Shouldn't be the inverse, as the lightning bolt is the light?
New (short) Flash promo with Atom Smasher footage.
New outro logo! Get hype.
I've read some of them. They're not bad and apparently are cannon with the shows, even having characters likebeing killed off in them.Bronze Tiger
But I think part of the charm of Arrow and Flash are the actors. The comics are just missing that extra something that makes them worth reading over the mainline comic continuity.
Give them a shot, though. You can pick up chapters for a buck digitally.
They just can't stick with a logo. It's funny.
When is the Summerslam happening?So, any of you going to be watching Summerslam? It'll be broadcast live, and also on-demand from the WWE Network, which has a free month no strings attached signup.
When is the Summerslam happening?
So, any of you going to be watching Summerslam? It'll be broadcast live, and also on-demand from the WWE Network, which has a free month no strings attached signup.
Pretty sure I just saw a Flash Signal.
come on guys!
I think you mean the Flash Light
Mines has italics, delete your inferior post.
I read it a couple of years ago. It had loads of promise and could serve as a great starter for a cinematic Green Arrow but as a script it just wasn't there yet.
As I said there were loads of big ideas (the superhero prison that 'changed' shape and form every night so no one could form an escape plan) that worked really well but it needed a tighter emotional arc.
IIRC it didn't feature Black Canary and might have benefitted from having their love story at its core, basically giving him a reason to escape. It featured Amanda Waller and even Deathstroke as well as a host of 'C-list' DCU characters.
Feel free to ask any other questions and I'll do my best to answer.
Look what came in the mail...
Time to start harnessing the speed force.
It's $30 bucks. It's a neat trinket if you have the money to burn.How is it? Worth buying?
Curious to see how they do Atom Smasher, never really read anything with him in it, and I don't think he even had any lines in the DCAU.
Executive Producer Wendy Mericle talks Arrow season 4:
Highlights include Diggle getting a code name, which they won't share yet (*cough*GUARDIAN!*cough*) and Damien Dahrk being a sociopathic, pure evil villain instead of a "hero of his own story" sympathetic villain like Malcolm and Slade.
Mr. Terrific, or Curtis Holt, is coming, and will be played by Echo Kellum. He’s just a genius. I don’t think we’ll see him morph into Mr. Terrific this season, but he’s somebody who brings a different tone and element, more in keeping with the lightness that we’re bringing into this season. He also is one of our only other LGBT characters, and we’re excited to have that on the show to explore those things, particularly through the prism of that character and with his relationship to Felicity and the team.
Whoa WHOA.
How do you leave out the fact that Mr. Terrific is going to be gay?
Whoa WHOA.
How do you leave out the fact that Mr. Terrific is going to be gay?
EDIT: This was apparently already confirmed?
Why couldn't he have been bisexual? I feel like entertainment seems to forget bisexual men exist.
Also the cynic in me says they did it to make him non-threatening to Felicity's relationship but they could have married him if they wanted that.
Do you, though?mine was confused for fleshlight
i win
Apparently, Diggle is not Guardian, but a new code name unique to Diggle. Also, Laurel won't be keeping Sarah's ressurection secret from Chesthair like she did with her death.
His code name better not be Midnighter. That's what I have to say.
Kind of a random concern to have. They're usually pretty sensitive to making changes to characters like that. You might as well be worried that they'll make Diggle the Question.
Which, now having said that out loud, I would totally be in favor of.
It's too bad that Midnighter isn't ripping up the sales charts at the moment as I'd love for HBO to take a crack at the character.
It was a joke about how he fights crime at night, plus Black Driver, plus black outfit. No one was going to get it, but I felt I needed to say it.
But in seriousness, he's just Guardian. Different codename doesn't change that.
His code name better not be Midnighter. That's what I have to say.
Do you, though?
I want Diggle to be Guardian and related to Roy. With zero explanation.
I'd be cool with Diggle being the getaway driver that occasionally gets to fight, but for real doe, the man got a family now, he can't be running around cleaning up after Olly like he used to.
Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally) starts shooting in October, hasn't ben told what Wally's relation to Iris in the show is yet:
I am so mad that I am working that night and can't watch live. Sigh.Amell's hooding up this Sunday.
Take solace in the fact that it can't possibly live up to expectations.
Unless, Chesthair comes out of nowhere and leaps off the top rope: