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DC TV Off-Season - Crisis on Infinite Reruns


I'm watching Supergirl, and it's just not that good. The best actor on there is Ms Grants, Kara's boss. But it is such a drag to go through. 9 more episodes left.


So Joe Manganiello is cinematic Deathstroke. We should only have to wait until 2019 to get Manu Bennett back at this rate. Bring on Arrow S8!


So Joe Manganiello is cinematic Deathstroke. We should only have to wait until 2019 to get Manu Bennett back at this rate. Bring on Arrow S8!

Just imagine how much Manu we could have had without certain liars leading DC. Yes, we will keep believing you don't have embargoes anymore Mr DC.


So it seems like Black Lightning will end up at FOX. They have ordered a one hour pilot. Hopefully it won't follow the same formulae as Arrow, Flash, Legends and Supergirl.
Hopefully it won't follow the same formulae as Arrow, Flash, Legends and Supergirl.

My name is Jefferson Pierce. I used to be the hero of Metropolis ' s Suicide Slums. Now, I've hung up my costume to raise my two daughters and live as a High School Principal. But new dangers to my students are drawing me back to my old life- making me once again take up the mantle of BLACK LIGHTNING!


I'm watching Supergirl, and it's just not that good. The best actor on there is Ms Grants, Kara's boss. But it is such a drag to go through. 9 more episodes left.

So it seems like Black Lightning will end up at FOX. They have ordered a one hour pilot. Hopefully it won't follow the same formulae as Arrow, Flash, Legends and Supergirl.

Why do your opinions suuuuuuck so muuuuuuuch.

Berlanti formula is happening, it'll be a mix of his tried and tested and the Akil's style.
so glad to see Superman will be a key character and that Berlanti/Kreisberg didn't give in (this time) to fanboy fantasies to have him killed off. embrace the "S"


Just imagine how much Manu we could have had without certain liars leading DC. Yes, we will keep believing you don't have embargoes anymore Mr DC.

Ammell said there's nothing stopping Slade from returning to Arrow. So there's still hope :)

They should just make a whole season of Oliver and Slade being in Secret Six group :)


Just imagine how much Manu we could have had without certain liars leading DC. Yes, we will keep believing you don't have embargoes anymore Mr DC.

To be fair, it also sounded like Manu didn't want to come back after season 3

Same way Moira's actress was kind of bummed when she was killed off.

I'm sure if they could have, probably would have bought Manu back as part of the LoT's Legion of Doom.


To be fair, it also sounded like Manu didn't want to come back after season 3

Same way Moira's actress was kind of bummed when she was killed off.

I'm sure if they could have, probably would have bought Manu back as part of the LoT's Legion of Doom.

But he could probably be convinced, he has some history with Amell so he could probably convince him if there was time.


Well that's the other thing

He is a series regular on another show that films in New Zealand.

He is a regular on a 10-episode show. First season took at most 5 months to film, cast signed on in January 2015 and filming ended start of June. Arrow and others film almost 10 months per year.


The thing is, I don't think there's much wrong with the Berlanti formular, it's just that it is used for all the shows, and thus it can get boring in the long run, and make it a drag. Some of the melo-dramatic dialogue doesn't work in Supergirl either and makes me cringe. She's great in the role of Kara though, and the actors of Winn, James and Lucy I'm also a fan of.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The thing is, I don't think there's much wrong with the Berlanti formular, it's just that it is used for all the shows, and thus it can get boring in the long run, and make it a drag. Some of the melo-dramatic dialogue doesn't work in Supergirl either and makes me cringe. She's great in the role of Kara though, and the actors of Winn, James and Lucy I'm also a fan of.

I would agree. I think I started getting worn out when Supergirl and Flash were airing at the same time. Tonally they're the most alike and it was hard to be interested in both shows at the same time. Arrow is slightly darker and Legends is a team show. But Flash and Supergirl are both bright and bubblegummy.

I actually don't know if I'll be watching all The CW DC shows. I'm going to give Legends a chance since it's a soft reboot of sorts but the quality doesn't tick up it's getting dropped from my weekly watching. Flash is on probation with me too. I really didn't care for the back half of last season so if they're still at that level, I'm out.


Wasn't his only sticking point how poorly they treated the character in season 3, or was there some more backstage drama I am forgetting or didn't know about?

Also important to remember he was comparing that treatment to the one time DeathStroke took down the Justice League.


Wasn't his only sticking point how poorly they treated the character in season 3, or was there some more backstage drama I am forgetting or didn't know about?

No, people just started assuming Manu hated the show because of the comments about S3.

Amell publicly supported him after his arrest.
Manu didn't really like Slade's treatment in season 3. If anything that at least means if he's coming back Slade's not losing to Thea anytime soon.

Or they're giving him more money.



What more can you tell us how often we’ll see Calista Flockhart’s character, Cat Grant?

She’s recurring. We’re trying to get her for at least six episodes this year, and she’s in the first two episodes. We’re just trying to see when she can come back now.


Also the crossover sounds confusing. It seems like it's a Flash/Arrow/Legends things with minor Supergirl contributions?


I can wait, I still have 8 episodes left of Supergirl hah. Hopefully I can finish it either this weekend or next week, so I should be ready for the new seasons.


Supergirl season season 2 starts in a month. Exactly how long do they plan to wait before dropping a trailer

It'll be soon. These shows need effects done. Supergirl started shooting later than the others, and even the other shows still haven't locked their first episodes. It's their big new show, they'll do it right.


Pics from episode 2 of Supergirl


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