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DC's Legends Of Tomorrow S2 |OT| CW's Justice Society of Vancouver - Tuesdays 9/8c

Sara not knowing about the Queen's Gambit being Malcolm's fault seems odd to me.

You'd think it would have come out during Moira's "Accessory to Terrorism" trial. Wasn't fear after seeing what Malcolm did to her husband and son the centerpiece of her entire defense?


I'm totally down for the Mick and Amaya pairing. I just need more Amaya in general though. Can't get enough of that actress.


Supernatural and Riverdale will be on Thursdays.

Given the direction Riverdale is suppose to have Supernatural is a better lead in for it. Where as Flash is clearly better for Legends with it having the lowest ratings of the superhero shows. Sucks we won't have four days of superhero shows anymore though.


Ahh No Tomorrow gone. There's the info I want aware of.

No Tomorrow season finale is Jan 17th and Frequency is Jan 25th. They've each got a couple episodes left to burn off but no back orders.

Given the direction Riverdale is suppose to have Supernatural is a better lead in for it. Where as Flash is clearly better for Legends with it having the lowest ratings of the superhero shows. Sucks we won't have four days of superhero shows anymore though.

Yeah they're not pushing the comic book angle of Riverdale at all, they're marketing it to appeal to like the TVD crowd. And Supernatural is the world's most flexible show and can go anywhere.

I think Legends should be fine as long as the ratings don't drop in the post-Flash timeslot.


Alright, finally able to watch since Legends got pushed down because of a high school football game.

Fun ep! "Legion of Swag", indeed.

And what am I bid that Mr. Hunter is making a movie, in hopes that someone on the Legends team (or their friends) will eventually know about it and know where to get him~?
Rip could be suffering from that condition that Ray, Sara and Kendra had from being stuck in the past too long - where they start to lose their own identity and become a product of the new timeline. He may now think he's a director in the sixties, and that Rip Hunter is just a character he created for his movies.


In the crossover, did the legends ever mention the speedster they were up against to him? Would be awesome for him to cameo at least another time this season
In the crossover, did the legends ever mention the speedster they were up against to him? Would be awesome for him to cameo at least another time this season

Stein's the only one who the words "Eobarde Thawne" would mean anything to, and I don't think he's figured it out yet.


Yeah the only members of the team familiar with Eobard are Rip, Stein and Snart. Snart's gone and only heard of him through Barry. Rip will probably be the one to figure out who the speedster is. Stein knew him with another face so I guess that's why he's confused, I don't think he's seen him in the Yellow suit that he'd recognize either. As far as Stein knows, Eobard is dead. Also Eobard hasn't met Stein as Wells yet either.

Also Snart is a bit of a mystery this episode. Mick said he's a figment of his imagination, but we know these shows...

Oh and Arthur Darvill is back listed as a main cast member, could've seen him coming if I paid attention.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Really good episode. They've embraced the silliness of the whole thing and everything clicks so much better for it. I loved Ray's 'Clue' joke when Jax came in talking about Stein trying to kill Sara in the study. Reverse Flash messing shit up on the ship actually had me nervous. And the Vixen & Heatwave combo is really working for me. Vixen used a power other than gorilla or elephant!

Yay, all the DC CW shows had great fall finales. Arrow is good again, like as good as it ever was. Flash stumbled a lot in Season 3 but recovered a lot with its handling of the reveals in the midseason finale. Supergirl is still lacking for interesting villains but it has course corrected to be balanced more like the other CW programs.

Too bad about Gotham. I thought their fall finale was laughably bad and anticlimatic compared to what's going on with Supergirl/Flash/Arrow/Legends. I'm feeling pretty good about DC on TV other than that show. #BringGothamtoTheCW2017

I'm hoping Legends gets a ratings boost from being paired with Flash. You really couldn't ask for a more perfect lead-in for Legends.


Jesus, RF is the only speedster that makes me legitimately nervous to see on-screen.

