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DC Universe Online |OT| The next legend is YOU!


Leunam said:
Does anybody here play a Sorcery character? Any general advice?

Keep circle of protection and boon of souls always on, don't be afraid to regenerate-regenerate-regenerate until someone is out of danger area, Soul Well is only useful (but it is very useful) when fighting lots of enemies. If team is close to die and you don't have enough power, there is no shame is using soder colas to estabilize everything.
GuitarAtomik said:
Yeah, I've yet to get in to an Arena match after waiting for an hour or so a few times. It takes me 5 minutes max to get in to a Legends match.

Yea which makes me think it's true that Legends PVP just tosses everyone into the same line and is taking all the pvp action from the arena matches. Past 3 days I've queue for arena matches and even after hours of playing I never have seen an arena pvp match pop, yet a legends pvp match I can get into almost instantly after I sign up.

Annoying as while I like Legends in concept, I far prefer to play my real character in pvp


Hail to the KING baby
agreed that i like regular pvp way better. legends just feels like it is full of cheesers and people who don't really know what they are doing (me included, i am flight so really uncomfortable even just with the basic movement). on pc though i can usually get in an arena 15-45m though it's definitely the toughest thing to get in to
theta11 said:
I don't post here to berate people, I'm here to discuss the game. If anyone wants to know how I did the feats I'd be happy to help them out as completing feats are necessary part of improving your character and the hardest part is coming up with a plan for the alert feats.

Then don't berate me. Earn your feats and stop hoping for free ones. Smallville in under 20 is possible without praying for bugs. So try taking your own advice, come up with a plan for it and stop cheating.


theta11 said:
Handblasters also have the same bug as sweep shot.

No they don't. You hold it and the lighting lasts longer, does a little more damage. Thats why you do not see people with handblasters 1 shotting people. The damage is delayed so cannot abuse it, you end it early, you do less damage. That is how the skill is meant to work and hence that is how it works. 20-30 hits over 4 seconds is not a bug, 50 hits on 1 target from a skill that is meant to be aoe in under 2 seconds (pistols) is.


ChronicleX said:
No they don't. You hold it and the lighting lasts longer, does a little more damage. Thats why you do not see people with handblasters 1 shotting people. The damage is delayed so cannot abuse it, you end it early, you do less damage. That is how the skill is meant to work and hence that is how it works. 20-30 hits over 4 seconds is not a bug, 50 hits on 1 target from a skill that is meant to be aoe in under 2 seconds (pistols) is.

lol please, its not as bugged as the pistol or rifle but that doesn't mean holding it for 4 seconds and then getting a extra 8 hits when you're not hitting no matter your distance is what is supposed to happen. If you can get those 4 seconds off then no matter where they run, they'll take damage over time for another 3 seconds. Throw in the fact that if you can land your solar flare and hand blast again, you go up to 60+ hits in less than 8 seconds that hurt like hell, netting you 16-20 hits you shouldn't really be getting.
No, the damage is delayed. If you were in range when used it then it will still do damage out of range because you were in range when the damage was "sent". If you get out of range before the attack finishes, it won't hit you. Plus you can dodge it with a roll (and that is easy as hell todo). It won't hit things out of range, try using them yourself before tooting poop.


ChronicleX said:
No, the damage is delayed. If you were in range when used it then it will still do damage out of range because you were in range when the damage was "sent". If you get out of range before the attack finishes, it won't hit you. Plus you can dodge it with a roll (and that is easy as hell todo). It won't hit things out of range, try using them yourself before tooting poop.

It is a bug. The damage isn't delayed. It isn't anywhere near as effective as dual pistols but it is a bug none the less achieved in the exact same manner as the dual pistol bug. Infact if you block or miss the last hit on the dual pistol exploit then it doesn't happen, exactly the same as the hand blasters. Chances are you've been abusing this bug thinking it's ok. lol Oh the irony of calling me a cheater yet you use exploits yourself.
The damage is delayed, its not a bug. Get some hand blasters and test it yourself. The mob will not get stunned by the lighting for around 1-2 seconds and will not loose HP. If anything the bug is people can roll when the attack starts and avoid all damage even if it was a direct hit, the same bug that used to effect heals if a tank rolled you could dodge a heal.

Learn what a bug/exploit is before you claim something is one. Stop being pathetic.


