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DC Universe Online |OT| The next legend is YOU!

Just bought the PS3 version. Downloading the updates right now...

What server is neogaf playing on?

If anyone wants to group up or help me out add me to your psn friends list.

PSN name - neoJABES
Nightbreeze said:
Just bought the PS3 version. Downloading the updates right now...

What server is neogaf playing on?

If anyone wants to group up or help me out add me to your psn friends list.

PSN name - neoJABES

im on the redemption server. you can add my character AmericanNinja

EDIT: the restarting didnt help. still cant use the teleporter.
Nightbreeze said:
Just bought the PS3 version. Downloading the updates right now...

What server is neogaf playing on?

If anyone wants to group up or help me out add me to your psn friends list.

PSN name - neoJABES

Check the spreadsheets on the first page of this thread for servers and character names. Add your info! :)


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Nightbreeze said:
Just bought the PS3 version. Downloading the updates right now...

What server is neogaf playing on?

If anyone wants to group up or help me out add me to your psn friends list.

PSN name - neoJABES
Redemption for PvE, Killing Joke for PvP.


Epcott said:
Area 51 Alert finally worked, so I tried the level. Made it to Prime Servitor. Since everyone kept dying, his health and attack rotation kept starting over again. I couldn't beat it :(

I was with two 11s as a 9 and we were able to do it with an idiot just sitting afk doing nothing the whole time. I think we just got lucky and had one person alive by the time everyone else came back from dieing, so he didnt reset. The key for us was when people revived we all waited to revive instead of just rushing in one by one.

Sucks that he resets because that fight feels so loooooong.
I see they sorted out the bounty missions so they can't be soloed, if they cant reach you for a certain time they reset and move back to their original position in the world.

I hit level 19 last night, can't wait to see the content past the level 20 beta limit.
d0c_zaius said:
I was with two 11s as a 9 and we were able to do it with an idiot just sitting afk doing nothing the whole time. I think we just got lucky and had one person alive by the time everyone else came back from dieing, so he didnt reset. The key for us was when people revived we all waited to revive instead of just rushing in one by one.

Sucks that he resets because that fight feels so loooooong.

Totally agree. Although it does work out better with a tank and healer plus damage folks.
krypt0nian said:
Totally agree. Although it does work out better with a tank and healer plus damage folks.

Does anyone else think that you don't find enough Role specific gear? Like I said im level 19 and I think the only piece of role equipment I found was a chest piece for a tank (im a controller...)
kyo_daikun said:
Does anyone else think that you don't find enough Role specific gear? Like I said im level 19 and I think the only piece of role equipment I found was a chest piece for a tank (im a controller...)

Not sure as I'm too low level to chime in. I can't stop making charas and trying things out.
krypt0nian said:
Not sure as I'm too low level to chime in. I can't stop making charas and trying things out.

Hehe no worries, thought you had overdosed on DCU seeing as you haven't been in here for awhile :p

One of my friends just told me he got a Green Lantern Hoodie from the Vault...


kyo_daikun said:
Does anyone else think that you don't find enough Role specific gear? Like I said im level 19 and I think the only piece of role equipment I found was a chest piece for a tank (im a controller...)

The vast majority of role specific gear is acquired at level 30. The devs stated that they expect most people to play dps until 30.
jogarrr said:
The vast majority of role specific gear is acquired at level 30. The devs stated that they expect most people to play dps until 30.

Yeah I noticed there was quite a bit from the sellers at the hall of doom, I guess roles won't be amazingly important until you start doing the raids at level 30.

Anybody have any info on the Duo's? Im assuming either they are 2 player missions or missions where you accompany a hero/villain and do missions with them
Servers are overloaded game is locking up then I restart and have to sit in a queued line (ps3). Maybe they underestimated the amount of people. Im sure things will get fixed, havnt had a problem up untill now though so its obviously due to server overload.
loving the game so far pve wise, but pvp wise I think they may need to make a few adjustments. I mean maybe it evens out at level 30, but I am thinking the stun locking will just get worse. There seems to be no cooldowns for some classes and they just stun you until you die, even if they are lower level. This is just my observations on world pvp people ganking, and I am sure if you had a team of people with heals and such it will be better. Anyways so far so good overall.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Wow i guess the game didn't forget i beat the aquaman level because somehow it kicked in and i was able to go back talk to MM and get my experience points. cool
Hey guys, saw this posted on MMORPG.com and found it very helpful and awesome. it shows the uniqueness of the combat in the realm of MMOs.

n DCUO you essentially have 3 major kinds of attacks that you can utilize with your SKILL set. Your skill set is essentially your weapons set, which is made up of combo skills and innate powers. Each set is comprised of these things, and each of them have counter attacks associated with them.