He's not psychotic like Zoom, or a hothead like Rival. Not some weird transformers motion god either.

Just a smart dude with speed. You can never tell what's going on in his head.


I like that Reverse Flash isn't getting speedster nerfed. And Letscher is playing crazy villainous without being unhinged really well. The only reason it's weird is that he could seemingly kill all of them within seconds but doesn't care to. The gun seems to only take him out for a few seconds. Also Ray made the anti-speed nanites that helped take down RF the first time, although I guess he made them for Barry? Also temporary too.

Malcolm's problem is that while he's still probably one of the most powerful humans around - see Arrow thread rankings lol - everyone else on the show is super powered, Mick or Sara. He seems weak in comparison even if he's still lethal to anyone normal.

We going to rank the DC TV finales? In this thread or the DC TV thread I suppose.


I like that Reverse Flash isn't getting speedster nerfed. And Letscher is playing crazy villainous without being unhinged really well. The only reason it's weird is that he could seemingly kill all of them within seconds but doesn't care to. The gun seems to only take him out for a few seconds. Also Ray made the anti-speed nanites that helped take down RF the first time, although I guess he made them for Barry? Also temporary too.

What if he can't kill them? Dude probably knows more about time-travel than anyone on that show and he's shown to be extremely calculative in how he manipulates events.


He likes playing with them and fucking with them. That's why he keeps them alive, after all he had no problem killing Rex.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I like that Reverse Flash isn't getting speedster nerfed. And Letscher is playing crazy villainous without being unhinged really well. The only reason it's weird is that he could seemingly kill all of them within seconds but doesn't care to. The gun seems to only take him out for a few seconds. Also Ray made the anti-speed nanites that helped take down RF the first time, although I guess he made them for Barry? Also temporary too.

Malcolm's problem is that while he's still probably one of the most powerful humans around - see Arrow thread rankings lol - everyone else on the show is super powered, Mick or Sara. He seems weak in comparison even if he's still lethal to anyone normal.

We going to rank the DC TV finales? In this thread or the DC TV thread I suppose.

Yeah, Reverse Flash was used really well here. Obviously he could snap all their necks in less than a second. They did a good job of showing how dangerous he was even though we all know he isn't going to kill the team. Flash sorta runs into that problem where it becomes contrived. Season 1 it made sense because RF didn't want to kill Barry. Season 2 they sorta had to play that card again to explain why Zoom doesnt just kill everyone in Star Labs except Barry. Flash had a good midseason finale but again...Savitar superspeeds around but then Jason/Michael Myers it up before the kill.

It must be really tough to write convincing reasons why a Speedster isn't killing everyone when they have the ability and motive to. I guess the lesson is use speedsters sparingly

I'm curious to hear how everyone would rank the fall finales.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
My finale rankings are pretty close to where I think the state of DCWTV is at the moment:

Arrow > Legends > Flash > Supergirl.

Except I would flip Supergirl and Flash if we were talking about the entire season so far.


AV Club (C+) didn't like the episode. Their major complaint seems to be the formula is wearing thin.

Probably rate them:
1. Arrow (A+), one of the strongest episodes ever, up there with all the other great mid season finales. Only weak part was the forgettable Curtis stuff.
2-Tie. Flash (A-) probably the best episode of the season yet. Just really solid. Cleared a lot of the mess from the first 7 episodes.
2-Tie: Legends (A-) not exactly a great finale, the cliffhanger was played for laughs, but a really solid episode and fantastic villains playing on charisma and good character pairings.
4: Supergirl (B) was messy. Tried to rush through a lot of plot points. Lena stuff was good but still no compelling villa-CYBORG SUPERMAN.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
My finale rankings are pretty close to where I think the state of DCWTV is at the moment:

Arrow > Legends > Flash > Supergirl.

Except I would flip Supergirl and Flash if we were talking about the entire season so far.

Mine would be exactly the same. In regards to the finales and each show overall this year.

