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DC TV Off-Season - Crisis on Infinite Reruns

Do you mean for Gotham? I'm referring to people who thought Batman might appear in the Arrowverse.

Eh, I've always been uncertain over whether it could happen.

I mean I never expected a Flash show to happen when Arrow was starting. I didn't expect Supergirl to physically show off Superman either.

I know Fox has the rights to TV Batman and DC is hesitant on using Batman for anything but movies in live action but you never know.
LOL at the bitching over the musical crossover that's going on elsewhere, funnier coming from comic fans considering it's almost certainly going to involve Music Meister.

I know this is a small thing, buuuuut I kinda wish new (old) Vixen's costume looked more shitty. Like, she's from the 50's or 60's, right? They wouldn't be making her uniform out of the same material as Flash's or Green Arrow's. It should look more sewn and fabric-y. Maybe it will be once they first meet and the Legends crew gives her an upgrade based on Mari's outfit which offers more protection?

Yeah, I'm not a fan of that either.
Eh, I've always been uncertain over whether it could happen.

I mean I never expected a Flash show to happen when Arrow was starting. I didn't expect Supergirl to physically show off Superman either.

I know Fox has the rights to TV Batman and DC is hesitant on using Batman for anything but movies in live action but you never know.

I think it takes the right way to do him.
Him being on Arrow just about destroys your main character even used sparingly.
On Gotham where you can heavily use him you risk the movies losing a bit of an audience and saturating Batman.

Thats honestly why I think the subconscious vision or a future Gotham episode is the only way it will happen on Gotham.

Still kinda amazed they got Ra's but I figure that only happened because Ra's was such a big part of Nolan's and they don't intend to reuse him anytime soon.


I love Pokken!


Vlada Gelman ‏@VladaGelman

Dolph Lundgren will be in #Arrow Russia flashbacks. #TCA16


Drago trained Oliver?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
I don't know how many times I'll have to say it, but I'll say it until these hacks get it:

Adam West Batman is canon.



They will need to get rid of him, but I hope it's not death and they do something like send him to the 31st Century to spend time with the Legion.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I've never known how much I want to see Doomsday on a CW budget until this moment.

You still haven't seen Batman v Superman? Kidding!

I just read the news about the other Flash villain for the season, and now I'm bummed out.
Still kinda amazed they got Ra's but I figure that only happened because Ra's was such a big part of Nolan's and they don't intend to reuse him anytime soon.

Kreisberg talked about how they got Ra's on Fat Man on Batman.

Basically, he and Berlanti laid a trail of bread crumbs that the fans could easily follow to Ra's al Ghul, but the network wouldn't pick up on. Then they went to WB and said "He's already a major part of Arrow's lore- we need to use him."


Arrow Deadshot is better than Suicide Squad by the way

That's a stretch. Will Smith has insane presence and charisma.

Bizarrely I might say Arrow's Amanda Waller is better written than Suicide Squad's. She always had an internal logic to her actions and roughly made sense. Waller in Squad is much better acted but is a complete mess in the plot.


Flash, Legends and Supergirl all use flashbacks for different characters, wtf are you guys panicking about. They specifically said it won't be an every episode regular thing too.

We already had a flash forward - Legends is literally a show full of them too - and even that was merely a maybe.


What if they start the season with a scene set in the future and the entire season is a flashback?

Like with How To Get Away With Murder? They only killed Laurel off because they promised they'd kill someone, I don't trust them to do flashbacks/flashfowards at all.


Like with How To Get Away With Murder? They only killed Laurel off because they promised they'd kill someone, I don't trust them to do flashbacks/flashfowards at all.

It is just a way of looking. Shows like Quantico and How To Get Away With Murder can either by flashforwards or flashbacks.
Like with How To Get Away With Murder? They only killed Laurel off because they promised they'd kill someone, I don't trust them to do flashbacks/flashfowards at all.

With Katie Cassidy getting a regular contact this season, I wonder if Black Siren character reboot was the plan all along.



Whedon would be fucking huge. He can make up for The Avengers movies. He teamed up with NPH for Glee so it would kind of be a perfect storm, he knows the genre well and I think Supergirl is a good fit in that cheesy way that works for Whedon on the small screen.

The source appears to be a tiny YouTube channel but apparently they've had at least one correct hit? I don't want to get too excited. The rumors are are 50/50 right now.


No more 'Who is in the coffin' please.
But it would solve the flashback problem!

That would be the hypest.

Whedon would be fucking huge. He can make up for The Avengers movies. He teamed up with NPH for Glee so it would kind of be a perfect storm, he knows the genre well and I think Supergirl is a good fit in that cheesy way that works for Whedon on the small screen.
I never knew he did that Glee episode. If Whedon also means NPH, then I already know what is the best episode ever.
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