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DC TV Off-Season - Crisis on Infinite Reruns


Yes, but of course the question will be if the UK skips those weeks.

But it wouldn't screw up the schedule

If the UK is starting 3 weeks after the States, they just don't need to skip those weeks and can just air the episodes in order.

Since only one week, which still gives em a 2 episode buffer for each show.



I like Hoechlin but I dunno, I have a feeling he'll not be great in the role. Would have preferred someone with a more wider Welling or Cavill-like build, especially since this is a Supes in his prime.

Welling was never as wide as Hoechlinin is. And Cavill isn;t that much wider. It's the lack of padding that makes the difference here.


Stephen Amell wants to be on American Ninja Warrior while Emily Bett Rickards is going to Whose Line Is It Anyway?


I just saw the pilot for Legends of Tomorrow. Please tell me this gets better, because that was one of the worst acted and cheesy episodes I have ever seen.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I just saw the pilot for Legends of Tomorrow. Please tell me this gets better, because that was one of the worst acted and cheesy episodes I have ever seen.

I would say no. What you see is what you get.
I just saw the pilot for Legends of Tomorrow. Please tell me this gets better, because that was one of the worst acted and cheesy episodes I have ever seen.

It's great whenever Mick, Sarah or Snart is in the spotlight. Terrible when the Hawks get focus. Passable for the rest of the cast.
Rewatching random Flash episodes and uh.... Damn, Barry sure took a shitload of Ls. "Guys like us don't get the girls." Whew, Oliver delivered that ether during that whole episode lol.


About a week ago I finished Arrow S4 rewatch with friends and today we'll finish Flash's S2. Both are so much better when marathoning and my pals, who are seeing them for the first time, also react to them much better than I did when watching it for the first time.
It almost makes me want to not watch them week by week this year, but I just can't miss on the ridiculous four days a week of DC CW :D


About a week ago I finished Arrow S4 rewatch with friends and today we'll finish Flash's S2. Both are so much better when marathoning and my pals, who are seeing them for the first time, also react to them much better than I did when watching it for the first time.
It almost makes me want to not watch them week by week this year, but I just can't miss on the ridiculous four days a week of DC CW :D
If it makes you feel any better you won't have to wait long with their new Netflix deal. Also a lot of shows benefit from marathoning, however they creators know they are making for broadcast first and should accommodate appropriately instead.


If it makes you feel any better you won't have to wait long with their new Netflix deal. Also a lot of shows benefit from marathoning, however they creators know they are making for broadcast first and should accommodate appropriately instead.

Yeah. If I could I would make every CW writer sit down and watch Person of Interest's first three seasons couple times through. Because it seems nobody managed to do procedural long-form storytelling anywhere near as good as they did. They had cases of the week bleeding into overarching narrative and what's more.that overreaching narrative wasn't a singular problem or a villain, but instead a series of independent concurrent arcs that somehow in the end still managed to tie into eachother.

When you're doing 20+ episodes a year each season needs to have a lot more stuff going on in it than just one single linear story with episodic quickstops along the way.


Still got 10 episodes left of Supergirl. I were surprised when Winn kissed Kara, even though we know he's in love with her. Wonder what that'll do to their friendship. Probably nothing.


It seems like we were all wrong about Superman dying instantly, it's sounding more and more like he will be a central character to S2

I don't know if that promises more than two episodes. Just the nature of the character means he'll be a big part of the first two episodes.

I never thought they'd kill him off, but they do need to take him out of action for a bit. Send him off world, or a different universe. I'm still not sure how they're merging the universes - if they even are - because I feel like Supes won't come along with.


Didn't realize Constantine hadn't had a home release yet was wondering why it was on the back cover of this week's comics

So guess happening soon


TVLine has the goods

Arrow said:
With alllll of Season 5’s cast additions, including a new ragtag team, “the one thing that anchors and pulls everybody through is Oliver,” executive producer Wendy Mericle previews. “He’s very much the focus of the first nine [episodes].” In the light of day, the hero is taking his new role as mayor “seriously,” yet failing on the job, forcing Thea to pick up the slack. “She, like Oliver, is trying to figure out her legacy through City Hall,” the EP says. Elsewhere, a guilt-wracked Felicity is “doubled down in the bunker,” while Dig is similarly “trying to figure out how he can get that sense of himself back, after killing his brother.” As for this year’s Big Bad, Prometheus presents a “very personal” threat, Mericle promises, “and the ending will be, correspondingly, very specific to Oliver.”

