Interesting at how racist his origin was.Has Simon Baz ever been interesting?
Even fails with that, though. I've been reading it to see if it gets better, but it hasn't.
Same with Flash/GL with Venditti.
Interesting at how racist his origin was.Has Simon Baz ever been interesting?
Even fails with that, though. I've been reading it to see if it gets better, but it hasn't.
Same with Flash/GL with Venditti.
Please tell Jessica is at least not from America.
I know nothing of her.
The new cyborg?With the push they keep giving Jessica Cruz, she HAS to be in the movies.
Like Fire?Me either. Assuming she is Latina, but it would be cool if she was actually from the Southern half of the Americas.
No Hickman?
Me either. Assuming she is Latina, but it would be cool if she was actually from the Southern half of the Americas.
Like Fire?
She's from Portland.
Interesting at how racist his origin was.
She's from Portland.
Any pics of Nightwing's new outfit? I'm stoked it's back to blue.
Martian manhunter is more popular in the southern hemisphere than superman. Love that about his seriesYa. An entire continent could use more than 1-2 somewhat notable DC heroes.
Transhumanist attempt at writing Cyborg number ∞
His name isn't Static Shock, godammit.
Martian manhunter is more popular in the southern hemisphere than superman. Love that about his series
Might as well make a retcon saying that America contains some tyoe of green lantern magnet.
Is Greg capullo going to work on anything?
Ever tried to convince an American they are wrong?I just find it really nationalist that Americans apparently have the most willpower on earth.
Might as well make a retcon saying that America contains some tyoe of green lantern magnet.
Is Greg capullo going to work on anything?
He's doing a oproject with Millar till 2017 but he'll be back at DC for a book with Snyder in 2017.
No armor, skintight,
Blue stripe around the calf/shin
Cyborg took all the black quotaWhere the fuck is Kal'dur?
In my mind, this line gets interpreted as "He's taking a break from comics for the next year"
2% of the world's population. 0% of its fear.
Sounds like a great tagline for a Green Lanterns of America book. GLA.
I like how the man who ruined Star-Lord and the man who rejuvenated him are both on stage.
Also where the fuck is Kal'dur, why is he not a Titan.
Fucking Brett Booth on Titans? Dammit, they're wasting Abnett..
Dan Jurgens has never been good on Superman. The only thing he was famous for is being on the title when they decided to kill the character.
Where the fuck is Kal'dur?
CANT WAIT to hear Jokers name!
He's doing a oproject with Millar till 2017 but he'll be back at DC for a book with Snyder in 2017.
Inb4 some philosophical nonsense about it being Bruce Wayne
"Harley franchise"
"4th pillar"
Kill me.
Lololol, you would need the atom and hank pym measure something so smallIt don't even make sense. He is more popular than cyborg surely?
CANT WAIT to hear Jokers name!
Steve.Oh god no, dont give the Joker a name.
Jason Todd.