ChronicleX said:
The damage is delayed, its not a bug. Get some hand blasters and test it yourself. The mob will not get stunned by the lighting for around 1-2 seconds and will not loose HP. If anything the bug is people can roll when the attack starts and avoid all damage even if it was a direct hit, the same bug that used to effect heals if a tank rolled you could dodge a heal.

Learn what a bug/exploit is before you claim something is one. Stop being pathetic.

There is no delay in the damage, If for any reason the last hit in the handblaster combo doesn't hit the additional hits dont apply. This is also true for the dual pistol exploit, I know perfectly well then hand blaster is an exploit. It's not nearly as effective as Dual Pistols but it allows you to rack up combos and thus power at a rate that was not intended making it really good for controllers in pvp.


ChronicleX said:
No, the damage is delayed. If you were in range when used it then it will still do damage out of range because you were in range when the damage was "sent". If you get out of range before the attack finishes, it won't hit you. Plus you can dodge it with a roll (and that is easy as hell todo). It won't hit things out of range, try using them yourself before tooting poop.

lol have a 30 troller handblaster, and like theta says.. bug. All you have to do is do this:
pulse beam 4 seconds until you can move (so last hit applies), throw on menace (or any weapon modifier skill), watch extra hits pile up + extra damage from menace while running around, watch guy die. And yeah you might be able to dodge it with a roll but then I see that roll and I lunge, not to mention you can't block the move as its a block breaker. There's a reason why every handblaster you see in open pvp tends to use this move.

and you sound really really defensive about your class, because you probably know there's something op'd about that move.
I see that lunge and I would block, or just attack you during the lighting. There is nothing OP about it without using an ability. It's a problem with the powers not the weapon your using. There is a difference between handblasters being glitchy and handblasters+something in combination being glitchy. You 2 should learn the difference.


ChronicleX said:
I see that lunge and I would block, or just attack you during the lighting. There is nothing OP about it without using an ability. It's a problem with the powers not the weapon your using. There is a difference between handblasters being glitchy and handblasters+something in combination being glitchy. You 2 should learn the difference.

Exploiters gonna exploit. XD

You really can't get any more clear than the explanation we gave, the fact that the combo can end and you can apply a weapon buff before the delayed damage kicks in seems normal to you? If your weapon is already buffed and the cooldown for you buff ability is short you can actually do it twice within one combo, once at start up and once when the bug damage is applying. Through this method when I tested it I was able to do around 1400 damage to a dummy at the cost of no power due to the high combo regenerating it and within the length of one combo.

Also what he's saying is you can't block the lunge due to Pulse Beam being a block breaker, You need to roll to avoid the final hit from hitting so the extra damage is applied and in that case it is very easy to lunge then repeat the combo from the beginning. Dual pistol is easier to avoid in PvP due to being able to block to cancel exploit. Handblasters not so much.
theta11 said:
Exploiters gonna exploit. XD

You really can't get any more clear than the explanation we gave, the fact that the combo can end and you can apply a weapon buff before the delayed damage kicks in seems normal to you? Also what he's saying is you can't block the lunge due to Pulse Beam being a block breaker, You need to roll to avoid the final hit from hitting so the extra damage is applied and in that case it is very easy to lunge then repeat the combo from the beginning. Dual pistol is easier to avoid in PvP due to being able to block to cancel exploit. Handblasters not so much.

And that little "exploit" you use only works with weapon skills of which I use none. The extra damage comes from you taking advantage of the delayed damage, not the weapon itself. You won't do any extra damage or insane damage using the weapon on its own. Learn the difference.


ChronicleX said:
And that little "exploit" you use only works with weapon skills of which I use none. The extra damage comes from you taking advantage of the delayed damage, not the weapon itself. You won't do any extra damage or insane damage using the weapon on its own. Learn the difference.

I don't use Handblasters...do you?

