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DC TV Community Thread [Summer of Superfriends]

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Sounds great. I'd prefer a Daily Planet show set in movie continuity... maybe they could focus on Jimmy and Perry covering a DCEU world.

I think a DCCU TV show ain't going to happen for at least 5 years, if ever, because how careful they have to be right now to make the DCCU excellent. The TV shows they got right now allow them to have a stronger TV presence than Marvel, at least for now anyway as that might be change, but if they were ever going to push for a DCCU show, it would have to be a good one, probably with high budget and notable character. IF we're lucky, we'll get a HBO show out of it.


Sounds great. I'd prefer a Daily Planet show set in movie continuity... maybe they could focus on Jimmy and Perry covering a DCEU world.

Kind of reminds me of...



I just finished season 1 of Flash. Maybe the best season of a TV show I have seen. And that big fight at the end of episode 22 was awesome. Didn't think they would top it, then the season finale was super sci-fi and emotional. This show just nailed everything about the Flash perfectly.


Re-watching season one of Arrow with my dad and brother.

What the hell happened to Raisa? The only one who really got Oliver.


TVLine is doing a 'Reboots and Revivals Wish List' with some answers from Arrowverse people. They have some interesting choices, clearly some extensions coming for the Arrowverse.

Grant Gustin (The Flash)
"I loved Lois & Clark back in the day. I want to see Superman on TV in whatever capacity."

Wendy Mericle (Executive producer, Arrow)
"The show that I would really love to see cracked in general is Wonder Woman. I think it's really challenging. Ultimately, the week-to-week of it is hard... There's an appetite for superheroes. There's an appetite for female leads. Someone's gonna do it, and I hope they do because if nothing else, I want to watch."

Geoff Johns (Executive producer, Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl,)
"I loved The Incredible Hulk back in the day."

Greg Berlanti (Executive producer, Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Blindspot, The Mysteries of Laura)
"My go-to is Buck Rogers because I just loved it as a kid. Someone should do that. I don't want to do it. I loved [that] a guy wakes up in the 25th century. It would be neat to see someone try to accomplish it today."

Andrew Kreisberg (Executive producer, Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl)
"One of the most amazing series finales of all time was Angel [because] it ended mid-battle. The whole point of that show was that the battle always goes on. There isn't always a happy ending. It's more about the fight than the victory. So I think it would be really interesting to check in and see what happened to Gunn and Angel and Illyria and Spike. I would definitely tune in for that."
Andrew Kreisberg (Executive producer, Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl)
"One of the most amazing series finales of all time was Angel [because] it ended mid-battle. The whole point of that show was that the battle always goes on. There isn't always a happy ending. It's more about the fight than the victory. So I think it would be really interesting to check in and see what happened to Gunn and Angel and Illyria and Spike. I would definitely tune in for that."
There's the comics for that, though.


Andrew Kreisberg (Executive producer, Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl)
"One of the most amazing series finales of all time was Angel [because] it ended mid-battle. The whole point of that show was that the battle always goes on. There isn't always a happy ending. It's more about the fight than the victory. So I think it would be really interesting to check in and see what happened to Gunn and Angel and Illyria and Spike. I would definitely tune in for that."

Kreisberg gets it. It isn't always happy endings. That's for all of you who were unhappy about Darkseid in YJ's finale.


Kreisberg gets it. It isn't always happy endings. That's for all of you who were unhappy about Darkseid in YJ's finale.

Angel ended in limbo on purpose, it was a closure to the story.
Darkseid in Young Justice is a dangeling thread.
Totally different things, imho.

EDIT: I am not unhappy about Darkseid in YJ


Angel ended in limbo on purpose, it was a closure to the story.
Darkseid in Young Justice is a dangeling thread.
Totally different things, imho.

EDIT: I am not unhappy about Darkseid in YJ

It wasn't a dangling thread. They knew the show was getting cancelled and purposely kept him in because they wanted to emphasize these characters stories weren't ending there.
It wasn't a dangling thread. They knew the show was getting cancelled and purposely kept him in because they wanted to emphasize these characters stories weren't ending there.

Oh, please. YJ got cut off at the knees prematurely and everyone knows it. Darkseid's there because they were gearing up for a Darkseid story, not because they wanted to do a "The Adventure Continues" ending.
That's for all of you who were unhappy about Darkseid in YJ's finale.
Sorry but YJ's continuous undercutting of the actions(on both sides)for a set up to a setup was horrible writing.
In retrospect it looks even worse because the entire series was just a big plot about Darkseid, heroes win or lose Darkseid was always the endgame...
Villains lose... but that was all part of the plan, Villains lose aga... all part of the plan, Villains finally lo... fuck you none of this actually mattered Darkseid is coming anyway.

Oh so at least with the plot basically pointless you like the character development?
Ha screw you, we will throw so many characters at the screen nobody gets shit in season 2.


Oh so at least with the plot basically pointless you like the character development?
Ha screw you, we will throw so many characters at the screen nobody gets shit in season 2.
This really chapped my ass. If you weren't Aqualad, Miss M, Impulse, Arsenal, or Blue Beetle, the show couldn't give less of a fuck about you.

Wonder Girl and Robin developed a whole relationship off screen. lol
I was at work Friday afternoon and was back in the warehouse area opening boxes. Opened a box to see what was inside and there were a bunch of Arrow action figures inside. Radioactive was playing over the radio at the same time.

It is like poetry.


