Let's goooooooo
Strap in, Zero!
Strap in, Zero!
I haven't seen this week's Flash ep yet, am I fucked
Just realized that they're blowing Ollie's secret identity like it's nothing in front of Cold and Heatwave
It's like 7v1 he shouldn't be much of a problem at all.
Yeah Arrow has sick party wiping AOEs, massive health pool.Its a 30 man raid requirement.
Sara's sick of Rip's shit, b
And yo that White Canary jacket is BOMB
Swiggity swaggity.Jefferson only has one goal.
Let's goooooooo
Strap in, Zero!
This green arrow attacks ppl for no reason with lethal force, lucky he a shitty shot.
Season 2 is going to be a teen sex comedy.Jefferson only has one goal despite being stuck in the future.
Would honestly watch.Season 2 is going to be a teen sex comedy.