Steel's costume has to be intentionally dorky looking, you couldn't make that and not notice it looks ridiculous.
This was the most crossover of the crossover episodes. Flash episode was half crossover, half Flash, Arrow was like 90% Arrow, 10% crossover, this was almost all crossover apart from the Stein scenes.
I mean the biggest focus in this episode was on Flash, Cisco, Oliver and Stein, only one of whom is a Legends cast member. The last scene was about Flash and Green Arrow, the Legends themselves just sort of wandered off (except Sara who did have a farewell scene). Jax, Vixen, Heatwave (funny as his lines were) and Atom weren't focused on at all in the entire crossover.
Lord help you if you only watch Legends out of the Arrowverse shows, all eight or so of you.