And it works with every weapon buff so in your case fiery weapon, the additional hits would have increased damage and crit rate. Honeslty you sound just like the dual pistol exploiters defending it in shout chat. XD


ChronicleX said:
And that little "exploit" you use only works with weapon skills of which I use none. The extra damage comes from you taking advantage of the delayed damage, not the weapon itself. You won't do any extra damage or insane damage using the weapon on its own. Learn the difference.

the "delayed damage" is actually the whole exploit we're talking about. You do damage with every tic of the move, it's not like you don't do damage, then when you finish the move, USE ANY ATTACK and you'll still get more damage as if the blast kept going. stop talking so high and mighty.
theta11 said:
I don't use Handblasters
Because you are one of them duel pistol exploiters I bet.
And it works with every weapon buff so in your case fiery weapon, the additional hits would have increased damage and crit rate. Honeslty you sound just like the dual pistol exploiters defending it in shout chat. XD
Fire weapon increases crit chance and crit damage, not weapon damage. Second I don't have that power skilled. Thirdly, stop trying to change the subject to mask your pathetic exploiting ways.
icechai said:
the "delayed damage" is actually the whole exploit we're talking about. You do damage with every tic of the move, it's not like you don't do damage, then when you finish the move, USE ANY ATTACK and you'll still get more damage as if the blast kept going. stop talking so high and mighty.
The delayed damage on its own its not an exploit. Its just damage that is delayed. You won't get any more damage using it own its own, you just end up with the delayed damage happening at the same time of your next attack. Doing 25 damage then another 25 damage later is the same as doing 2 lots of 25 damage at once, delayed or otherwise.


ChronicleX said:
Because you are one of them duel pistol exploiters I bet.

Fire weapon increases crit chance and crit damage, not weapon damage. Second I don't have that power skilled. Thirdly, stop trying to change the subject to mask your pathetic exploiting ways.

Dual Pistol has never clicked with me since the beta, I've always used Bow. Doesn't matter if it is a weapon buff, using a weapon buff is just more damage, the point is you can use any attack including lunge which means its possible to interrupt and block break at the same time. If you don't think thats an exploit I don't know what to say.

Seriously I'll say it again. Get over yourself, you don't know everything. The more we reply the more defensive you get because at this point you have no counter argument. You replies have degraded to "No YOU are an exploiter!" without any proof as to why it's not an exploit. And just because you don't abuse it to the limit doesn't mean you don't abuse it either.


ChronicleX said:
Fire weapon increases crit chance and crit damage, not weapon damage. Second I don't have that power skilled. Thirdly, stop trying to change the subject to mask your pathetic exploiting ways.

Fiery Weapon
[Requires Level 12]
Ignites your weapon, increasing damage and critical strike chance.
theta11 said:
You replies have degraded to "No YOU are an exploiter!" without any proof as to why it's not an exploit.
Oh the Irony! You are getting more and more pathetic, you are so desperate to change the subject you are not even reading.

ChronicleX said:
I don't have that power skilled

Why? Because the heal part of the skill (the only good part) is buggy and sucks, and you have to waste a point on flashpoint to acquire it. Oh and like I mentioned previously, it does not directly increase weapon damage which is why its so bad in relation to other weapon empowerment effects. Your desperation is hilarious.


Wtf so all of a sudden out of the blue I can't launch the game today. Worked fine last night. Every time I start LaunchPad it stays at the black screen with SOE on it. Task manager has it as Not Responding.

Anyone know what the problem might be and/or how to fix it?


Someone came on here and told you that you are wrong and you aren't having any of it.

Not sure what I'm trying to change the subject to? Maybe you can tell me...

All I asked was for you to prove how the additional damage was legitimate and intended or why you can apply a weapon buff to "delayed" damage as you call it, or block breaking and interupting at the same time and that still hasn't happened but the name calling continues.
There is no additional damage unless YOU abuse the delayed damage with a weapon effect, and you can achieve the same effect by using the skill first and then doing the combo normally. That is why no-one with hand blasters is able to run around and 1 shot people or do insane dps. You are persistent with your stupidity, time to make use of the ignore function before you shit up this topic any further.


ChronicleX said:
There is no additional damage unless YOU abuse the delayed damage with a weapon effect, and you can achieve the same effect by using the skill first and then doing the combo normally. That is why no-one with hand blasters is able to run around and 1 shot people or do insane dps. You are persistent with your stupidity, time to make use of the ignore function before you shit up this topic any further.

ugh the whole point is that the DELAYED DAMAGE is EXTRA DAMAGE. you should just be doing damage with your initial hits (which you do in combat tab), not AFTER YOU HIT.

Delayed Damage = Extra damage, JUST LIKE PISTOL SWEEP. What server do you play on?
icechai said:
ugh the whole point is that the DELAYED DAMAGE is EXTRA DAMAGE. you should just be doing damage with your initial hits (which you do in combat tab), not AFTER YOU HIT.