Flash needs to a play a new card and Supergirl needs a villain that doesn't suck. They should just go fucking bonkers and give Barry a rogue Kryptonian explorer (or Phantom Zone escapee) as a villain and give Supergirl a speedster who has crossed over to her Earth.


Malcolm's problem is that while he's still probably one of the most powerful humans around - see Arrow thread rankings lol - everyone else on the show is super powered, Mick or Sara. He seems weak in comparison even if he's still lethal to anyone normal.

Of course, but that doesn't come over well if they only show him against his perfect opponent. Have him outclass Nate for instance. He has powers but no training. Considering he took down mirakuru soldiers he should be able to put up a show


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
AV Club (C+) didn't like the episode. Their major complaint seems to be the formula is wearing thin.

Kind of a silly complaint when the episode was about playing the formula against the team.

But whatevs.

Mine would be exactly the same. In regards to the finales and each show overall this year.

Flash needs to a play a new card and Supergirl needs a villain that doesn't suck. They should just go fucking bonkers and give Barry a rogue Kryptonian explorer (or Phantom Zone escapee) as a villain and give Supergirl a speedster who has crossed over to her Earth.

Yeah, I had a similar idea last season for Flash and Arrow to swap the kind of threats they go up against: Flash with an evil metahuman-spawning Mercury Labs and Arrow with a Superman stand-in that ties back to Flash's villains. But I think it could work for all of the solo hero shows, using evil versions of other heroes.

Imagine an Owlman on Supergirl as the main threat to her, the city, and, hey, maybe the multiverse. Flash would benefit from a more nebulous and less defined enemy in a group of people gunning for him. I still think you could get an interesting season out of Oliver trying to keep up with metahumans, despite this season kind of being the anthesis of this in some ways.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Kind of a silly complaint when the episode was about playing the formula against the team.

But whatevs.

Yeah, I had a similar idea last season for Flash and Arrow to swap the kind of threats they go up against: Flash with an evil metahuman-spawning Mercury Labs and Arrow with a Superman stand-in that ties back to Flash's villains. But I think it could work for all of the solo hero shows, using evil versions of other heroes.

Imagine an Owlman on Supergirl as the main threat to her, the city, and, hey, maybe the multiverse. Flash would benefit from a more nebulous and less defined enemy in a group of people gunning for him. I still think you could get an interesting season out of Oliver trying to keep up with metahumans, despite this season kind of being the anthesis of this in some ways.

I'd really dig that. Oliver having to deal with a threat that is beyond something he is familiar with...until he confesses to Diggle that there were metahumans on the island.

Maybe Flash will assemble The New Rogues. I would love for that to be how we get the Barry In Jail moment. A group of people that is trying to literally run Barry ragged would be fresh for the show.
This show has had a great turn around from last season, less awful relationship drama and more focus on just telling stories and playing with the characters.

Ray and White Canary sex scene.
Gideon and White Canary sex scene. Sure she's an AI but imagine all the knowledge she has as Sara discovers Rip's secret "pleasure chamber". Or well the other one.
Oh shit. Ezra Miller Flash is Savitar!

Rip Hunter, er Zack Snyder what have you done?!?!?!?!

If only, that'd kinda sorta be amazing.


Jesus, RF is the only speedster that makes me legitimately nervous to see on-screen.

He's not psychotic like Zoom, or a hothead like Rival. Not some weird transformers motion god either.

Just a smart dude with speed. You can never tell what's going on in his head.
He said it himself in Flash Season Two: "I know what I'm doing"


Chili Con Carnage!
Wonder if Thawnes watch is warning him about time wraiths, that would be the only way I could see the Legends team beating him.


Thanks OddOne for linking other reviews and not just AV Club!

That was a fun episode.
I wonder what that set photo was about then with Rip. He didn't look like a director in those photos.


Thanks OddOne for linking other reviews and not just AV Club!

That was a fun episode.
I wonder what that set photo was about then with Rip. He didn't look like a director in those photos.

Back on the team and infiltrating the British?
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