When you start a new character, the most important attacks to have are basic, and available to you within your first 3 skill points. To stay competitive in PvP you must get these first.
1) Leap Attack : You need your leap attack. This is usually a skill utilizing the holding of the left mouse button, or the Square button on the PS3 controller. (X on the 360.)

2) Block Breaker: You need your block breaker. This skill is usually done by holding the right mouse button, or Triangle on the PS3 Controller (Y on the 360.)

3) Combos: You need your first combo set. This may vary depending on the weapon skill you choose. Your first combo could knock down the opponent, knock up the opponent, or stun them.

4) Blocking/Rolling: The last ability you need to know is how to block attacks which is set as shift for PC, Right Button for PS3 and 360 (not right trigger)

Now for basic mechanics. I.E. Rock, Paper, Scissors. Please use the list above for reference.

A) When an opponent does a combo meant to knock down, knock up, knock back, or stun, you block. This will result in them being knocked down.

#4 > #3

B) When an opponent notices a block and tries to utilize their block breaker, you leap attack. This will result in you stunning them.

#1 > #2

C) When an opponent is blocking, you utilize a block breaker. This will result in you stunning the opposing player.

#2 > #4

D) When you see an opening in your opponents defenses, whether they are knocked down, stunned, or knocked up, utilize your combos to keep them from launching a counter attack.

#3 = stun / knock back / knock down / knock up

E) If you see your opponent block and roll, use a leap attack to stun them so that they cannot get away. This will result in you stunning the other player.

#1 > rolling

F) If you see an opponent utilizing a power that requires a charge time, you leap attack or combo to interrupt. Very useful against healers. This will result in stopping the player from casting.

#1 or #3 > Powers with no instant cast time

G) If an opponent is trying to leap attack at you, blocking will knock them down instantly.

#4 > #1

H) Lastly if and/or after you are knocked down, stunned, etc. use your block button to break out so you can continue fighting. For stuns it may call for repeated hitting of the left mouse button.

#4 > stuns/ knockback / knockup

Following these basic steps will get your foot in the door for all those looking to PvP or for those just wanting to know more about the combat system and how it can help you in PvE too. PvE mobs will utilize knockbacks, stuns, etc. and knowing what these moves are and how to counter can be the difference between life and death.


Deleted and remade my character because I wasn't that crazy about my Mental/Brawler combination. None of the other powers worked well enough for me so I ended going back to the Mental/Brawler (Superman as a mentor). Back to level 5 or 6 but was at 12 before. Shouldn't take to long to get back there but still annoying. I should have just made a new character instead of deleting. Going to blame it on the medication and headache I've had today. :) Think I'll just stick with this until I hit max before going with an alt.


Couldn't resist aping my favorite character.


I'll make him more original later.


WonkyPanda said:
combat info

Yup, pay attention to the descriptions of your weapon combos for exact info on which are 'Block Breakers', 'Vulnerable to Block', 'Interrupts', and 'Vulnerable to Interrupt'. Generally melee are Interrupts/Vulnerable to Block and ranged are Block Breakers/Vulnerable to Interrupt.

This applies to PvE as well. When enemies get the skull symbol over their heads some need to be interrupted and some need to be blocked. If you try to block and see a red flash across the screen and get knocked down you know you need to interrupt. From what I understand, this becomes especially important in end game raids and hard mode alerts.

For example, I remember a dev mentioning an enemy that stuns a player until another group member is able to interrupt that enemy. There are also other aspects like positioning that are important in some instances. I believe in one of the duos there are enemies that heal each other unless you keep them far enough apart.

Edit: Also, there's another rock, paper, scissors mechanic in regards to PvP. Tanks in defensive mode > Controllers in control mode > Healers in heal mode > Tanks in defensive mode. It's described in the description for each powerset in the powers screen.


A friend came over to check out the game and we played bot hte PS3 and PC version. One thing I noticed that the PS3 servers almost were all full, while the PC there were many that were at Med. Pop levels. Not sure if this in an indication of which version is selling better or which version has alot more players. Thought it was interesting to see more full servers on the PS3....this is good for the MMO format on console's...as long as it has legs.


They need to find a better way to implement that info.

Maybe the comics will help (since it talks about giving users tips and such)




Man I am enjoying the heck out of this game, thinking of going main with Nature/bowman. Not sure how viable a combo this is but Im liking it for character/taste reason. Might get this dude up to level cap.