No delayed damage is not extra damage, thats why its not called extra damage. There are no extra hits, there are no extra damage, it just happens on your target 1-2 seconds after you preform the attack. There is no extra damage from AFTER YOU HIT as you put it, that is the damage that you should of taken 1-2 seconds ago.

Edit due to above edit

icechai said:
Delayed Damage = Extra damage, JUST LIKE PISTOL SWEEP. What server do you play on?

No, there is no delayed damage with the pistols. Its an AoE attack that is meant to hit things in an AOE. The glitch with that is that every shot hits the same target if the is only 1 there, instead of them all missing. With hand blasters its a single target attack that does more damage the longer you hold the button. That is how it is MEANT to work. There is a delay in the damage to prevent lag from producing extra damage. Go test it and see for yourself and quit your bullshitting.


from "Lindharin" on the official forums (they're slowly becoming a better source of info for many details in the game)

To use the pulse beam, you do two taps, then hold for up to a max of 4 seconds. Your damage in that time is based on the damage of the two taps, plus some number of pulses. The number of pulses you get goes like this:


Hold Duration Pulses Total Time Total Hits Damage/Combo Damage/10s Ratio vs. RMB spam

1 second 2 2 seconds 4 41 207 x0.85

1.5 second 4 2.5 seconds 6 62 249 x1.03

2 seconds 6 3 seconds 8 83 277 x1.14

2.5 seconds 8 3.5 seconds 10 104 296 x1.22

3 seconds 10 4 seconds 12 124 311 x1.29

3.5 seconds 12 4.5 seconds 14 145 323 x1.33

3.9 seconds 13 4.9 seconds 15 156 317 x1.31

3.95+ seconds 24 5 seconds 26 270 539 x2.23

The key information is that you really need to hold it for the full 4 seconds to get the real damage output.

The first 1 second hold is basically just 2 pulses, like the normal ranged tap but without the bonus damage on the 3rd tap, so it comes out WORSE than just range tap spam.

After the first 1 second, you get a pulse every 0.25 seconds, so with a 1.5 second hold you catch up to normal ranged tap spam, and then start improving past it. But even if you get up to a 3.5 second hold the damage isn't really that great, maxing out at a x1.33 ratio over ranged tap spam.

However, if you hold it for the full duration, you would normally get 14 pulses. However, as soon as you get the 14th pulse, you get an EXTRA free 10 pulses without any animation, for an actual total of 24 pulses (plus the initial 2 taps, so 26 damage numbers). At that point, the ratio is over x2.2 the basic ranged attack.

I've also tested it by throwing in another power (both Swoop Attack and my basic heal) right at the 4 second hold mark, and it will do the subsequent action while still giving you the full 24 pulses.

so uhh, free extra 10 pulses without any animation sounds like extra damage to me, and also shoots your combo meter up for energy regen. normally your combo should end at 16, not 26 from the pulse beam. that's like a free 10 hits after your move and animation finishes where you can run around and do whatever (or attack with another skill).
icechai said:
so uhh, free extra 10 pulses without any animation sounds like extra damage to me, and also shoots your combo meter up for energy regen. normally your combo should end at 16, not 26 from the pulse beam. that's like a free 10 hits after your move and animation finishes where you can run around and do whatever (or attack with another skill).

Yeah its delayed damage. Try reading that quote. A special combo attack you have to learn with skillpoints does 2.2 more damage over the normal attack if you use it for the full duration, but is weaker if if you do not. The damage at the end is delayed hence there is no animation for it. Likewise the start of the animation does no damage. Take into account that in 4 seconds I could do the basic 3x range combo twice or 2.5, you are looking at a 10% increase in damage using the skill over normal ranged attacks provided you do the entire thing.

Math. Learn it.


ChronicleX said:
Yeah its delayed damage. Try reading that quote. A special combo attack you have to learn with skillpoints does 2.2 more damage over the normal attack if you use it for the full duration, but is weaker if if you do not. The damage at the end is delayed hence there is no animation for it. Likewise the start of the animation does no damage. Take into account that in 4 seconds I could do the basic 3x range combo twice or 2.5, you are looking at a 10% increase in damage using the skill over normal ranged attacks provided you do the entire thing.

Math. Learn it.

Manners. Get some.


