a hero too. At least that's what was promised in season 1. And now he doesn't do SHIT. You can replace him with a brick wall and no one would notice WTF.

- Why in the HELL didn't Malcome tell Moira that Oliver is Green Arrow??? That seriously bugged me....why didn't he just tell her?? That would be such a cool moment.

- To me Team Arrow should only be Diggle and Arrow (and Yao Fei if he was alive), their amazing chemistry in season 1 is lost due to Felicity.

And now some good things:

- Deathstroke looks to be the best comic-book villain ever done on screen (other than Heath Ledger of course). His speech at the end of episode 9 is better than any of Bane's speeches from DKR.

- Flashbacks are still good, although not as interesting as season 1.

- League of Assassins are awesome, Canary is awesome too.

- The second half of the season looks to be absolutely insane.

- Barry Allen turning into Flash is one of the best moments ever.


Glad I'm not the only one who was over Felicity in season 2. People only really starting getting on her on s3, and I was just like "Fam... she been wack."


Watched up to episode 10 of Arrow season 2.

So far I've been a bit disappointed, not saying this season is bad however, just not what I expected.

- I think Felicity is starting to ruin this show, she's cute at first in season 1, but now it's starting to get annoying with them teasing the Oliver/Felicity relationship.

- What the hell is up with Diggle's role in the show?? He's supposed to be the Alpha male sidekick with Oliver training him to be a hero too. At least that's what was promised in season 1. And now he doesn't do SHIT. You can replace him with a brick wall and no one would notice WTF.

- Why in the HELL didn't Malcome tell Moira that Oliver is Green Arrow??? That seriously bugged me....why didn't he just tell her?? That would be such a cool moment.

- To me Team Arrow should only be Diggle and Arrow (and Yao Fei if he was alive), their amazing chemistry in season 1 is lost due to Felicity.

And now some good things:

- Deathstroke looks to be the best comic-book villain ever done on screen (other than Heath Ledger of course). His speech at the end of episode 9 is better than any of Bane's speeches from DKR.

- Flashbacks are still good, although not as interesting as season 1.

- League of Assassins are awesome, Canary is awesome too.

- The second half of the season looks to be absolutely insane.

- Barry Allen turning into Flash is one of the best moments ever.

Sounds like you're going to absolutely hate some of the stuff coming up and love some of the rest. But you should get really hyped if you haven't seen Flash, because Reverse Flash is even better than Deathstroke.
Glad I'm not the only one who was over Felicity in season 2. People only really starting getting on her on s3, and I was just like "Fam... she been wack."

yep. the signs were always there. she worked best in season 1 as somebody who just got the occasional funny scene. not ALL THE TIME. now we got her lecturing ra's al ghul on some goofy shit.


yep. the signs were always there. she worked best in season 1 as somebody who just got the occasional funny scene. not ALL THE TIME. now we got her lecturing ra's al ghul on some goofy shit.

Felicity: We have to save Oliver
Ray: It's one man or an entire City.
Felicity: B-b-b-b-but Oliver!
*Saves Oliver in The Atom suit*

That was the cringiest shit ever.


yep. the signs were always there. she worked best in season 1 as somebody who just got the occasional funny scene. not ALL THE TIME. now we got her lecturing ra's al ghul on some goofy shit.
They turned her into "Season 1 Laurel: The Remix." She just skates by on being the nerd girl fan insert character.

Felicity: We have to save Oliver
Ray: It's one man or an entire City.
Felicity: B-b-b-b-but Oliver!
*Saves Oliver in The Atom suit*

That was the cringiest shit ever.

I was dying laughing. It was just so stupid.
I'll be surprised if Stephen Amell is allowed to actually work a match at SummerSlam but it'll be interesting to see what they're going to do especially since his schedule is pretty locked this time of year with filming Arrow, I guess if WB/CW have okay'd it he might get Friday and Monday off.

Glad I'm not the only one who was over Felicity in season 2. People only really starting getting on her on s3, and I was just like "Fam... she been wack."
I never got the adoration she got, but I never hated her, either. She's an alright character, just not a great one.

She was fine in season one because she was featured in small doses, second season she did start to get grating in spots and progressively worse Mary Sue near the end but season three they turned her into a lead who I think had the most screen time by far of anyone this season besides Oliver (screen time a lot of other characters could've desperately used) and shit got amplified.


August will be tough for his schedule. He doesn't really get a break until late December. He could fly out for the weekend, maybe get a bit of wiggle room if the network is lenient. It is publicity. One of those things that really needs to be scheduled around though.


Honestly, if they fix the thing with Thea where her whole arc is predicated on doing whatever men tell her to, she'll be tied with Nyssa as the best female character on Arrow by a good country mile. They've still got a season worth of work to do repairing Laurel, they have to turn Sara into something other than "Oliver 2: Canary Boogaloo," and Felicity? Yeah...I don't even know what you do there, man.
Honestly, if they fix the thing with Thea where her whole arc is predicated on doing whatever men tell her to, she'll be tied with Nyssa as the best female character on Arrow by a good country mile. They've still got a season worth of work to do repairing Laurel, they have to turn Sara into something other than "Oliver 2: Canary Boogaloo," and Felicity? Yeah...I don't even know what you do there, man.

