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DC's Legends Of Tomorrow S2 |OT| CW's Justice Society of Vancouver - Tuesdays 9/8c


Subete no aware
Eh, I feel like shitting on season 1 and having George Lucas be a character just seemed like they were trying to hard.

I still don't understand why they don't just travel to 2016 and have Non-Reverse Flash help with this Reverse Flash guy. Not that I watch Flash, but to a casual observer it really feels like Superman is fighting Joker and I'm sat there wondering what Batman is doing.
Man, I really wish Gideon would've suggested they watch Star Wars in chronological order, with both Ray and Nate emphatically saying no, with Amaya confused as to their reaction.

Also, fun note: Maisie Richardson-Sellers (Amaya) was actually in a Star Wars movie. She had what was basically a cameo appearance in The Force Awakens. Her character, Kor Sella, was The Resistance's envoy to the New Republic, giving them warnings about The First Order's actions (which were often ignored). She was on Hosninan Prime (the capital planet of the New Republic) to warn about Starkiller Base and was the character the camera focused on, as Hosnian Prime was about to be destroyed. Apparently, she was set to have a bigger role (at least have lines spoken), but it was cut.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Meta. Ridiculous. Cheesy. Fun. That sums up the episode for me. I really enjoyed this one, glad the break didn't slow down this show's rise to greatness.

I liked that they seemed to even acknowledge the weaknesses with Season 1, with "Phil" ripping on weak (Not) Vandal was as a villain in his movie. And then immediately commenting on how menacing Merlyn and Darhk were as they walked up. Legion of Doom is really adding something special to this season. Them bickering and talking about seeing sights while they're in 1967 really gives them that extra something as villains so they're not just mustache twirlers.

This was really funny too. Jax and Sara shrugging off Stein doing brain surgery got me good. And speaking of Sara, I'm glad her time as captain didn't end. I was a little concerned about them pushing her out of the main chair with Rip back. Glad to see that didn't happen.


You're getting there Ray, you're getting there.

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