Running into a lot of low level griefing, don't mind that much but was suprised to see that many level capped players at such a low level. Reminds of Redridge back in early vanilla wow days.
Keyboard commands for PS3 and PC

By typing a slash [ / ] before certain typed commands in the chat window, you will be able to specify how, or to whom, you chat. The following are useful chat commands:
/say or /s - Say something to anyone in your local area
/group or /party or /g or /p - Say something to members of your group
/tell [name] or /t [name] - Send a private message to another person (use quotes around names with a space.)
/reply or /r - Send a private message to the last person that sent you a private message
/shout - Shout a message to everyone in the same region
/invite [name] - Invite another person to join a group with you (no quotes needed)
/leave - Leave your current group
/kick [name] - Kick the specified person from your group (no quotes needed. You must be the group leader)
/promote [name] - Promote the specified person to be the group leader (no quotes needed. You must be the group leader)
/league or /l - Say something to members of your league
/versus - Talk to the opposing forces (have not tested myself)
/bug - Submit a bug report (have not tested myself)
/pvp - flag yourself for PvP on a PvE server (not tested myself)
Shortcuts for PS3 Keypad
ESC - Options
P - Loadout
O - Social
I - Inventory
Y - Duties
K - Traits
J - Journal
H - Headlines
M - Map
N - Renown
1 thru 8 - use the powers in the corresponding spot on your powerbar


Picked this up today, joined the Redemption server (character named Fiddler) and rolled a cyborg weapons dude. May make a magicy character next.

Played up to level 6, really like it so far. :D The intro movie was insane, and nice to see they kept the apocolyptic feel through the game so far at least.
They really nerfed the amount of Renown you earn now, jeez by this point I think I was trusted by most of the factions, now I haven't even got over 300 points for any of them. The only way i've found of earning more is by doing all the different bounties.
Protip: Don't hit Level 30 while in another form that doesn't have a movement mode - I.E. the zombie Etrigan turns you into for a handful of quests at Gotham University.
Why? Because the game doesn't recognize your movement mode while in that form, thus screwing you out of your Lvl 30 movement Gold Trophy. Fail.

It's a good thing I'm not a trophy whore or I'd be fuming right now. :lol

But yeah, that's two 30's in the bag. I need some rest.
Revolutionary said:
Protip: Don't hit Level 30 while in another form that doesn't have a movement mode - I.E. the zombie Etrigan turns you into for a handful of quests at Gotham University.
Why? Because the game doesn't recognize your movement mode while in that form, thus screwing you out of your Lvl 30 movement Gold Trophy. Fail.

It's a good thing I'm not a trophy whore or I'd be fuming right now. :lol

But yeah, that's two 30's in the bag. I need some rest.

Thanks for the heads up, I would have been irritated to say the least.
I'm level 30 and Finally got closer towards my goal! And here is what I got so far (I should prob change the belt).

Oh and because the vault gives pointless crap, I can now transform to/from this thing at will. I respond to the Bat Signal OFC, because you know, Lions like bats right?

Big Chungus

kyo_daikun said:
It's not linked to your mentor, I beleive its linked to your power choice, sorcery and nature is healing I think?

Dammit, I picked Wonder Woman as my mentor because I read in her description that she mentors magic users...and so I thought the talents would give me a larger mana pool or increased magic damage.

Time to restart...argh :(
krypt0nian said:
Jeez, slow down people. I don't want to see I'm burnt out posts from any of you with multiple 30’s already. ;)
lol it just happened that way. I was planning on just playing villain but one group of friends went Hero while the other went Villain, so I was jumping between the two and today I hit 30 on both. I doubt I'll be going for another 30 anytime soon.

Anyway, does anyone else think that this game has quite possibly the worst profanity filter ever? It's awful. It blocks out every instance of any word it deems inappropriate, even if they're separate words. If a word ends with a t and the next word is it (I.E. "but it"), it will come out as "bu***" I understand the reason for it, because of the ancient workaround for profanity filters (just add a space), but it's hardly novel... or even effective. You'll see words blocked that make no sense, leading to head scratching moments where you realize there was a "dirty word" in there all along. A word you never, ever thought of in the millions of times you either wrote or said it. For example, try typing to people that you're in Amusement Mile.
Worst part? You can't turn it off!

It's hardly a big issue but it can be quite annoying when half of your damn message is filtered.


By the time my game arrives (somewhere in february), people here will already have 6 lvl 30 chars.
Which begs the question. Will they have enough content?
Sblargh said:
By the time my game arrives (somewhere in february), people here will already have 6 lvl 30 chars.
Which begs the question. Will they have enough content?

Thats the big question, I have a sneaking suspicion they will, the quality of the quests and areas so far has impressed me greatly (haven't been this impressed since my first MMO, SW Galaxies)

I just sit here thinking about what new stuff they can add, new mentors with unique storylines, new extra missions, new raids, new alerts, new areas of the cities, maybe even some kind of gambling area where you can make extra money/marks, i've got faith they are going to support it.
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