Season 2 is going to be a teen sex comedy.
I would love that honestly.
Season 2 is going to be a teen sex comedy.
Legends of Tomorrow has fired more arrows than the show called Arrow.
Legends of Tomorrow has fired more arrows than the show called Arrow.
so true. i dont know when the last time Ollie shot someone with an Arrow. Flash is making him weak.
I'm sure Heatwave knows what he's doing, I'm sure of it.
so true. i dont know when the last time Ollie shot someone with an Arrow. Flash is making him weak.
Let's dispel with this fiction that Heatwave doesn't know what he's doing; he knows exactly what he's doing.
Does lian yu allow conjugal visits?
Plse that place cant hold slade wilsonDoes lian yu allow conjugal visits?
A piece of shit by the name of Grant.Who is this asshole.