ChronicleX said:
No you have not done strikers that fast, it just feels faster . IF you do strikers in under 30 mins you get a feat and I know you do not have that, because I barely managed to get strikers done in 29 minutes the other day with a perfect run. There is also a feat for Smallvillie in under 20 mins (not possbile unless the second boss glitches and you do not have to collect the 5 mobs, my best without the glitch is 25 minutes and that is with killing doomsday on the first power station thing) and Arkham in 30 mins (which means doing every section + bosses in around 7 minutes each..... yeah.......). Just because something feels short doesn't mean it is and vice versa. Area 51 HA feels really long to most people because of how its set up, yet the feat is for under 20 minutes (which I managed awhile back, did it in 19:44).

Also in terms of difficulty strikers is the hardest. So if you can do that 1 you can easily do the others.

ChronicleX said:
Try saying such things after the patch when the weapon glitchs/exploits that allow for 2-3x dps are fixed. All DPS related feats atm are moot because of it. Hell you are even admitting to hoping for a bug to happen in order to get the smallville one done. Smallvillie like Area 51 is doable in 20 minutes if you plan the run. You have to be very precise, but is possible.Try earning feats, you know, actual effort instead of "hoping" for free stuff you do not deserve.

You are condescending and you don't know everything. From the moment I said that I could better something you had done you have been on the defensive and not just me anyone who disagrees with you. You are wrong.
theta11 said:
You are condescending and you don't know everything. From the moment I said that I could better something you had done you have been on the defensive and not just me anyone who disagrees with you.
In the timeframe between the 2 posts I organised a better group and planned out both and done arkham, 1 minute off smallville. I had have the glitch happen, but we killed the 5 things anyway and didn't make it intime. We earn our feats, unlike you. You really are getting desperate, especially since your whole "HANDBLASERS OP" bollocks argument has been nullified. Stop shitting up the topic.
icechai said:
Manners. Get some.
You inability to read exhausted my manners.


BattleMonkey said:
So any word about patch/downtime tomorrow for the content update if it is happening?

I've been waiting up for info as well but normally by now there is a post in the Announcement section on the official forums. Maybe they are so busy getting ready they forgot to post something? Probably not. lol But I'm still staying optimistic hoping I'll get a pleasant surprise when I wake up.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
theta11 said:
I've been waiting up for info as well but normally by now there is a post in the Announcement section on the official forums. Maybe they are so busy getting ready they forgot to post something? Probably not. lol But I'm still staying optimistic hoping I'll get a pleasant surprise when I wake up.
It's starting to look like it'll go up sometime after tomorrow. RadarX posted this earlier today:

RadarX said:
Folks we are in final testing on this content and while tomorrow looks unlikely, the current plan is to release it later this week.

And then this several hours later:
RadarX said:
The update is currently slated for later this week (only a few days after Valentines day). Keep in mind that's only half of the update! Our iconic Catwoman content is the other half and just as much fun. There is also a lengthy list of tweaks and bug fixes going in as well. It'll be worth the wait.

Not looking good for tomorrow morning.


ChronicleX said:
A Wild Troll has appeared, thats what.

I'm not sure you understand who he's talking about.

As for Hand Blaster, they're not OP at all, but Pulse Beam is bugged. It is also one of the weapon sets with bugged power regeneration combo tiers, but that is not a big deal.


Just did smallville! Nerdgasm all over! What a fucking great mission. Very good group, two tanks, a controller and me healing with no tier gear (now thanks to this mission, I have a piece of tier 1 gear). They said to me to chill because with two tanks I would be safe and for the most part, they were right. And it is great in this game how you can jump on the enemy face and hit him without it affecting agro differently than distance attacks does.
Feels good to whack doomsday, even if my main worry is to keep everyone alive. Even being launched 30 feet in the air feels good.
Love this game.
Also, how do you get the Ring War mission to complete? I go to it and I have already achieved the defeat 5 heroes part of the mission, yet the first part is not lit up on the quest log that tells me to go their and help. I did it and busted up some fools, and rescued several yellow lanterns and wrecked green lanterns, yet I don't get misison complete as if my mission is bugged or something. I would really like to get my marks of victory so I can keep doing it.... and I want that swanky coat the vendor sells you at the event.


BattleMonkey said:
In a way I'm looking more forward to bug fixes and tweaks than the actual content updates.