We'll see. I'm optimistic for this season. Granted, S3 did kill a small amount of goodwill I had towards the show (similar to what The Flash's S1 finale did to it), but I am more than willing to accept S3 as a misstep and hope S4 is much, much better. They have really good concepts, both in characters and in plot. Now they need to learn how to execute, and figure out a way to make their plots work without compromising their characters.


We'll see. I'm optimistic for this season. Granted, S3 did kill a small amount of goodwill I had towards the show (similar to what The Flash's S1 finale did to it), but I am more than willing to accept S3 as a misstep and hope S4 is much, much better. They have really good concepts, both in characters and in plot. Now they need to learn how to execute, and figure out a way to make their plots work without compromising their characters.

My thoughts exactly. Their character arc all work "on paper," but in the actual show it never seems to translate for the women.

Iris on "Flash" got it a little too, but I do think she was ever nearly as bad as Thea, Laurel, or Felicity at their worst like some fans do.
My thoughts exactly. Their character arc all work "on paper," but in the actual show it never seems to translate for the women.

Iris on "Flash" got it a little too, but I do think she was ever nearly as bad as Thea, Laurel, or Felicity at their worst like some fans do.

I just found Iris useless. There's so much they could've done with "reporter related to three major characters" that they didn't do. She was more MacGuffin than character.


I just found Iris useless. There's so much they could've done with "reporter related to three major characters" that they didn't do. She was more MacGuffin than character.
Compared to iZombie, The Flash handling it's side characters like Iris was a disaster.


I just found Iris useless. There's so much they could've done with "reporter related to three major characters" that they didn't do. She was more MacGuffin than character.

Remember when she was supposed to be investigating STAR Labs. Had ol girl come up with some information we learned in like the first five episodes and show to Barry at the tail end of the season. Like, wtf? Why introduce something like that for your female lead then do nothing with it?

I hope Berlanti and Kreisberg found some writers that can actually write women for "Supergirl." Cause otherwise that ship is sunk before it's even left the port.
I just found Iris useless. There's so much they could've done with "reporter related to three major characters" that they didn't do. She was more MacGuffin than character.

Remember when she was supposed to be investigating STAR Labs. Had ol girl come up with some information we learned in like the first five episodes and show to Barry at the tail end of the season. Like, wtf? Why introduce something like that for your female lead then do nothing with it?

I hope Berlanti and Kreisberg found some writers that can actually write women for "Supergirl." Cause otherwise that ship is sunk before it's even left the port.
So much truth. I think my ultimate big issue is that when Iris is finally redeemed in E21, they still attempt to make her the bad guy. She finally deduces that Barry is the Flash; she finally confronts him on it; she steps up in a badass way to help take down Grodd; and what do they do?

"Well Iris, you've been keeping secrets from me, too. You said you didn't love me anymore, but that's not true either, is it?" (or something close to that order).

The fuck is that? Woman can't even be a badass now? Fuck is this shit? Pissed me off so much, because from that point onward she's made out to be a bad guy just for lkinda sorta still liking Barry a little? Christ gimme a break.
Baron Reiter (Baron Blitzkrieg)'s group, which is supposed to be affiliated with Savage.

I knew there was some Savage in there somewhere. So, is this going to be the time where Oliver hooks up with KGBeast and the Bratva? Shadowspire is in the flashbacks, yeah?


So much truth. I think my ultimate big issue is that when Iris is finally redeemed in E21, they still attempt to make her the bad guy. She finally deduces that Barry is the Flash; she finally confronts him on it; she steps up in a badass way to help take down Grodd; and what do they do?

"Well Iris, you've been keeping secrets from me, too. You said you didn't love me anymore, but that's not true either, is it?" (or something close to that order).

The fuck is that? Woman can't even be a badass now? Fuck is this shit? Pissed me off so much, because from that point onward she's made out to be a bad guy just for lkinda sorta still liking Barry a little? Christ gimme a break.
Barry's fuckboy-ism when it comes to Iris is the worst thing about his character. She had every right to be angry with him and everyone else and he fires back with this weak shit? Fuck outta here.

And she was made out to be the bad guy long before that. It was kind of subtle at first, but the thing with Linda was where it really hit the fan. The show has a lot of work to do to convince me these two people should be together.


Gotham Mondays
Flash Tuesdays
Agent Carter/iZombie hangover
Arrow Wedn
Forgetting Constantine was on Friday Nights-Sat Mornings


Barry's fuckboy-ism when it comes to Iris is the worst thing about his character. She had every right to be angry with him and everyone else and he fires back with this weak shit? Fuck outta here.

I don't think she had any right to know the truth. At least untill Mason dissapeared. Before that she wasn't involved and I hate the idea that just because she's friends with Barry he has some sort of obligation to tell her every single little detail of his life.


I don't think she had any right to know the truth. At least untill Mason dissapeared. Before that she wasn't involved and I hate the idea that just because she's friends with Barry he has some sort of obligation to tell her every single little detail of his life.