This really chapped my ass. If you weren't Aqualad, Miss M, Impulse, Arsenal, or Blue Beetle, the show couldn't give less of a fuck about you.

Wonder Girl and Robin developed a whole relationship off screen. lol

? So? They were never central characters. The plot never hinged on them. We don't need a prolonged 'will they/won't they' for every couple in an ever-growing team. We don't know if they would've been given more to do in Season 3, especially considering Nightwing leaving (for a while anyway). Hell, in Justice League Unlimited, outside of the main 7 and a handful of others, you were lucky if you got a line. Was that a problem with the show? Not really.


It wasn't a dangling thread. They knew the show was getting cancelled and purposely kept him in because they wanted to emphasize these characters stories weren't ending there.

Maybe "dangling thread" wasn't the right choice of words on my end. If anyone has a better suggestion, I am listening.

It is true, that they would have kept the Darkseid ending, no matter what, canceled or not.
On Angel the ending had a point, fitting the overall arc of the last season and the show in general.
But on Young Justice, the Darkseid ending was just there. It did not make a point, nor serve the story. It started a new story, even though it is connected to the previous story.


I agree they could have better character development in S2, but who cares about Tim and Cassie? They were periphery characters.

Maybe "dangling thread" wasn't the right choice of words on my end. If anyone has a better suggestion, I am listening.

It is true, that they would have kept the Darkseid ending, no matter what, canceled or not.
On Angel the ending had a point, fitting the overall arc of the last season and the show in general.
But on Young Justice, the Darkseid ending was just there. It did not make a point, nor serve the story. It started a new story, even though it is connected to the previous story.

Greg Weisman takes umbrage at the notion of calling it a cliff hanger or similar. The point to keeping it in (and killing Wally) was to show these heroes don't get a happy ending and they'll keep on fighting, just like Angel. There will always be a bigger bad. Of course they would have loved to have done a third season with Darkseid, but the idea that they'd ever wrap the show up nice and tidy never occurred to them. Even Angel's finale was the result of scrambling in wake of cancellation.


Greg Weisman takes umbrage at the notion of calling it a cliff hanger or similar. The point to keeping it in (and killing Wally) was to show these heroes don't get a happy ending and they'll keep on fighting, just like Angel.

If that was the intention, it failed, at least to me. I saw it as something else.
I don't have access to the show anymore, so I can't watch it again with that intention in mind.
As I said, I have no problem with the ending itself, besides the show being canceled, of course :)

I think Greg Weisman said something about on "Ask Greg" or maybe twitter. But I can not find it right now.

p.s.: I had to look up the word umbrage.


If that was the intention, it failed, at least to me. I saw it as something else.
I don't have access to the show anymore, so I can't watch it again with that intention in mind.
As I said, I have no problem with the ending itself, besides the show being canceled, of course :)

I think Greg Weisman said something about on "Ask Greg" or maybe twitter. But I can not find it right now.

p.s.: I had to look up the word umbrage.

I recommend listening to the podcast I posted above if you want to hear about why they ended with Darkseid or treated Wally the way they did. Admittedly it's not as clear as Angel what they're going for.
Has anyone read The Flash Season Zero or Arrow Season 2.5 at all? I'm curious as to what they're like, but I don't have an urge to actually pick them up.
This really chapped my ass. If you weren't Aqualad, Miss M, Impulse, Arsenal, or Blue Beetle, the show couldn't give less of a fuck about you.

Wonder Girl and Robin developed a whole relationship off screen. lol
Plenty of characters got development, but some more than others. You're forgetting about Guardian and Superboy, who had arcs as well. Also all the kids who got experimented on (Static, Longshadow, etc.). Dick did as well. Some got more focused arcs than others, such as Blue Beetle, but that's because they were far more plot important. Arsenal got one episode, which isn't any more or less (in terms of content) of an arc than a lot of the other characters.

Though admittedly I am upset Wonder Girl didn't get more focus. That bugged me.


I really want to read the script for Escape from Supermax. Anyone read it? Good?

I read it a couple of years ago. It had loads of promise and could serve as a great starter for a cinematic Green Arrow but as a script it just wasn't there yet.

As I said there were loads of big ideas (the superhero prison that 'changed' shape and form every night so no one could form an escape plan) that worked really well but it needed a tighter emotional arc.

IIRC it didn't feature Black Canary and might have benefitted from having their love story at its core, basically giving him a reason to escape. It featured Amanda Waller and even Deathstroke as well as a host of 'C-list' DCU characters.

Feel free to ask any other questions and I'll do my best to answer.


Will this thread be closed when the shows start?

It may run the risk of fracturing communities a bit but I think there is merit to keeping the thread due to the frequency of crossovers and references within the DCTVU. This could also serve as a hub for information and general off topic discussion concerning the shows but not relevant to current events.


Will this thread be closed when the shows start?

That is a fair question, I mean each show will have it's own individual season thread, but I see a merit in keeping this around. Especially for people who wanna catch up or to save some cross-posting


We should keep it around even if it is just for the fact Vixen, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl don't start at the same moment as Arrow and The Flash.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
So just to repost from earlier:
I've read some of them. They're not bad and apparently are cannon with the shows, even having characters like
Bronze Tiger
being killed off in them.

But I think part of the charm of Arrow and Flash are the actors. The comics are just missing that extra something that makes them worth reading over the mainline comic continuity.

Give them a shot, though. You can pick up chapters for a buck digitally.
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