I really wish they would release the patch notes in advance so we know what's coming.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
BattleMonkey said:
Also, how do you get the Ring War mission to complete? I go to it and I have already achieved the defeat 5 heroes part of the mission, yet the first part is not lit up on the quest log that tells me to go their and help. I did it and busted up some fools, and rescued several yellow lanterns and wrecked green lanterns, yet I don't get misison complete as if my mission is bugged or something. I would really like to get my marks of victory so I can keep doing it.... and I want that swanky coat the vendor sells you at the event.
You have to fetch the lanterns and light them up and then wait in the area until the Manhunter gets up and kills the Alpha Lantern. Sometimes even after doing all of that it doesn't register in the journal so you have to participate in another ring war.

I wouldn't bother with it if you're grinding for Marks of Victory. The quest is a daily so you'll only be able to earn one MoV per day by completing it. You'll get marks much faster if you just queue up for the first available slot in Arena/Legends.
Killthee said:
You have to fetch the lanterns and light them up and then wait in the area until the Manhunter gets up and kills the Alpha Lantern. Sometimes even after doing all of that it doesn't register in the journal so you have to participate in another ring war.

I wouldn't bother with it if you're grinding for Marks of Victory. The quest is a daily so you'll only be able to earn one MoV per day by completing it. You'll get marks much faster if you just queue up for the first available slot in Arena/Legends.

Yea, I just want to get the mission out of the mission log mainly and get my damn mark. They should have more incentive to redo them or make it easier to get the mission to register, sometimes the ring war is pretty empty and it would be a good way to earn marks while waiting for the legends/arenas to pop. The weapons the vendor rewards at the event are crazy good but require a ton of marks.


Hail to the KING baby
Yep RingWar blows. I like the idea in theory but the execution is horrible.

They blare out when it's starting and the like but never properly explain anything about what's going on. It's like someone spent 10m making a new game in LBP. As a result no one really plays so it just winds up being (at best) 5-on-2 and just comes down to whether a villain league or a hero league decided to go down, if anyone at all. Been in about 10 RingWars myself with half of them just not even having enough people to play at all and the other ones being gangbangs.
Always seems like no heroes show up for Ring War. I hope they at least make the mission register better to make it worth doing. Also hoping the Gotham PVP area they are putting in works out better.


Hail to the KING baby
should make ring war a solo mission at first; put in bots or whatever just to show people what they are supposed to do, where to go, how pvp flags work (for pve) etc. then put in some sort of cap so that one side can only ever have one or two more players than the other and there's like a bench or something. i've seen it where people want to play but they see 5-10 from the other side gathered and they just say fuck it and frankly i don't blame them one bit


That sucks about the content update, but honestly I am fine with it. I am unsure how much I will be able to play this week as I have family in town, but come Sunday I will be back full swing.


Ring War really doesn't work because there is no system in place to balance server populations so for the most part at this point is pretty one sided on every sever. Personally the worst bug I've experienced with Ring War is the lanterns resetting, It'd get to 1 more lantern to return then all would disappear and you'd have to start collecting fresh, I've had it reset on me 4 times in a row once.


Wow. Just realize I hadn't logged into the game for close to a week and a half Missed out on playing using up the last bit of my free month. :( I made it to 30 before I stopped playing so at least there was that. The last big mission I did was the Aquaman one which was fun. I wanted to do some of the Alerts that opened up but the desire to log into the game just wasn't there. Oh well. I might sign back up in the future depending on what kind of updates there are. So I'll be keeping it installed for a few months. I played so much of it in the time I played it (especially the weekends) I think I got enough enjoyment out of the initial purchase. Or close to it.

I think in the end after playing a MMO that is more action base I prefer ability based combat instead. I appreciate an auto attack option so much more. I think it's mainly the constant mouse clicking that was needed to play. Age of Conan is action based as well but even then it's keyboard key pushing and not as much by comparison. I also had the feeling/fear that I was going to break my mouse with DCUO. I've played other games were combat was like that but never a MMO where it was done so much more frequently. I might try it next time with my Xbox 360 controller which seems it would stand up that kind of abuse more.
theta11 said:
Ring War really doesn't work because there is no system in place to balance server populations so for the most part at this point is pretty one sided on every sever. Personally the worst bug I've experienced with Ring War is the lanterns resetting, It'd get to 1 more lantern to return then all would disappear and you'd have to start collecting fresh, I've had it reset on me 4 times in a row once.

Open world pvp just usually doesn't work, many MMO's try it but really to me it's never worked well for so many reasons, and population of factions is often a big factor in it. It's why instanced PVP really is just the easiest to implement.
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