They should have told her when she started writing the blog. The moment she became "the girl who knows The Flash" there was a target on her back too.

If it were just about her not needing to know every detail of Barry's life, I'd agree (although, I'd imagine it would still hurt having someone you know so well lie and keep something that big from you. Especially when it's your best friend and your own father [and later, your boyfriend]). But she was involved and in danger too and thus had a right to know. Didn't help that Joe and Barry's reasoning for not telling her was always flimsy as fuck and only became moreso as the season progressed.


X-files is going to air during Gotham;s break, right? And it's paired with Lucifer, so I guess later on Lucy will be paired with Gotham. So..there DC shows on monday..damn :D
Barry's fuckboy-ism when it comes to Iris is the worst thing about his character. She had every right to be angry with him and everyone else and he fires back with this weak shit? Fuck outta here.

And she was made out to be the bad guy long before that. It was kind of subtle at first, but the thing with Linda was where it really hit the fan. The show has a lot of work to do to convince me these two people should be together.

They should have told her when she started writing the blog. The moment she became "the girl who knows The Flash" there was a target on her back too.

If it were just about her not needing to know every detail of Barry's life, I'd agree (although, I'd imagine it would still hurt having someone you know so well lie and keep something that big from you. Especially when it's your best friend and your own father [and later, your boyfriend]). But she was involved and in danger too and thus had a right to know. Didn't help that Joe and Barry's reasoning for not telling her was always flimsy as fuck and only became moreso as the season progressed.


On top of that, Barry doesn't really get "punished" for him firing back at Iris like that. It's all just shrugged off and she helps him beat Grodd (or rather, survive Grodd). It just proves how valuable she could be to the team, and why she should have been in the know. But hey, why not keep her in the dark? "She'd end up in danger." SHE'S ALREADY IN DANGER BOYS! SHE ALREADY HAS A TARGET!

As for characters not getting "punished" (it really is the best word for it), Felicity takes the cake.



On top of that, Barry doesn't really get "punished" for him firing back at Iris like that. It's all just shrugged off and she helps him beat Grodd (or rather, survive Grodd). It just proves how valuable she could be to the team, and why she should have been in the know. But hey, why not keep her in the dark? "She'd end up in danger." SHE'S ALREADY IN DANGER BOYS! SHE ALREADY HAS A TARGET!

As for characters not getting "punished" (it really is the best word for it), Felicity takes the cake.

Yo, Felicity gets away with so much shit. More than any character on either show. Not only gets away with it, but the show sometimes bends over backward to make her seem like the victim.
Yo, Felicity gets away with so much shit. More than any character on either show. Not only gets away with it, but the show sometimes bends over backward to make her seem like the victim.

Well, and rightfully speaking, in S3 everyone's character arc was that everyone was torn between two "identities," so to speak. Oliver Queen or the Arrow; Ray Palmer or the Atom; Diggle being a sidekick or a father (which didn't get nearly as much focus as it should have); Roy Harper as a hero or a murderer; Laurel being true to herself, or just trying to be her sister again; Thea Queen or Thea Merlyn. Very good ideas in theory, but in practice they were shaky. Very shaky.

Felicity's arc was "where do my loyalties lie?" type of thing. Which, again in theory, is a very good arc. In practice it was simply a love triangle with a superhero angle. Upsetting, because part of her arc was that she was also having a rough time taking control of her own life, which was part of the whole "identity crisis" motif going on. Again, in theory it's a good idea, but in practice it didn't pan out as well. The reason why Felicity's arc didn't go so well is that the writers decided to have her take control by playing the victim while trying to basically get everyone to do things for her all the time. She's basically second-in-command of Team Arrow. The thing is her barking orders (in some cases to people she has no association with i.e. Ra's) and then whining that things aren't fair is a poor mentality, and one that she should not have gotten away with. In the end she totally does, and that's what truly pissed me off about Felicity's character this past season.
I can't believe how much I ended up liking Gotham, yeah it has some horrendous shit like Harvey Dent, Selina but those were ignorable.
Thankfully the worst thing about the show(having the original Batgirl be 20years older than Bruce was cut out.)

Would be cool if Bruce's younger cousin Kate(Batwoman) is mentioned in season 2.
I can't believe how much I ended up liking Gotham, yeah it has some horrendous shit like Harvey Dent, Selina but those were ignorable.
Thankfully the worst thing about the show(having the original Batgirl be 20years older than Bruce was cut out.)

Would be cool if Bruce's younger cousin Kate(Batwoman) is mentioned in season 2.

I don't think Barbara was ever intended to be Batgirl. I believed from the very beginning that she'd end up dead and whomever Gordon ends up having a child with, that he would name Barbara.

Gotham is best described, I think, as "shenanigans."

I honestly can't think of any other way to describe it. I had a lot of stuff that bugged me about the show, but the biggest one was Fish Mooney's plot thread with the Doll Maker. Felt like such pointless filler. You could literally have her leave town, and then have her show up again at the end (cutting out her getting kidnapped and her actually entering town) and it would be the same. It adds nothing to the story, especially because Fish ends up dead anyways, so her character development during that arc doesn't matter.
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