BONUS SPOILER!: Don’t expect an “Olicity” reunion in the near future. “They’re both in crisis mode. Oliver’s got two really big jobs, and [Felicity] is spinning out about Havenrock,” Mericle explains. “Until they’ve gotten some clarity for themselves, there’s not much room for the relationship side of things.”

The Flash said:
In the idyllic Flashpoint existence he unwittingly created, Barry finally has what he’s always wanted – both of his parents – but he no longer has a relationship with Iris. “Now he has to approach her as a girl he had a schoolboy crush on for 14 years,” executive producer Aaron Helbing previews. Things are pretty different for the rest of Team Flash, too: Cisco is an ostentatious billionaire, Joe is depressed and Caitlin is…well, that remains something of a mystery, but she is still a doctor. And even if the action eventually reverts to the original timeline, “The whole season is affected because of [Flashpoint],” the EP affirms. At the CCPD, new series regular Tom Felton will make Barry’s life more challenging as his CSI boss (“He isn’t buying what Barry’s selling,” says EP Todd Helbing), and the troubles don’t end there for the speedster: Big Bads Savitar and Dr. Alchemy will wage “psychological warfare,” while Captain Cold returns in Episode 4.

BONUS SPOILER!: The show’s take on Mirror Master (Star-Crossed‘s Grey Damon) “doesn’t use the [mirror] gun,” Todd Helbing reveals. “He’s a true meta, but he’s not necessarily warping into other dimensions.”

Legends of Tomorrow said:
It’ll be some “time” before we find out what Hourman said to the Legends in the May finale, seeing as Season 2 opens months later, with Rip, Sara, Mick et al mysteriously scattered throughout time, which mild-mannered historian Nate Heywood (new series regular Nick Zano) discovers — and with Oliver Queen’s nudging aims to set right — in the premiere. “What makes Nick fun is he’s the wide-eyed neophyte. He doesn't know what superheroes are,” showrunner Phil Klemmer says of the Indiana Jones-like academic. “His infectious enthusiasm buoys the rest of our Legends, reminding them and the audience that time travel is fun.” Joining in the adventure is a new iteration of Vixen, plus JSA members such as Stargirl and Obsidian, while a Legion of Doom comprised of Reverse-Flash, Captain Cold, Malcolm Merlyn and Damien Darhk will keeps the heroes hopping by tinkering with time. “We had a singular bad guy in Season 1,” Klemmer reminds, “and now we have four, each with their own, somewhat competing agendas.”

BONUS SPOILER!: Among the rejiggered team, Klemmer is most excited for people to witness the dynamic between Mick and Vixen: “To put a ‘greatest generation’ JSA member against a 2016 criminal scumbag makes for delicious tension!”

Supergirl said:
The sinister Project Cadmus, teased in Season 1, targets the Kryptonian cousins, triggering “a chain of events that forces Supergirl and Superman (Teen Wolf's Tyler Hoechlin) to team up,” says showrunner Andrew Kreisberg. In doing so, “They get to spend some time in each other's lives, which they haven't previously gotten to do,” as Kal-El schools his kin on how to “integrate both parts of her life into one.” On top of that, there’s the matter of the crash-landed space pod’s passenger, Mon-El of Daxam, who is poised to be both friend and foe. Meanwhile at the office, Kara’s supervisor, Snapper Carr, “is going to make Cat look warm and fuzzy,” while other new faces include Lena Luthor (who in the wake of brother Lex’s incarceration “is trying to change the face of her company,” starting with a rebranding as LCorp), NCPD cop Maggie Sawyer (who will have jurisdictional clashes with the DEO’s Alex) and Miss Martian (in a “great story for J’onn” aka Hank).

BONUS SPOILER!: Kara’s isn't the only job change at CatCo. “Winn is actually going to get fired,” says Kreisberg, “and go work for the DEO, which will be really exciting.”


Okay Arrow will address Havenbrook, good for people worried they wouldn't.

wtf at that Mirror Master tease. Looks like we're definitely getting a beta Mirror Master.

Heat Wave continuing to be the best.

Lol at Winn. Also Alex x Maggie is 100% happening.
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