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DC's Legends Of Tomorrow S2 |OT| CW's Justice Society of Vancouver - Tuesdays 9/8c

I just wanted to come in here and tell you that the best thing about S1 for me so far is finding out that it's only 16 episodes and not 23
Ra's al ghoul says otherwise

I'd say Slade. Although Wells reverse flash is close.

That one season 3 episode of Arrow soured him for me a bit, whereas Thawne is usually the highlight of an episode regardless of whether or not he's played by Cavanaugh or Letscher.

Easily my second favorite though. I still think that reveal in Arrow's S2 midseason finale is one of the best DCTV moments ever.


I was watching the bomber scene and immediately thought "That is stupidly accurate. It would be hilarious if another one drops right now and hits them while they are celebrating though"


I start cracking the fuck up. Thanks Legends of Tomorrow, I needed a good laugh.
This was better than that horrible first episode. Can someone spell out exactly the JSA members and their powers? I don't think its a spoiler but hide it if you need to.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The JSA here makes no sense. If they're supposed to be some super secret government force, why the leather costumes? I know it's fan service, but it came off so goofy. I think a more grounded look might have served them better here. I also don't know why they wasted money on a CG Hulk wannabe. Could have just done it with makeup. Cheaper and better looking.

I actually did like the episode though. It's blindingly dumb sometimes, but they're having more fun with the concepts than last season. New Vixen was utilized better than old Vixen was on Arrow, so that was dope.

Reverse Flash is 50000x better than Vandal Savage. He feels like someone who you would actually need a team of people to take down.
All the Arrowverse shows are doing well this season. Legends is leaning hard on its time-travel gimmick, becoming something like a superhero Stargate. The reason I loved that latter show was because it had stakes, but it also didn't take itself too seriously. Lean into the comedy and disfunctionality of the team.

Sara Lance banging her way across time is never not awesome.

Thawne with that win at the end. Man, the Legion of Doom is going to be great.


Thawne with that win at the end. Man, the Legion of Doom is going to be great.

It's funny because in an interview Matt Letscher said "well yeah I lose each episode because I'm the villain and that's my job" but this didn't feel like a win for the Legends by any stretch. The Legends were clowned by the JSA, and the leader of the JSA died to Thawne in seconds. They feel like nobodies in comparison. Which is a nice change of pace for a superhero show.

Feels good to be a man in a yellow suit right now I tell you.
I think what I like most about a Speedster villain invading another show with no Speedster(s) is the fact that the villain is a Speedster. Our team and the JSA have nowhere to hide. Thawne is able to find them and blitz them at any moment. It really emphasizes the importance of teamwork across both teams. He really can wipe out both teams in the blink of a eye if he so chooses to. They're powerless and I love it.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So does flashpoint affect this show too?

We don't know yet. Maybe. Maybe not. Reverse Flash being on the loose might be because of Flashpoint, or it could be Reverse Flash before he did the stuff in Season 1 of Flash. I don't think we know definitively either way.


Liked seeing the JSA finally being shown. Makes me wish we could see The Question after all the Hub city teasing last season. Next episode looks cool.


That last scene could have been so much better if that actress wasn't so bad.

And this is what the JSA gets for not having Jay Garrick on it.

After losing their leader to someone with super speed, they're going to need someone new who's capable of protecting them in the same way...
This was better than that horrible first episode. Can someone spell out exactly the JSA members and their powers? I don't think its a spoiler but hide it if you need to.

For who we've seen so far:

Rex Tyler, Hourman - we haven't seen his powers yet but
he develops a vitamin that he takes whenever he goes into battle. It essentially turns him into a superhuman. Super strength, night vision, water breathing, enhanced durability, stamina, and agility. The downside is that after the hour is up, you guessed it, he reverts back to his human self and needs to rest for 24 hours.

Henry Heywood Sr., Commander Steel - for now, he seems like a regular human being that is skilled in h2h combat and weaponry but
he receives a skeletal body made up of steel. He receives enhanced speed, strength, durability, stamina, and increased healing. For now, his grandson that we saw based on next week's episode, will actually don the powers from the comics. He's essentially Colossus from X-Men!

Mari McCabe, Vixen - she has the ability to summon and use the powers of the animal she becomes. She is able to do that due to her necklace, the Anansi Totem. She is also highly skilled in h2h combat. Her powers include super speed, enhanced durability, super strength, enhanced agility, super smell, super hearing, wall climbing, flying, water breathing, and camouflage.

Courtney Whitmore, Stargirl - she is a normal human being but she has powers due to her powerful staff, The Cosmic Staff. With the staff she is able to shoot projectiles out of it and she can fly.
She also has a belt, The Cosmic Converter Belt, that enhances just about everything; speed, agility, strength, durability, and stamina.

Todd Rice, Obsidian - he is able to manipulate shadows to his will. As we saw, he could turn a battlefield dark, fly, and he can turn intangible.
He gets his powers from the Shadowlands Dimension. He has super strength, stamina, can make constructs out of shadows, can possess people, and can alter his size! He is the son of the Green Lantern, Alan Scott!

Charles McNider (not sure if we got a name yesterday), Doctor Mid-Nite - not sure if you noticed it but when he was fighting the LoT, he had infrared vision. He's blind and
belongs to a lineage of blind heroes! Due to being blind, he naturally has infrared vision when it is dark. He has decent h2h knowledge, carries some bombs to help him fight, and has those goggles that allows him to see. He also has gauntlets with him that contains chemicals, medicine, and equipment.

Then obviously the last member who we haven't seen show up on LoT yet, Jay Garrick. The original Flash. Also remember that their powers and abilities might differ from their comic book powers and abilities.


Super Krieger was so bad. It almost ruined an otherwise solid episode.

Is a different team member going to do the intro each week? Because that's pretty cool.

RF is confirmed the best villain of the Arrowverse.


Subete no aware
You know, I know this is just a CW show so they probably don't want to bring up any politics or whatever, but I figure a line about how the JSA is not racist like the rest of America when it comes to segregation would have explained why Doctor Mid-nite is fighting for the team in a time when racism was such a huge problem and America basically threw all their black soldiers into separate units.

Although I'd probably want to see a spinoff show about a black superhero in the 40s and the reception he would get compared to Superman.


You know, I know this is just a CW show so they probably don't want to bring up any politics or whatever, but I figure a line about how the JSA is not racist like the rest of America when it comes to segregation would have explained why Doctor Mid-nite is fighting for the team in a time when racism was such a huge problem and America basically threw all their black soldiers into separate units.

Although I'd probably want to see a spinoff show about a black superhero in the 40s and the reception he would get compared to Superman.

They've dealt with race a couple of times in the show directly with Jax's interactions in the past. For whatever reason they didn't make it a point this time, probably because they were trying to cram in a lot of information already.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
You know, I know this is just a CW show so they probably don't want to bring up any politics or whatever, but I figure a line about how the JSA is not racist like the rest of America when it comes to segregation would have explained why Doctor Mid-nite is fighting for the team in a time when racism was such a huge problem and America basically threw all their black soldiers into separate units.

Although I'd probably want to see a spinoff show about a black superhero in the 40s and the reception he would get compared to Superman.

Yeah, I was sorta expecting at least something about that. They've gone there before with Jax in the 1950s, the "no Negro music" comment by the Nazi, and everyone assuming Stein was the leader because he is an old White guy.

Jax and Sara are candy to women from that era. More of that too. Sexy time adventures with sexy results.


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